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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fanfiction · #754845
Lord of the rings characters thrown into the wizarding world!
A/N: I do not own any of the LOTR's characters, or the HP characters. Do not sue me, and enjoy the story. R+R please!

Everything was dark for what seemed like hours before Legolas, Arwen, and Aragorn found themselves fallen in a heap in an alleyway. Legolas was the first to recover and stood up to help the two others up.

"Legolas?" Aragorn said confused, "Why are you here? Where are we? What's going on? Arwen and I were entertaining a few guests in the dining hall last I remember."

"All good questions my friend, but alas I'm afraid I'm at as much a loss as you are."

"You are in an alleyway by Diagon alley my friends, and to why you are here I will be able to answer that." They all turned when they heard the familiar voice and found Gandalf standing there.

"Gandalf!" Arwen ran up to him and hugged him, throwing all ideas of her being an elf or even a queen, "We thought you had left with Frodo! How is it that you're here?"

"I had said that I would leave Middle earth when what needed to be done was done. I just didn't say where I would finally go. This is where I originally am from, Earth in the wizarding world of it at least. Here I have resided for the past year in what you might call a retirement. My friend, Albus Dumbledore was more than happy to see me return. Now to why you are here, I'll explain everything as soon as we reach Hogsmead." He didn't allow them to say anything before he grabbed them all and they were all transported into the middle of a road. This trip was slightly easier on the travelers than the previous but they still swayed on their feet.

Soon Arwen recovered and asked Gandalf another question, "Is this Hogsmead Gandalf?" She gazed at her surroundings with an interest. An old unlived in house was beside them and down the road they could see signs for shops and inns.

"Part of it yes. Now let's go to the Three Broomsticks where we may talk." He led the trio to a door with a sign above it. The sign consisted of a wooden board with three broomsticks on it, hence the name Three Broomsticks.

As they were about to go in Gandalf stopped them. "Wait, wait. You cannot go in there with those clothes on."

"What's wrong with our clothes? Doesn't everyone else here wear apparel such as ours?" They all looked questioningly at Gandalf after Legolas asked this.

"No, they all where robes such as mine." He gestured at what he was wearing, then pulled out his staff. With a quick movement of it everyone was wearing robes and he looked at his work with a satisfaction.

Arwen took the hat off her head that now replaced the crown that she had been wearing. She looked at it skeptically. The hat would have been pointed at the top if it hadn't been bent over and pinned to the side with a feather. "Are you sure this is what they wear here?"

"Yes, I should know." Gandalf now had an amused smile on his face. They heard a gasp from Aragorn and followed his gaze to Legolas. Arwens' eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"What is wrong my friends?" He soon answered that question for himself when he looked in the reflection of a window nearby. His eyebrow rose, which was about the most surprised many had seen him. His hair, which used to reach past his shoulders, now was cut short. He also couldn't see any points on his ears. When he reached up to feel them though there was the feeling of pointed ears there. He looked at Gandalf with questioning in his eyes.

"It is just an illusion to make you less conspicuous. I have done the same to Arwens' ears, though I did leave her hair the same. Let's go in now so that we may discuss why I pulled you out of your daily lives to this place." He led them in and sat them at a table while he ordered butter beers for everyone. They all liked the drink immediately and all relaxed as Gandalf told them of this world.

A/N: Freelance here saying, "Thank you, Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my story!" *Grabs nearest reader and hugs them* Sorry but I'm so happy that I could post this story to the public. Don't worry the next chapter will be up soon. Hopefully school won't get in the way, I'm starting soon. *Gags at the word school* At least I get to go to my creative writing class. *Jumps for joy at the word writing* Well hope you enjoyed the story.

Chapter 2
A/N: Hi again. Here is the next chapter. A reminder, I do not own anyone from LOTR, or HP. I do however own the character named Emeline and other characters that I put in the story that aren't in the books. I'd like to dedicate this to my very first two reviewers, Satans Angel Pyro and Piscesangel. You both are truly angels to me. Thank you very much. I'll continue to dedicate my chapters to reviewers depending on how many reviews they post, ect. So R+R!

