Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/756677-Caged
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #756677
She is a were wolf trapped within a cage. What plans does te vampire prince have for her.
Running forever
Chasing the wind
Trying to find peace
That’s hidden within
Searching her heart
Searching her soul
For the only thing
That will make her whole
Hidden in darkness
Running from light
Born of death
Trained to fight
Running from her heart
Searching forever
For the one that’ll make
Her world all better

A teenager ran for her soul. If the hunters captured her there was no knowing what they would do. She was a mixed blood. So many different origins and species ran through her veins. That was the reason the hunters were chasing her. They needed her alive. She and her brother had both split up a few miles back. She could not run much longer. Suddenly something sharp pierced her left hip. The teen felt herself weakening. *Must have been a tranquilizer*. The teen thought viciously as she was sent crashing to the ground. Darkness had reclaimed her for its own. The last thing she saw were the hunters looking down on her.

Damon could feel his sister fall. Now it was up to him to free her. He would sacrifice himself if he had to, to save his sister. She was the only thing he had left to live for. His baby sister was in trouble and he was not just going to wait here and let her die. He quickly changed his direction and also change his form into a werewolf, he dashed after his sisters fading call. //I’m coming//. Damon called to his sister. But by the time he got to where her scent was there was no one. “Raven!” He yelled into the night.

A small child sat huddled in a corner waiting for her fate to be decided. Who did they think they were deciding her fate, they didn’t know her for who she was, they only saw what she was a “Mixed -Blood“. She could hear them talking about her, of what she was, and of what she was capable of. Her power was far beyond most of the older and wiser vampires and witches. So she could become very useful to them in their battle against the water and land serpents. *How could such a large fate be placed on me I am only a child*. The girl thought to herself in fear. She did not wish to disappoint the elders. Oh how she wished her parents were here even if her brother was at least here, at least then she would feel safe. “Safe” she had never been safe in such a long time. A sudden sound startled her. The child looked up and saw the elders approaching her with a sharp dagger clenched in one of their fists. The child whimpered at the sight of the blood soaked dagger drawing ever closer to her. * This shall be the end*. The child thought to herself in a whimper. One of the vampire elders grabbed onto her wrist as the witch pierced her wrist with the dagger. The child screamed out in agony.

Raven sat up sharply. Most of her memories were like that: painful, and she wanted to forget them all. Raven looked around her at the rusted silver bars of her cell. The cell stunk of blood. The smell, with Raven’s sharp senses was nauseating. It only made her very hungry, she hadn’t eaten for a long time. All Raven wanted right now was her brother. But she knew within her heart that was not going to happen anytime soon.

//Where are you big brother?// Raven called sending a mental image to her brother. But he must have been to far away to hear her because he did not respond. *He wouldn’t leave me here. Would he?* Raven asked herself. Even she did not know the answer to that question. She trusted her brother but he was solitary maybe he would just leave her here and live on his own. *He wouldn’t do that.* Raven said angrily to herself. “So your awake are you?” A voice said mockingly to her from out of the shadows. Raven just growled at the voice. “Who are you?!” Raven hissed. “I am darkness.” was the reply. Raven said nothing. She knew he would not have given her a straight answer. Suddenly a silent figure came out of the shadows. Raven could only stare in awe at this being. Her had spiky black hair, eyes of blue that looked deeper than the ocean, his voice was like a melody used to lull a enfant to sleep, his skin was pale, his fangs could be seen biting his lip, he was a vampire and a very old one at that. “ I have been looking every where for you child”. The vampire said as he stared into the depths of her ice blue eyes. Raven quickly looked away as soon as she realised what he was up to. “Hypnotism doesn’t work on me.” Raven replied with a smirk as she saw his look of surprise. Raven brushed her ebony bangs out of her eyes with her fingertips. “Why did you capture me?” Raven snarled viciously at the vampire. The vampire’s expression soon turned into an evil grin. Raven did not like this look. “ One of these days I’ll get my son to suck your blood and turn you into more of a vampire”. But until then you had better be a good little girl or I’ll make your immortality unbearable.” The vampire said Mockingly as he left Raven to ponder her own thoughts,


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