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When did the majority lose control, and why haven't we taken it back? |
America, the land of the free. A democratic republic: of the people, for the people, and by the people. A country ruled by the vote of the majority. Sadly, that is now a thing of the past; gone, but not forgotten. The United States endured two world wars, the Korean War, and the Vietnam conflict. These wars were fought against tyranny and evil, communism and socialism. Good guys versus bad guys. Somehow though, half of our government has become those very people that we fought so long and hard against. Communists and Socialists have taken over the Democratic Party, are infiltrating the Republican Party, and are turning America into the very thing that immigrants flee here to escape, and our brave citizens have died to stop: a government that rules the people. The change has been gradual, but it is ongoing and growing. As a “majority rule” society, the citizens of this country are supposed to vote on issues, and the majority vote decides the issue. For example: the question is posed whether or not the American flag should be flown on U.S. soil. Let’s say that 1000 people vote on the issue. 992 people vote yes, saying the flag should be flown. 8 people vote no, saying the flag shouldn’t be flown. Therefore, by majority rule, the flag should be flown, correct? Not anymore. Due to the fact that 8 people do not want it flown, the flag is not flown to avoid offending those 8 people. However, wouldn’t that decision offend the 992 that voted for it? That doesn’t matter, because the U.S. is now a minority vote-ruled country. Did America vote for that? Regardless, it has happened. America was also founded on Capitalism. Every citizen has the right to work hard and earn their own fortune. The money they earn is theirs for the keeping, minus a small percentage of tax to support the government. For some reason though, our government is sending hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to other countries; countries who hate us and wage war on us. Why is this? Now the tax rate has to be raised regularly to keep providing money for self-sustaining countries such as Egypt who take our money and then vote against us in 82% of the United Nations votes. Between foreign aid and welfare moms, who keep popping out kids to get more of my money that I worked hard for, and politicians who ignore my views and give themselves annual raises of my money that I worked hard for, I am left with barely enough to survive. At the rate that the taxation levels are increasing, soon everyone will be dependant on government welfare to survive, which is exactly the goal of Socialists and Communists. They want everyone’s money to go to the government, and then they will feed and cloth the working masses with the bare necessities, making everyone “equal.” Does this sound familiar? It should, because it happened in the Soviet Union, and look how well that worked out. Why on earth would we allow something like that to happen? We already know what the result will be. Those government structures have failed all over Europe and Asia, yet we are following right in the footsteps of those failed ventures. It is time for rational, tax-paying citizens to regain control of our country. We have got to stop supporting those who would take away everything that is ours, and return to a capitalist, majority rule society. The Russians revolted against the U.S.S.R. for a reason, the students revolted against China for a reason, the Berlin Wall came down for a reason. Let’s learn from history, not repeat it. |