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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Emotional · #744686
A little boy goes from boy to man to boy over a summer
Now is the time for you to find out what brought you to me.
Well your soul has always been in contact with this outside experience this is why you got me an out of the body experience. So now when you start to see things you don’t understand or can’t explain just think of me and I will appear.
Now what happened to you, one of your contacts was a rapist and a murder back in the 1800's. I happened to you twice to get you away from him now you will have to call for me because I can’t help you anymore on my own.
To keep yourself and others around you just keep me in your mind.
He tries to keep his mind on Scarlet all of the time now and it is working for now.
But sometimes he slips and has tough times and Jasper really beats himself up about it.
Then one day early March 1991 Jasper was cutting the grass, he had stopped the lawn mower to pick up some trash and he here’s this noise coming from the bushes in the back of the yard. So he walks over to see what it was. To his surprise he finds this little girl lying in the bushes and all she would say is leave it alone. Jasper kneels to pick her up and she jerks away from him saying he is looking for you, who he asks. The man in the closet what men in the closet. Almost forgetting what Scarlet had said he starts to his room with th little girl in his arms. He kneels downs with the little girl and starts to ask for Scarlet. Please help me to walk to my room because he is in my closet. She asks how do you know he is in your room. The little girl Katie said he was in my closet. She doesn’t have blue eyes long wavy brown hair and mole on her right check does she, yes he replies. Put her back where you founds her she is bad news. She can’t be she is a little girl. Scarlet tells Jasper she has an evil heart. Put her back and it will all be forgotten. If you go where he is inviting you. You will work for him. Just remember when ever you hear undetermined noises or voices ignore them no matter how hard it is.
From that day forward Jasper goes back in a little more every day.
Chapter Five
The Truth
One night he lying on his bed not able to move or even call out he kind of fell into a trance. This trip takes him back to the 1960's. he sees this lady lying on a hospital bed with what appears to be a baby. As it becomes clearer to him it is his mom. Then a strapping young man walks in and is telling his mom I don’t want this baby right now I have bigger and better things to do than support a child. Not knowing who the man was he sit waiting on a name or something. Then it comes to him this is my father. He starts cry, mom why did you lie to me about my dad.
He keeps saying this over and over, until finally his mom awakes. Down the hall and into Jasper room. Son she says what is wrong nothing mom he replies. I just had a bad dream. Are you Ok, she asks? Yes mom I am fine.
She thinks to herself, that’s not like Jasper to react so calmly after having a bad dream.
Now as Jasper lies there wondering how he is going to approach his mom with this. Well I will just come out with it. So the rest of the night was quiet for Jasper.
The next morning Jasper waits for his mom to wake up. He makes her some coffee and gets her a Danish roll. Then from the smell of the coffee, she awakes and down the stairs she comes. Well son this is a surprise. I have to talk to you about my dad. Well go on Jasper what is it. Well I went back in my mind last night to the 1960's and what I found out was very disturbing to me. I saw you lying on this hospital bed with a baby then this man walks in to tell you he didn’t want this baby. Is it true? Yes son but the baby wasn’t you. It was your sister. I gave her up for adoption to make your father happy.
Times were tough and we didn’t have much money. Your father was going away to war and also working on becoming an officer, so he thought it would be best. This is something I am not proud of. I think of her every day.
I wish I could take it back but I can’t. So I have a sister out there somewhere.
Yes son you do. Well we have to find her.
Chapter Six
Finding Mary
The next morning he gets up early then straight out the door he goes. Going anywhere he thinks he can find information. Well he arrives at the hospital where he ans his sister were born. He goes to the lady at the front desk. Son can I help you, yes Mam. I am looking for my sister or her records. Is she a patient here? My sister was born here in 1966 but my mom gave her up for adoption when she was born. I am sorry son I can’t help with that you might try county records. Its possible they can help you. So off to the courthouse he goes. So he arrives and he finds this lady at the records window. Can I help you son, the lady asks? Yes I need some information on my sister that was given up for adoption in 1966. I can’t help with those records. Anything under adoption is private. So he leaves there and just goes wherever he thinks he might get help. But no help was to be found.
Now he arrives at home distressed and just plumb wore out.
