Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/761746-Her-Story---2
by Sazza
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #761746
A Typical Vampire, A Girl and Their Different Fable - cont.
Part 2


I awoke to find I was locked to the bed. I wasn’t sure how I got there. The last thing I remembered was getting being chased. I certainly didn’t remember being taken to this place and brought to the bed. I turned my head and saw a man looking at me.
“Lothian?” I whispered. He casually looked over at me. He smiled. But it wasn’t Lothian, it was someone else, however they too had the ice white skin. It really annoyed me that his blue eyes glowed as he looked over my body.
“Are you not comfortable?” he inquired with his discordant voice. My eyes narrowed.
“Untie me. I have to pee,” I replied coldly. He leaned over, his belly brushing ever so slightly against my leg.
“I really would like to untie you. I really would, but I’d much rather watch you pee on yourself,” he replied.
I cringed and pulled on the handcuffs that bound me to the bed. I knew it was useless, but I wanted to get away from him. “You are sick,” I spat at him.
He smiled as if remembering old times fondly, and said; “Yes, I suppose I am.” Then he turned his attention back to the window he was looking at when I had first awakened. I couldn’t see what was outside that was so interesting, it was night, and nothing could or would be seen. “Anyway, I have things to do tonight, so I am afraid I am going to have to leave you. The good part is that once I leave the handcuffs will come off. However that bad part is that the room is inescapable…for you”
Malcolm found himself staring at her. She was not as beautiful as some of the girls that had met before, but he found her very attractive. More attractive than he wanted to even admit. She had golden hair that flowed down her back, and hazel eyes. They shone when she got angry and they were burning bright now. I watched as his face softened, and he looked almost kind. “You know, with the attack and all, I forgot to ask you if you feel any better. I am so rude.”
I was shocked. Never had I seen such a personality before. One minute he was cruel, and the next he was apologetic and polite. A look of concern crossed his face. So I decided it wouldn't hurt to tell him.
“I feel fine,” I mumbled.
“That’s good. Lothian will be pleased.” He said as he peered at me curiously. I studied him. He wasn't bad looking. He had black hair that was cut kind of short, and blue eyes that reminded me of a crystal. I thought, ‘What kind of man handcuffs a girl he doesn’t even know to a bed?’
“Can I get out of these cuffs?” I asked.
He didn't answer me. He was looking around the room. Searching. He seemed to have lost something. Then he turned to me.
“I have to go now.” He turned, picked up a gleaming key, and locked me in.
The door closed shut behind him. The sounds of the door snapping shut made Ariona think of a coffin. Then true to his words, the handcuffs snapped off, without any kind of warning.
“Thanks,” I said to no one in particular. I lay still and surveyed the room. The surrounding walls a murky blue. I pushed myself up, and noticed the furnishings. It was like I had travelled back to the 1800’s. Everything was lavishly done, rugs adorned the floor, beautiful paintings on the walls, candles illuminated the room, a mahogany letter desk to the side, gilded bookcase books over filled its shelves, and the only window covered with three heavy drapes. I jumped off the bed, and my feet hit the surprisingly cold floor. ‘Couldn’t he have warmed up this room?’ I mused. But that was ungrateful, he had saved my life. I shivered. And realised that I was still in my damp clothes, but not in Lothian’s coat, I looked around and found it hanging over a chair. I peeled off my own jacket and laid it over the arms of the armchair next to me. I then walked over to the fire built it up and lit it with a match I found on the desk inside a matchbox. Soon it was roaring with heat and I took off the soaked shirt and skirt and laid them in front of the fire. I bent down and unbuckled my high heeled shoes, placing them as well in front of the fire. Looking around I noticed an ornately carved wardrobe. Opening it I found it full of clothes, and not just guy clothes either. I picked out a pair of pink silk pyjama trousers, and a tight white tank top. I pulled off my bra and panties as well and quickly pulled on my new temporary clothes. Taking my last wet pieces over to the fire to dry. Just as I lay them down I heard the door click open and I spun around.
Lothian stood in the doorway. He glanced at me and then closed it behind him. Striding towards me, he glowered. I’d never seen anyone so furious. “You.” Yet fondness hovered in that single breathed syllable, a quiver of something I couldn’t quite place. His face looked healthier now--more fully fleshed, almost rosy, touches of pink in lips and cheeks. When his lips pulled back from his teeth, an expression somewhere between snarl and grimace, I shivered at the sight of his incisors--long, sharp, and fully capable of sinking into a man‘s--or woman’s--neck. Just as I remembered from the dance. I could feel myself being drawn to him again. I wanted him to brush against me just one more time. I let my eyes roamed further down his body, and imagined how his lips would feel against mine. I knew it was wrong to think of Lothian that way. But I wanted him, for all that alarmed me. I wiggled my toes, glad that the frigid numbness was finally thawing. The slippers I had put on were way too big for my slim ballet type feet. I really didn't care though; at least they weren't cold and wet. I wrapped my arms around my fragile body and shivered, the blistering pain of the icy wind was still fresh in my memory. I was thinking how only minutes earlier my body ached as the numbness possessed every extremity of body. The soothing warmth of the room slowly began to memorize me into its sheltered caress. I still questioned myself on whether I had made a good decision or not by following him.