"What you're saying to us, Gandalf is that there is two kinds of people on this world? Magic folk and non magic?"
"Yes, Wizards and muggles."
"What is so hectic in this land that you must summon us then?"
"Something that not even the Ministry of Magic knows of yet." Aragorn, Arwen and Legolas moved closer to Gandalf and listened carefully.
"There is to be an escape from Azkaban, the wizard prison, a man that goes by the name Sirius Black. Though he may be in a prison he did nothing. He is an innocent man who was wrongly accused of murder."
"Where do we have a part in this though," Legolas asked. He was interested that someone could escape from a magical prison, but he couldn't see why someone innocent escaping from prison could be a threat to the world.
"You are to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He seeks revenge upon an old friend that betrayed him and went to the side of the darkest wizard of this world, Lord Voldemort." He had told them of Voldemort and the lives he'd taken. He had also mentioned how he had tried to kill a boy when he was only a baby, Harry Potter, but the spelled had backfired and nearly killed him. Now Voldemort barely clung to life, possessing lowly creatures to survive.
"That's all?"
"No. I also would like to discuss a job opportunity with you two." He eyed Arwen and Aragorn. Legolas took this as a sign for him to find something else to do and dismissed himself from the table, saying that he needed some fresh air.
Legolas went just outside the door and gazed up at the stars. They all seemed so foreign to him. He quickly looked away, feeling homesickness already come over him. Only a few hours away from Mirkwood and he missed it. He silently scolded himself and reminded himself that he would return as soon as he did this favor for Gandalf. Again he gazed at his reflection at the window with misgiving He knew the ears were an illusion but when he had felt for his long hair he had felt nothing. Apparently Gandalf had made that real, with a magical haircut and curling. The hair didn't even pass his ears. When he looked closer he also noticed something that he hadn't notice before. He was younger! At least younger looking. Now he appeared to be in his sixteen's if he were human as he was to pretend to be. He rushed into the Three Broomsticks and made haste to reach Gandalf and demand an answer. Many people stared at him, but took his abrupt entrance as a silly teenager thing and continued with their conversations.
"Gandalf, why do I look younger?" Gandalf looked at him for a few minutes before he answered.
"I'd thought you'd never notice. That's part of your disguise. You are to enter the school, Hogwarts as a student and watch over the student Harry Potter as well as his godfather Sirius Black."
"His godfather? The boy who survived a killing curse conjured by Lord Voldemort himself is the godson of the man whom we are watching over?"
"Yes, Harry's father, James Potter was a good friend of Sirius'."
"This job is getting more interesting by the second." Legolas sat down beside Aragorn then a question popped into his head.
"What of Aragorn and Arwen? They don't look like students, what's this job opportunity that you were discussing with them?"
"We are to teach a new class at Hogwarts," Arwen said. She sounded as if she wasn't sure if she should be happy or sad about this.
"What class would this be?"
"You are to teach children how to use weapons?"
"Yes they are," Gandalf interrupted, "I had told Albus of two friends of mine who would be perfect for the job. He had been looking everywhere for someone to take the job, but the only experts he could find were either retired or muggles. So I kindly offered to ask you two, which brings us to now."
"I could teach too. I know how to fight." Legolas was looking hopeful, which was weird for an elf of such his real age.
"No, I'm afraid we need your fighting for a different use. You will however be able to take the class."
"And I'm sure you'll get much higher marks than the rest of the students." A twinkle of humor shone in Aragorns' eyes and Legolas gave him a faint smile.
"Yes I'm sure I will. That class will be practice for the other students, but it will be what I do everyday back at Mirkwood to keep me familiar with my weapons." Gandalf interrupted their conversation with a big "Humph". They all turned to him again and noticed another man stood behind Gandalf. Everyone stared at him until Gandalf finally introduced him.
"My friends, this is a dear old friend of mine, Professor Albus Dumbledore. He is the Headmaster at Hogwarts. In order for you to get a job," He stared at Arwen and Aragorn, "or enroll in the school you must first speak with him." Gandalf glanced at Legolas with the last part of his introduction. They all nodded greeting to Dumbledore. He smiled back at them through his long beard. He appeared to be as old as Gandalf and as wise. The way he held himself told of many secrets he held inside of things he has seen and of things he was capable of.
"Albus I would like you to meet, Legolas Greenleaf. He would like to enroll in your school this year. And this is Arwen and Aragorn Wright the Weaponry experts I spoke of." Apparently Gandalf had given them a new last name when Legolas was outside so he didn't say anything.
"Pleasure to meet you all I'm sure," Dumbledore said in an airy voice. Gandalf conjured up another chair for his friend and they all began to discuss the matter of enrolling and receiving a job. Dumbledore asked many questions about Arwen and Aragorns' experience and nodded in satisfaction of what they had to tell.
"Well Gandalf, my friend, you truly know how to pick them. Now about Mr.Greenleaf, tell me young man what school did you attend before this?"
Legolas didn't like the sound of someone calling him young, but he hid his feelings and answered. "None sir, my abilities showed late, so my parents taught me at home so I wouldn't be made fun of. I have learned everything I would have learned if I had gone to school for the past five years, except that I couldn't actually do the spells that I was taught. Now I am able to and ready to go to a real school." Legolas didn't know where these words had come from and Arwen and Aragorn were staring at him in shock. Gandalf only looked smug about something and Legolas knew immediately that those words had been his. Dumbledore nodded at what Legolas had said and smiled.
"I see, it's unusual that your abilities word show up later than most, but it's possible I suppose. Though it's odd that your parents would still teach you magic when they should just think you a squib." Legolas just nodded and didn't say anything more.
"Well Albus, what do you think," Gandalf said after a few seconds of silence.
"I think these three are quite welcome to Hogwarts as teachers and student." Gandalf chuckled and they went on telling stories about their life as friends together to the group. The rest of the evening continued as a friendly get-together of people and nothing more.

