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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #764068
Crystal's excitement builds, and the day of surgery finally arrives
Crystal’s Excitement Builds

Final Preparations

         A short while later, Erick and Crystal arrive at the Student Union, in plenty of time to eat before her 1:00 class. Getting their lunch trays, they searched till they found Andria and Melinda’s table. Even before they got to the table to join them they heard:

         ”OK, girl! Now it’s my turn to need to know,” Melinda said, a big smile showing on her face as well as in her words. “How’d it go?”

         ”I get ‘em in about 3-4 weeks,” Crystal began. Then, making sure to keep her eyes fixed on Melinda’s, she continued, “And then I get to do a TON of practicing.

         ”I suppose they will take some getting used to, at that,” Andria said thoughtfully. Crystal just smiled. Still watching Melinda closely, she went on.

         ”That’s not quite what I meant,” she said, grinning despite her own hard efforts to keep a straight face. “I have to learn how to control them because they’ll move!” she finally squealed.

         ”WHAT?!” Melinda squealed. “They really move?”

         ”Yes, they do,” Crystal said proudly, “and I can’t wait to try them. The doctor said that I can’t leave Erick’s side for at least a full year while I learn how to handle them. That it takes a lot of practice.”

         ”OK, Crystal, that’s it!” Melinda shouted. “What moves on them? How will they work? I want to know all the details. And before we go back to class!”

         Crystal laughed. “You sound like me, Melinda. Remember the Monday morning after your first date with Harold?”

         ”Oh, yeah,” Melinda blushed. “I do sound like you did that morning, don’t I? Well, that doesn’t change anything!” she laughed. “Let’s have it, girl! “ Even Andria laughed at that one. Crystal began eagerly explaining while Andria and Melinda listened intently.

         ”With the arm I can bend the elbow, but only in the usual way. I can’t rotate it. And I can bend the fingers, but only as a group. Not separately. But at least I’ll be able to pick things up.”

         ”God, that sounds so cool!” Melinda said. Crystal smiled.

         ”I know,” she said, grinning. “Now the doctor said this is where the practice comes in. Learning how to start and stop the motors that run the joints by THINKING about doing it. They’ll be hooked to nerves in my stumps and they’re supposed to work just like my old ones in that sense. Nothing special to turn them off and on, just letting my brain do it like before. Only I have to be careful because HOW I think about them can affect how they work. Like… I have to remember to keep thinking about bending the elbow, until it bends to the position I want then I have to consciously STOP thinking about it so it stops right where I want it. Get it?”

         ”God,” said Melinda. “Now I’m beginning to see what you mean by practice. It’ll be worth it though!” she finished, grinning.

         ”You’ve got THAT right,” Crystal laughed. “Anyway… same goes for the fingers. I have to be very careful how far I close them to pick up something. I won’t have any feeling in them, so I could easily crush something that’s breakable if they close too far. The doctor said not to pick up anything breakable for at least six months or more, and even then only if I was comfortable with trying, and to start out with things that can be replaced or not really needed as I learn. Not to pick up a family heirloom vase or something,” she said, smiling. “And I fully agree with him.”

         ”What about the leg?” Melinda asked quickly.

         ”Let me guess,” Andria grinned. “The knee bends, right? So your walking will look more natural?”

         ”Yes, it does,” Crystal said, smiling broadly. Then she remembered the other side of that coin. “But the doctor said I’ll have to learn how to carefully control my thinking when I want the knee to bend, and how far,” she began. If I’m even passively thinking about it enough, it could trigger the motor and start the knee bending, when I’m not planning on it happening. And that could cost me my balance. So I have to really work hard at controlling when I think about the knee at all. That’s going to take far more practice than the arm. But the doctor did say they can disable the knee bend if it gets to be too much of a problem. I want to try like hell to keep it working though. Because if I can do it right, I’ll actually have a fairly normal walking step again!” she all but shouted.

         ”God, Crystal,” Melinda said. “I can’t wait to see that. Um… how long will it take the day they give them to you?”

         ”I’m glad you brought that up, Melinda. Andria, do you think you could help Melinda that day? The written instructions we got from the doctor, which I glanced at on the way back home said the surgery to attach them and teach me basics so they can make sure they work right while I’m still in the operating room will take a couple hours, but that after that the therapist will have to show Erick and I how to put them on, take them off, and the fine points of maneuvering them. And I’m not sure, right now, how long that will take. Would you two mind if we did it that way?”

         ”Crystal,” Andria said, smiling warmly, “I’d be glad to help. Just knowing that you’re starting to live a normal life again after what Erick said you’d been through is enough reason for me. I like thinking I’m helping you achieve that by taking the time to help so you and Erick can do this right. Would you mind, Melinda?”