Searching himself just trying to find some connection between him and the outside would that might bring some hint to where he could find some information on the where a bouts of Mary. Where can she be, where do I find her and then, Scarlet appears. Jasper she ask what is wrong. Jasper replies, well I have found out that I have a sister and I am trying to find her. She was born in 1966, but mom had given her up for adoption. He tells her the reason of this and trying to hold himself together he ask can you help. Calm down Jasper I will do my best. Take a rest and I’ll snoop around. Tell me what ever happened to your dad. He was killed in Viet Nam.
Mom tells me what a brave man he was. He stood for what he thought was right and noone could discourage him. Then Scarlet ask what about his family? Well mom has never really told me anything.
With not much to go on Scarlet looks back to Jasper past and some things that happened to him as a baby and early children brings her to Death Valley Medical Center then she starts to snoop and comes across the girl born to a lady with the last name Garber in 1966. But what she reads next is very disturbing. This little girl dies two days later. It goes on to say that she was taken to this secret burial place for hospital patients. In attendance was Dr. Telton and John Garber.
She goes to Jasper telling him the disturbing news. This can’t be he says. I have to tell mom. So when his mom gets home from work he tells her mom, I found some records of her. So what does it say? It says she died two days after her birth and they took her to a secret burial place at the hospital that was for patients. In attendance was Dr. Telton and a John Garber that is dad’s brother. Then at the same time they say John has our baby. Mom, why didn’t I know him. Well son he hasn’t been seen since right after your sister’s birth.
So now they focus on John Garber. Mom where do you think he might be. Well I know he has some family in Maine. So they go to the local telephone company getting any phone numbers for a John Garber in Maine. They have seventy-two leads to go on. So they start calling every one of them. They have no luck at all. They get to about fifty calls. Not trying to give up but they say maybe she wasn’t meant to br found.
Well that night Jasper trying to fall asleep when this beautiful young woman appears to him looking to be in her mid to late twenties. Jasper you have to help me, I am trapped he will kill me soon. All of my life I have been trapped in this hell-hole. Where are you he asks? I am in South Dakota at a place calledJohn’s palace.
Wow what an experience, it is now 3:00a.m and Jasper is wired to find his sister so he rushes to his mom’s room. Saying get up mom I have almost found her, whom she asks? I found our baby, mom, our baby. So she gets up ans dressed in a fury. Well mom have you ever heard of a place called John’s palace? Yes it is at the end of the valley, about three hours away. So off they go to get their girl. Mom she told me she was trapped and has been all her life. If that bastard has hurt my baby I will kill him, she says Traveling for about two hours Jasper starts to fall asleep. He now starts to dream. There was this sixteen or seventeen year old girl being dragged off into the woods by this older man. Jasper can see the struggle but can’t make out who it is. Then the girl breaks free and starts to run though the woods all of a sudden she gets hung up in this animal trap. There she lies waiting for him to come up to her. About that time she looks straight from an axe handle and she lies as she takes her last few breathes. Then Jasper wakes up screaming Scarlet no.
Jasper says to himself if Scarlet was near him then why didn’t she tell me or did she not know about this or did she not want me to know.
But he awoke none to soon before he got a real good look at the man. Then he says John Garber. Hurry mom Mary is in trouble, Jasper says. When we get there stay in the car because John will remember your face I’ll go in. Ok son but is who is Mary. That is our baby they named her Mary.
They finally make it to John’s Palace. It is a hole-in-the-wall kind of place where you can get anything you want.
He looks at his mom and says, mom no matter what happens go along with it. She says to him, Jasper keep out of the way of John because he will recognize me, okay he says.
Jasper walks in with his shoulders thrown back and chest stuck out. An evil looking man walks up and says can I help you. Yes Jasper replies. I heard you had this little thing that a man can get for a few hours at a time. Yes for a small fee. How much, Jasper asks? 900 bucks. Well all I have is 750dollars. The man looks out in the car and says 750 bucks and the thing sitting in your car.
Jasper thinks to himself, I can’t get her because if he sees her, he will know something is up. Fast on his feet, now remembering that the face he saw in the dream wasn’t of this man he ask where is a man called John. Well the man says he is gone out for awhile, but I still conduct business around here. Knowing without John being there it would be cool to bring his mom in.
So he tells the man well let me go get her. Jasper walks to the car and tells his mom what was going on. She agrees to it. So they walk in the door of this place so where is she Jasper asks? It’s the last door on the right.
As Jasper leaves the room Ms. Garber tries to get the man to talk about John, but he won’t budge off any information.
Jasper makes his way to the room, he stops before he goes in trying to prepare himself for about what he might find in the room. He says fear not what you will find is joy and happiness for three people.
