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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #746536
Chapter 4-Nightmares plague Bliss, can Kyle save her from Death?
Kyle Seals Chronicles

Chapter 4: A Voice Within

Hands were touching her. Probing her. Exploring her. Their faces were hidden, their motives were clear. She tried to move. She tried to run. But she couldn’t. She didn’t know if she was restrained, being held by someone, or her body just didn’t want to work anymore. She tried to scream at the top of her lungs, but no sound came out.. She wanted to cry, but no tears fell. Then all the figures vanished, disappeared into thin air, but she knew she was in even more danger. A skull appeared. It stared at her through it’s lifeless eyes. It grew bigger and bigger. It came at her. Again she couldn’t move, this time not as if she wasn’t able to, but as if she wanted to be taken. The skull opened it’s mouth and swallowed her whole, sending her into a deep void.

Bliss awoke suddenly with a gasp. Her clothes were soaked from sweat. She was breathing fast and had to sit up from the bed. Her friend, Jenna, was sound asleep next to her. Bliss’ hands were shaking uncontrollably, and she cuddled up to her legs. After several minutes, when she was able to calm down, she got out of the bed and walked out of the room, heading for the bathroom. Her white t-shirt clung to her chest, from the sweat that was running down her body. Tip toeing as she past Kyle, who was asleep on the couch, still almost fully clothed, and his hand gripped firmly to his gun.

Turning the light on in the bathroom, Bliss went in and stood in front of the sink. She took out a bottle of pain killers, popped two into her mouth and swallowed. She rubbed her eyes and pulled her black hair away from her face, staring into the mirror. She turned on the water and lowered her head, splashing the cold liquid onto her face. Bliss turned off the water and looked back into the mirror. There, staring back at her was a dark figure, with a skull for a face.

Bliss screamed and turned around, knocking the bottle of pills onto the floor. But there was no one there. She collapsed to the floor, pushing herself into the corner. Bliss knew that the skull faced man was real. He had been plaguing her dreams for several nights. Kyle rushed into the room, gun in hand. He saw Bliss on the floor, a look of terror on her face.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he knelt down to her, but Bliss still stared at the wall. “Bliss!” She came out of her daze and looked at Kyle, then back at the wall. Jenna came running in, a robe tied around her waist. Bliss looked around confused. Her hand was gripping onto Kyle’s wrist, needing to make sure he was real. She didn’t cry, didn’t let loose a single tear, even though she felt she should. Bliss looked at Kyle, and a revelation came over her.

“He’s coming.”
* * *
Across town, Damion was having trouble sleeping too. He tossed and turned in his hospital bed, trying to go back to sleep, but he just wasn’t tired. And the worst part about it was, that he couldn’t really do anything to occupy his time. His eyes were still without their sight. The doctors still were not sure whether his eyesight would ever return, but they seemed less than hopeful. Damion had finally given up trying to sleep, and in a moment of anger, threw the blankets off of him onto the floor and sat up. He ran his hands over his head, and let out a sigh.

“It must be frustrating for you,” a familiar female voice said and Damion sat up suddenly. He searched around aimlessly, forgetting for a moment that he was still blind.

“Who’s there?” Damion asked as his hand fumbled for the switch to call the nurse. Footsteps could be heard walking around the room.

“A man like you, not being able to see,” the voice continued, “now you’re all but worthless to them as they continue to fight for their lives.” Damion found the switch and pressed it multiple times, but it was not working.

“Oh, don’t bother with that,” the voice said, “I’ve arranged for us to have some privacy.” Damion was struggling to figure out who the voice belonged to. Then the woman began to walk towards him, and the sound of her high heels clacking as she walked triggered a memory of who it was. He recognized her perfume.

“Wait, you’re that Rebel chick, aren’t you?” Damion exclaimed, although a little too enthusiastic.

“Very good, you do remember me.”

“What do you want?” Damion asked, regaining his composure. Rebel stopped right next to his bed, and Damion backed off a little.

“Oh, how I wish you could see me right now. I’ve been thinking about you ever since the day I first saw you.” Rebel told him as she traced her finger along his body. “If Mr. Blair knew about this, he would probably have me killed.”

“Knew about what?”

“You’re not too bright are you?” Rebel said, “It’s a good thing that’s not what I’m looking for right now.” Damion felt Rebel crawl onto his bed and she swung her leg over, sitting on top of him. Any reluctance Damion had quickly faded away at the warm feeling of a female body sitting on top of him. Rebel leaned forward with her tongue stuck out, gently licking Damion’s lips up to the tip of his nose.

