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Ebony and Tanner are runaways... |
Tate walked into the living room and walked to his mother.She looked very upset."Children I didn't want to tell you this but we have some bad news,your Aunt and Uncle died in a car accident while I was watching Misty here.We had to bring her home with us because she had noone." His mother said. Tate looked at Tessa and then looked at the carseat which held a sleeping girl.Tate looked behind him and motioned to Tanner and Ebony."Mum,Dad these are our girlfriend and boyfriend." Tate pushed his hair out of his face and grinned.Tessa smiled as Ebony walked closer to her.Tate's father looked at Ebony then at Tanner."Nice to meet you," he said and Tate smiled.A voice from behind Tate's mom made Ebony and Tanner nervous.Tanner grinned then walked to the door.Logan stood with his hands on his hips."Are you staying or not?" he asked.Tate looked at his parents along with the others."Sure" Tate's mother said smiling.Logan smiled,"Be home tomorrow afternoon." Logan said walking off. Tate smiled and they all ran upstairs to his room where he grabbed the keys to his car.They all ran downstairs only to be stopped by Tessa's dad."You four going out?" he asked smiling."Yes,Dad" Tessa answered."Be back before midnite and don't get into any trouble." Tate smiled as his father let them go.Tate opened his car and they drove off toward the club. Tate pushed his way through the crowd as boys asked Ebony and Tessa to dance.Tanner was dancing with a girl that had her nose pierced and her tongue pierced.Ebony walked over to find Tate and found Tanner with the girl still "Bro,where's Tate?" she asked looking at him as he stopped dancing.His face glinted from sweat."He's over there I think." he said going back to dancing.Ebony ran over to where her brother had pointed,Tate sat making out with a girl.Ebony nearly fainted then made a face and ran off crying.She saw Tate going to chase after her.She covered her face and kept running.Tanner saw her run past and grinned but kept dancing.Tessa was sitting at the table as she ran toward the door.She almost got the exit when she saw Tessa get up.She kept running and felt the cool breeze hit her face.She sat down at the bus stop,Her eyes stung.She felt a hand touch her bare shoulder,It was warm "Go away." she whispered."You sure?" the voice asked.She saw a boy looking down on her.His face was pale,he had been dancing inside,she had seen him.His pearly white teeth were showing and his blue eyes glistened.His black hair was in spikes and he had a snake tattoo on his shoulder.His eyebrow was pierced along with his tongue. Ebony wiped her eyes making sure she was seeing straight."My names Tony." he said taking her hand."Ebony." she answered.He sat beside her."Why are you crying?" he asked."Because I saw my boyfriend making out with some other girl." she said blinking as a cold wind struck her face.She shivered.He patted her back."Do you want to go inside and dance?" he asked."Sure" she said as he got up helping her up.They went inside and danced.As she glanced at the clock hours later it read four am.She searched for her brother,he and the others were no where to be seen.She looked at Tony."Tony I really have to get back to my brother." she said looking again.Tony smiled "I'll drive you home." he said walking out with her.They walked to his red corvette.They got in and drove to Logan's house.She was about to get out but instead turned to him."Do you want to hang out tomorrow morning,say about noon?" she asked him.He nodded,"Pick me up around say eleven thirty." she said smiling. She got out and walked up the steps to the door,she opened it up she knew Tanner would be at Tessa's house.She walked into the house she didn't see anyone,as she walked up the stairs to her room she saw Logan walk out of his room.She wiped her eyes again because she had started crying.Logan approached her and hugged her."You okay sis?" he asked smiling."Yes" she said wiping her eyes and walked into her room and shutting her bedroom door she plopped onto her bed,her eyes scanned the answering machine on her phone.She pushed the button and it ran through the five messages.'Number 1.Ebony It's Tanner,Call me back.Number 2.Ebony It's Tessa call me.Number 3.It's Tate I can explain.The other two were the same from Tate.' She picked up her cordless phone and dialed in Tessa's room number."Tess,It's Eb.Can you just tell Tanner that I'm okay.Don't tell Tate anything.Okay Bye." she said hanging up.She called in Tony's number and smiled as she heard his voice "Tony,It's Ebony.Can you come over?" she asked wiping her eyes.He agreed and she hung up and slipped her shoes back on and washed her face she heard a knock at the front door.It was only five in the morning.She walked downstairs and opened the door to see him,he had the same thing he was wearing earlier on."Let's go upstairs." she said grabbing his hand and leading him inside and up the steps to her room and shut the door.She sat at the foot of her bed with him.He smiled at her and went to kiss her she let him and pushed him down against her bed.She took his shirt off and smiled."When'd you get that?" she asked looking at his tattoo on his chest It was a black cross."Last week" he said smiling.She kissed him and ran her fingers over his chest and smiled. He shivered,and grabbed her hand."Do you love your boyfriend?" he asked sincerely."Yes..But..I can't." she said getting up and crying.She walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut and locked it.Tony stood outside the door,"Eb,I'm seventeen.Your only fifteen.Your brother would kill me and so would your boyfriend." he said then fell into a whisper."Ebony," he drifted off and went to grab the phone.He looked on her speed dial.She had Tate's number listed,he pushed the speed dial,it rung.He stood there waiting."Tanner,Can I talk to Tate?" he asked into the phone."Sure" Tanner