He walks in the room with the very frightened girl. He says don’t worry I am here to help. With one glimpse into his eyes she jumps in his arms saying Jasper you found me. Come on Mary mom is out there with that idiot. Down the hall they come. Jasper hears a struggle going on.
Jasper and Mary’s mom is trying to fight the man off of her with no luck he is just to strong so Jasper with one stroke hits him right in the throat crushing his windpipe.
Jasper mom says calm down son we will think of something. He says no mom you don’t understand during the struggle my wallet fell out. We must go back.
No Mary said John could be back and were no match for him not like this. We must come up with a plan. So they arrive back at home. Jasper still upset because he still thinks he’ll get in trouble for the murder and Mary tells him no Jasper, John will hide the body and then he will come looking for us. John doesn’t get upset he gets even.
Then they storm out the door and to the car they go. They leave never looking back. Now Mary hugging Jasper tight not letting go.
Mom they will know killed that man.
Chapter Seven
Mary’s Life
Arriving back at home Jasper, Mary and their mother sit down for some coffee. Mary starts telling her story. I started remembering at about age five. John would be sitting at the end of my bed saying I can’t wait until you start hitting puppetry. Me not knowing what he was talking about I would say me either.
Life goes on without a miss until I turn twelve years old. Then one day John comes home with this fourteen-year-old boy making me have oral sex with him after that he sends the boy home. But as weeks went by he said they would get bigger and better for me.
After a few months of this I started hurting on the inside. I couldn’t tell the difference from where pain stopped and feeling good began, because I knew something was wrong. I remember going to church once. What they preach is god loved all his children and knew that if he loved us he wouldn’t let pain come upon us. I still believe this and believe John is the devil himself.
He told me “I could make a lot of money off you.” As more the guys came the older they would get.
So men had compassion for me others could care less but most of them didn’t realize my age neither did I.
As the older I got the more my body would fail me and their would infuriate John.
One day this man comes in and told John if he had another girl he could really earn some money.
So one day John comes home with two more girls he says were to help me.
I don’t know where John got them but I felt sorry for them. One of the girls was so beautiful I still have spiritual contact with her. They took most of the work for awhile until I got my strength back. But until then I was all John’s. I would have been before but John took more pride in money than he did in sexual pleasure because a dollar would last longer in a 2 dollar store than he would in bed.
But us girls had a common bond until the oldest being Angel decides she was going to break out and she tries it but John caught her and thrown her in the pit below the house he never even checked on her. John told us if we ever tried that he would do us the same way.
Now just the two of us, we became very close. Then one day Scarlet says she was going to make a run for it. She makes it out but I never knew if she made it. But she does come to me in my dreams. Jasper she is who brought me to you. I know he says. Mary, John killed her. I visioned it in my dreams. Scarlet has been helping for years.
So what happened to you after Scarlet? Guys would come in two and three times a day for the next six years. Did you ever try to make a break? No but there was this one man who tried to help me but he was killed for his effort.
Jasper no one has ever stood up to them like you have. You are my blood sis I would die for you.
Mary says to Jasper you have the heart and the will to go out there and do things don’t beat around these people they will hurt you . Jasper replies they’ll have to kill me because I wont back down. Suddenly they hear something outside the window.
Chapter Eight
Fighting Off John
Jasper runs upstairs with Mary and his mom. He takes them to his closet to try and find some safe haven for the girls.
Then back down again he goes. Jasper walks outside to see what was going on, who’s out there he asks?
Without even knowing in from behind the walks in the house and slam goes the door. Now Jasper banging on the door let me in he says. Then he sees a shadow going up the stairs. Jasper burst through the window, then after he gains his senses again runs up the stairs. John standing in his way, he takes one swing on Jasper and sends him sailing down the stairs. Out like a light Jasper goes. Now waking up minutes later, Jasper storms the house to find no sign of anyone. He runs out the door, no one.
Now Jasper finds a low spot in life. The person whom has never forsaken him and other than that he loves so much but doesn’t know at all is gone, all because he could save them he is very troubled. But knowing if he wanted a second chance on saving them he had to act fast. How can I find out where they have gone. Before he would go back home, what would he do. Then he thinks to himself.
