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Rated: ASR · Script/Play · Drama · #757068
In a perfect suburbian home, the truth is always unknown.
Lights fade in.

Mrs. Krystalski: Sit down dear, and take a load off your feet. Would you care for a cup of tea?

Mr. Krystalski enters.

Mr. Krystalski: Don’t torture the boy with playtime concepts. He’s working hard on his rugby skills.

Jordan: I have enough time for both, father.

Mr. Krystalski: Yes I’m sure you do, as the star player in the region you could out wit father time himself.

Jordan: There’s no ‘I’ in team.

Mr. Krystalski: Well there should be…If you can’t stand the heat…Any way the town is glad to have you back from university, why you ever left is beyond my comprehension.

Jordan: It’s education.

Mr. Krystalski: It’s redundant.

Mrs. Krystalski: The kettle is on the stove.

Mr. Krystalski: That’s enough out of you.

Jordan: Why must you talk to her in such a way?

Mr. Krystalski: She annoys me.

Jordan: …You can pursue a business course for the store.

Mr. Krystalski: A waste of time…and time is money…besides business is blooming.

Jordan: You’re in denial. You had four customers yesterday.

Mr. Krystalski: They were expensive items. You are as terrible as she is.

Jordan: She’s a caring person, dad.

Mr. Krystalski: I know but she insists on boiling water everyday.

Jordan: What else would she do?

Mr. Krystalski: Housewife tasks. Instead she boils leaves.

Jordan: You know her condition.

Mr. Krystalski: I do not own an insane wife.

Jordan: You would hide your image if this house had mirrors.

Mr. Krystalski: Mirrors are for make-up.

Jordan: Don’t you desire to see your face in the morning.

Mr. Krystalski: I already know what I look like.

Mrs. Krystalski: The tea is made.

Jordan: Thank you mother. Father…

Mr. Krystalski: Drink your tea.

Jordan pauses and drinks

Jordan: Will you be at the game tomorrow?

Mr. Krystalski: When I close for the evening.

Jordan: Don’t forget mom.

Mrs. Krystalski: You’re a good boy John.

Mr. Krystalski: The doctor suggests that we play along with her behavior otherwise it may cause side effects.

Mrs. Krystalski: John your supper is getting cold.

Jordan: I wouldn’t want that.

Mr. Krystalski: No you wouldn’t.

Jordan: How did this happen.

Mr. Krystalski: The month you left for university, poor thing.

Jordan: Perhaps staying would have been appropriate until she was settled with the idea.
Mrs. Krystalski: Oh John, university is grand. The housing is a unique opportunity.

Mr. Krystalski: Honey, we are not abundant. He was required to rent.

Mrs. Krystalski: What a shame. Forgive us John.

Jordan: I enjoyed renting mother. My roommate was extremely pleasant. He gave me a tour of the campus.

Mrs. Krystalski: Bless the children.

Mr. Krystalski: It’s time for your nap, dear.

Mrs. Krystalski: My son.

Mr. Krystalski: You will see him when you wake.

Mrs. Krystalski: Good-bye John. Begins to cry. Good-bye John, come home soon.

Jordan turns away as Mr. and Mrs. Krystalski exits up stairs.

Jordan: What has happened to my mother? Why has she been cursed with madness? Do I have a role in the disappearance of her sanity? The source is unclear. My father…He must have caused this pain. He never treats her right. He never respects anyone. As mothers say ‘they try to do their best to provide for the family’. He could achieve heights if he had an education. I will never understand his simple mind. Here he comes now.

Mr. Krystalski: No grim in this house, lift your head high.

Jordan: If I lift my head any higher my neck would snap.

Mr. Krystalski: That’s my boy. Now how is the studying going?

Jordan: University is over for the summer. The campus is abandoned. I phoned you remember?

Mr. Krystalski: I had a tough day in the store.

Jordan: What time do you open this morning?

Mr. Krystalski: Eleven. What time is it now?

Jordan: Ten.

Mr. Krystalski: My god time flies.

Jordan: I can show up later and help out around the store.

Mr. Krystalski: God bless you. With your mother’s condition I can’t seem to focus on the customers effectively.

