Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/768668-A-Story-Told-By-Grandpa
Rated: E · Short Story · Entertainment · #768668
A story about a ghost that walks mom's home place.
This is a story that is hard to say if it is true or not. The main point to the story though is that in hind sight wheather it is true or not a lot of odd things happened around my mom's old home place that we have heard about for yours that tended to make us think that any story my grandpa told about happenings around that place was true and it was wise if we watched our step while there. There were varing degrees of just how much we could trust the things that went on in that house. I remember as a child we would go spend the night some times at my grandma's and I would sleep with her. At night we would watch for a while what ever was on T.V. for a while and eat Ice cream or little snack cakes. What ever grandma and grandpa desided to have at night here us kids would be joining right on in. I even remember most nights Grandpa would eat milk and bread then he would help grandma get us kids to bed and say he was heading out to the truck to sleep to keep a eye out for old Granny Hues and make sure she did not bother us. As I was told as a kid and I remember the story going she was a old witch who used to walk the Mountain at night looking for kids. The thing that bugged us kids about this story was the fact that at night if you ever drove out that road you had a feeling of eyes on you when you got almost to the end of the road. I am not sure how many of us kids felt this But I was one who did. I have to admitt I was easy fooled by anything anyone said. But considering all the other odd things that went on such as shaddows moving through the house when you least exspected it and the noise of a screan slaming when the screan was locked now that made us tend to watch all that went on in that house in the hope that nothing was going to reach out and grab us. I think I will leave it up to you to deside if you want to think it is true or not.
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