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Rated: E · Article · Action/Adventure · #757118
Chase cannot escape her captor what'll she do?
Even Roses Have Their Thorns Chapter 2: Recognition

Chase’s head hit the concrete with a crack. She struggled to her feet once she made contact. Before she could get any where a hand had grabbed the back of her shirt. “We bin lookin fer’ ya fer’ a lon’ time.” He whispered as he released her shirt and grabbed her wrist. “Cum’ on.” He called as he began to lead her away. from the home she had known for three years.

Chase followed behind rather reluctantly. “Cum’ on le’ petite were almos’ dere.” The man told her as he turned into another alley. Chase soon realised what the guy was doing. He was trying to get her confused so that she couldn’t find her way back to “her” alley.

The man approached a house and then Chase began to struggle like there was no tomorrow. . The man turned around and cuffed her on the back of her head. “be’have.” He commanded. Chase let out a whimper.

The man turned back around and opened the front door of the house. He dragged her through the front door and then shut it behind them. He walked through the house literally dragging Chase behind him. He came to a large oak door a the end of the hall. He knocked.

“Who is there?” A voice called from within the room. “It be Sil, I’ve foun’ er’.” The man that hels her called back. “Come in then.” The man known as Sil opened the door, now carrying Chase by the back of her shirt.

Sorry the chapter was so short. Anywayz the next chapter should be coming up soon. The descriptions will come in later chapters. The more reviews I get the more I update.
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