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Love fantasy |
Lovelips on my fingertips Eye lashes tickle my cheek Palm to palm Arms raised in union To this fusion... Memories of Love lips on my fingertips always arising in the midst of my surmising. Narrating thoughts, Pulsating them through impules Driving me crazy into a pool of Love visions I dive in deep diving Beckoned into the abyss of wonderous lips and bliss waves and waves of under currents array my every tendon, every sinew. I feel like I've been made new, waking up my insides to you. Like graines of sand countless, but etched in every waking sense are my memories of you. Is it too soon to come onto you so boldly Straight forward from my hips do I hit making my intent clearly understood I won't be mistaken Loveips wrap around my smiling kiss leaving no question to my intentions Breath so contagious I've become infected Drown me in your eyes As I open my world to you like the wings of a butterfly Interwine me in your locks into locks the emptiness I had was not purposeless Now that memories of lovelips on my fingertips arise in the midst of my emptiness Letting the rain fall down on me so sweet Loving the lips of the man I love, that loves me If I had the chance to call out loud the screams of a sirens call You would hear me from afar, far near and far And when I speak you will hear melodies reverberate through your soul,soul, my soul to your soulful experience Have I become a memory to you yet? As you sweat me & wet me with your lick Sing me a song A lullaby to clam the nevers of sweaty nerds who seek revenge Pittor patter, pittor patter running thorugh the pages of my mind Are you conscious of me now? Which eye do you see me thorugh? Duplicate my heart As I comb and stroke your mind with candy coated fingertips Repeating from my lips, can I have you... No really can I have you Hear ye, hear ye hear my Voice I eat plaintain and you eat mango melons Let us make history A new Shakespearean sonnet Romeo and Juliet got nothing on us My nakedness you adorned in fablous jeweled gems In words that sparkled like diamonds and pearls I become transformed in my own sight marvelous is he whom appreciates me As I share my spirit and flesh let us be mindful to the woven souls we create when we copulate Blood and water cannot escape such a fusion to this union Fused mind,soul, body and spirit we become one To be continued...? |