Jordan: Cashier?

Mr. Krystalski: If you can manage the challenge.

Jordan: Of course I can. This is the first time you have trusted me behind the counter.

Mr. Krystalski: Yeah, well…

Both are silent.

Mr. Krystalski: I’ll see you later, I have some things I must do before I can open.

Mr. Krystalski starts to leave.

Jordan: Dad…Thanks.

Mr. Krystalski nods and exits.

Jordan: I saw a mysterious glaze in his eyes. What is he hiding? The store…It must have been a flash of realization. His business is plunging and still he denies his failures. How can I reveal his secrets? If I am to drive for confrontation I’ll require some assistance.

Jordan exits as Mrs. Krystalski enters.

Mrs. Krystalski: They have both left? My son Jordan a cup of tea and a rugby ball...The child of his mother and father…The balance of the family. They do not know the source of my illness. My husband’s ambition for his son’s talent, generates from his own burnt out days. He means well nevertheless the time has arrived for his turn as the maid.

Mr. Krystalski enters.

Mrs. Krystalski: Jim who is watching the children?

Mr. Krystalski: They’re in bed, as should you.

Mrs. Krystalski: All right dear, I just want them to be safe.

Mr. Krystalski: I know you do. I forgot my keys in my coat pocket. Go back to bed.

He retrieves his coat and exits with his wife up stairs.

Part II

Jordan and a friend enter.

Jordan: How can a mousetrap be laid, Peter? He is quicker then he appears.

Peter: Then we’ll pounce like a lion with brilliance.

Jordan: You were all ways more creative then myself…Ever since we were kids.

Peter: It’s my talent, similar to your rugby skills…We can trick him in conversation.

Mrs. Krystalski enters.

Mrs. Krystalski: I thought I heard voices in here.

Peter: Good evening Mrs. K.

Mrs. Krystalski: How pleasant of you to visit, Jake. Would you like a up of tea?

Jordan: Yes please.

Peter: Thank you.

Mrs. Krystalski exits.

Jordan: She’s ill.

Peter: So I’ve heard. I’m sorry.

Jordan: The doctor’s advice is to play along with what she says.

Peter: I understand.

Mrs. Krystalski: From the kitchen. The water is boiling boys.

Jordan: About my father…

Mrs. Krystalski: From the kitchen. Sugar or cream?

Peter: Sugar please.

Jordan: Plain thank you.

Mrs. Krystalski: From the kitchen. The stove is on.

Peter: We attract his attention in a heated debate.
Jordan: Tell me more…

Mrs. Krystalski enters.

Mrs. Krystalski: The tea is ready.

Jordan whispers to Peter.

Jordan: My father says all she does is boil tea. This house has become unfamiliar to me. Father’s crazy about my stardom while she is about tea. How I wish for ordinary life.

Mrs. Krystalski: What are you keeping secret.

Jordan: We were discussing my university pictures.

Peter: A well made investment.

Mr. Krystalski enters.

Mr. Krystalski: Investment indeed.

Jordan: You never listen. Please father, save us the headaches.

Mr. Krystalski: Jordan…

Mrs. Krystalski: How was the industry this afternoon?

Mr. Krystalski: The money came in bundles.

Mrs. Krystalski: Astonishing, how do you handle it all?

Jordan: I improved my rugby kick…

Mr. Krystalski: That’s my boy. All ways reaching for one hundred-ten.

Mrs. Krystalski: Would you all like a cup of tea?

Jordan: You all ready made us some.

Mr. Krystalski: I prefer coffee.

Mrs. Krystalski: Coffee has too much caffeine.

Mr. Krystalski: Please honey.

Mrs. Krystalski: Fine but that stuff will cost you a hospital bill.

Mr. Krystalski: I know.

Jordan: Thank you for the tea.

Peter: Yes, thank you Mrs. K. The tea is delightful.

Mrs. Krystalski: No problem boys. I’m going to take a bath.

Mrs. Krystalski exits.

Jordan: I need to find those pictures to show to Peter.

Jordan and Peter exit.