“Why did you follow me?” He murmured
But I didn’t know. Fanciful dreams, love…they were all laughable ideas. So I shrugged my bare shoulders looking down in embarrassment. He came closer hand reaching out, hesitance, and then letting it drop down to his side.
Gazing tearfully through my wet bangs, I briefly felt the compassion of thanks that I needed to give to him, a stranger. ‘What he must think of me!’ I knew I looked bad, I was hoping that at least I didn't smell of the filth the streets of the homeless he had saved me in. Luckily he didn't seem to notice, or if he had he kept it to himself. He put an arm around me. I flinched even though his facial features were as soft as a billowy cloud that floats aimlessly in the sky. I found relief that he felt comfortable touching somebody like me at all particular after what I had become.
He stood tall in the worn, leather boots, lean, and straight, with broad shoulders beneath the leather jacket he now wore.
“Lothian…” I started but from the look in his eyes.
“How do you know my name?” he started
“I saw a card…in your wallet…” I stammered “from your coat…” I pointed over to the chair. He nodded his head, understanding. “Um, I…thank you for helping me out” Lothian brought up his hand again this time to my face. Touching where my lip had split, his finger tracing up to the swollen bruise on my cheek.
“No need to thank me…but it’s time for you to go” His voice harmonious. My heart fluttered, I couldn’t leave yet, and I had to tell him so many things.
“Why didn’t you come see me again? I looked out for you.”
He didn’t say a thing.
“Two years…it’s been two years. I went to every one of those stupid balls waiting for you and you never came.” I was flushed all my anger was coming out and I couldn’t stop it. “And then I left home, and worked in that shit hole, waiting for you to maybe come one day and find me.” My voice had risen to a near-shout, quivering with passion.
“What could I have done for you?” he answered. “Would I have made anything any better?” What he said had voiced what I never dared to think about.
“I’ve been through hell. Anything you would have done, could have done, would’ve been better! No one cares what happens to a barmaid, least of all the drunkards in the pub. I don’t know a single one of us who hasn’t ever been too slow before, or who hasn’t gone home bruised. I could do that for the rest of my life, wind up some drunken violent sailor’s toy. I suppose I could find a man from the drunk louts in the bar, spend the rest of my life scrubbing his smalls and having his brats. Do you blame me for wanting something more?”
He looked at me with deliberate eyes. He smiled. He stood up. I refused to move, my feet planted to the floor. He walked over to me. He looked at me with a warm, but confused smile. Suddenly he was upon me. I felt his arms wrap around me. “I am going to kiss you, Ariona,” he whispered. I felt a hand reach for my face. I cowered beneath him. My eyes staring at him apprehensively. He leaned down and kissed me. I could taste a hint of blood on his lips. But the metallic taste just seemed to excite me. The room began to spin around me. I felt his grip on my face tighten and his kiss became feverish. One arm held me tight while the other brought my face closer to his. I could feel his long fingers dig into my back. I let me body melt into his.
His lips tugged and pulled at mine. My heart fluttered in my bosom. Suddenly he pulled me close and thrust his tongue in to my mouth. My mind raced. I did not know what to expect. I could hear the silk from my pyjamas crunching beneath his stiff jeans. I could feel the false warmth from his chest against my neck. He hovered over me and poured his passion into me.
I felt him pull away. I breathed heavily letting my face fall to his chest. He held me tight. He kissed my forehead suddenly and pulled away. His face looked troubled. He turned his face away from me. I placed my hand on his chest. I could feel his fingers tightening even more on my back.
“It is not wrong to love, is it?” he asked turning back to face me. I stared at him, mouth open, expression puzzled. My fingers pressed into his chest. I began to feel a hardness between us. He pressed me to it.
I felt a wave of energy and warmth shoot through my body. I was so confused. I glanced around the room. There was nothing that could help me out. I pressed my face to the bare chest exposed from his shirt. I opened my mouth and pressed it to his skin. I tasted his saltiness. His body seemed to react adversely to my touch. I let my arms fall and now it was he who held me onto him so tightly. I kissed his chest again and again. His arms circled me and pulled me close. I felt his fingers slide up my arms. His hands held the back of my head as I kissed his chest.