Rebel took Damion’s hands and put them on her slender legs. Damion felt her soft flesh for the first time and Rebel maneuvered his hands up her legs and over her curves. He felt her short skirt covering her ass and gave it a squeeze. Rebel grinded her hips harder onto him and moved her chest closer to his face. Damion buried his face into her breasts, feeling her silky blouse covering her body. Rebel tilted her head back and closed her eyes, enjoying the attention she was receiving.

Then they heard the door knob turning, someone was trying to come in but the door was locked. Rebel looked at the door, with a look of anger on her face. The person trying to get in kept turning the knob several times. Damion felt Rebel jump off of him and then heard the window open. The door crashed open and in came Tyger. Tyger looked around seeing only Damion in the room and the window open, letting in a cool breeze.

“Are you alright?” Tyger asked, “I thought I heard someone in here with you.”

“I’m fine, shut the door please!” Damion yelled out as he took his pillow and placed it over his lap. Tyger sniffed the air and gave Damion one final quizzical look. Convinced everything was fine, Tyger left, shutting the door behind him. Damion laid back down in frustration. Although Damion didn’t give it much thought, his eyes began to hurt.

“Now I’ll never get back to sleep.” * * *
The sun arose the next morning, with the promise of a new day. Bliss laid in bed looking out the window at all the colors of the sunrise. She felt it’s warm glow and heard the sweet songs of the birds chirping. But despite all these pleasant sensations, Bliss remained motionless in her bed, staring out the window in a daze. She had not slept one wink after her nightmare. She just lay in bed, never acknowledging anything going on around her.

Kyle was already awake and had just gotten out of the shower. He styled his hair, shaved his two day stubble and put on some nice clothes. He wandered around the apartment, carrying his jacket and his holstered guns over his shoulder. Kyle went into the bathroom where Bliss’ friend Jenna was in fixing herself up. She was wearing at tight yellow t-shirt and grey sweat pants that did little to hide her form.

“Hey,” Kyle said, as Jenna was spraying something into her dark brown hair, “I just wanted to say thanks for letting us stay here tonight. It’s been a rough couple of days.” Jenna finished spraying her hair and put down the bottle.

“No, prob. It’s Kyle, right?” Jenna asked and Kyle nodded. “Look, maybe it’s none of my business, and I don’t know what your guys relationship is or what, but maybe you should try talking to her.”

“She’s still upset...?”

“Yeah, I think so. She didn’t sleep at all last night. She just laid on the bed with her eyes wide open last night. I tried to make her feel better, but it was really no use.” Jenna told him. Kyle looked into the bedroom seeing Bliss still lying there.

“Thanks Jenna.”

Kyle walked into the bedroom, seeing Bliss just lying there. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed next to her, setting his belt and coat on the floor. Bliss remained staring out the window. Kyle put his hand on her shoulder.

“Bliss?” Kyle asked in a caring voice, “how are you doing?” Bliss looked up at him, her eyes filled with fear and fatigue, then looked back out the window. “Did you get any sleep last night?” Bliss slowly shook her head no. Kyle was frustrated. He didn’t really know what to do or what to say to make her feel better.

“I know you’re having a difficult time right now,” he said to her sympathetically, “and I’ll do anything I can to help you, you know that. But I need you to talk to me, and tell me what’s going on.” Bliss closed her eyes and pulled her shoulders closer together, still remaining silent. Kyle let out a slight groan and stood up, ready to just let her rest.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Bliss suddenly said to Kyle, and he stopped and turned to her, “I just have this feeling that something terrible is going to happen.”

“What do you mean?” Kyle asked as he knelt down to her. Bliss sat up in the bed, letting the covers fall around her waist.

“I’m not sure,” she explained to him, “I just have a feeling. Like some terrifying presence is stalking me. He wants to take me away.” Bliss stopped for a moment, and put her hands over her arms as if she was cold. “I don’t know what he wants to do to me. I don’t know how to stop him. And the thing that really frightens me, is that I feel like I belong with him.” Kyle looked at her with confusion. Bliss could see in his eyes that his trust in her was beginning to fade. Kyle ran his hands through is hair and scratched the back of his head.

“I’ll do whatever I have to do to stop him,” Kyle told her, but he wasn’t looking in her eyes, “you know that Bliss.”