Chapter 3

A/N: Freelance here again. Hope you enjoy this next chapter. (Anything in itlalics is Elvish. I got it from a website, so it may not be like you thought it should be spelled. Sorry!) This chapter is dedicated to Piscesangel for sending the most reviews. Also it is dedicated to Honolulu, and Iggytheicyiguana. Your question Iggy is a very good one and it will be answered probably in the fifth chapter.

"What is this Gandalf?" Legolas was staring at piece of gold in his hands.

"That, Legolas would be a Galleon. It's wizard money. Now here's some more. We need to get your supplies for school."

"A cauldron, dragon skin gloves... Gandalf, where am I to get these items?"

"In Diagon alley of course." They were all in the Leaky Cauldron standing by a brick wall. Arwen and Aragorn looked over Gandalfs' shoulder at the wall confusingly.

"Diagon alley," Arwen said, "you mean the place we first appeared?"

"Yes. Now let's see..." He was muttering to himself and staring at the bricks in concentration. Finally it seemed like a light came on in his eyes and he placed his staff on a few of the bricks. To everyone's amazement, except Gandalfs' the bricks began to move and formed an arch leading to Diagon alley.

"Welcome, to Diagon alley, where you can find everything you require." Gandalf moved into the crowd with Legolas right at his heels, and Arwen and Aragorn bringing up the rear. He motioned for them to follow him into a store called Flourish and Blotts and they all hurried after, not wanting to get lost in the crowd. He pointed out some books that were on the list and some that would come in handy. Legolas found some nice ostrich feathered quills and picked out a few inkbottles in red, black and one that changed color to your mood, which he found fascinating. Then they went on to a store full of strange ingredients like beetle eyes and unicorn hair. They gathered the basic ingredients for potions and bought a cauldron.

When they reached the robe store, the witches that did the sewing had to add a lot of fabric to Legolas' robes because of his great height. They commented about growing boys and sent him off with a pat on the shoulder. Gandalf showed Legolas a store full of owls, cats, toad, frogs and rats.

"You will need one of these animals. I would suggest an owl, they are the most useful. They will be able to deliver letters to you and whoever you wish." Legolas looked at them carefully and finally chose a Great Horned Owl, which he quickly named Astalder, meaning valiant one. He spoke to the owl in Elvish, praising its beauty and swiftfulness. Astalder puffed his feathers up in pride and quickly became loyal to Legolas.

"I wouldn't praise the bird too much if I were you. We don't need a spoiled chick instead of an owl." Astalder hooted in indignation at Gandalf and flattened his feathers. Gandalf only laughed and continued walking.

They made their way to another shop called Olivanders' Wands. Legolas, Arwen, and Aragorn all stopped in front staring at it.

"Gandalf, what if the wands won't take us? We aren't really wizards."

"They will. Arwen, you and Legolas both are magical so you will be able to use anything magic. And Aragorn, you also have some magic flowing through those veins of yours. No come we must not waste time." He led them in and they were all welcomed by Mr. Olivander himself.

"Welcome, please who here is to be buying a wand?"

"All of them." Gandalf gestured to the three before him.

"All of them? If you say so sir then it must be. Were their wands destroyed? Never mind I shouldn't pry. Now you there, young lady, hold out your wand arm so I may take measurements." Arwen hesitantly held out her right arm and allowed the enchanted measuring tape to take measurements by itself. Olivander went over to a shelf and brought forward five boxes. Arwen went through three of the boxes before she found the right one. 7 ¾ inches willow wood and unicorns hair. Aragorn went next and on the tenth wand he found his. 8 ¾ inches ash wood and dragon heartstrings. Legolas went up last and went through nearly twenty wands before one finally accepted him.

"Very odd that this wand should be yours. It's always been my favorite combination but rarely have I been able to make it. 9 ½ inches, maple wood and the most hard to get of all my items, imps hair. They don't part with a single strand of their beautiful locks unless given a great payment. I had to give the one that gave me the hair for that wand and two others four bottles of rare wine and a mirror to look in before she gave them to me. That's why I've only mad three. They just cost too much, though they are among the best in quality."

"Who else possesses this type of wand?" Legolas couldn't help but feel curious about the other person that carried the same exact wand as him.

"Her name would be Emeline Winteron. Yes, I remember it like it was yesterday when little first-year Emeline came into my shop. It was five years ago, she should be in her fifth year of Hogwarts now. She went up to the wands to browse while I was in the back preparing a special delivery for a family. By the time I got back up here she was holding the wand in her hand. It was the first one she picked too."

"And the other?"

"The other was destroyed. It belonged to an Auror who died fighting the Death Eaters."

Gandalf interrupted the conversation. "Tragic for that to happen. Thank you for the wands Mr. Olivander, but we must be off."

"You're welcome. Take care of those wands." They all said their farewells and exited.

A/N: Ok stopping there. Hope you enjoy it so far. Thank you for the reviews again. They are highly appreciated. I'm so loved!
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