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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #760848
A Kingdom Hearts story. Chapter four. Please R&R
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Disney. If I did, the game would be like this. ^_^ The only things I own in this are my characters and the situations I put them in.

Chapter Four

The rain poured from the sky, soaking them. Riku looked down at the ground and flipped over to land. He did with a dull thud and gently placed Filia on her feet. She stood, wobbly and followed him to the cave. A fire was soon started and they dried, with the both of them tending to their wounds.
“We have to find them.” Filia said, washing the blood out of her hair. “We need to be together again. Not one of us can beat him alone.”
“I know this, Filia. You don’t think we’ve tried? Every time I get a signal from one of them, they’ve jumped.” He said. He slammed his fist onto the ground, and she jumped up to comfort him. She knelt in front of him and took his face in her hands. She looked into the blindfold and reached back to take it off. “Don’t.” He warned, and pushed her hand away.
“Riku, why not? Why won’t you look at me?”
“It’s not you. The light… hurts.” He said, and lowered his head again. She picked it up again and leaned in to his face, her lips just barely touching his.
“Riku. Don’t be scared.” She whispered, and-
Filia sat up suddenly and saw Riku coming up the loft stairs. She sighed and lay back on her pillow, sweating.
“Hey Filly.” Riku said gently, putting some food by her.
“How long have I been out?” She asked. He frowned.
“Don’t worry about it. You needed the sleep.”
“Tell me.”
“About fifteen hours. Its morning now. Don’t worry. You haven’t missed much.” Filia sighed and covered her face with her hands.
“Did you have the dream again?”
“No. It was different. A continuation of the other one.” She said. Riku nodded.
“Want to tell me about it?”
“I can’t. But I can show you.” She said, and pulled out her chain with the crystal. She held it in her left hand and took Riku’s in her right and remembered the dream. It flashed into Riku’s head and he jumped back. She let go. “I’m sorry.
“No. It’s okay.” He said shocked, more so at what he did, falling from the sky, and why he was wearing a blindfold.
“Promise me Riku.”
“When the time comes, you won’t let me go.” She said sincerely, looking into his eyes.
“What do you mean? How am I supposed to know when that time is?” He asked, worried.
“You’ll know. I’ll tell you when I know. But I can’t now. If I do, everything might change.”
“But wouldn’t change be good?”
“I don’t know. It might not be in this case. Just promise me. You won’t let me go.”
“I won’t let you go Filia. Not ever.” He said, and pulled her to his chest. She was shivering so he helped her out of bed and down the stairs to the fire where everyone else was finishing breakfast. She sat next to Aidan and took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. He smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek while staring at Riku.
There was a knock at the door and everyone tensed up. Just as the door started to swing open the fire and lights went out, making the building dark. The people walked in and the door shut behind them.
“It’s Gwyn and Blaide.” Gwyn said. The lights went back up and the two of them were standing there.
“Hey guys. Did you eat yet?” Aidan asked, pushing food in their direction.
“Yeah, with Leon.” Blaide said. They sat down and picked up a piece of bread anyway and started chewing on it. Filia laughed.
“When you eat with Leon, you know you’ve gotta eat elsewhere. So anything new happen?” She asked, finished the bowl of soup and grabbing some bread.
“Anything new?” Gwyn started.
“Isn’t there always something new?” Blaide finished. Sora shuddered at the two of them and Gwyn laughed.
“We can stop if it bothers you Sora.”
“It’s just something we do.” Blaide added, finishing the bread.
“Yeah, could you please? It’s kinda creepy.” He said. The both of them laughed.
“Our ship isn’t done yet. Cid didn’t finish with the modifications.” Gwyn told Aidan.
“No? Well I guess we have to wait until he’s down with them before we go.”
“Wait? Waiting is never good. We can use our ship. There’s plenty of room, don’t you think Donald?” Sora asked. Donald muttered something incoherent.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea anyway Sora.” Filia said. It’s always safer to have two ships if you can in these times. Aidan and I have one though. And we can take everyone else if Donald isn’t up to it.”
Donald stared at her. “I never said we didn’t have the room.”
“Well that’s the way it seemed.” She shrugged and drank a cup of hot tea. She put the cup down and pulled her chair right up the fire, soaking in the heat.
“Are you feeling alright Filia?” Gwyn asked, walking over to her. Filia shrugged.
“I can’t get warm inside.” She said. Aidan looked at Gwyn.
“She had the dream again. And then she slept for fifteen hours.”
“Oh. That dream. Filia, did it progress any?”
“Yes. After I had the base dream, it went farther. I don’t want to talk about it.” Filia said, looking at Aidan. Aidan’s eyes narrowed and he looked at Riku, who looked away.
Sora looked at Goofy and Donald who just finished eating. “Well, much as I want a longer break, I know we can’t afford it. We really have to get to Sherwood Forest and find the keyhole.” Sora said. Donald nodded.
“Can’t wait to long, or more Heartless will come.”
“We’ll all go.” Filia said. “Maybe it will make it easier to find.” She shrugged. Sora smiled.
“That would be great, unless you all have something to do.”
“No. We can’t finish what we were working on until the ship is done. So we could go.” Blaide offered.
“Yeah. To bad Leon won’t go.” Aidan said.
“He’s really adamant about staying. Says a blade always needs to be at Traverse Town.” Gwyn said. Filia looked into the fire and shuddered. A flash of an image raced through her head. It was all the blade wielders, including Leon surrounding a dark mass. The image ended.
“He’ll go someday.” She said, her face pale white. “Someday he won’t have a choice.” She said, and got up to go change on the loft. They all watched her go and shrugged.
“We can take Riku with us.” Sora said. That’s all the room we have though, I guess.”
Aidan smiled and looked at Riku. “Our ship has plenty of room. We can take you, Blaide and Gwyn. If you want to go that is.”
“Of course we do.” Gwyn said. Blaide nodded.
“Alright then. We should get going soon.” Sora said.
Filia leaned over the loft railing and watched all below, her eyes darting back and forth to take them all in. She closed her eyes and saw another flash. Everyone was circling a dark mass, and everyone was battered. The flash ended and she opened her eyes quickly, putting her hand up to her mouth. She turned and grabbed her bag that was lying on the floor and then grabbed Aidan’s throwing it over the side. She quickly ran down the loft stairs and faced everyone. “Let’s go.” She said, throwing Aidan the bag. He looked at her curiously and looked around.
“We can’t just leave a mess like this.” He said. She nodded.
“Yes we can.” She said, and left. Everyone stared at her.
“What’s her deal lately? She’s been acting really strange.” Aidan asked no one in particular. No one answered.