         ”Not at all, Andria,” Melinda said. “I think you and I have already started a wonderful friendship of our own, don’t you? I know it’s only been half a day, but with all we’ve talked about between classes and all, I’ve gotten to feel very comfortable with you helping me.”

         Andria and Crystal both got a tear or two in their eyes at Melinda’s words. “Thank you, Melinda,” Andria said softly. “That means a lot to me. And I want you to know that I’m proud to have you as a friend.” The two ladies hugged as Erick and Crystal watched with warm smiles on their faces.

         ”Ladies, I hate to break up this wonderfully meaningful moment,” Erick said gently as Andria and Melinda separated, “but we’ve got to get you two to class. Andria,” he said turning to his longtime friend, “thank you for taking care of Melinda this morning, and I want you both to know that it warms my heart to know that you both have already forged a wonderful friendship out of this. We’d better go. Andria, thanks again, and feel free to drop by the house and visit Crystal and I anytime.”

         ”And please - lets you and I get together too,” Melinda quickly added as Andria stood to go and Erick began pushing Crystal’s wheelchair toward the exit, the empty lunch trays on her lap.

         ”Count on it, Melinda,” Andria said. “I’ll see all of you later. Maybe we can all get together outside this place at one time. On a weekend or something.”

         ”Andria, that’s a great idea!” Erick said quickly. “Call us in the next few days. We’ll figure something out! We gotta run!” he said picking up the pace.

         ”You sure are making me work these arms, aren’t you, Erick?” Melinda teased as she actually managed to keep up with him.

         ”Do you mind?” Erick teased back.

         ”Hell no, I don’t!” she squealed. “It’s worth it to KEEP them working!”

         Erick, Crystal, and Melinda all laughed as they left the Union behind and headed for class.



         ”Crystal, this is Dr. Bernhardt. Can you get Erick on with you? We have a couple things you two need to know. Your limbs arrived today and I want to get you started ASAP.” Even before he’d finished those last few words, Crystal heard him starting to laugh because he knew what he was about to hear.

         You bet I can, doctor! Just one second.” Turning away from the phone, Crystal shouted, “Honey, get in here pronto, will you? I need you on the other phone. It’s Dr. Bernhardt. They’re HERE already!”

         "Coming, Gorgeous!" Erick shouted from the hallway as he ran. He picked up the other phone. ”Doctor, it’s Erick. It’s only been… what? Thirteen days?” he asked, surprised.

         ”That’s right, Erick. I was surprised too. Now. Got that pencil?”

         ”You bet he does!” Crystal chimed in, glancing at Erick’s poised hand. “Ready and waiting!”

         Dr. Bernhardt laughed. “OK, you two. Listen up. Next Wednesday. Mercy Hospital Outpatient Services. At 6:00 AM sharp. Got it so far?”

         ”You bet, doctor,” Erick said calmly but sharing Crystal’s enthusiasm.

         ”God you two are priceless!” Dr. Bernhardt laughed. “OK. Now. After you get registered, they’ll get you ready for the surgery. Now here’s what will happen in the procedure. I want you knowing about it now so that you’re not as nervous that day. Understand? It’ll be at least a little familiar to you from this discussion. Ready?”

         ”Ready,” Crystal and Erick said together.

         ”OK. Listen carefully. You’ll get a topical anesthetic on your stump ends, so that you don’t feel anything as the skin is peeled back to help expose the nerves for more certain connections, and for accuracy. Once they’re exposed, meters will be attached to the ones that will drive your limbs, and we’ll ask you to make certain motions, first with your left arm or leg, then to think about doing the same thing with your right ones. When you do that, the meters should show electrical activity in the appropriate nerves. Once we have all the necessary nerves pinpointed, the gold plated contacts will be attached to them, and the corresponding contacts in the end of your limbs will be positioned to line up with them. Then the limbs will be temporarily positioned so we can be certain all the motions are there for you. Once we, and you, are satisfied with the motions, you’ll be given a low grade, short duration local anesthetic so the contacts can be permanently implanted in your stumps, and the limbs properly attached. We anticipate this part of things to take between two and three hours, like I had said earlier.

         After your recovery, which will take about an hour or so for the anesthetic to wear off, I’ll introduce you to your therapist, Candice Lincoln, and we’ll begin the instructional part of your recovery. Keep in mind that the short duration of the anesthetic is so we can teach you how to use them the same day, but it means too that the nerves that were physically affected by the surgery will still be hurting. So you’ll feel like you’re being stuck with small pins, about 8 of them, in the end of each stump for about 3 hours after the surgery. The important thing for you to remember is that you can ignore it - it won’t affect your use of the limbs, or your learning process, unless you let it. Got it?”