answered suspicous.He heard Tate's voice then he answered."Yeah?" he asked."I need you to come here,At's Logan's.By yourself." he said and hung up.Five minutes later Ebony still hadn't come out.He pounded on the door.He finally broke into it to find Ebony lying on her back.She wasn't moving.Her breathe's were shallow."LOGAN!" Tony screamed.He had his hands on his mouth as Logan came in."Call 911!" Logan screamed.Melissa walked in holding Sam and Jessica."Oh My God!" Melissa screamed almost dropping the kids.Ebony was moaning,her face was pale and her color was fading.As the paramedic's arrived they surrownded her and tried to get her to wake up.Tate came running up the steps to the room.He nearly knocked the cops down as they held him back."WHAT HAPPEND?!" Tate screamed and fell onto his knees beside Ebony.The paramedic's cleared Tate,Tony,Logan,Melissa and the babys out.The cops brought the gurney up and the paramedic's loaded her on.They got the gurney down the steps and Logan and Tate followed."Tony,Follow us with Melissa.Pick up Tanner and Tessa on the way and hurry." Logan said.Tony raced outside with Melissa and Melissa dropped the kids off next door with her best friend who would watch them.She got into the car then got out."Pull out and stay." she said running across the street. She came back out with a boy that was slipping his shirt on as he climbed in the backseat.Melissa rode in the passenger seat till they got to Tate's house.Melissa ran up and nearly knocked the door in."Tessa,Get Tanner and Hurry,It's Ebony." Melissa said going back to the car.As Tanner ran out he made Melissa get in the back with Tessa."Tony,What happend?" he asked as they drove."I don't know." he said finally as they pulled in to the hospital entrance.Tate stood outside with Logan.His eyes were red,Tanner got out and ran up to Tate.Tony helped Tessa and Melissa out and Griffin got out on his own.They all gathered outside."As far as the paramedic's said is she may not wake up." Logan said grim.Melissa sat beside Logan in the waiting room.Tessa sat beside Tanner and Tate sat on the other side of Tessa.Griffin sat beside Tony.The doctor came out ten minutes later."We need to know what happend,or what she took." the doctor said fast.Tony looked sad,"I was in the room with her,we were laying on the bed.Seriously just laying there.She kissed me then went into the bathroom.I called Tate and told him to come over and talk to her because she found him making out with another girl.Then i had to knock the door in five minutes later and i found her laying unconcious." he said looking toward Tate.All of them did even the doctor.The doctor walked off a minute later and didn't return.Tessa looked at her brother and grabbed his wrist."YOU CHEATED ON HER?!" she yelled in his face. Tate leaned backward,Logan,Tony and Tanner had to pull her off of him.She kept hitting him."YOU MADE HER HURT HERSELF!" she screamed at him and tried to punch him and missed because Tanner put his fist in the way."Stop." Tanner said pulling her into his lap and holding onto her so she couldn't get away.She finally settled down so he would let go then she took her chance and punched him in the chest.Tate took a deep breathe and and grinned.Tanner grabbed her in his arms,he walked outside."Come get me if you hear anything." he said taking her outside.Tate wiped his eyes as they watered."You cheated on my sister?" Logan asked looking him in the face."Yes" he said whining.As Tanner came back in with Tessa the doctor entered the room with a nurse.They lead them into a private room.Tessa was seated with Tanner who had his arms around her arms to make sure she didn't swing at Tate.Tate was seated on the other side.Tony sat beside Griffin.Logan and Melissa sat togther."We have some good news and some bad." he said.The nurse stood behind The doctor who was seated next to Logan."Your sister overdosed on some pain killers.She hasn't woken yet,there is a chance she may never recover,we found a note in her pocket." the doctor took it out of his pocket of his doctor coat and gave it to Tanner who had gotten up to sit beside Logan earlier.Tanner opened it, 'Dear Everybody. I will miss you,you see I lost a best friend and my boyfriend.I need you to look after Tanner and Sam.Sam I will always care about you.Tanner best bud,Best brothers take care.Tessa,Best girl-friend be care with My brother.Take good care of him.Griffin tell your sister I said hi,and to you i want to say i'll miss you.Tony,I liked dancing with you,it was fun.Logan i love you brother,Melissa make sure Jessica takes good care of herself.Jesse be careful in life don't screw up like me,Oh yes i forgot my dear ex-boyfriend,Peace out,Love you,Bye.. Farewell,Ebony Caitlyn Robinson." Tanner crumpled the note up after reading it outloud.Tate had his eyes covered.Logan got up with Melissa."Can me and Tanner go see her." he asked wiping his eyes."She will show you to her." the doctor said pointing to the nurse.Tanner walked with Logan they both walked into the silent room besides the beating of their sister's heart machine and the sound of the oxygen mask.Tanner sat on one side of his sister.Logan on the other,Tanner rubbed his sister's hand."Ebony,Please baby sister wake up.We need you,especially Sam,he needs you.He's to young to understand why you left him.Come on sis,you have Tony and Griffin.They both need you.I can't speak for Tate but i know he's sorry.Tessa really needs you since shes got me,your the only one that knows me really well that could explain things to her.Come on sister." he said as he placed the paper back into her hand.He pulled the necklace that held the sleeping angel that was around his neck from his mother when she left him and his sister and brother.He put in her hand and closed her hand."Believe sis." he said and walked off with Logan who had said nothing outloud. As they arrived back in the waiting room Melissa had Tate in her arms and