After parting ways and getting on their own ships, Sora instructed Chip and Dale to give the Redeemer, Filia’s ship, the co-ordinations to Sherwood Forest. Soon after they prepared for the quiet hours in hyper-space.

On her ship, Filia lay in her small room, staring at the ceiling. With the automatic on, they could all be in peace elsewhere around the ship. If an unidentified ship came anywhere near theirs, a deafening alarm would sound and everyone would be called to battle stations.
Her room was small compared to the building in Traverse Town, but that was a part of space travel. She turned on the small bed and closed her eyes, hoping their journey would be safe.

The sky was pitch black, and the wind was whipping around them. The seven Blade Wielders stood around a dark mass, blades at their sides. Everyone was battered. Someone was shouting, but the noise couldn’t be heard above the wind. A choice had to be made. But what choice? It soon became clearer. Filia was surrounded by a bubble and brought before the dark mass. Soon the mass and Filia were surrounded by another bubble. Heartless came out of the ground. Filia whipped around and swung her blade, only to be overcome by the Heartless. A tendril came out of the black mass and pierced through her heart. Someone screamed. Her eyes became dull and she fell forward onto the ground, the Waterblade falling next to her. The bubble was gone and so was the mass. Everyone was running forward but-
Filia jumped out of bed as the alarm sounded and pushed her sweaty hair out of her eyes. She threw open the door to her room and made it to the ship’s bridge before anyone. She jumped into one of the seats and punched in the code for the screen. Hundreds of ships were surrounding them. Aidan, Blaide and Gwyn soon poured into the room alarmed.
“It’s about time. Everyone grab a seat and be ready.” She said waving her hand as three chairs flipped up out of the floor. They all sat and Filia grabbed the headset off the panel and thrust it over her head.
“Sora? We’re putting a tracer on your ship so we don’t accidentally fire at you.” She said into the mike. She waited for a reply.
“We got that Filia. Tracer warning is deactivated.” He repeated after Chip. The speakers went silent. Filia switched off the auto-pilot and grabbed the controls in front of her. She nodded to everyone else who readied their lasers.
“Here we go!” She said, and pushed the ship into a dive. She deftly avoided the Heartless ships around them and fired back. Her lasers were followed by the others on her ship as well as from Sora’s.
Soon after they left the trouble with destroyed Heartless ships in their wake and entered the space around Sherwood Forest. The planet looked a cool green and seemed inviting.
“Is everyone ready there?” Came Sora’s voice over the speakers. Filia flipped the switch.
“Everyone’s set. We’ll meet you on the surface.” She said, and took the headset off and placed it on the panel. After everyone stood the seats folded back into the floor and she walked to the rear of the room. “Well, let’s go see what we can do down there.” She said, smiling, her face white from the battle.
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