“But Kyle, I don’t think he can be stopped,” Bliss said, and Kyle looked up at her, “I’m afraid of what he’ll do to you if you get in his way.” The next several moments were passed in silence. Bliss and Kyle did not know what to say to each other. Bliss did not know what was happening to her, and Kyle didn’t know what to do about it. Questions about Bliss and her past kept popping up everywhere the last few days. Kyle felt that there was much more going on with her than anybody knew. Finally, Kyle broke the tension.

“Well, there’s still that phone call that you got the other day,” he said to her, “I’m going to go to the Moore building and check it out. You just stay here and get some rest or something.”

“No, I’m going to come with you.” Bliss said, and threw the covers off.

“Look, you’ve had a rough night, I can take care of this by myself.” He told her, but Bliss shook her head again.

“I need to go, whatever is going to happen to me is going to happen,” Bliss explained to him, as she jumped out of the bed, “besides, I think that this person might have some answers that I need.” Kyle let out a groan of disapproval but caved in.

“Alright, fine. I’m going to stop by the hospital to check up on Damion and Danielle. You get yourself ready or whatever you need to do and meet me there.” Kyle said to her as he picked up his gun belt and put on his black tribal coat over his white buttoned shirt and headed for the door.

“Kyle!” Bliss called after him and he stopped, still holding the door open. Bliss walked up to him. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry about all this. And thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” Bliss took a step towards him and held his hand in hers. Kyle just gave her a smile of acknowledgment. He then took his hand from hers and left, never saying another word.
* * *
Back at the hospital, Danielle was browsing over the food laid out in the lunch room. Even though she had sustained only minor injuries in the explosion, and the surgery done on her arm was a success, Danielle remained at the hospital to look after Damion.

Danielle had always had a little bit of a crush on him, even though he seemed never to notice it, but after the past few days she felt even closer to him and cared for him much more. Damion had put himself in harms way to protect Bliss and herself, by throwing the bomb as far away as he could. It was this heroic side of Damion, that he rarely ever has shown, that has attracted Danielle to him.

Danielle piled many different kinds of food up on a tray for Damion, not really knowing what he likes. She stumbled her way back to his room, trying to not drop anything on the floor. As she tried to juggle the food, an apple slipped from her hand and began to fall to the floor. But before it hit the ground, a hand came out of nowhere and snatched it from the air. Danielle looked up to see a handsome man dressed in stylish black clothing. It was Tyger, although she didn’t know him.

“Looks like you could use a hand,” Tyger said to her with a smile. Danielle stared at him for a minute. There was something different about him, he didn’t seem like an ordinary man, but she couldn’t figure out what it was.

“Thanks, but I think I can get it,” Danielle said to him and held out her hand for the apple. Tyger shrugged and gave the apple to her. Danielle took it and continued on. Tyger watched her go by, still giving her a friendly smile. Danielle looked back at him briefly, but saw that he had vanished. Danielle quickly forgot about it and entered the room.

Inside, Danielle found Damion standing by his bed, only half dressed. She stopped and stared, amazed at his physique, although she had seen his toned, muscular body many times before. She noticed his scars and the burns he had received from the explosion, but they didn’t seem like they bothered him as much as they should. Damion had on only a pair or red basketball shorts, and was just beginning to put on a black sleeveless shirt.

“Who’s there?” Damion asked, turning his head to the side. Danielle came out of her daze and quickly shut the door.

“Oh, it’s just me,” Danielle said nervously, and dumped the food on a nearby table, “I thought you might be getting hungry so I brought you some food.” Damion straightened his shirt and picked up a pair of sunglasses, covering his eyes, which had lost their brown color and were now a pale grey.

“Yeah, I guess I could eat,” he said as he sat down, “but I think you might need to help me out a little.” Damion patted the spot next to him for Danielle to sit. Danielle smiled in excitement and sat down, sitting very close to him. Their arms touched and Danielle could feel the heat from his body. Taking advantage of his handicap, she let her eyes trail over his body, taking in every inch of him. But unknown to Danielle, Damion’s eyes were getting better.
* * *
“Hey Seals.” A voice said from behind Kyle and he turned around to see Tyger walking up to him. Kyle had just barely arrived at the hospital and was heading for Damion’s room. He was surprised to find that Tyger was still here.

“What the hell are you still doing here?” Kyle asked puzzled, “I took care of that psycho assassin, so you don’t need to watch after these guys anymore.”

“Yeah, I know,” Tyger told him, “but I don’t think that this is all over for you yet.”

“You have no idea,” Kyle said, as he checked his watch and then continued on down the hall. Tyger started to follow.