Slowly and carefully he lifted me. From my new position I kissed his neck and the corner where his neck met his shoulder. I wrapped my fingers in his hair and found his mouth. We kissed with mutual fervour. He had placed me gently on the bed. His arms were so strong but his touch was soft. He kissed me again and again, softly, and lovingly. And in my stupor I kissed him back each time. But soon our tenderness turned into a heat I fear neither one of us understood. He stood back and took off his shirt and threw it across the room. For the first time I saw the true physique of a man. I reached up and touched his chest, his abdomen. There was a smooth line that went down from his navel to the edge of his pants. I knew the line went deeper. I reached up and touched his chest lightly frightened he would disappear from my so real dream. He smiled and took my hands. “Do you enjoy what you see?” He said pushing my hands down his chest. I shivered. Everything was so new to me. “Do you enjoy everything you feel?” he whispered. He pushed my hands to his hardness. I gasped and felt a wetness between my legs. My face turned red. Lothian laughed. He let my hands fall. He leaned in to kiss me, his hands fell to my breasts. His fingers tightened around me. I felt sensations I never felt before. I smiled up at him. I sat up on my elbows and reached up to touch his face. He sighed and squeezed my chest. I gasped. I could not sit upright any longer and I fell back into the pillows. Lothian followed. I heard fabric ripping and looked down. Lothian looked at the shreds of silk in his hands and bit his lip. He looked at me and smiled wickedly.
In a violent, white flood I felt all the passion come back to me. I had to kiss him. To feel him inside of me. To feel his lips touch my sensitive skin. His lips and tongue danced across my neck and shoulders and the bare tops of my bosom, like little hot flames leaving a trail of fire. I felt the movement of his strong hands behind me as he slowly lowered his body to rest on top of me. He continued to kiss and taste my neck, shoulders and back as his hands moved slowly upward from the front of my waist toward my bosom. They moved lightly across my full breasts still covered by the thin top, then briefly circled against my hardened nipples causing my back to arch and press them firmly against his hands which closed over both breasts and firmly squeezed several times as I lifted my arms behind him and moved my hands behind his neck, entangling then in the softness of his hair.
“No…” I whispered
“What?” he murmured
“No…” I said louder, He just smirked.
“No!” I said more forcefully ignoring the pleasure I was going through “I won’t…I can’t…” I crawled away, from under him and off the bed. I looked down to find I had no pants or top on anymore, they had been ripped off me. So I went back to the wardrobe and pulled out a cotton pair of hot pants and a baby tee. Blood rushing to my cheeks in embarrassment. “I’m more than just your toy. I do have a brain. And I know you’re using me. I just don’t know why you picked me.” He was so handsome. I didn't want to feel attracted to this person that was playing me, but I found I was. His cold look softened as he looked at me. He got up and walked over to the letter desk and brought out a small letter knife, and proceeded to cut open his right hand pointer fingers tip.
I gasped, not understanding. “Hurting yourself won’t make me pity you…” I said. He walked over to me and put the bleeding finger to the cut on my lip, leaving a drop of his blood there, he moved his hand a smeared it over my large bruise on my cheek. I winced in pain at the contact. “What are you doing?” I asked. His other hand lifted up my top, and his wound still flowing rubbed the blood over my stomach. I looked down, marvelling at how the blood was being soaked into my skin “What’s…” Looked to his face for an explanation.
“Shush…” he uttered. “Look now.” And I did. I was healed, no bruises visible. I poked my belly, finding no pain, I moved over to the large mirror and looked at my face. Not a mark.
“But how did you..?”
“You already know how. Just as I did, when my maker healed me” And I did. I knew all along. I just never through it out loud. I hid it behind walls of denial, because I was obsessed with the idea. I wanted to be one but didn’t want to face the pain of being wrong.
“Vampire blood has healing powers…but won’t it change me?” I asked quietly
“No, only when a human is drained, and then drinks the vampires blood is there any change.” He looked upset. “I will take you now, back to your home.”
“Why? Before you were very keen for me, why the sudden change?”
“You know what I am. There is repulsion in your eyes, I can see it. It pains me to see it there. So I will leave you to your life.”
“That is not repulsion, it is yearning to be like you.” I blushed at telling him my secret.
“Don’t lie to me…” he turned away from me. I grabbed his arms, and with all my strength spun him back around. There we stood, eye-to-eye, mouth-to-mouth. The chill from his breath caressed my lips like a soft feather.
I looked at him with my hazel eyes, kissing him on the lips.
“I think you’re seducing me.” He commented
“Don’t think, just do.” I sighed. Lothian clicked his fingers and the candles went out leaving us in the open hearth flamed blackness.
His hands wandered to my hips, mine on his shoulders. I just closed my eyes, and went for the ride.
I blindly navigated our way to the bed. His wrapped around my back, under my arms.
I don't know why, but I just wanted his lips pressed to mine. We've only been with each other for minutes, but I can say, without hesitation that I love him. I pushed him against the wall, kissing him with all of my being, our tongues skipping around each other.
