Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/747897-For-the-Love-of-a-Dove-Ballad
Rated: ASR · Article · Arts · #747897
This is a cute little Ballad I wrote for class
There once was a girl, who loved a guy, who loved his mother more,
He gave his mom great treasures
While his girl was ever poor.
Well, this young lass, she had some sass,
And soon she'd had enough,
For she was Welsh, and if you know Welsh,
You know that they play rough.
Well one fine day she asked her man
"Please bring me back, my sweet,
A lonesome dove or two or three,
I hear that they're a treat!"
So this young man, he went on out
And took his trusty gun,
And swore he'd bring the finest back
Or else they'd all have none.
He chose a smallish bird for her
Then looked yet roundabout
For a plumper bird by far
To fir his mother's mouth.
Finally that day he strayed into the kings own park,
And there he killed a pretty foul
That flew directly to his mark.
Well this bird was the princes pet,
And so the king was mad.
Our young man turned and fled from there
Straight to his mothers land.
He'd run and cowered in her house
When the guards came riding up,
They told his mom the story who then cursed her rotten luck.
She shook her head and quietly said "You are no son of mine."
And so it was decreed the lad would be hung for his crime.
Then came along our pretty lass
As cheerful as could be,
She offered up a perfect stew
Made just for this melee.
She sang a song that charmed the men
So that they soon forgave,
And thus the young lad was released
From his dark and gloomy grave.
So let this be a lesson to all the boys
Still tied to apron strings,
Spend less time with your mother
Find a girl who really sings!
© Copyright 2003 Genesisemo got married (genesisemo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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