Tessa."Come on Tessa." Tanner said grabbing her hand to take her to see Ebony.As they arrived in Tessa grabbed Ebony's hand and began to cry and said come back and left with Tanner who brought Griffin with him next.Griffin kissed Ebony's forehead.Then came Tony who rubbed her hand then touched her cheek.Melissa went in with Logan then finally Tate got up the courage to go in.This time Ebony had woken.He ran out and came and got Tanner.Tanner went with Tate and they went in.Ebony had changed position's she was on her side facing away.Her breathing was able to be heard.Tanner went over,he saw Ebony inspecting the necklace while crying.Tate stood in the corner,Logan,Melissa,Griffin,Tony and Tessa all came in and looked at Ebony.She had the note in her lap.She folded it in two and dropped it onto the floor.Griffin and Tony stayed back with Tate.Tessa hugged Ebony tight and Logan did too followed by Melissa.Melissa and Logan left with Tanner and Tessa.That only left Griffin,Tony and Tate. Ebony scanned the boys eyes.They all had been crying.Only one had blood dripping down his palm.She looked up into the face of the person.She was suprised to see Tate staring back at her.Griffin approached her first,he bent down so only they could hear "Peace Babe." he said kissing her on the lips.She smiled as he walked out.Next was Tony,he gripped her hand tight."Thank's for finding me." she said as he bent to kiss her.She kissed him back and he left her with only Tate.Tate stood there,they just kept staring at eachother finally her heavy breathing broke the silence.Her eyes filled with tears,her eyes closed.She opened them again and looked him in the eyes.He stepped close then stopped.She wiped her eyes and motioned for him to sit down at the foot of her bed.She sat up slowly and fixed the bed to her position,it made her light headed.Her eyes fixed on Tate's."You don't get it." she said as he went to grab her hand."I saw you dancing with a girl,I didn't mind that,I went to look for you to dance with you,I asked Tanner where you went.I saw you with another GIRL!" she said and burst into sobs.Tate grabbed her hand again to try to calm her. Tate watched as Ebony looked away and he grabbed her other hand.She nearly fell into his arms.He rubbed her back "I didn't want to make out with her.She forced me." he said and pulled her back to look her in the eyes.He kissed her slowly on the lips.Her eyes brightened,her lips started to quiver.She began to whine."I CAN'T" she said pushing him away."Tell Griffin I want to see him." she said wiping her eyes and tried to force a smile.Tate got up "I guess it's over." he said leaving. Griffin walked in his eyes locked on hers.He sat beside her his hands on hers."You okay?" he asked.He slipped something into her hands."Keep it,And by the way if you need me just call me or come in through my window.If im not home you have my cell number and pager number." he said kissing her on the lips and smiling as he pulled back.He walked away slowly and turned at the door "Hey make Tony come." she said smiling and waved.As Tony walked in she began to fall asleep.She wanted Tate but then again didn't want him."Is Tessa still out there?" she asked as he sat beside her."Yes" he answered.She could see the head of the snake poking out of his sleeve of his shirt.She smiled and watched as he ran his finger over her cheek to her lips."Stay alive." he said and bent down to kiss her."Can you get Tessa when you go out tell her to come alone." she said sadly. As Tessa came in she shut the door behind her.Ebony quickly slipped the letter under her pillow."Tessa,I really have a problem." she said as Tessa sat beside her on the bed and held her hand."You mean with Tate?" she asked."Yes,I love him but then again I don't.I want to stay with him but I don't trust him." she said and began to cry again.As she said that she saw someone slip through the door unheard.She cleared her vision and switched on the lights.She saw Tate standing in the corner with his hands togther.She tried to see his face,but it was hidden by something."Tate!" Ebony said.Tate turned to her with his face.Tessa grinned "I'll leave you two alone." she said,as she walked by Tate she said something and left. Tate walked over and sat at the foot of her bed."Her name was Megan,she's new.I seriously didn't want her to kiss me,I danced with her then I took her to sit down because she was dizzy.I was going to look for you.I'm sorry Ebony.I was drunk and being a idiot." he said and wiped his eyes.His face was red but his perfect lips quivered.She tried to sit up better,but felt weak.Finally the doctor came in while Tate sat at the foot of her bed.She was given medicine to make her feel better and they checked her heart and everything and left.She grinned as he sat back down this time closer.She slowly sat up and fixed the bed to the way she was,she grabbed Tate's arm and pulled him so his head was against her chest."You hurt me," she whispered her face was turning pale.Tate looked into her eyes and pressed his lips against hers.She tried to bat him off but he held tight.Finally she gave in and kept kissing him.As he pulled back she had fainted. He pushed the nurses button but it took to long,he went into the hall and screamed for help.As doctor's rushed in they layed her back and something fell out of her bed.Tate picked it up and took it with him out in the hall along with the necklace and other paper she had.He walked into the private waiting room the others were in.He began to cry,He handed the necklace back to Tanner."Bud,she isn't waking." he said and went to give Griffin the note.He then handed the note about her suicide to Logan.Melissa took him into her arms and held onto him as he started crying more.As the doctor came in he took Logan into the hall with Melissa and Tate went to comfort his sister.Logan came in looking stunned,He had to drag Melissa to a chair."She's in a coma,it was to long before