Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/760826-Blade-Wielders-Chapter-One
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #760826
A Kingdom Hearts story. It takes place after the first Kingdom Hearts game. PLEASE!! R&R!
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, although I wish I did. I do not own Disney either, and that would be nice to. The only things I claim to own in here are Filia, Aidan, Blaide and Gwyn and their respective stories, although they wouldn't be around without Kingdom Hearts.

Chapter One
Sora, Goofy, and Donald fell over onto the big leather chairs after teleporting to Traverse Town from the Gummi Ship. Sora sighed.
“Back again, eh?” Cid called from behind the counter. “Any new gummi’s?”
“No. I haven’t been able to find the keyhole in Sherwood Forest.” Sora sighed angrily.
“Don’t worry about it. If you can’t find it, neither can the Heartless.”
“Hey, the Heartless aren’t hanging around the Second District anymore. They’ve been mainly in the Third. Just a mushroom now and then. They don’t bother anyone.”
“Heartless with a heart!” Donald laughed, Goofy just rubbed his head.
“Go check into the hotel and get some rest kid. You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
“More like a year.” Sora muttered. He stood up and left the accessory shop, waving to Cid.
He walked past the Townfolk, hardly able to keep his eyes open. He sure hoped he wouldn’t run into any Heartless. He was too tired. Goofy opened the gate to the Second District and they steered Sora in. No Heartless around, luckily, just like Cid said. The hotel which was just on the other side of the gates looked warm and inviting and Sora felt he could float there.

The next day Sora woke to find a mushroom looking Heartless staring at him with Goofy and Donald asleep. Sora jumped and grabbed his Keyblade. The Heartless started shaking and fell to the ground. It looked up at Sora pleadingly. He shrugged and didn’t bother him.

By the time Goofy and Donald woke up, the Heartless left and Sora had eaten.
“G’morning Sora!” Goofy said, stretching.
“Yeah.” Sora said, leaving the room, with the two following behind him.
“Where are we going today?” Donald wondered.
“We’re staying here today. Rest and re-supply. Visit Merlin. I have another summon spell I think.” Sora answered. As he left the hotel he looked across the square and saw light in one of the windows. “What’s that?” He asked. “That’s never been on before.” He jumped off the stairs and ran to the other side, climbing the ledge.
The light was coming from the flicker of a candle, and he saw a swift movement inside.
“Something’s inside. Let’s go.” Sora said, before the others could protest. He tried the door but it was locked. He tapped it twice with the Keyblade, and it opened. He stepped in with Goofy and Donald close behind. The door slammed shut, extinguishing the only source of light. He stopped moving and heard a whisper, only one word standing out.
“Who…who’s there?” Sora demanded. A thud resounded to his left and he turned, gripping the Keyblade. A flicker reemerged, lighting up a girls face. More lights turned on now, dimly, and Sora could see the whole room. Shades were drawn across the window.
“Who are you?” Sora demanded again.
“So that’s how you opened the door. Only Blades can you know.”
“Blades? You mean my Keyblade?”
“Keyblade? I was right then. You are Sora.”
“Yes, but what do you mean by ‘Blades’? And who are you?”
“My name is Filia. Keyblade, Gunblade, Wingblade, Fireblade, Waterblade, Moonblade, Sunblade. Whatever others there are.”
“I didn’t know there were so many.”
“Yes. I was chosen by the Waterblade on my planet before it was destroyed by Heartless. I wasn’t strong enough, and only the Keyblade could relock it.”
“Where are you from?”
“I was from… from Meridell. But it doesn’t matter.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry about. What are you doing here?”
“I saw the light and wanted to check it out.”
“Oh. You see Aidan, I told you to knock it off. Not very well hidden are we?”
“Aidan?” Sora asked.
“That’s me. Keeper of the Fireblade.” A red-haired young man said, hopping down from above. He looked to be about nineteen years old. “Welcome, Sora. We’ve been waiting to meet your for some time now.”
“Well it’s good to meet you to.” Sora said, unsure of himself.
“Have you met with Leon recently?”
“No. Why?” Sora asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Because. He’s been waiting for you to come back. Two others are with him now.”
“Yeah. Aeris and Yuffie.” Sora agreed.
“No. Two other Blades. The Sunblade and the Moonblade.”
“Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s go meet them.”
“Well, you see, we have to wait for them. We never got their location. We got separated before that. But they know where we are.” Filia said.
“So we’re just going to sit here and wait?” Sora asked, confused.
“Well. We can do one thing.” She said, and walked outside shutting the door behind her. Sora stood staring at the door. Confused.
“What is she doing?”
“Her secret. Don’t ask. Don’t bother.” Aidan said, sitting down in a chair. Sora looked towards the door and pulled up a chair and sat.