Mr. Krystalski: My poor wife, how I silently weep for her. All she does is boil tea. I hope the source is discovered. I hate to see her in such a state. My wonderful son, continuing his old man’s legacy. I curse the injury that paralyzed my career. I owned the world in the palm of my hand to have it stolen in seconds. Peter still speaks with informality, poor lad. No one knows my secrets. They can not find out, for if they did…The thought is disastrous.

Mrs. Krystalski: From up stairs. What are you doing, honey?

Mr. Krystalski: Reviewing my options…For the store. I question her insanity. Oh god, what kind of husband questions his wife…But I wonder.

Jordan and Peter enter laughing.

Jordan: So after he slips on his lunch tray he rises and says ‘Well the food was crap anyway’.

Peter: That’s insane.

Mr. Krystalski: NO!

They pause and Mr. Krystalski exits.

Jordan: Was he in conflict with himself?

Peter: Perhaps you were correct. I think the old man has something on his mind.

Jordan: It’s official. It saddens my heart that he hides from his family.

Peter: Complexity is overwhelming.

Jordan: We can help him.

Peter: What if you can not?


I’m not accommodating sides I just try to understand.

Jordan: Thank you.

Peter: And you…and him…and her…and the entire world. Life is too short…live for you. I better get home.

Jordan: Will you be coming to the game.

Peter: Tomorrow? You bet.

Peter exits and Jordan accompanies him to the door.

Mr. Krystalski enters.

Mr. Krystalski: We’ll save a seat for him along with the rest of your companions.

Jordan: What was that all about?

Mr. Krystalski: Leave it alone.

Jordan: That outburst.

Mr. Krystalski: Never mind. You’re going to knock them dead tomorrow.

Jordan: We will for sure.

Mrs. Krystalski enters.

Mrs. Krystalski: Water is a miracle. Buoyancy is a wonderful feeling. No body respects life anymore. No one questions their being.

Mr. Krystalski: What are you talking about?

Mrs. Krystalski: Life.

Jordan: It is great.

Mrs. Krystalski: More so then words. Who would like a cup of tea?

Mr. Krystalski: I’ll pass.

Jordan: I will mother.

Mrs. Krystalski: Are you sure husband?

Mr. Krystalski: Yes.

Mrs. Krystalski exits.

Jordan: I’m bushed.

Begins to exit.

Mr. Krystalski: Jordan…Goodnight.

Jordan exits.

Mrs. Krystalski enters.

Mrs. Krystalski: He went to bed?

Mr. Krystalski: He needs his sleep, dear. Tomorrow is a glorious day.

Part III

The Krystalski family enters.

Mr. Krystalski: My boy, you gave them a licking.

Jordan: The time, what is the time?

Mrs. Krystalski: Tea time.

Mr. Krystalski: Not again with the tea.

Mrs. Krystalski: It’s a civilized drink.

Mr. Krystalski: It’s an awful drink.

Jordan: Just try the tea.

Mr. Krystalski: I must be getting to work.

Mr. Krystalski exits

Mrs. Krystalski: John, will you have some tea?

Jordan: Yes mother. Your tea is graceful.

Mrs. Krystalski exits into the kitchen.

Jordan: The lieutenant lowered his head again. When will he accept the tea? Why would he reach out open palm to refuse…His store is structure less and at night I find him in a pathetic state. His heart is weakening from secrets he keeps. Why thy withers, cry, and die? Beacon by humanity’s icy grip.

Mrs. Krystalski enters.

Mrs. Krystalski: Were you talking just now?

Jordan: Pardon me mother, just to myself.

Mrs. Krystalski: Oh, is something troubling you?

Jordan: Father’s restraint.

Mrs. Krystalski: You mustn’t let it. He is who he is. To expect more is absent-minded.

Jordan: Why?

Mrs. Krystalski: To change someone, you must do so in secret. I suspect nothing.

Jordan: Is the kettle boiling?

Mrs. Krystalski: Oh yes, the tea.

Mrs. Krystalski exits into the kitchen.

Jordan: What a strange illness, none of any my mind. Where is my friend? Mother, was Peter’s seat vacant?