we got to her,the drugs were already in her system.She may never come through it." he said as Tessa and the others looked at him.Melissa covered her face,her tears were heard."Tony can you go pick up Sam and Jessica?" he asked as Tony got up to comfort Tessa."Sure" he said walking out slowly. Tessa held onto her brother and boyfriend.Griffin had gone off to get his sister with Tony.The doctor came in,"It's best someone's in there if something else happen's.Her vitals are good for now,her eyes weren't very active.It's best someone talks to her to see if she responds.It seems she wanted to wait till all you saw her." he said and looked at them."It's best her family goes in.But some adult needs to stay with these two." he said and left.Melissa stayed with Tate and Tessa.Tanner and Logan went back and sat with Ebony who was barely breathing.Tanner slipped his hand in his sister's.Logan got up as Tony entered with Jessica and Samuel.Sam took one look at his sister and reached out for her.He was taken by Tanner who put him close to his sister.Logan held Jessica in his arms.Tony walked closer and touched her toe.He felt her shake,he looked at Tanner and at Logan who were looking at the babies.But Logan didn't pay attention to anything but his sister's face.Tony put his hand on her cheek and then left.He didn't know how well she would take it.So he left,his face was pale but he left.Griffin walked in and looked at Tanner "Hey Bud,I think Tony's going to do something.He doesn't look to well.And he's walking out." he said.Logan got up and ran out the door,he came back in dragging Tony who was pulling away.Tessa and Tate entered with Melissa.Everyone gathered around her bed. She tried to open her eyes and forced them,but they didn't budge,she moaned and it escaped her lips.Tony had fallen to his knees his face was flushed.She managed to open her eyes a crack,all attention but Tony's were on her.Her eyes opened more,her attention withdrew as Tony got up and ran out.Her eyes closed again,her life flashed before her eyes. The day she was nine and found her mother was leaving them.The day her father started raping her when she was eleven.The day her brother beat her father up.The day Sam was born and they took him.The day she got asked out but declined,then to when she first moved in with Logan,all her partys and drinking and raves.She tried to wake up,her friends were still looking at her.Her feet jerked fiercly.Her eyes popped open,she took a deep breathe and blew it out fast.Logan had run after Tony.Melissa patted Ebony's cheek.It was now four o'clock in the afternoon.Tate and Tessa went out with Griffin and his sister.Tanner and Melissa stayed with her.Melissa held Jessica and Tanner held Sam.Logan brought Tony back in who had a bandage over his hand."Sorry had to get him bandaged what did I miss?" he asked then noticed Ebony layed awake."What happend to him?" Ebony whispered."He tried to hurt himself." he said to Ebony.Ebony glared at Tony.Logan pushed Tony onto the bed.Ebony sat up slowly with help from Melissa who fixed the hospital gown.Tony was still pale,Ebony poked Tony's hand that was injured."You...told..me..ow..to stay with you..that you needed me..but yet..owww.you did this." she demanded. He looked at her,his face looked awful."What is worng with him?" Ebony asked Logan.Tony looked at Logan."I don't know,He may need sleep." he said.Ebony made everyone else leave and it left Tony and her alone.She made them close the door and looked at him."You told me..when we first met..if I needed you you wouldn't leave,you said that and now you do this." she said and grabbed his hand showing it to him.She took the bandage off his hand and it made him hold his breathe.She pulled him into her arms and kissed his forehead,he was cold.She gave him a kiss on the lips.He fell asleep on her chest,she covered him with her blanket that was at the foot of her bed and let him sleep there.She rubbed his cheek and fell asleep.She woke when she heard the door open ten minutes later her brother came in and sat beside her bed and covered up.He had turned the lights off but had the one above her heart monitors on.She fell back asleep with her lips against his top of his head. As she awoke with a pain in her back,her body hurt and she felt sick,she didn't see Tony.She then looked at Logan who sat there."Tanner went with Tony to get something to eat they'll bring it up." he said and grabbed Ebony's hand."When can I go home?" she asked.Logan shrugged,he turned the tv on and they watched a movie.Tony and Tanner came back up carrying a bag of food. Tanner and Tony had already eatten downstairs.Tony was looking better,his eyes weren't red and he went to sit with Ebony.Ebony sat up slowly and fixed the gown and moved over so Tony could sit beside her.Her brother began to eat while Tanner watched tv.Tony pulled his face to hers he smiled at her and kissed her lips and sucked on one.Her brother's were watching the tv and to busy to notice.So she french kissed him,as she began to get dizzy she pulled back.Her brothers were still to busy,she got up as a nurse came in with a robe,she made Tanner,Tony and Logan turn their heads while she helped Ebony sit up and slip the robe around her,she walked with the iv in her arm.Tony on one side,she leaned her head on him and he supported her.Tanner and Logan had stayed in the room. They walked to the elevators and to the nursery.Her legs hurt and her chest hurt.Her portable heart monitor was beeping fast.Her face flushed.As she almost passed out she made it back to her room as a little five year old girl walked by the room in a hospital gown with her mother behind her.Ebony let Tony sit beside her,her back hurt and Tony gave her a massage.She layed back down and Tony sat beside her his arm around her neck.He heard two teenage boys in the hall.She fell asleep in Tony's arms,her brothers were napping.Tony woke her the next morning with a shove.She grinned