Of course, Scarlet. Where are you Scarlet. As she comes to him in a flash he ask Scarlet can you help, John Garby has Mom ans Mary and I can’t find them, can you help me. Yes she replies but Jasper you have to be careful, because John is ruthless and he will do anything to control every situation. I know Jasper explains, but if something happens to them my life isn’t worth living anyway. Ok Jasper , go the back way out of town on the old dirt road. Jasper arrives to the road. She says now on the porch of an old abandoned house I can see them. Is it the old house you took me too? Yes that is the one. He arrives there. Go inthe room that has the old record player. Thanks Scarlet he says.
Jasper understand, John thinks you are dead, so wait for the right moment because he won’t expect you.
The door was left open so Jasper has a clean break through the front door. He glides his way in the house through the living room and across the hall where he’ll find John, Mary and his mom. Thinking to himself what can I do so he gets the girls attention before.
He goes in and hides in the closet. Jasper hears John saying I wish I had a phone so I could call over the guys to have some fun. Jasper thinks to himself only if I could get Scarlet to relay some message to Mary. But Scarlet was one step ahead of him. She tells Mary to clap her hands. So she does then this song starts playing on the record player. John says hey what was that. Then appears this ghost of an old Confederate soldier. This spooked John something fierce and he was steadily backing over to Jasper. Then all of a sudden Jasper jumps out of sudden a gun goes off, and then another shot is fired. With a distraught look on his face Jasper falls to the floor.
The first shot hits Jasper in the stomach but the second gets John in the heart and John dies instantly with his gunshot wound. Lying there helpless Jasper starts to say his goodbyes to his mom and Mary.
He tells them he loves them and they tell him how proud they were of and how much they love him. Then Jasper’s mom feels a warm since of relief and grabs Mary and takes steps back. In an instant this man comes in with this Army uniform on. He stands over his son with one hand over the wound and another rising to god saying please dear lord believe in him. Then the man disappears. Jasper awakens some time later sore but alive. Mom I had the weirdest experience of my life. Yes son I saw your father too.
He jumps up and said John Garber is dead, thank goodness he is gone forever. They go to the police to tell their story about John and Bill Garber. Good job son we have been looking for these guys for years for some murders they were involved in.
Chapter Nine
The Experience
So now a few months later to the day of his getting rid of John, Jasper starts to feel sick, of what he does not know.
Strange feelings have come over him. Visions of dead soldiers lying all around him. Jasper try’s to come to, but he just can’t shake the feeling. What can it be he says to himself. Then this girl comes to him saying he has you now and you can’t shake him. Jasper thinks back and it’s the same little girl that he had picked up out bushes in his back yard years earlier. He remembers Scarlet saying she isn’t real, stay away from her. Jasper tries to run but is getting know where bouncing off walls that look like cave walls. Then he sees a light getting closer and closer, just before he reaches it he see Scarlet, come on Jasper this way and that way took him away from the light. Jasper wakes up in a frantic scare. Well the next day he goes to the doctor.
Sitting out in the waiting room Jasper try’s to think what can I tell them that could help me but wouldn’t make these people think I am a idiot. Jasper really believes that the whole world would be lost if the experiences he was having where more common. That is why he is willing to give out information.
His name has been called and he enters the checkup room. Now being very nervous, he doesn’t know if he should tell the whole story of his life or just let the doctor give him a checkup. Well he elects the checkup as the doctor enters the room.
Well Jasper what is wrong with you. Well I feel sick to my stomach and I have sharp pains in it. Then I shall take a look. So she has him lie on the table and listens to see if she can hear anything unusual. Then she starts to feel of his stomach again and there it was a knot the size of a golf ball. What can that be? She says to Jasper son I need some blood work and some ex-rays.
Jasper really being concerned now not really knowing what to do. To him it seemed like the world had stopped turning for a moment. He looks to his mom with a distraught look on his face and she starts crying. The thought of what her baby is going through just tumbles her. The doctor tells Jasper to go over to the hospital for his Test and they find anything shell be there in a moment.
They tell Jasper it could take a week to find what was wrong.
These next seven days for Jasper would seem to be an eternity for him. A couple of days go by and no word. At this point Jasper really has been drained and physically. On the third day he really didn’t feel like getting out of bed, so he didn’t and it would be costly for him, because he would dream a lot. In these dreams they wouldn’t be the same for him. He sees himself sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee by himself and the confederate soldier sits his musket down and then takes a seat himself.