“There’s been a lot of word about you going around lately,” Tyger explained to Kyle, but Kyle gave no reaction and kept going. “Slate has put your 30 million dollar contract out on the street. Everyone from street hoods to drug lords are looking to claim that reward.” Kyle still just kept going, apparently not surprised at this information.

“So people want to kill me, eh? Must be Thursday.” Kyle said as he approached Damion’s room. Tyger grabbed Kyle by the arm and stopped him.

“There’s something else you should know,” Tyger said. Kyle took off his sunglasses and listened, “I think your boy here has been having some late night visitors.”

“What do you mean?”

“A woman somehow got past me and was in his room last night.” Tyger told him, “I’ll give you one guess as to what they were starting to do.” Kyle suddenly remembered Blair’s assistant Rebel and the way she and Damion had looked at each other.

“Are you sure?” Kyle asked.

“Sex has a certain smell to it, it’s unmistakable.” Tyger said, and that was all Kyle needed to hear from him.

“Shhhit.” Kyle said to himself, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. “It never stops, does it?” Kyle looked up as Damion’s door opened and saw Danielle leading him out. They came walking over to where Kyle and Tyger were standing. Danielle looked at Tyger in confusion and he gave her a little wink. The group talked for a few minutes as Kyle explained what the plan was next.

Then, Tyger caught a familiar scent and the sound of high heels walking on tile could be heard. The group turned to see Bliss walking towards them. She was as beautiful as ever, maybe even more so, considering the rough night she had. Her black shirt showed her ample cleavage and her pierced belly button, with the sleeves coming just past her elbows. She wore a small loose skirt and black boots with fishnet stockings coming up just over her knees. Everyone was in awe of her appearance, except for Kyle, who just chewed on his toothpick, looking towards the ground. He didn’t want to see how angelic she was, because he didn’t want to be side tracked.
* * *
The ride to the Moore building was spent mostly in silence. Kyle drove in his jeep, with Bliss next to him in the passenger seat. Bliss gazed out the window thinking to herself. Kyle kept the radio low, but could plainly hear the Linkin Park music playing. Every now and then, he looked over at Bliss, but did not stare for too long. They came to an intersection and stopped at the red light. Kyle wore his sunglasses, chewing on his toothpick. He looked over at Bliss, and this time, kept looking at her, thinking about the time they have spent together.

Bliss came out of her daze and looked over to see Kyle staring at her. They each just looked at each other never saying anything. Bliss realized that he must be going through a hard time as well. The past week has been nothing but disaster after disaster, and it all seemed focused towards him. Bliss gave him a slight smile as they looked at each other and his face turned to one of content.

“You look really beautiful today...” Kyle told her, slightly embarrassed. He knew that he hasn’t been very supportive of her lately, and it finally started to hit him. But Bliss understood him more than anyone, including himself, ever knew. She understood his anger and confusion with her, and she held no resentment towards him for it. She placed her hand on his, where his was holding onto the stick shift. She squeezed his hand, letting him know that everything was alright.
* * *
The door to the elevator opened, and Kyle and Bliss were greeted by two women. Twins. They looked identical in every way, with their blonde hair, pale skin, and red lips. They both wore white dresses and knee high boots.

“This way please,” the twins said simultaneously, leading Kyle and Bliss along, “Mistress Meredith has been expecting you.”

“Mistress Meredith?” Bliss questioned, and Kyle just shrugged. Bliss thought the name was funny, but at the same time it felt somewhat familiar. She didn’t tell this to Kyle, because she knew he was getting tired of all these weird feelings she’s been having lately, and frankly, so was she.

The building seemed like any typical office building. There was a lobby that they went into at first, and were instructed to immediately go into the elevator. People who obviously worked there rushed past them constantly, taking no notice of their presence. The elevator had no buttons and started all on it’s own. Kyle and Bliss had no idea how high up they had went. It had let them out on what was obviously the top floor.

The room that they were led into seemed to be a large dining area. All of the patrons were well dressed and of high class. Most of them glared at Kyle and Bliss as they past, as their clothes had a grungy, rock and roll kind of a feel, as opposed to the suit and tie attire everyone else had. The twins brought them to a long table at the head of the dining room, where many people sat eating and talking.

As they walked through the crowd, Kyle stopped, and looked to the side. He had a funny feeling that he was being followed, but it quickly passed and he kept on going.