and opened her eyes.Tony kissed her and she smiled.As the therapist came in Ebony didn't talk to her."She's not physco." Tanner said angry."She was raped when she was eleven,it didn't stop till our father was burnt to death." he said and got up ready to push her out.Logan grabbed Tanner and seated him."You were raped?" the doctor asked.Ebony nodded,Tony looked at her sadly,she knew he'd be mad,but when the lady left he wasn't,he hugged her and she felt safe.The doctor came in and checked her,she wiggled her toes as Tony sat next to her feet. Tony had his head in her lap,she rubbed the hair out of his eyes,his hand was scabbed but he was doing better too.Ebony leaned forward,her brothers left to get sodas.She was left with Tony,she let him kiss her twice.Her brothers came back and Tony smiled at Logan and Tanner.Ebony felt damaged from the overdose.She didn't feel any emotions.Only then did she notice,she had never kissed anyone like that before.She glanced at Tony who was laying between her lap his head on her chest.She rubbed his head and fell asleep.The doctor's came in the next morning to let her out."I don't want her to stay alone anymore,if you can someone needs to be with her all day.No school.No drinking,no drugs.I want her to stay in bed for two days and get just rest.It's important for two days because we have to make sure none of her organs are hurt." the doctor finished alas giving Logan the papers to sign.They all left the room while a nures helped Ebony slip clothes on,she wore a red halter top and blue cargo pants.She was wheeled out with her stuff and Tony sat in the back while Logan drove with Tanner in the passenger seat.Ebony sat beside Tony. As they arrived home Ebony went up to her room with Tony,Tony lay beside her in her bed and had his arm around her waist.She smiled and snuggeld up to his neck.He rubbed her cheek and they all went to sleep.The next morning something was wrong with Tanner and Logan who sat on her bed while she layed there.Tony was nowhere to be seen."Is Tony okay,What about Tate and Griffin.Please tell me what's wrong." she said and looked at them who had a bigger grin on their faces."Please tell me it's not all three." she said and sat up quickly.Tanner took his sister's hand."Sis,Tate had gone to drink,and well Griffin and Tony went to find him,As they pulled into the bar,Tate was pulling out,he was drunk,he didn't know what he was doing.We didn't know how it happend,I'm sorry sis.Griffin's car was on fire,so was Tate's.Tate was thrown from the car because he didn't have his seat belt on,I don't know how he is." he drifted off and turned his face to look out the window.She looked at Logan.."WHAT ABOUT Tony and Griffin." she said and began to cry.Melissa stood at the door."Hunny,Griffin is okay,for now,But I'm sorry Tony was burned in the fire.." he hadn't even finished Ebony got out of bed she had stopped breathing.She just held it.Tanner slapped her back."Sis breathe." he said shaking her. Ebony fell into his arms,She had a picture of Tony on her desk it was of her and him dancing.She got dressed quickly and went with Tanner and Logan to the hospital.They walked up the steps to the waiting room.Tessa sat there crying.Tanner took her into his arms.Ebony and Tessa were aloud to go back.They held eachother's hand.First they went to see Griffin.He was in the ICU.His face wasn't burnt,but his legs were all the way to his waist.He moaned,Ebony leaned forward and looked at him."Tony's dead." she told him.He looked at her and whispered "I'm sorry." she slipped her finger over his mouth."Sh.." she said "It wasn't your fault." she said and bent to kiss him.He groaned,"I hurt.." he whispered.She began to cry,"I know babe." she said and rubbed his cheek."I'll be right back.I love you." she whispered.As she arrived where Tate was she looked at him.He wasn't burnt,his arm was in a cast,his face was scratched and bruised,his chest was bruised."Tate,why.." she said and ran over to him she looked at him,he looked bad,he looked away from her at the door next to him.It held a body covered up."Tate,look at me." she said.He didn't listen.She grabbed his face in her hands,she turned it to her.He looked scared.He shook,"I didn't mean to hurt anyone..I wanted to get you back...I wanted to get away from the pain.." he said and began to shake more. Ebony looked at him,he really did look like a scared child.She took him into her arms and held tight.Tate shook and went limp in her arms.She leaned him back and saw he wasn't moving."Help!" She screamed.A doctor rushed in and a nurse pulled her out while she screamed.She returned to Griffin's hospital room.Doctor's pushed her out of the way.She saw over one of them's shoulder working on his heart.Tessa and her hugged eachother and returned to the ER waiting room.Logan took his sister into his arms.Tanner held onto Tessa.A doctor came out to talk to Griffin's parent's and sister.Griffin sister screamed,Her mother fell into her father's arms who was in shock.Karen walked over to Ebony who sat between Tanner and Logan."Griffin's dieing." she told Ebony.Ebony let Karen sit on her lap and held onto her tight.Then she led Karen to Griffin's room.She let Karen talk to her brother then Ebony leaned forward,Griffin was awake,he didn't have a breathing tube in at all."I love you." Ebony said rubbing his cheek.Karen did a funny noise as Ebony kissed him.She kissed him twice and he smiled as best as he could."I love you Ebony." they had gone in after his parent's.That was his last words to anyone.He died five minutes later. Tate was on a breathing tube in the ICU.Karen and her parents had left.Ebony had gone into Tony's hospital room,he wasn't burned bad,he had had a peice of wood go through his chest.She had seen his face because the doctor's let her and his parents.She leaned forward to inspect what he had in his hand.It was a ring,something small.Tony's parents took it from his hand."Tony had told us he was going to give this too you." his father said.He handed it to Ebony.Ebony slipped it on her pinky.Her face flushed as his parents looked at her."He loved you.He talked about you alot." his mother said and hugged Ebony.Ebony hugged them both and left.Griffin's sister gave her something she had found at her house in her brother's bedroom.It was a diamond ring,he had bought it and wrapped it in a box for Ebony.Ebony put it on her ring finger.She hugged Karen before Karen left to her mom and dad.Ebony sat beside Tate's hospital bed.His crushed ribs had made it hard for him to breathe.She held onto his hand and kissed it when she left that nite.She had said nothing.When she arrived home she looked through the newspaper. A section of it read about the accident. 