He looks at Jasper and tells him what he and Jasper were going to do. The soldier begins by saying, son since you have already tasted blood, I have a plain to take out all you ever knew. Meaning Jasper’s Mom, Mary, Scarlet and his dog. Jasper says you can’t touch the. I won’t let you. The soldier looks at Jasper and says son am apart of you . There’s nothing you can do. Jasper says with the Lord and Scarlet I can. The man says Scarlet is had. I will kill her first. Then Jasper wakes up saying No Scarlet No. All Jasper can think of now is what will he try to do. Then Jasper says if I don’t fall asleep he can’t hurt me or anyone close to me.
So off to the hospital they go, first getting his blood work then his x-rays. A week goes by before he gets word from the doctor. She calls and says Jasper I need you in my office right away.
By this time Jasper is wore out he has three days without sleep. He just can’t think of what the doctor wants or needs he is to exhausted to think.
Now arriving at the doctor’s office. Jasper walks into the Doctors office shivering in fear of what he might find out what might be wrong. And the Doctor says. Well son I didn’t see anything on your x-rays, other than the knot in your stomach. But your blood work is a very different story. What do you mean he asks? I don’t know how to explain it she says but if you start to feel real sick you call me at home.
He tells her ok. Then Jasper starts home, Jasper looks over in the passenger seat, there he is again the soldier sits right beside. He tells Jasper, son well be a good team. The Confederate tells him I will have my way, you can’t stop me. I tell you I am here to stay. The war will start soon so get ready Jasper then he is gone
So now at home he goes on t tell his mom and Mary the situation. His mother feeling like she would pass out with the though of something being wrong with her baby.
Jasper trying to be strong for the lady’s. No matter what happens mom I love you nothing will ever make me forget that so don’t worry. Well bedtime came’s and Jasper asked Mary to stay by his side.
Sitting right next by her brother she begins to question what has gone wrong but she can’t find an answer anywhere. She holds Jasper’s hand and all of a sudden he starts to gasp for breathe and clinches his hands, Mary shook Jasper saying wake up Jasper wake up. When he finally comes out of it he looks at her saying, I feel sick again now, then he breaks out in a cold sweat.
Jasper try’s to get out of bed but he can’t feel the strength he needs or it takes to get up.
So Mary hollers form their mother to call the doctor. While there mom was on the phone, Scarlet came to Jasper and Mary . Scarlet asks, what is it Jasper? I don’t know but it is in my stomach. Jasper remembers the showdown you had with John. Yes. Well when you got shot that was the only crevice he needed to get inside you. Who he asks? Remember the Confederate soldier that was there? Yes I do. Well he is your evil contact I was telling you about some years earlier.
Jasper says that explains why he has been visiting often lately. You are all in trouble. We have to act quickly.
How do I get him out, he asks? Well it is a long process that requires surgery. Then the sack that he is in cannot be touched after that, you must keep him in a jar of some kind at your house. Because anywhere else it would not be safe. You cannot kill him, he will not be stopped any other way.
Dr. Nelson arrives, runs to Jasper’s side. Soon as she enters the room Jasper tells her I have to be operated on. Why she asks? Then he begins to tell her what the deal is.
Doctor you must understand this is an evil being you must be careful. Dr. Nelson doesn’t know what to think of this but for some reason she believes what she is hearing. She then says ok lets do this. So they call an ambulance.
The ambulance arrives, they go in to get Jasper. As the paramedics start an IV in his arm.
The paramedic that is holding Jasper’s arm feels a cool breeze, its like the breeze passes right by him, not touching him but coming close enough he can tell its cool and then thought he sees a figure of a man beside him, but it was a split second so he brushes it off to just think he was mistaken.
Now they have loaded Jasper in the ambulance and are on their way.
When they get to the hospital he receive a private room and a strange face comes through the door. Jasper asks, what are you doing in here? Dr. Nelson wanted me to take a look at you. It isn’t anything she can’t take care of. Well can you get her now Dr. Peterson, please.
She arrives in the room and Jasper explains to her. You have to do the surgery. I can’t take a chance on anyone else finding out about this. Scarlet will tell you what you have to do. Who is Scarlet, the doctor asks? Scarlet appears in an instant, with her mouth dropping open like a dresser drawer, she says how is this. Just take a seat and listen Scarlet says. After she was done telling Dr. Nelson the story she says with confidence we will get this thing Jasper, but after hours.