My dominating nature taking over, I started clawing at his shirt, tearing the buttons off. Mouths hungrily devouring each other. We wanted to vent our newfound love for each other, in the worst way. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we picked up our pace. We now instead of being at the bed had moved over to the table. I was sitting on it, my baby tee having already being removed. He moved down to my neck, then above my ample chest wrapped in nothing but his hands. I buried my nails in his back.
He moved one hand around my back. I started kissing his chest. His hands massaging my breasts. Reaching behind my back with both hands he placed a hand on each of my firm cheeks and pulled me so close to him that my breasts were pressed tightly against his hard muscular chest, this time causing me to gasp and moan with the pleasure of such a touch. I reached down and unbuttoned the fly of his pants moving my hand gently inside, I laughed when I realized there was nothing else covering him, then after pulling the fly open my hand drew out and encircled his hardness that had been straining to break free of the restricting clothing.
After moving away from him slightly my hands began to roam up and down his chest and then my lips and tongue followed, touching slowly, lightly, teasing and circling his hard nipples then moving down the love line into the thatch of dark hair. The masculine musky scent thrilling me even more. My hands firmly encircled his penis and began to move up and down pulling it straight up toward me and pausing occasionally to move my thumb over the wet head in circles. He moaned with the intense pleasure I was giving him and gasped sharply as I slid off the table onto my knees, and began to kiss up one side and down the other occasionally skimming my tongue lightly over the tip and then replacing my hand with my mouth. He watched in hot enchantment while the soft silk of my hair moved back and forth against his thighs as I took all of him into me. I pleasured him in a way no woman had ever done before and not once did I slow or stop. He pulled me up to him and kissed me deeply, the taste of warm, salty cream still on my lips. His body was still trembling as he picked me up and carried me to his four-poster bed where he laid me gently on my back.
Again and again we kissed deep, probing kisses our breath and very souls mingling. His lips and tongue trailed across smooth neck, shoulders, and finally my breasts. He held the buds in his hands pinching and rolling until once again they were fully hardened with desire. My fingernails moved lightly up and down his bare back and then I reached down and slipped the cotton shorts off and cast them aside onto the floor. He felt the soft tickle of down against his stomach and moved his lips down closer to the hot, wet source of my musky scent.
I moaned with pleasure as he gently moved his hands under my hips and lifting me slightly moved them to the very edge of the bed. Then entangling his fingers in the triangle of blond between my creamed thighs he moved one finger against my inner lips of velvet and finding my greatest treasure of passion, caressed it slowly and tenderly.
“Uhhh, YES, Lothian, there, right there,” I moaned.
Unable to contain myself any longer I had to make him taste me and kneeling on the floor before me he moved between my thighs pushing them completely apart and lifting my long, shapely legs to rest on each of his shoulders, exposing fully to his touch my most secret place.
“Oh, Ariona, your sweet scent is driving me wild!”
His hands held my slender waist as his mouth and tongue replaced his fingers against the wet warmth of the entrance, and his tongue began to caress my pearl and then to dip itself occasionally deeply into me. As my moans began to come deeper and more often, he moved his fingers to the buds of my breasts where he pinched them harder and harder as he moved his tongue faster with more pressure until I screamed out his name while all my muscles convulsed as I grasped his hair and pushed his head further into me. I pulled him up to my lips and kissed him deeply.
“Lothian, I’ve never felt anything like that!” I whispered breathlessly.
“Just you wait!” He pushed the hard sword of his manhood all the way into me, to the hilt, causing us both to gasp with hot pleasure. As he began to move rhythmically back and forth within me, I let my hips moved in circles around him and then began to match his thrusts and as he held on to my waist with his hands to pull me even closer to him the waves of passion crashed over us both as we screamed out in ecstasy. I felt the heat of my love released over his hardness just seconds before he spilled the liquid of his body deep within me.
Moving onto the bed, still cradled in my warm wetness, he held me close to him, face to face, while he gently rubbed my back and kissed my lips. We didn’t speak for a long time, still breathless from a passion that had lifted us high above time and space. He held me close and I could feel the love in his heart, being transferred silently to mine. Just before we relaxed enough to drift off to sleep he kissed my lips and said, “I love you Ariona. I didn’t know I could love a woman this much.”
“I love you too Lothian. Ever since I first saw you,” I felt so secure in his arms, like this was the place I was born to be. I realized that I had never really loved a man, not this way, not until it felt like my body was on fire and my heart would burst with loving him. I snuggled in closer to him and drifted off into deep, restful sleep. Lothian lay down ready to fall asleep, knowing the heavily curtained window would keep him safe. She lay in his arms, her heart and body still warm with the sweet afterglow of their love. Her back moulded to his front, his arms loosely locked around her, his hands cradling her full breasts, face buried in the soft, rose-scented, yellow silk of her long hair.