'Day wrecked for three teenager's and their family's and friends.' read the heading. 'Three local teens were injured today when one of the boys in his car was drunk and leaving the bar,his two friend's had gone to look for him and were pulling into the bar and were run into head on by their friend.One of the boy's Named Tate was thrown from his car and reports from the police say he is in critical condition in the hospital.His two best friend's were killed,one was instant the other died in the hospital from burns.Funeral services for the two boys will be told on the news tommorrow morning.' Ebony began to cry.She cut the clipping out.It showed their pictures in the death section.She cut those out too. She traced her fingers over the picture of Tony on her desk and then the one of Griffin."Griffin,I wish you were here." she said.She turned as she felt a hand touch her back,she saw Griffin standing there,his body was healed,his face was pale but he didn't seem cold,she touched him.She sat on her bed and covered her face "Your not real,your dead.I saw you die." she said uncovering her face.He was still there "Or am I?" he said and stood infront of her,his hand touched her lips.His face brightened,she kissed him.His image disappered but another popped up,It was Tony."You know the whole time You were in the hospital,I was trying to get away,I looked sick,because I was worried about how you would take me having a.." he stopped suddenly and looked at his picture she was holding."Baby..Her Name's Agatha.She's only five months old..She's with my mother.I left a will when I had her..Just in case if anything happend to me.I told my mother if she couldnt take care of Agatha that Agatha was to go to my best friend.When I saw you I changed it,If anything happens to my mom you and your parents get Agatha,and all of her stuff." he said.He approached her smiling. She looked at him and began to cry.He took a step forward and kissed her.She licked her lips and looked at him.He seemed to think it was funny.His face was in a serious way,he seemed to like his way.She got up and put his picture down on her desk.She saw his image disapper and she got up and left the room and ran down the steps and out the door.She ran all the way to Tony's parent's house.His mother was just leaving with a baby carseat in her arms."Mrs.Andrews,My name's Ebony.I knew your son,I came here to see his daughter." she said."I was fixing to go to work,I have noone to watch his daughter.I remember you,Would you mind watching her for a few hours?" she asked sweetly."It'd be no problem." Ebony said taking the carseat and the baby's diaper bag.The hood on the carseat was up so she couldn't see it's face.She took the stroller out of the trunk and put it up and Ebony put the carseat in it to lock it.She got in the car and drove off after giving Ebony a phone number for emergency's.Ebony pushed the stroller back to her house.She sat down on the couch in the living room the stroller sat in the hall,the carseat sat on the floor.She bent forward and took the baby out of the carseat.She had rosy cheeks. Her eyes were blue and her feet and hands were small.Her fingers wrapped around Ebony's hand and Ebony felt a little different as the baby opened her eyes and looked at Ebony.Ebony put the baby to her chest and rocked her,the baby coo'd slowly,the joy of holding her made Ebony shake.The baby's black mop of hair was thin,Ebony kissed the baby's cheek.She had put the bottle's that were made in the fridge to keep cold till she needed them.Tanner came downstairs with Logan and Melissa.They all had been asleep.Sam came downstairs and sat beside Ebony and tried to look at the baby."Tell me you didn't kidnap the baby!" Logan said in a serious voice."Nope,I'm babysitting it for Tony's mother.This is Agatha,Tony's baby daughter." she said laughing."Tony..Had a daughter?" Tanner asked suprised."Yes,he never told me..Before he died.." she stopped as the baby began to cry.She got up slowly,she grabbed the carseat in on hand and the diaper bag was in it.She carried it all upstairs and layed the baby in Sam's crib.Sam was running after her.She went down the stairs.He got on her leg and held on as she grabbed a bottle out of the fridge and heated it up. Tanner put his hand on his sister's shoulder.Just as he did he left hearing a slight tapping at the front door he then returned after answering it."Someone's hear to see you,they are in your bedroom." he said.Ebony got up and went upstairs.A cry came from Sam's room,Sam stood outside her door knocking.She went in the room to grab the diaper bag,carseat and the baby.She walked back into the hall.She went into her room,Sam ran in and ran into someone's arm's.The person sat down and put Sam in his lap."TATE!When did you get out of the hospital?" she asked suprised.She put the carseat with the diaper bag down.She held the baby closer and sat beside Tate.Sam went to grab the baby's hand."Sam this is Agatha." she said.Tate looked at her oddly."It's Tony's daughter,I'm babysitting." she said.She grabbed Tate's hand."You on probabtion?" she asked."Yes,for two years." he said sadly."Gosh,Why did you drink and drive?" she