I can’t take a chance on anyone finding out I am doing this. It could cost me my job. So Jasper waits on ten o’clock. Hours seem like days for him. Finally he goes on his way back to the hospital. He goes in for prep and the anesthetic. Finally he goes in for surgery. Two hours have passed and still no result. She has got to the contact and trying to be very careful not to tear the sack. Now she has got it careful putting it into the fruit jar. She carries on to sew Jasper up. But she starts to feel queasy and has to sit down for a moment.
Every time she comes in contact with the knot she gets vision, the vision murders rapes and tortures this man has committed from Men Women and children. It’s a recurrence she will never forget. She feels cold then hot, cold the hot again the Doctor says to herself, how can this young man live with this. Now regaining her composure and carries on with the job at hand.
Just about done Dr. Nelson can see the mans face in her mind. He looks at her and says “don’t tell Jasper I am gone he loves me he will really be upset”. Then says to leave this young man alone. You are trapped forever. Now she is finished she goes to tell Ms. Garber her son is done and they have the evil soul. After two hours of recuperating, Jasper awakes. His Mom and Mary and his thought to be guardian angle standing there with him. Boy Scarlet, mom and Mary and I couldn’t have done it without you guys. Thank you.
Is it gone Doctor Jasper replied, yes he is . Over there in that jar just waiting for you to take him home.
Jasper on his way home grasp the jar and begins to talk to it. This is your home now. I will put you where I can keep an eye on you. You wont hurt anyone again. Jasper then falls asleep, now he can sleep without any visitors.
When he arrives home he puts the jar on the mantle and tells his mom and Mary not to even clean around the jar. Jasper not filling his self after he gets back home but still a lot better than he did a few hours ago. He still has his dreams, but now they just come and go.
Chapter Ten
Jasper sets around home and just wonders where life has gone. Knowing he has had a troubled life, but where do I go from here I have sunken in tracks I can’t get out of.
No one will ever want someone like me. He’s thought about suicide but where would that get him hell. Besides I have been through to much to do that. Mom and Mary have stuck beside me I couldn’t do them that way.
Jasper says from this day forward I am going to get out and try to meet people I am not going to be a bum.
So one day late July 1999, Jasper meets this girl in the meat market while he was shopping for his bar-b-q.
Elizabeth is my name she says and what is yours she ask, he replies my name is Jasper.
Jasper ask why are you talking to me, she says why you don’t want me too.
He says no I don’t usually have people come up to talk to me that’s all. Elizabeth says well you look to be pretty nice. Jasper replies what you don’t know about people can come back to bite. She says what do you mean. Jasper says nothing I have come to know this. He really doesn’t want to tell her his problems so he blows this part of the conversation off. She ask do you date much. Jasper tells her not lately. I have had bad experiences so I just shy away from people. She says don’t shy away from me because I just want to have a friend.
Then she comes up to him to surprise and asks him for a date.
Not really knowing how to respond Jasper fumbles a minute, thinking if I get to know her what will happen. I really don’t expose another victim of my mind boggling experience but she is really nice and he decides. Sure how about you come over to my house for a bar-b-q. Sure I will Elizabeth replies. So that afternoon came, meat cooking on the grill. She walks up.
Hey Elizabeth how are you? Fine Jasper and you. Fine he says. Ummm something smells really nice. Well thanks Liz says Mary.
Mary, being the cooker of the family takes to the compliment. So where are you from Liz, Mary asks? Well, Elizabeth replies. I was raised about five blocks over. Then I met this Bull rider at a rodeo in Montana and then we went on to get married. He was from a little town in Missouri named Gideon. After he retired we moved there and I started teaching at the school there. Which was a fine school the finest in the country. But we started having problems and we divorced and I came back home.
The really goes well for Jasper and the he more found about this girl the more he liked her. The time has come for the feast to be over and Liz comes up to Jasper to ask him for a formal date. He replies, well if mom doesn’t need me after the house is cleaned up I can. Then he ask his mom, mom can I go out with Liz after the house is clean? Son you don’t have to ask for my permission, you are a grown man. But Liz thought it was sexy, that a man of his own could still ask his mom for permission. Liz looks to Jasper and says. I will help clean the house. He replies that would be cool. Well if we are going out we need to get started.
So off through the house they went grabbing the mop and broom, dancing around like they were teenagers again. The cleaning takes a couple of hours, but finally they were finished. Jasper says to Liz you go get ready and I will and I will meet you at the corner. Liz says that will be great.