Five minutes after she left, Filia came back and sat down. “Riku’s going to get them. They’ll be here soon enough.”
Sora jumped up and knocked his chair over. “RIKU?! WHERE IS HE? HOW COME WE DIDN’T SEE HIM?”
“He’s not here.” Filia answered, confused.
“Well then where is he?” Donald asked.
Filia looked at them and Aidan. “He’s going to get them. They’ll be here soon.”
“Well how did you talk to him? He had to be here.” Sora pressed. Filia looked at Aidan. Aidan looked sternly at Sora.
“It’s a Blade thing. If you can learn to control your Blade well enough, you will be able to speak with others.”
“Well then why couldn’t she speak directly with Leon? Or the other two? AND ARE YOU SAYING I DON’T KNOW HOW TO CONTROL MY KEYBLADE?” Sora yelled. Goofy ran over to him.
“Sora calm down. Don’t yell. Someone will hear you.” He said, and pushed him back into the chair.
“We’ve been looking for Riku for so long. And Kairi too.” Sora said quietly.
“We know.” Filia replied, taking his hand, patting it. “We’ll find Kairi. Don’t worry.” She said smiling.

A tap sounded at the door and everyone got silent. The door swung open and four people rushed into the room before the door slammed shut. The candles went out again. Silence rang in everyone’s ears.
“Riku?” Sora asked, as the candles flickered back on again. Aidan was gone once more. Filia rushed over to a tall teen and hugged him.
“Oh its so good to see you again Riku.” She flushed in the dim light. “How was your journey?” She asked.
“Riku!” Sora said, staring. Riku turned and looked.
“Oh hey Sora.”
“Is that all you have to say to me? It’s been so long.”
Riku stood in his spot and Filia backed away. “I’m…. I’m sorry. About what happened? It wasn’t me. You know that.”
“I know. It’s great to see you again.” Sora smiled, relief on his face. Riku grinned and nodded, walking over to him and pounding him on the back. “Wow you got tall.”
“I am older than you, you know.” Riku pointed out, standing four inches taller.
Sora grinned up at his friend. So much had changed since the last time he saw him, a year ago. “Eh hem.”
“Hey kid. How’ve things been?”
“Pretty decent. We’ve been having problems in Sherwood Forest though.”
“Well that’s rough. But that’s the way its going to be some times.”
“Yeah, but hey! You can come with us now. I mean, the Heartless are only in the Third District and all, so you really don’t need to stay.”
“Yes I do Sora. How could you say that? What would happen if there was another wave? The world would be overrun, and it would be so hard to get back. I need to stay.” Leon said, adamantly. Sora nodded sadly.
“Sora! You haven’t met the other two Blade carriers.” Filia said from her corner and walked over to the two new people in the room. “This is Gwyn, holder of the Moonblade, and Blaide, holder of the Sunblade.” Sora looked at the two and noticed they were about the same age with the same facial features. Gwyn had long silver hair, and Blaide’s hair was a long golden color.
“We’re twins.” Gwyn said, clearing up all the questions in Sora’s mind.
“Oh. Well, how did you both-“
“Get Blades? Out parents were from two different planets, in different sectors. Neither sector had Chosen, until we were born and old enough to wield the Blades.” Blaide answered.
“Oh.” Sora said again. “That’s still-“
“Strange? Yes. But only the pure of heart can wield a Blade.” Gwyn interrupted.
“No offense and all but, STOP DOING THAT!” Sora yelled, looking perplexed. It was like they were reading his mind.
The two of them laughed like little children, their laughter sounding like wind chimes. Sora’s eyes widened and he stared at them, then looked back to Riku.
“What’s that?” Sora asked, looking at the chain and shard around his neck.
“Oh. Nothing.” He said, putting it away quickly. He looked around the room and sat down, stretching out his legs.
“So what are we supposed to do now?” Sora asked.
“You mean you have no ideas? We’re supposed to be fighting Heartless, for one.” Aidan said.
“And looking for Kairi, two.” Filia said. Riku nodded and smiled at Filia, who flushed and turned away.
“Well then what are we waiting for?” Donald asked, hopping up and down. “Let’s get going!”
“We need a break.” Gwyn replied calmly.
“We’ve been fighting to long.” Blaide continued.
