Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/757138-Reclaimed-chapter2
Rated: · Fiction · Other · #757138
she is from an infamous vampire clan, but when it is destroyed who is she to trust?

When Sky awoke she was no longer in the abandoned warehouse she was in darkness. Then she realized that she was in a coffin it did not frighten her she was use to sleeping in coffins. Sky pushed the top hard until it swung open. She sat up; she was in the back of her uncle’s club only vampires were allowed back here. Her uncle sat in a chair not far away watching her. “Uncle.” Sky exclaimed as she threw herself in to her uncle’s arms. “Been a long time.” Jean-Paul whispered. Sky nodded. “I thought you had been destroyed in the fire.” He told her. “I was visiting my brother.” She replied as she snuggled closer to her uncle as if searching for a warmth that did not exist.

Sky showed little emotion to those around her. She kept mainly to herself. Every now and then People would come and hire her for a temporary assassination mission, which she was excellent at. Sky was like a lone wolf traveling on her own she was antisocial. The vampires around her respected that and so they stayed clear of her.
The night was dark and the blood moon shown crisp. Sky stood, her back pressed against the wall. She had attended a vampire gathering with her uncle. Normally she would not have come to a place where there were many others but her uncle had insisted and he had said that her brother was going to come. “Sky.” Jean-Paul called to his niece. Sky wandered over to where her uncle stood, he was surrounded by a group of vampires. Sky approached them her tail wrapped protectively around her waist. Sky looked at her uncle her expression questioning. “ This is my niece, sky, she and her brother are all that remain of the tiger clan.” Jean-Paul told the vampires. Sky’s eyes changed into that of a tigers at the mention of her now deceased clan. She bit the inside of her lip hard so as not to give into her anger at the mention of something she had wished to forget. Sky quickly gained control of herself before any of the vampires noticed. Jean-Paul grabbed Sky’s wrist unexpectedly and twisted it so that the other vampires could see her tattoo that had indicated she was a member of the tiger clan, and the half shaded and half yellow moon in the centre of the tattoo indicated that she was a half breed. Sky released a low irritated growl at the suddenness of her uncle’s actions, the growl that had sounded as if it should have come out of the mouth of a tiger instead of a child was only heard by the vampires nearby. Her eyes shown venomously. Noticing that it was only her uncle, sky relaxed the pupils in her eyes dilated back to normal, her muscles relaxed back into their normal state. Sky unwrapped her tail from around her waist and let it twitch violently. She was a natural born killer she was not use to being so near other vampires. Her clan had been so close and all of them had seemed like family, more of a wolf pack than a tiger pride. They’d all took care of each other. Right here though, was so formal. Sky walked away after saying she had to meet her brother.

Sky leaned her back against the wall she had only recently occupied. Her eyes scanned the room for her twin’s familiar face. First glance picked up nothing. But on second glance she picked up her brother. He slowly approached her. “I missed you Birdie.” Keigan whispered to his twin sister. Sky glared at Keigan’s pet name for her. “Missed you too wolf.” Sky whispered as she hugged her brother. After releasing her brother, Jean-Paul saw Sky actually smile; he had never seen her smile the whole time she was with him.

After the meeting, Jean-Paul left with his vampire buddies dragging Sky and Keigan with them. Sky wore her blank expression like usual, Keigan looked at his sister sadly. She should relax. He thought to himself. Leaving his thoughts unguarded. The reason Jean-Paul had invited the twins to come was because the vampires had wanted to see his niece’s and Nephew’s talents. They were all walking down the alley silently when suddenly both twins froze. The vampires stopped after sensing the twins stop. The vampires looked at the twins. Both were in battle stances tails twitching in exact unison. Then they saw them ... A band of slayers approaching. Then the twins attacked all of their moves in exact unison both moving with perfect cat-like grace. No, tiger-like grace. The twins fought the pack of slayers using claw, teeth, and all the weapons hidden beneath both of their cloaks the other vampires fought by their sides. The twins defeated the slayers with help from the vampires. The vampires could feel both children’s hunger for battle. The vampires and mixed bloods alike defeated the slayers leaving their bloody corpses strewn about the alley. Both kids looked at each other as a smile grew on both faces; both children leapt up giving each other high fives. “That was fun.” Keigan exclaimed. Sky nodded as her smile faded into her usual blank expression. The vampires parted promising that they would see Jean-Paul and the twins again someday. After much consideration Keigan phoned his mother and had arrangements for him to stay with his uncle and sister. Sky was overjoyed.

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