Jasper rushes out the door and down to the corner to meet this beautiful young girl that he has just now got to know. As he stands on the corner, out of his mind comes Scarlet. He asks her, what is it Scarlet? Nothing Jasper, this is the right girl for you try to do the right things. But wait to tell her about your past. He replies, will she be the one to make me happy. Scarlet returns, Yes she is the one. Then she tells him I must go now and let your life begin.
Scarlet now gone, then she walks up, Jasper who were you just talking to? He replies, myself. I was just trying to figure out what I might say to you to make you like me more. She says nothing, all I ask is be yourself. Thank you he replies.
Now the night would begin with a bite to eat. Then they take in a movie. After that they would go on a long walk. They find out have a lot of things in common. They both figure they have built some trust in each other so they leave the night with some thought of feelings for each other.
The next day has begun now. Jasper leaves his room for the day to find that Elizabeth to be at the bottom of his stairs. Liz what are you doing this early in the morning? She replies, well I thought I would show a few things I loved as a kid. He says sure that might be fun. So they take out the door. Jasper looks to Liz and asks. Where arew we going? She says I thought we might go to the creek. Okay he replies. He ask another question. What might we find there? Liz replies, I was just wondering if the ole rope still hangs over the water.
As they make it to the spot where the rope use to be to find the old one was gone but a new was hanging, just to show the creek was still in use. Liz asks, Do you want to jump in. He replies sure. So they strip to their underclothes and take off. They play in the water for hours, until their skin wrinkled. Then they just lay up on the bank of the creek until they dry. Jasper looks over to Liz and then reaches to give her a kiss. Then he tells her this is the most fun I have had ever. She replies, me too. Then their day would end a heat of passion right there on the bank of that creek. This would be a place they would have a lot of fun talking about.
A few weeks later, while at the store, Liz would here some disturbing news about her Jasper. The things she heard about his dreams and his fight with this spirit would send her in disbelief. So she goes right to Jasper if it had any truth.
As Jasper comes down the stairs, his mom looks at him and says son you need to tell Liz about everything, now.
Jasper leans over to Liz to tell her everything that has happened to him. She said Jasper you need not keep anything from me. He replies, well I thought if I had told you there couldn’t have been a chance for us. I had to let you get to know me.
that I have and I love everything about you but don’t keep anything from me. He replies, what if I have those dreams again, she tells him I am here for now. He says thank you so much and I think I have fallen in love with you. She replies, I fell in love with you Jasper the very first time I saw you.
Six months from this very day Jasper proposes to his love. Liz replies, I would have said yes on our first date, of course I will.
Well their lives would change dramatically over the next few months. Trying to get the plans together for their wedding. It all was going good right up until after the wedding. No more than ten minutes after they were married Liz took sick, so they took her to the hospital to see if they could find anything out of condition. Well Liz still back in the nurses station the doctor comes to Jasper to tell him the news. The Doc looks to Jasper and says son you are going to be a father. Jasper nearly passes out. Then he said I need to get on my feet. I have to go to Liz. He makes his way back to her and she is crying. Jasper asks. What is wrong Mrs. Garber. Nothing, she replies, this is the happiest day of my life. Then why do you cry. Well Jasper I haven’t been totally honest with you. I was pregnant before and lost my baby at birth. He says this won’t happen to ours, I will let you rest all you need to. She says thanks, you are the best.
After they leave the hospital they go straight to his house to tell Jasper’s mother the news.
Jasper walks through the house to find his mother lying on the bed reading a book. Jasper sits down beside her and he says mom you are going to be a grandmother. Then she becomes faint, still trying to be alert she asks. What did you say? Mom it is true we are going to have a baby. She becomes over joyed with the news and says well we have to do some shopping. So they talk most of the night what they need to do to make this babies life comfortable and they decide they stay with Jasper’s mom until they can find the right house to buy.
The next morning the girls load up and go shopping for the one on the way.
Liz and Jasper’s mom were gone most of the day. Jasper not knowing what to think of what he would over the next few months. This by far the biggest responsibility he will ever have he starts to think will my baby have the same nightmares that I have lived with. So he kneels to pray to god to take any fear away from his unborn child. Then he feels a sigh of relief as if he heard from the lord.
Well the time came when his mom and Liz made it home. They were acting as if they were mother and daughter. Jasper just runs to give Liz a big hug and said I just missed you today. She replies, well Jasper I missed you too.
Months have went by and Liz has really gained a lot of weight from her last visit and the Doctor asks if she has been eating right and she replies. Yes. Well they do another ultrasound to find that she was going to have twins.