When he woke he found they had slept so soundly that she was still curled up in with her back to him, his hand covering the softness of her breast. He released her gently from his arms, so as not to wake her, then sat up against the headboard watching her sleep. The cover had slipped away leaving one smooth shoulder and breast exposed to his view and he thought about how beautiful a woman’s breasts were, how exciting to a man. Lothian was all man in the better sense of the word, and the pleasure of seeing, touching, tasting other women’s bodies had been his many times before, but until this moment he had never really considered how beautiful they were. He sat close to her and drank in her loveliness with his eyes, making no move to leave her side or wake her. This was a once in a lifetime moment, waking for the first time after lovemaking beside the woman you would love forever, and he wanted to have it burned into his memory. So that in the millenniums ahead he could remember this innocent beauty resting by him, not in deathly peace but in loving tranquillity. If he ever should lay dying somewhere, this was the moment he wanted to remember. He held her close, still marvelling at the beauty of her body and the pleasure they had just shared. He felt amazement at the depth of love in his heart for her, a love so strong he knew he would be willing to die a mortal death for her if need be.
Opening my eyes I found Lothian gazing at me. I leaned up and gently kissed his cold mouth. Letting my mouth leave his I lay back down. Deciding now was the time. “Lothian…I never want to lose you, I want to be by your side. Make me one of yours in kind, you already have my heart, take my soul as well.” While I said this his eyes widened in shock.
“I…will you really make that sacrifice? Just to be with me?” to my ears he sounded so disbelieving. I looked into his eyes, knowing the burning I saw there was love for me.
“Yes.” I whispered
In one swoop, he took me into his arms and kisses me hungrily until I broke it gasping for air. We stoped and stared at each other, breathing deep gasps of lust filled air. Then just as suddenly, I jump on him, the sheets slipping from my fingers to slither to the floor, leaving my hands free to wrap tightly around him along with my legs. Lothian pulled desperately at me. Fire flashes within his eyes as they roam freely over my body, a hunger deep inside of him starving for more. I wanted him inside me, I pulled him down on top of me, hungry for him, needing his touch, his kiss, him. His weight is welcomed with a long passionate kiss, which calmed our urgency but not our hunger. My hands roam freely over his well-toned body, committing every inch to memory. Lothian slowed the pace down, kissing my neck and shoulder, creating small moans to escape from my lips. It feels like my entire body is on fire while my insides turn to a slow liquid. A lusty scent of sweat, flowers, and a nighttime breeze surrounds us as they fall to the ends of no return.
Lothian’s mouth finds mine again, a new hunger falling like waves on top of him. He picks me up effortlessly and moves me to the top of the bed, at no point do the kisses end. Lothian kisses me deeply, holding my entire body down by lust, and then enters, taking us to new heights of passion. We move together in blissful harmony, climaxing almost simultaneously. Lothian collapses on top of me, his deep heavy breaths brushing against my ear. They are like splinters of ice passing my face, warming only slightly from the heat of my body. We lay there like that for several moments, my hand softly running up and down the nape of his neck, a satisfied smile across my face. He wraps his arms around me and rolls over; pulling me with him, he runs his fingers through my hair, spreading it across the bed. He bends his neck, tongue traipsing along my collarbone. His lips touch my neck, I brace myself for the impact of his sharp teeth, his cold breath creating goose bumps over my body.
Neither of us noticed the door swing open, someone strutting through the door. They waited a full minute before finally announcing their arrival.

“Excuse me...”

“Stop sucking neck for crying out loud, we got problems!” She yelled, the whole floor must have heard it.
“So why don't you take the hint and come back later? Hint, hint.” Lothian cries,
“I can't, I just came to warn you before Allay came down.”
We parted once more. I put back on my shirt. I sat down on top of him, long slender legs wrapped around his waist, letting myself slide over his quickly hardening penis.
“So he's having kittens over what?” Lothian asked, grinning over our little secret.
The door to our room swung open with a loud crash. Both Lothian and I broke apart and stared at an out-of-breath vampire. His shirt hung half in and half out over his torn trousers. What looked like usually well-kept head of hair lay scrunched about his troubled face. I gasped. Seeing a vampire in such a dishevelled state stunned me to silence.
“Run Lothian! We're under attack! Get out! The girl too!” He took a step forward, reaching for Ariona. A shot rang out in the hallway just as his eyes widened in surprise, his mouth forming an O. I watched in stunned horror as he fell face first to the floor. Screaming I rushed to his side looking up just in time to see a pair of black army boots stopping centimetres from the vampire’s legs. While another shot rang out, felling the other vampire that had first warned us of the intruders.
Lothian went wide-eyed and tackled me to the floor. "For God's sake, GET DOWN!"


The force of Lothian's impact sent both of us crashing to the floor. My shoulder took the brunt of the fall. I would've yelped in pain, but the impact forced the air from my lungs. I struggled to regain my breath. Lothian’s strong frame hovered protectively above me, giving no quarter. Desperate, I jabbed my knee into his thigh. His weight lessened and I wasted no time gulping in the precious air. My awareness sharpened with each deep breath. Squirming, I tried to shove Lothian off of me, but he was as immobile as a mountain. Once the deep, accented voice hit my ears I knew why he refused to move.