Mrs. Krystalski: Jack! What ever happened to Jack?

Jordan: He was absent from the game?

The phone rings. Mrs. Krystalski answers it.

Mrs. Krystalski: Helloooo…Yeeesss. Silence. Oh god, dear I’m so sorry. Pause. Of course we’ll be there. Bye, stay strong.

Jordan: Who was that?

Mrs. Krystalski: Peter was killed in a car accident on the way to the game…Side swiped by an intoxicated driver.

Jordan: What news is this? My best friend dead? Plans were made anticipated for after the game…This afternoon, a Friday. Take myself over my bother! To cry is inhumane according to my father, so I will do so.

Mr. Krystalski enters.

Jordan: This was your will! You pathetic man. You cursed my friend.

Mr. Krystalski: Yes I did, with my foreign tongue and illness I struck him like a lightning bolt!

Jordan: What games do you play now?

Mr. Krystalski: No games. Do I deserve this disrespect? While I was hiking I fell ill again.

Jordan: Lies, all lies! You are hiding something from us. You pilferer.

Mrs. Krystalski: End this war!

Jordan: No mother, today we get it out in the open.

Mr. Krystalski: Fine! While I was walking I decided to discuss the matter with you.

Jordan: Then pray, tell. Be my guest.

Mr. Krystalski: I have had cancer for quite some time now. I am dying.

Jordan: What, more terrible news? A wretched day has been.

Mrs. Krystalski: Cancer? How can it be certain? Oh husband I have no illness.

Mr. Krystalski: Is this factual?

Mrs. Krystalski: Dear husband, do not praise me. Your ears have been distracted by false sound. I merely desired an act of change.

Mr. Krystalski: The truth is bitter.

Jordan: This house is bitter and strange as I described to Peter. The couch is different…The stairs twisted and bizarre. A medieval tavern.

Mr. Krystalski: What have you been keeping secret from your parents, boy?

Jordan: I am the only honest one…between you both.

Mr. Krystalski falls to his knees.

Jordan: I’ve got you.

Mr. Krystalski: Why do you despise me?

Jordan: I hate your attitude. You follow in footsteps and never remove your shoes for another pair. You don’t understand. The suit you wear is decorated in metals. No where is there one for being a father.

Mr. Krystalski: Force me to understand.

Jordan: You were never around for me. You neglected my needs.

Mr. Krystalski: I wanted to see you succeed.

Jordan: All parents want that. How would isolation drive me to success? Assist my goals not live my life. Would you ask a lion for directions?

Mr. Krystalski: Would you ask me?

Jordan: You are but the lion.

Mrs. Krystalski: We should get him to bed.

Mr. Krystalski: I’m having a conversation with our son.

Mrs. Krystalski: You’ve had twenty-one years to talk with him. Jordan help me carry him up.

Mr. Krystalski: No, I’m feeling better.

Jordan: You poser for once let your family help you out.

They carry him up stairs, fade out. Fade in on the Krystalski’s bedroom.

Mr. Krystalski: You have skills son.

Jordan: I don’t need your approval for what I make out of my life.

Mr. Krystalski: I meant you have skills to succeed in whatever you desire. Being a father is never easy.

Jordan: All I ever wanted was to be accepted for who I am. I never received proper attention.

Mr. Krystalski: If you ever felt neglected, I apologize but I was teaching you independence.

Mrs. Krystalski: A boy doesn’t need a lesson of independence, he needs a father.

Mr. Krystalski: I’m sorry about Peter.

Jordan: You had nothing to do with it.

Mrs. Krystalski: Rest your eyes, dear.

Jordan: So that’s where the mirror went.

Mrs. Krystalski: He removed the final one when you ventured off to university.

Jordan: This house is looking nicer.

Mr. Krystalski: I think I will re-hang it. Is university a wise investment?

Jordan: Extraordinarily.

Mr. Krystalski: I will enroll myself for a business course.

Jordan: Go to sleep, dad.

Mr. Krystalski: Isn’t life beautiful? No, no I would much prefer a cup of tea.

Lights fade out.
© Copyright 2003 Kevin W. Clark (stealth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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