Kyle and Bliss were seated directly across from a woman, who the whole time had been gazing at Bliss. The woman had long, dark brown hair, dressed in a black dress, with a matching suit jacket. Kyle looked around the room through his sunglasses, taking in the surroundings, just in case something were too happen. The twins walked around the table and took their place on both sides of the woman. Kyle noticed the woman and Bliss staring at each other.

“Let me guess...”Kyle said, breaking the tension, and the woman looked at him, “you must be Mistress Meredith?” The woman gave him a smile.

“Very good Mr. Seals,” she confirmed, “but please just call me Meredith. Only the twins call me Mistress.”


“I’m sure you must be very confused right now Mr. Seals,” Meredith continued as she pushed her plate of food away and wiped her mouth, “much has been going on in your life recently hasn’t it? And I don’t mean just the attacks on you and your friends.” Meredith looked back towards Bliss, and Bliss shifted in her seat. Kyle noticed this quick exchange.

“Gosh, I’m getting sick of this,” Kyle said as he sat back in his chair, and took the toothpick he had been chewing on out of his mouth.

“What’s that Mr. Seals?” Meredith asked as a waiter poured her a glass of champagne.

“All these little games and riddles everyone has been handing me lately,” Kyle explained to her annoyed, as he made little quotation marks with his fingers, “Everyone seems to know SO much about us, when we have no idea what’s going on.” Kyle looked over at Bliss. “We need to get back in the loop, know what I mean?”

“Hm, well put Mr. Seals,” Meredith said, taking a sip from her glass, “allow me to bring you up to speed then. I have been informed of the contract placed on your life. Knowing that you would certainly need help, I arranged to have the file on Blair put into the CIA mainframe, as a way for you to contact us.”

“What, the phone was just too much work?”

“I’m sure you are aware, that ours is a dangerous business. I can’t let it be known that I went to someone like you directly. It had to seem as if you had gotten lucky and found me.” Meredith explained to him. Bliss sat silently, taking in all the information.

“Why? Who would care that you helped me at all anyways?” Kyle asked. Meredith took another sip from her glass, eyeing Kyle, trying to decide if she should tell him.

“I am going to tell you something that many people do not know. I am a married woman Mr. Seals,” she said, “although my husband and I are separated.”

“Slate,” Bliss said suddenly, and Kyle and Meredith looked at her, “you are married to Victor Slate.”

“That is correct,” Meredith confirmed. Kyle just closed his eyes and shook his head. “You don’t seem very surprised Mr. Seals. It might seem odd that I would want to help the person who is the greatest threat to my husband.”

“Ya think?”

“Allow me to explain. It was a marriage of convenience. I married him knowing full well what type of business he was involved in. He married me for my wealth and power, for I had many connections with the government. We were both very satisfied with out situation. But several years ago we had...... a falling out of sorts. He had taken my most precious possession from me. It was something that I could never forgive him for. Ever since then I have been using my resources to build my own empire, with one sole purpose.”

“And what would that be?” Kyle asked.

“To cripple my husbands empire and to do away with him...permanently.” Meredith continued, “But that is easier said than done, as I’m sure you are aware. My husband has never been afraid of anything. That is until you came along Mr. Seals. His sight is fixed on you, making him blind to any other potential threat. With you alive, distracting him, I will be able to continue building my own empire to overthrow him.”

“Man, I can see where this is headed already.” Kyle said, sitting forward in his chair.

“Which brings me to my proposal, Mr. Seals....”

“Here it comes,” Kyle grabbed a glass of wine from the table.

“I would like for you to work for me and help me annihilate Victor Slate.”

“Thank you and good night.” Kyle quickly downed the wine and put the glass back on the table. Kyle stood up taking the toothpick from his mouth. “Listen baby, there’s too much weird shit going on right now for me to even try to want to start believing you right now.” Kyle stopped, thinking about what he just said. “Is that....umm... yeah, anyways, you’re story has a few holes in it, and I don’t have time for this shit.”

Kyle dropped his toothpick in Meredith’s wine glass and turned to leave. But he found himself face to face with five men, who were blocking his path. Four of them had long hair, all in different styles, some were braided, some were dreaded, and the last had short dark hair. The leader stood directly in front of Kyle, as they stared each other down. The man had long black dreaded hair and wore thick black framed glasses.

“It’s alright Jonathan,” Meredith spoke up, “let them leave. I’m sure Mr. Seals will find that he will have no choice but to accept my offer.” Kyle looked back at her, his eyes peering over his sunglasses. He looked back at the man called Jonathan, then looked to Bliss. She was sitting silently in her chair, staring at Meredith as if she was trying to figure something out. Jonathan, and the others stepped to the side, allowing them a path.

