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Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #757135
She was from an infamous vampire,clan, but,when it is destroyed,who will she trust?

Twins were born to a vampire and a werewolf. A boy And A girl. The girl named “Sky” Had a head full of ebony hair, and sky blue eyes that shown like ice. The boy named “Keigan” Had the same eyes but his hair was a dirty blonde. At the age of six both were separated. Sky went to her fathers and Keigan went to their mothers.

She walked like a part of the shadows she lived in ever so silent like a cat. She was not in her territory right now. A band of slayers had discovered her clan’s hive and burnt it down at sunrise so none of them made it out alive. She had not been in the hive that night. She was the only one of her clan left. At least except for her brother who stayed in Chicago. Her being the last of her pack in New York was very bad because without a clan to protect her she was a sitting duck to slayers and arc angels. “Raven Sky” was not a pure blood vampire she was what was known as a mixed blood or half blood. This meant that she had not been turned and then brought into the clan she had actually been born into it, so she was not as powerful as most of the vampires had been. She would not be able to defend herself on her own. She would have to find another clan that would accept her which was very likely considering her clan was well known for their fighting skills and weapon handling. Her clans territory had been taken over by a new clan she had been unable to protect that. Now she had wandered into another vampire clan’s territory. The hunger for blood was so strong now she had a hard time resisting it but she must not hunt in another’s territory. That was the number one vampire rule.

Sky had been walking for twenty minutes when she realised she had walked into a dead end. Sky felt something behind her shift. She spun around coming face to face with the clan of vampires she had suspected would come. Sky’s hand flew to the hilt of her sword that was tied around her fragile waist, the pupils in her eyes turned to slits, a tattoo could be seen on the back of her left hand it was the symbol of the tigers, her short ebony hair and cloak blew behind her as a large wind attempted to push her back, her long slender tail trailed behind her. Sky sniffed the air realising that these vampires were of Jean-Paul’s clan. His clan and the tiger clan were allies in this eternal war with the slayers. Realising this Sky relaxed, her hand dropped and her eyes returned to normal. She would not fight them. Suddenly, in a flutter of wings an arc angel descended the clan being much older and experienced then Sky dodged knowing what the arc angel could do to them. Sky was not so lucky. The arc angel lunged at her knocking her against the brick wall. The arc angel’s sharp claws dug into sky’s left shoulder. Sky let out a yelp of pain. The arc angel took off into the darkened sky above. This was her chance; Sky did a summersault pulling out the two daggers that were hidden beneath her pant legs. She threw them; one went through the demon’s heart the other cut off her head. The arc angel was dust before she hit the ground. Sky stretched out bother her hands; the daggers flew into them as if they had a will of their own. Sky spun a dagger around each of her hands then threw them at the vampires. They were too stunned to move. A male arc angel materialised in front of them. Both daggers pierced its heart, and he too turned to dust. The vampires looked up as the dust washed over them. They had thought she had aimed for them, boy were they wrong. “You actually think I’d hurt any of my uncles clan?” Sky asked her voiced flowing smoothly like a river current. Sky looked her shoulder over it looked terribly deep. It also looked venomous it would take a long time to heal. “I have to go.” Sky whispered as she leapt the building behind her and disappeared into the never-ending darkness with a flick of her tail.
Jean- Paul would know she was still here. Sky knew he would remember her when his lackeys told their master about the child with eyes of the sky and the mark of the tigers. Sky knew her uncle would know where to find her. Jean-Paul and her father had been really close but had not seen each other in six years. Her father had wanted her uncle to care for her and her brother if anything were to happen to him before either if them came of age. Her brother now lived in L.A. that was where she had been when her father and clan had been destroyed. A slayer had found the hive and burnt it down during the day; the vampires never had a chance. Sky was only eight human years old. She could not take care of herself yet she was too young and still needed to learn things.

Two nights after hearing that his niece was still alive Jean-Paul made his way to the abandoned warehouse he suspected she would stay in. After entering the warehouse he came face to face with a hellhound he knew belonged to his niece. “I’m here to see Sky.” He whispered to the beast. It nodded as it led the way to where his mistress slept. Sky was curled up in the corner of the warehouse hidden behind some crates. As he approached her Sky woke up. “You look terrible my sky.” He whispered as he picked up his eight year old niece. “You cant stay out here on your own I’ll have to take you back to my hive I promised my brother if anything were to happen to him I’d take you and your brother in, by the way where is you brother.” Jean-Paul asked. “He lives in L.A.” Sky replied as she snuggled closer to her uncle. “You are no longer alone.” He whispered in her ear. “I am always alone and always will be tis’ my destiny.” Sky whispered as she slipped into a dreamless sleep.

© Copyright 2003 stone-dark-wolf (stone-wolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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