asked."I could have picked you up,or you shouldn't have drank." she said sadly. He grabbed her hand and smiled sadly.She put the baby in her carseat,moving it to the side of her bed.Her brother sat on her lap and grabbed Tate's finger and bite him."Hey" Tate said laughing.Sam smiled and went to Tate who held him.Ebony looked at Sam and let him go out of the room."Tate why did you do that?" she asked sadly."I don't know." he mumbled.She got up slowly as she heard the front door."Stay right here." she said grabbing the carseat after she buckled the baby up she walked downstairs Sam following and opened the door she saw Agatha's grandmother waiting.She put the carseat in the stroller and pulled it over to her."She was sweet,slept for most the time.She just ate too." Ebony said.Melissa came over and took Sam into the living room to lay down for a nap."Bye." The lady said "I'll call you if I need a baby-sitter." she said smiling.Ebony closed the door after the lady left.She walked to the living room door to see Melissa holding Jessica and Sam laying on the couch beside her with a pacifier."Mel,I'll be upstairs call me if you need me don't let anyone come up." she said.She walked upstairs and entered her room closing the door. Tate was on his back on her bed,his face was pale,his eyes red,but his hair wasn't combed.A slight wind came through the window as Ebony opened it a little.The breeze combed through her hair and went back out.She looked at Tate who had turned to look at her.She sat on the bed and layed beside him on her back.His hand grabbed hers fast.She turned to him and found his eyes locked onto hers.She pulled his hand onto her stomach and held it with both hands.The wind hit them both in the face and Ebony got up pulling him up with her and sat on the comforter that sat on the window that out looked the front yard.Tate sat down first and Ebony sat beside him and leaned on him.His hand grazed her cheek slowly and he rested it on her stomach with his other hand.Tate seemed to have started to cry,his chest shook slowly,a drop of water hit her face and rolled down her forehead.She looked up and into his eyes to see he was and that she had to stop him.As she sat up she heard thunder in the distance.Tate turned away and grinned,rain poured through the window as it came down.She quickly shut the window and looked at him,she grabbed his hand and drug him toward her bed and under the covers to get warm again. He seemed to not respond to her hand that grabbed his arm."Let's go." she said getting back out and deciding to do something more fun.She slipped her shorts off and slipped a pair of sweat pants on,in place of her shirt she slipped a sweater on.She knew Tate had watched her the whole time.She slipped her tennis shoes on and grabbed his hand again."I told them not to disturb me." she said as he looked at the door.He was dressed in black pants and a red shirt.His hair still not combed.She opened her window and jumped onto the vine rail with Tate behind her after he closed the window till only a place for their fingers was left.She slipped the rest of the way down.He followed closely.As they reached the bottom she grabbed his hand which was cold and wet.She pulled him through the dark,wet streets.Their feet made noises as it hit the ground.She drug him all the way to the deserted park.He sat on the bench that faced the playground.She sat beside him and looked at his soaking face."You are going to get us sick." he told her in a serious manner."No,Let's keep going." she said getting up again.He grabbed her hand and grinned as she drug him along.They were soaking wet by the time they reached Tate's house.He opened the door and they walked in. She went up to his room with him and slipped right inside his room in front of the door that was now shut.He slipped his shirt off and his pants.He slipped into a pair of pants that he had withdrawn from his closet.He dug through his dresser while she looked outside.He came over and touched her shoulder,showing her a pair of her pants and shirt she had left over his house.She slipped her pants off and her shirt and slipped the dry ones on.He threw them all in his bathroom and layed on his bed.She layed beside him and kissed him,he seemed to shiver,she couldn't tell if he was scared or cold.She searched his eyes and finally layed her head on his bare chest.He was drifting to sleep when the lights went out all over.Siren's went off slowly and Ebony sat up fast.Karmel,Duke,Dot and Dip jumped onto the bed from a unknown place in the room.They layed beside them and Tate grabbed their leashes from the side of his bed.He put their leashes on them."I need to get home,Sam may need me." she said sadly.He nodded,taking her hand he helped her up.They went into Tessa's room who was putting leashes on her dogs."Tessa,watch them for me.I'll be back soon." he said and left them with her. Ebony ran as fast as she could with Tate following.They arrived back at her house quickly.The wind's picked up an carried stuff away.They shut the door fast.Sam and Melissa stood on the steps with Logan and Jessica.Ebony grinned,as they all looked down on her."We went to look for you as the siren's went off,in your room,in your brothers and the babys." Melissa said.Tanner walked down the steps,which kept Logan and Melissa from yelling at her."Go in to the basement." Logan demanded as the siren's roared.Ebony ran up the steps,she grabbed the pictures of Tony and Griffin and the bracelt and ring from them.Ebony went back downstairs after putting them in a backpack.She picked Sam up quickly.They ran down to the basement.A cot was up in the corner and Ebony sat on it beside Tate.Tanner sat with her,She put Sam on her lap,the baby clutched to her chest.His eyes were closed.Ebony leaned on Tate.Logan and Melissa sat with Jessica in her lap on a sofa that was placed down there. Tanner seemed to be in a trance.Ebony pulled Sam off her chest and gave him to