“Let’s go Bliss,” Kyle said to her, and Bliss snapped out of her trance.

“But what about her questions Mr. Seals?” Meredith asked, what about all her questions?” Kyle stopped and Bliss looked at Meredith. “I can help you, if you just accept my offer.” Bliss thought about it for a moment, looking at Kyle then back at Meredith.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Bliss said, and brushed past Kyle. The twins quickly followed them to the elevator, seeing them out. One of the twins pushed a button for the elevator and it opened up. Walking inside, Kyle turned back around, as Bliss was once again thinking to herself.

“You will be contacted,” the twins said simultaneously and the elevator doors shut. The elevator began to descend the building, counting down the floors one by one. Bliss again was quiet. Kyle thought to himself about what had just happened. He looked over at Bliss seeing her confusion.

“Are you alright?” Kyle asked concerned. Bliss looked up at him, with a look of concern on her face.

“I’m not really sure,” Bliss told him, “there’s something very familiar about that woman, but I can’t place it. It’s like a lost memory or something like that.” Kyle stood there thinking for a moment. The numbers in the elevators were still slowly counting down. They were still many floors up.

“Well I could go back up there and get more information using my charming personality and rugged good looks.” Kyle said joking. Bliss looked at him confused, but finally broke down and laughed. It was the first time she has smiled in the past few days. Turning towards Kyle, Bliss took a step towards him as she stopped laughing. The two looked at each other for a brief moment until Bliss spoke.

“Look Kyle, I just wanted to tell you that...” but before Bliss could finish her sentence, the ‘ding’ of the elevator was heard and the elevator stopped. Kyle looked up as the doors opened, revealing a man covered entirely in black, except for the white skull on his face. Kyle knew that it was Death, his head cocked to the side, and his soulless eyes staring at Bliss.

Reflexes and instinct immediately took over. Kyle drew one of his handguns and fired two shots at Death, hitting him in the stomach. But the shots did not faze him. Quick as lightning, Death grabbed Kyle by the collar and tossed him out of the elevator, like he was a rag doll. Kyle slid along the tile floor, and his head bounced off a pillar on the middle of the vacant room.

Bliss was frozen. She wanted to move, to help Kyle, but her body wouldn’t respond. Death entered the elevator, a slight smile on his skull face, and drew close to Bliss. Kyle’s forehead was bleeding as he struggled to his feet. Kyle aimed his gun again, but hesitated, fearing he would hit Bliss. Death looked over his shoulder at Kyle, a look of rage on his face. He moved away from Bliss, and Kyle opened fire.

Firing off several shots at Death, Kyle was shocked as each bullet hit the dark man, but none had done any damage to him. Instead, small circles of smoke seemed to envelope the bullets as they entered his body. Death looked down as the bullets disappeared then looked up at Kyle, his face now showing no emotion. Stepping out of the elevator, Death came straight for Kyle.

“Bliss get out of there!” Kyle yelled out as he drew his second pistol. Kyle began to move to his right as he fired both of his weapons. Every bullet found their mark, but barely slowed down the demonic person. Death moved through the barrage of bullets, storming towards Kyle. Bliss only could watch in horror as Kyle tried hopelessly to stop Death’s onslaught. Almost in a flash, Death had reached Kyle, and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him into the air.

Kyle’s guns had ran dry, and he struggled against Death’s superior strength. Kyle tried to free himself from Death’s grip, but every effort proved useless. Death pulled Kyle’s face toward his own, and stared into his eyes. Blood dripped from Kyle’s head onto Death’s cold hands.

“Didn’t you know?” The smooth voice of Death said to him, “that even legends can die?” Death spun in a circle and with all his strength, flung Kyle towards the large windows.
Kyle crashed through, sending thousands of tiny glass shards flying into the air. Bliss lost sight of Kyle as he went through the window and fell from her view. She knew there was no way he would survive the fall.

Bliss felt herself begin to cry, but no tears fell from her eyes. Satisfied with the demise of Kyle, Death stood in triumph, before turning back towards Bliss. He started towards her, walking straight up to her, his body barely touching hers. Bliss could only stare into his eyes, horrified at his gaze. He gave her a smile.

“Do not worry,” he said to her, his voice sending terror running through her mind, “you will find bliss in death.”

To Be Continued....
© Copyright 2003 nortonman (kyleseals at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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