“That’s for sure.” Filia said, flexing her arm and rubbing it. Sora looked at all of them closely for the first time. Even in the dim light he saw that they were all very strong, including Riku. He looked down at himself and saw that, while he was stronger than before, he was much smaller than the others. He also saw scars on them. Some were fresh, others were faded. Filia, for instance had a long scar running from her shoulder to her elbow, but it was faded. On her other arms there were fresh ones, still healing. Sora had none. He began to think he maybe hadn’t known a real battle yet, or that he may not be able to control his Keyblade.
“What’s wrong Sora?” Donald asked. Sora just shook his head and smiled.
“Nothing. Filia, where did you get those scars? They aren’t all from battles, are they?” Sora asked.
“Yeah. They are. Pretty gruesome eh? Hurt really bad this one.” She said, pointing the long one running down her left arm. Aidan laughed.
“Not half as bad as this one!” He said, lifting his shirt, revealing a long, red scar from one shoulder to his hip.” Sora’s eyes almost exploded from his head. “Like it, eh Sora? I got this on the day I met Filia. What a beautiful day.” He said, smiling.
“Yeah. Almost died on me with that one!” Filia laughed.
“Died?” Sora squeaked. “How can you laugh about it?”
“Yeah. But I’m fine. That’s why I laugh. You see Sora, some things happen in your life for a reason. Like being chosen by a Blade. That day would have been horrible, even if I had survived, but I met a remarkable person. And now I’ll fight by her side for the rest of my life.” He said sincerely. “When you’re fighting and risking your life everyday, you learn to take it in stride and enjoy whatever moments you can.”
Sora shrugged and the room got silent. Filia coughed. “Well, I suppose I should go get some supplies. I have to get something to Cid anyway.” She said standing. Riku and Aidan both stood with her.
“I’ll go with you.” They both said at the same time. They glared at each other and Filia laughed.
“Oh Aidan, I’m not going to be getting into any fights. You stay with Sora and maybe help them get to Merlin’s.”
“Wait. How did you know I had to go there?”
“Simple. You talk very loudly.” She said, laughing and picking up a box from the corner of the room. Riku took it from her and she opened the door and shut it behind her. Aidan strode over to the window and glared out into the square, watching them walk to the gates.
“Get something to Cid? Shouldn’t she be GIVING him something?” Donald asked, crossing his arms. Aidan stared at him and raised an eyebrow.
“Didn’t you hear her? She’s not from here.”
“So? Everyone in this sector speaks Standard.”
“In case you didn’t hear, she’s from Meridell. Her first language is Meridian, the language of the royals on Meridell. Standard is her second language. It’s not fair to pick on that.” He said angrily.
“Language of the royals? What’s that?” Donald asked.
“One her planet there were two types of people. The Royals, and the Familiars. There were very few Royals. They were the kings, queens, and the children of those that ruled the various continents. The Familiars are the like Townfolk here. Every Familiar spoke Standard, but only the Royals knew Meridian. Something about their culture. I don’t know. But she learned Standard after she learned Meridian.”
“How do you know so much about her?” Sora asked.
“We met two years ago on my planet, as it was dying. Its where I got the scar. I don’t know how she ended up there, she never tells me. But all I know is that she saved my life. And I owe her so much for that. But after that, we haven’t been apart, and things eventually come out. That’s how I know.”
“How did you get the scar?” Goofy asked. “And why hasn’t it faded if its from two years ago?”
“Why it hasn’t faded I do not know. But I got it fighting one of the dragons that roamed my planet. They were peaceful. They really were. But then the Heartless came, and soon all the dragons were evil. The only way to stop them was to kill them. So I went to help fight, with my Fireblade, but it wasn’t enough. The dragons were so evil the sight of them alone killed countless people. Humiliating as it is, this scar came from a baby.” He said, putting his hand to his chest.”
“Wow.” Sora said. He blinked a few times and then turned to Gwyn and Blaide.
“Its not our time.” Gwyn said.
“Our story is not yet to be told.” Blaide finished. Sora shivered at the two. They’re just a little creepy. He thought, looking at them. Gwyn laughed suddenly, confusing Sora all the more.
© Copyright 2003 RikuNghts (rikunghts at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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