Tanner.Tanner smiled and grinned.Tate grabbed her hand and smiled at Tanner.Melissa started to get mad at Ebony,Ebony threw angry glances at Melissa,finally Logan broke the scary silence."Ebony,You and Tate could have been killed,Ebony I don't want you seeing Tate again." Logan said,Ebony got up quickly,"You have no command over my life!" she screamed at him over the sound of the wind and sirens,she grabbed the backpack she had gotten and ran up the stairs and out of the house.The winds made her hair breeze into her face.She heared her brothers and sister-in-law screaming for her to return.She didn't stop,her tears streaming down her face coldly.She slipped into Tate's parent's house and went into the cellar with them.They smiled and greeted her,only to see that nothing happend.The sirens ended and they went outside,hoping that not to much damage was obtained.She ran home after finding barely any damage to this neighborhood.Her smile faded as she approached the area where her brothers home was,The house was caved in,She ran to the basement as she entered the front door.She heard two babys cries,and a few moans. She entered the basement door and saw her brother holding tight to Sam.Sam screamed Ebony's name as best as he could in his baby like voice.A body laid with its back to her against the corner.Melissa was just fine holding her daughter.Logan appeared angry out of nowhere,She heard another moan.She ran to the crippled looking body.She turned the person,"TATE" she screamed.Her stomach twisted,Tate's face was clearly visible,though a scratch across his forehead.His eyes flashed open."Ebony," came the moan from his lips.She held onto him as Logan approached,"He tried to chase after you,I pulled him back just as it hit,He almost died." Logan said in his most angriest voice possible."Tate are you okay?" she asked with a sigh in her voice."Yes,But I don't know about Tanner." he said pointing to the figure on the bed still clinging to Sam.Ebony ran to her brother and shook him,Logan pulled Sam out of Tanner's arms."Tate,Help me get him up,We have to go before this whole thing caves,the whole neighborhood is a mess." she told him as he helped her sit Tanner up,who just opened his eyes once. "What hit him?" she asked her brother who was looking at Melissa."A peice of wood." Logan answered as he grabbed his wifes hand.Logan helped them all out.A army car drove by helping injured people to safety.The car stopped in front of the house,Melissa climbed on and helped Logan and then Tate,Tanner was pushed on and Ebony climbed in last.The gasp escaped Ebony's mouth as she saw the blood on her brothers head.She waited for them to pull into the hospital.The hospital was stocked with patients.They were everywhere.The hospital was not damaged from the tornado's winds.Logan helped the cop carry Tanner into a trauma room.Melissa held Jessica gently in her arms and Sam looked at Ebony before he closed his eyes,his gentle breaths heard by her who had him close to her face.Tate was sitting straight,his forehead bleeding a little still.A nurse came over and inspected it and put a bandage over it.Ebony leaned into his chest,he wrapped his arms around her and Sam.Logan came back "Tanner is fine,he just woke,he's asking to just go home.The doctor's stitched his head after cleaning it out,he seems to be okay." he said and smiled at Ebony. Ebony looked down at Sam who was sleeping restlessly.Logan looked at Melissa who looked worried from the sad expression in her eyes.Jessica's body shivered,Logan came back in after looking for two blankets.He gave one to Ebony and then one to Melissa.Melissa covered Jessica and sat there."Tate,I'm going outside." Ebony said after covering Sam and giving him to Logan.She walked out of the crowded waiting room and into the darkness of the night.She sat on the curb looking at the sky.A hand rested on her shoulder then she saw someone sit beside her.It was Tate with a wild expression.Tessa came walking up with her mother and father,the baby in its carseat."Mom,Dad we're okay,Tanner is in the hospital,he got injured but were okay." he repeated twice to get it through his head.They all went inside and left Ebony and Tate alone to think.Tate kissed Ebony's cheek and relaxed his arm around her shoulder,she leaned against him for support. Three Months later- The disaster ended a week later as they had moved out of their old house and into a new one ten blocks away into a new house.Tate was in Ebony's new bedroom fixing to watch a movie with her on the bed.He had his arm rested on her side and she leaned against him till she felt his chest rising and lowering from his breathing.Tanner walked in with Tessa,They sat on the floor underneath the bed,Tessa in Tanner's arms.They heard Sam's feet pattering on the floor of the second floor.Then a small voice,"In,In" he said.He entered the room and climbed on the bed and layed down with a bottle in his mouth and a pacifier stuffed in his hand.He layed with his back against Ebony's chest,she put her arm around him to keep him from rolling off and he watched the movie.Tate kissed her and she shoved her elbow into his gut.Sam's gentle sound of his breathing made Ebony feel peaceful.She slipped her arms underneath his light body and got out of the bed and walked two doors down to his room,she put him into the crib where he settled in and she slipped out turning the lights off and his night light on.She shut the door till a crack of light from the hall shone through. She slipped back into her room where Tanner and Tessa were asleep on the floor togther.She shoved her brothers shoulder "Tanner,Take her to your room." she said grinning slightly.He tucked his arms under her legs and back and carried her to his room next door.Ebony turned the movie off and climbed in the bed with Tate who was now asleep.She shoved him in the gut and his eyes opened quick,she laughed and kissed him gently only to him falling asleep again. |