“Ah, Signore Draconis. You are a hard man to find.” The sound of heavy footsteps reverberated along the wooden floor, went around Lothian to kneel near my head. “And Signorina Ariona Farington, I've waited much time to see you. You are quite the woman of mystery, no?” The man's black eyes focused on Lothian. He levelled his gun against Lothian’s temple.
“No! Please!” This couldn't be happening. “Oh, please don't hurt him.” The sight stopped my heart in mid beat. His thumb cocked the weapon, pressing it harder against Lothian's temple. I held my breath as I watched his body tense for the bullet's impact. “I think you should get up slowly, Signore Draconis. Such a beautiful woman should not be on the floor, do not you agree?”
I felt his resistance to leave me. I wanted him to stay, oh I would give anything to have him stay, but I couldn't let him die. It wouldn’t solve anything. “Get up. He'll have me either way.” I whispered the words close to his ear.
The man stood, allowing Lothian enough room to get up, which he did slowly, never taking his eyes off me. I in turn never took my eyes off the gun and the evil man holding it. Once Lothian's weight was lifted, I grieved for the lost strength his nearness had provided me.
“Let me help you, Signorina.”
I stared at the attacker's outstretched hand as if it dripped raw sewage. The man squinted angrily. He reached down and grabbed me by the hair, yanking me to my feet. I squealed in pain as tiny pinpricks exploded on my scalp. Grasping behind my head, I tried to loosen his hold. Lothian lurched forward, but the man brought up his weapon. Stopping him in mid-step.
“One more move, Signore, and the lady will watch you die.” His icy tone clearly indicated he meant every word. I shivered.
Lothian and I frantically looked at each other, assessing if either of them had been shot. When I was satisfied of Lothian’s safety, I turned my head as much as the man's cruel grip would allow.
“Just signalling my friends, Signorina. Your eyes sparkle like diamonds when you are afraid. Most unusual.” He pulled her head back and brushed the barrel of the gun along the curve of my throat, resting it under my chin. A single tear rolled down my cheek before I could stop it.
“Ahh, do not cry. Julio will take good care of you.”
Something clenched in my stomach. My muscles tightened into hot, powerful springs of vengeance. The son-of-a-bitch held all the cards. I had no choice but to play along and hope an opportunity presented itself. If the bastard hurts Lothian… so help me God, he's a dead man!
Julio's comrades, armed to the hilt, filed into the room. They each in turn glanced down on the two dead vampires, briefly over to Lothian, and then stuck their sites on Ariona. Lothian groaned. She would be in serious trouble if he didn't think of something soon. The two men snapped their feet together and flung Julio a salute.
“Capitan. The federales are coming up the drive. We must leave now.” Julio nodded his agreement. The two men grabbed hold of Lothian, pulling him forward. Lothian shot me a quick look of reassurance.
My eyes were round as saucers. My lips quivered and Lothian knew with sudden certainty I was about to crack. And crack I did.
“Who are you? Where are you taking us? What do you want? No! I won't go!” I twisted and kicked at her captor. “Please! I won't go!” Julio came to a sudden, jerky halt when I dug in my toes, going stiff as a board. “At least let me get some proper clothes and shoes!” Lothian was about to warn me, try to calm the fear he knew I must be feeling, but Julio took the situation out of his hands.
“Fine but do it quickly!” Julio snapped. Hurriedly I ran over to the bed and dragged on the cotton shorts. Then I ran to the wardrobe. I grabbed a pair of jeans, another sort sleeved shirt, and dragged them on as well. I then grabbed a thin jacket, and went over to my shoes that were still by the fire. Slipping them on, glancing at Lothian, wondering what he was thinking. Looking at the fireplace I noticed a fire poker in the stand beside it. Without thinking I grabbed it and ran for Julio. Unfortunately he dodged me easily, taking the poker in his hand.
“Enough! I have not the time for this.” Julio arched the handle of his gun above his head and brought it down with a thud. Ariona collapsed like a rag doll in his arms, barely conscious but strongly hoping Lothian wouldn’t relent so easily.
“You Bastard!” Lothian fought to break free, his face full of strain and rage. Julio casually walked up to him and smiled.
“She will bring me much pleasure, no?” My eyes snapped open with the crude remark. Julio swung the poker and Lothian slumped forward, giving his full weight over to the soldiers. Yet Lothian jump out of their arms. Holding them as he twisted in mid air, their arms cracked, the soldiers screaming in pain. Julio yelled “You think you’ll get away from me that easily? Well think again!” And in movement to fast for me to see they fought. I could see the fast arms, blurs flying toward ever moving targets. I willed myself to stay alert, but my vision was misting over. I heard screams of frustration. Before it all lost time and meaning.