Liz comes home to Jasper to tell him the news. Jasper. Yes he replies. Sit down. He looks in disbelief. Don’t tell me that something is wrong. She says no the babies are fine. He looks, then closes his eyes and then looks again. So you mean to tell me we are going to have twins. She says yes Jasper, twins. Jasper just can’t get over the amazement. He says well we have to tell mom.
Jasper comes down the stairs, to the living room where his mom is sitting. Jasper walks over, turns the TV off. Then he turns to her and says mom we are going to have twins. She starts to cry, then she said son we are going to have two babies to love. Jasper says yes mom.
The next couple of months Liz’s pregnancy goes as planned and it is time to go to the hospital. Jasper fumbling over the bags as if he just learned to walk. Well he manages to make it to the car without hurting himself or Liz. They make it to the hospital and Jasper rushes her in, now with a sense of urgency because she has start to bleed. Without any sign of problems at all, they come. The doctors can’t figure what could be wrong they go to Jasper, we must do a c-section on her or she or the babies may not make it. Jasper says, do what it takes just save my family.
They start the procedures and run Jasper out of the room because they say mom is fading. Jasper drops to his knees and ask god, please god send her an angel. Then outside the a man appears and Jasper says Jasper look, it is your father. Moments later the doctors come out and tell Jasper it is a miracle she has stabilized and will be fine. The babies are fine too. You have two healthy boys and they will be out in a moment. Moments later, the boys now in Jasper’s arms, he looks up and says thank you lord, without you none of this would be possible.
Now hours later Liz wakes up with her husband looking over her. She says Jasper some man came in to hold my hand and I think he saved my life. Jasper says I know I saw him go in. It was my father, he was the angel I prayed for. Then she looked at him and said god sent us together and I am so lucky, then she fades off to sleep.
Life has gone for the new family. The twins have grown into beautiful little lives that are cherished by everyone involved with their lives. But Jonathan the first to come into this world, starts to sleep long hours. Tossing and turning all the time. Jasper knows what is going on. So off to the doctor they go. They tell Jasper they need to observe this child for a few days. He agrees if he can stay. Sure they say. They observe him and come to a conclusion he has know dreams just a sleeping disorder that could be relieved with medication. Jasper feels a sigh of relief. After months of medicine the baby is fine.
Life for this young child is normal again and Jasper’s life is easy again. Now ready to have their next child, Liz tells Jasper, I love just as much now than I ever have. He tells her I love you too Elizabeth.
After the birth of their third child Jasper has become a little stressed and just plumb wore out. The kids on mom were asleep, Jasper has just finished the house work. Well, Jasper says to himself I think I will take my nap. So up the stairs he goes and makes his way to the bed.
As he lies on his bed Jasper takes to a deep sleep. He starts looking all over his house, looking for some reason something is after him. Something he forgot about after time was sitting up on the mantle. It had the soul of the Confederate soldier that pressed on his soul for so long.
The jar tipped over and empty. Jasper runs through the house looking for his family. No-one was to be found. What has he done with them.
He runs out of the house and over to his mom’s house he goes. He looks on the first floor of the house nothing. Then up the stairs he goes and where it all started is where he found everyone that he cared about. His mom, Liz, all three boys, the spirit of his father , Mary and Scarlet’s spirit. Then out from behind Jasper he came. The Soldier that hunted Jasper’s soul so vigorously. Jasper asks. What do you want? Jasper he replies you know what I want, your soul. Scarlet says don’t Jasper, he can’t touch anyone. Then a shot rang out of the musket, Jasper’s mom hits the floor. Another goes off and Mary hits the floor. Then Jasper tries to get Liz and the kids out. But not before the bayonet pertrudes one of the boys then into Liz and as she falls the other two boys are trapped under the lifeles body and their small brother and then two more shots rang out to get the other two boys. Now his whole family lie on the floor. Jasper wakes up screaming.
Jasper comes down the stairs in disbelief. Standing in the living room drinking a cup of coffee is his Father, standing right across the room is his mother. He runs to the window, looks outside he sees is Mary and Scarlet. Jasper runs to the bathroom looks inside the mirror to see this ten year old face he has seen everyday since he can remember. Then the doorbell rings and Jasper runs to get it. There he finds this little eleven year girl that likes so much. Jasper gives Liz a hug, grabs her hand and runs to the creek to jump off the rope that might have not been remembered.

© Copyright 2003 Jerry Martin (jay1987 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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