         ”Got it!” Crystal yiped. “God I can’t wait! What else, doctor?”

         ”That’s about it for now. Do either of you have any questions?”

         ”I do, doctor,” said Erick. “What about the exposed contacts in Crystal’s stumps when she’s not wearing the limbs? Like at night, and I think I know this next one, but what about things like bathing?”

         ”God I’m glad you’re here, honey! I never would have thought of either of those!” Crystal said.

         ”I should have known you’d be thinking like that, Erick. With what you two share I should have seen this coming,” Dr. Bernhardt laughed. “I was going to cover those things in our session at the hospital, but since you asked I’ll tell you now. With the limbs there are specially made caps that will fit over her stumps when the limbs are not being used. Remember that from that day on, she must wear either the limbs or the caps at all times so the contacts are protected from excessive moisture and exposure to the elements. In normal conditions, the caps will be enough protection. But at times like inclement weather, especially rain or snow of ANY amount, you’ll also have to wear a special sleeve on each stump, even with the cap, over the place where the stump and limb come together to help seal out the moisture. It will fit like an armband made of waterproof material. None of this is totally watertight, but it’s close. When you get inside out of that weather, as soon as possible, take the caps or limbs off and gently wipe the end of the stump, and the contacts, both in the stump and the limb or cap, with a soft towel or clean cloth. To remove any remaining moisture. I would suggest keeping a small bag with you that you keep the caps, sleeves and the cloth in at all times. And as you can tell from what I’ve said, you have to wear the sleeve and cap when you bathe or shower since that's definitely a moisture situation. I would suggest not using the limbs at that time. With no feeling in your right foot or hand, it could be dangerous. You could slip, and with no feeling in those limbs it could happen before you realize it. I know, Crystal, you wanted to get back to bathing yourself, didn’t you? All my patients do, and it takes a while to adjust to the idea that they can’t do that if they opt for these limbs. I should have said that up front. I'm sorry. If you want to change your mind about which ones you want, just say so."

         ”Yes, I did, doctor. But I'd rather have the mobility than to be able to bathe myself but still be restricted in what I can actively do in my life for myself. And I have to admit,” she said, starting to crack a smile, “that the next best thing to bathing myself is the way Erick spoils me when he’s bathing me,” she blushed as she looked over at him. “I guess I get to look forward to that for the rest of my life, don’t I, honey?” she asked, knowing Dr. Bernhardt could hear her.

         Erick hugged her tightly, one-handed. “Yes, you do, sweetheart, and I’ll be right there to keep turning you on each and every time,” he said, smiling.

         ”God, Erick!” she said, blushing again and grinning at the same time. “You sure know what I need to hear to cheer me up no matter how bad I’m feeling, don’t you, baby? Thank you, my love!” she said, the gratitude obvious in her voice.

         Erick smiled warmly. “We’re soul mates baby. This is the way it works. I love you!”

         Dr. Bernhardt smiled, even though they couldn’t see him. That’s how much he was enjoying this with them by now “I sure wish more of my patients were like you two,” he said. “Does that take care of your questions, then?”

         ”Is that it, Erick?” Crystal asked. She wanted to make sure they had covered everything they could think of.

         I think so, Dr.”

         ”In that case, he said, I’ll see you two at 6:00 AM next Wednesday. OH - and Crystal, try to eat as little breakfast as possible. I want something in your stomach so you’re comfortable for those hours, but not enough to be a problem in that time. OK?”

         ”OK, doctor! I’ll see you next Wednesday!” she shouted. She and Erick both heard Dr. Bernhardt’s laugh.

         ”I’m counting on it!” he said, the pleasure evident in his voice. "One more thing before we hang up, Crystal. Don't ever lose that enthusiasm. It will be a major help to you in getting through the training, and the practice you'll have to work through in learning to use your new limbs. I've had many patients run into difficulty at that point with their morale, and it showed in the pace of their recovery. I don't want you to be one of them. You deserve every chance for as normal a life as possible."

         The doctor's words touched both Erick and Crystal. Like everyone else, they'd heard stories for years about doctors not having the "personal touch" in their approach to patient care anymore. It felt nice to know that Dr. Bernhardt is an exception to that.

         "Thank you, doctor," Crystal said sincerely as they ended their conversation.

         "You're very welcome, Crystal," he said just as warmly. "I'll see you both on Wednesday."

 Chapter. 25 - The Morning of the Surgery  (E)
The day of the surgery brings joy, anxiousness, anticipation, and fear.
#778087 by Incurable Romantic

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