My return to consciousness was a painful one. I awoke to complete darkness. I could feel the polished floors of Lothian’s home, but couldn’t hear any sound in the background. ‘How long had I been unconscious?’ I tried to stand but a wave of dizziness assailed me, forcing me back to the floor. My nimble fingers sought out and found the root of my discomfort. A walnut sized lump, still sensitive to touch, protruded from my right temple. The eerie silence and suffocating darkness mimicked a crypt-like atmosphere that I hoped was paranoia and not fact. I shivered, fear settling in. The room smelled of blood, but fresh air was circulating from somewhere. A good sign…I was alone, in the dark, not knowing where I was in the room. I needed answers. I needed to be in Lothian’s arms, to be safe. Testing my legs once more I managed to stand, however shakily. I kicked off the heeled shoes, they made too much noise for my liking as I shuffled around the room. The dizziness returned but I fought it valiantly. Weaving slightly, I tentatively found my way to a wall. Chips of wood fell to the floor as I made my way to the next wall. My foot kicked what sounded like a metal candle holder. I listened to its heavy dull noise as it rolled a short distance and then stopped. ‘Why didn’t it make a sound when it stopped?’ Apparently its forward momentum was interrupted by something other than a wall. I hesitated to think of what that object might be. Taking a deep breath, I continued searching for an exit. The wall felt stickily damp as I connected with yet another wall. Standing in the corner between the two, I felt a chill. Fresh air! There must be a door or window close by. Having decided my next course of action, I followed the wall back to my original starting position. At least I guessed it was, because there was no real way to tell for sure. With both my arms outstretched I felt my way to a third wall. This wall felt smoother and drier than the previous two. Keeping to the wall I pressed further until I came to a wooden frame. A doorframe? Excitement filled me as I inched to my right and found the door. All I had to do was find the knob and I’d be home free. Searching the door’s surface I at last grabbed hold of the doorknob. It felt lighter than the door’s frame and surface. There was a circular indent in the centre and then an odd-shaped keyhole. I groaned. ‘Don’t be locked! Please don’t be locked.’ One twist sent my hopes crashing. It was locked. In a burst of pent-up frustration I kicked the door, then kicked it again, and again, until my foot throbbed from the abuse. Exhausted, I made my way to the far corner, the final wall left unexplored. Doubtful that I would find a viable exit, I plopped down to the floor, smack dab on the end of the candle holder. It painfully contacted my hip as I rolled sidewards. Landing on top of something large, soft, and definitely human. Ignoring my aching hip, I darted to my feet with an ear-piercing scream. I caught sight of the male figure lying still as death on the floor. Recognition hit me with the force of a gunshot…Lothian…then I fainted.


This time when I awoke the darkness did not frighten me. My memory quickly reminded me that I wasn’t alone. I knew Lothian was lying somewhere close. He must be alive, else why would we be in a locked room? However he was very quiet, I couldn’t even hear his breathing. Visions of Lothian mortally wounded flashed before me. Reaching out to touch him, I felt only polished floor. He was gone. My stomach clenched at the latter. Fighting against the mounting worry and fear, or perhaps because of it, I scooted along the floor in search of Lothian. He had to be here…He just had to be. The thought of being alone was totally unacceptable. Sweeping the floor with my outstretched arms I worked my way across the room. My knees were taking a beating, scraping on the wood. I was about to give up on my search when I stumbled onto Lothian’s unconscious form. Shakily, I rested my palm on his chest and sighed with relief as it slowly rose and fell. He’s alive! I instinctively felt his body for blood. Systematically roaming over his clothed body, refusing to think about the firmness of his chest and stomach, the straight line of his hips, the large rounded muscles of his thighs… ‘Oh, good lord!’ Snatching my hand away as if I’d been scalded, I sat back against the wall. ‘Now is not the time for dramatics,’ I scolded herself. ‘Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Okay, I can do this.’ Ten deep breaths later I returned to Lothian, my slender fingers combing through his hair. Thick, soft hair with a hint of musty death… Once again, I chastised my morose thoughts. Pulling my hand away, I snagged my fingers on a matted, sticky clump of blood. Brushing his hair aside I felt a 6 centimetre gash. ‘Thank God the bleeding had stopped. How much blood had he lost? Was the injury immortally life threatening?’ From somewhere deep inside I found the presence of mind to act. Grabbing hold of my second shirt, I tore it off. Carefully, I wrapped the material around Lothian’s head, covering the wound. Standing, I hooked my arms under his from behind him and dragged him to the wall, propping him in a sitting position. Feeling confident that I had done what I could, I lowered herself beside him and waited, and hoped. ‘How much blood could a vampire lose? Does it die if it doesn’t have enough?’ What felt like hours passed with no change in Lothian’s condition. I allowed myself to snuggle against his chest. Even in an unconscious state the man made me feel safe. His head and neck were glacial ice to the touch and I feared he had gone past a saving point of which there was no return. I felt helpless. Without water, blankets, or a first aid kit there was nothing I could do to lessen his suffering. I tried to picture his face, finding it easy to do so. His square jaw, aqua eyes, and the sharp angle of his nose. His courage in the face of the attack and his attempt to save me moved me close to tears. Too caught up in my own misery, I failed to notice Lothian raising his arm and lowering it onto my shoulder. I was roughly dragged down. Lothian had grabbed me. I felt his breath.
“Lothian, Oh Lothian you’re awake!” I arms squeezed his chest, “I was worried you might be seriously wounded. You’ve been unconscious for a very long time…” I squealed in pain as his incisors slid into the flesh of my neck. He was growling deep within his throat, I could feel my blood going towards his mouth, and I could feel myself going into a trace, the pain was transforming into ecstasy, the slurping of his lips, the sting of his tongue inside the wound. I could feel myself go inside his head.

Damn it hurt! It felt like I’d been repeatedly run over by a semi truck. My body seemed intent on refusing my command to stand. Stunned, I realized the resistance I felt was someone lying on my chest, snuggled comfortably against me. She felt soft and warm. The pressure of her breasts on my side confirmed her gender and I felt my body’s instant response. I gulped down more sweet blood, refreshing on my parched throat, lessening the pain of my head. I grappled with my foggy memories, trying to figure out where I was and whom I was with. It came to me like a slap in the face. Ariona, the attack…As suddenly as it went I was back inside my own head. My warm blood slowly running down my neck, I could hear Lothian gasp.
“Ariona?” His questioning voice went unanswered. He moved his shoulder, nudging my head to get my attention. “Ariona!” I sat up with my hands flying to my neck to stop the flow. I felt terribly weakened. And was struggling to stay conscious. “Shit…Ariona, are you okay?” Then I slumped to the floor.

My eyes flew open, hand to my neck. Nothing there, was it a dream? “Lothian?”
“I’m here, are you better, my sweet? I’m sorry… my injuries I lost so much blood that subconsciously I took yours.” His voice sounded harsh, the pretty melody I loved gone in bitterness.
“Everything’s okay. I’m fine. But how are you?”
“Better…thanks to you” He said as he tried to relieve some of his stiffness by stretching his arms over his head and rolling his head on his shoulders. His neck and back cracked. I could hear him stand up and walk somewhere in the room. I heard what sounded like lumps of wood being move, and a strike of a match. Soon I could see, from the dancing flames from the fire. I gazed around the room and gasped at the sight of a beheaded Julio. I looked at Lothian, who was staring at me. In the light I could now see his injuries and there were many of them. His hands were covered in bruises, knuckles scabbed, his lip was swollen badly, an eye closed over. He was a mess. On his chest I could see raked scratches. “It couldn’t been helped…he wanted us…I don’t know what for, but what ever it was it would’ve killed us, I just got to him first.” He said this all in a barely audible whisper. I stood and made my way towards him, I reached for his face. But he turned away. “Don’t touch me…”
I looked confused into his face. And grabbed his face, whipping it towards me. I kissed him, I loved him more than ever.
“I said….”
“I heard what you said Lothian,” I quipped.
“I’m a monster, not only did I nearly kill you by bringing a crazed monster here, but I almost took you for your blood. How can you still want me?”
“I love you! Why else!” I looked into his eyes, there was sadness and pain there. I held his face in my hands, and then slapped him. He had no reaction, so I slapped him again, harder, still nothing, I tried once more putting my whole arm behind it. He snarled, anger flaring in his eyes, jagged canine teeth bared. Quickly moving both hands behind his head, I slammed his mouth and teeth into my neck. He moaned, I could feel my blood trickling down my neck, he whimpered, he wanted the blood but not to hurt me.
“Take it, make me yours.” I said. He didn’t react. “DO IT!” and I kneed him, making him angry, to allow the animal side of him take over. To force him to do what I truly wanted. Suddenly my blood was being sucked out at an alarming rate. I could see not only his wounds healing but, his skin rosing up. In turn I was getting paler and weaker. “Oh…” I sighed. I slumped down to the floor, Lothian coming with me, cradling me like a broken doll.
“Ariona!” he cried. Hastily he bit his own wrist ripping it open with his teeth. Promptly he put it up to my own lips. I could feel a hunger inside me, as my heartbeat slowed down. I started to suck, a desire igniting, I licked his wound, savouring in the taste, wallowing in the yearning. He pulled it away. I’d had my fill anyway. I looked at him with a new light, everything so clear, he was even more perfect than before. He grinned hungrily. “I think we’d better leave, we’re in need of a feast!”
And so I stood, and holding his hand jumped out the window, in search for a meal for two.
I laughed, “I never knew that loving you could be…so entertaining.”

The End... :)
© Copyright 2003 Sazza (sazza at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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