Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/744680-Entering-Jasper
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Emotional · #744680
Dreams of a little boy turns him from boy to man to boy in a summer
As a young boy Jasper really didn’t like to go to bed ,because he a bad dreams. His mom had taken him to the doctor, but really no conclusion had been drawn on the cause of his dreams , but they knew he was a unique young man by the time he was six years of age the dreams had become more dramatic than ever.
He had dreams of a confederate soldier chasing him through the valleys of Shiloh National Battle grounds. For some reason he couldn’t understand, he kept having the same dream for weeks on in. It was always through the same remote area, down the sunken road, through the old cabin, around the bloody pond where he sees the young and old soldiers lying in and around the pond covered with blood and full of bullet holes, so much for a young man to uncover.
Now he slows, his heart starts to slow down and his blood pumping slower. His dreams went dramatizing, to mellow. He is about to have his ninth birthday, when it happens.
He starts to wonder, dream a little bit, then he wakes sits up in bed then faintly starts to wonder off a little more when it hits, a young boy on the run from a confederate soldier that’s after his soul. He cuts across the sunken road down past the little cabin till he gets to the bloody pond where he sees this young black soldier that was fighting for his freedom and with guys that are trying to keep him from getting it. He looks up to Jasper to tell him, son if you want to defeat him stand up to him, he will back down because he cant touch you. So Jasper remembers what the black soldier told him and as the soldier comes up to him he tells Jasper turn it over to me now, what Jasper asks? Your soul says the soldier, I will not run no more, I will stand for me and all you have killed, Jasper replies. The soldier does, what the black soldier said he would, back down and he does.
As time goes on Jasper’s dreams becomes more like his life than ever before. He feels it in his heart, he lives it every night. His mom is his care giver, more than any other mom he knows.
As he grows in the next few weeks he feels he has grown older in years instead of days. He does not what to do but one thing he does know is, he could never leave his mom’s side he carries on in that manner for the next few years.
During the time of punk and rock music, Jasper was always listening to his music, he would never be worried about going on dates or out with the guys. He would stay at home with his mom never wanting to go out on dates or after school activities.
One day Jasper met this young lady from a school some ten miles away. She caught his eye with just one look. They sat down to talk for a few minutes, just to find they had a lot in common.
While music has become a big part of Jasper’s life and friends and girlfriend have not, he was still pretty popular at school.
He really never got to know many people, because he didn’t want them to find out about his dreams.
Jasper being a handsome young man had lots of opportunities to have girlfriends but really didn’t want any involvement.
He really felt like he could trust her, man I believe I can open up to her and he does. He tells her about his dreams. This being the first person outside his family and doctors that know.
He starts off with stories with this confederate soldier. But now his dreams are a little more intense. Dreaming of doctors that coming in the that he seeks help in. But they don’t seem to be doctors at all. Journeymen from the 22nd century seeking souls of young men to keep their blood warm so they can seem like they were just another human.
Other dreams were a little more obvious about his life. When he was about six he tells of an angel had come to him and said my child no matter what comes to you the lord is always here for you. This is something you need to remember. Well enough about me what about you.
Well Jasper my name is Scarlet, that name come from an affair my mom had but the guy isn’t my father. The man my mom was married to at that time is my father. But she named me this because of the Scarlet letter A.
My mom told me when I was younger that no matter what was in our heart, don’t act on it until your cure the past and present.
Now he had a friend he confide in the, the relationship went on from there. She wanted to take Jasper on a date and she asked if would like to take him dancing and he took her up on it.
Now there on they were traveling to the place to dance, they seem to make a little detour but now convinced he might have made a mistake, Jasper trembles at the thought of what might happen, so he says to himself how did I let this happen I knew I shouldn’t have gotten involved. Now they turned to this old road and Jasper looked too scarlet and asked her where they were going, she just looked at him and said we are going dancing. Well what kind of music are they going to be playing there? She says you will see.
Now arriving at this abandoned house. Jasper says, they can’t be playing any music here. She says come on you will see. Opening the front door Jasper said I told you they wouldn’t be playing any music here. Come on Jasper lets go, Scarlet says. “No, in a very strong tone. No I am ready to go back to my house where I will be safe. Scarlet looks at Jasper and says, Hey would I let anything happen to you. Jasper screeches his voice, I don’t know everything has been weird with you ever since we left town. Scarlet says well I will show you . She turns to the center of the room and says will I let anything happen to Jasper. Everything is quiet, and Jasper thinking to himself this chick is really weird, but for a second he feels just a little sigh of relief some warmth within, his self-conscience kicks in and pulls a reality check some how I have to get out of this. About the time he thinks of pulling a sick trick, the room grows cold and the feeling of movement around Jasper, he is now more frightened, but Scarlet moves to the edge of the old fireplace where right beside is an old record playing which in fact has not a record on it. With one clap of her hands it starts playing this old forties piece. What is this Jasper asked? Not what I want that is for sure. “So with one more clap of her hands, a seventies piece starts playing.”Ok you need to start playing my music Scarlet says. One more clap of her hands, the grand ole eighties. Yes this is our music. People start rolling in with big hair and parachute pants. Scarlet says this is the music I want. Jasper ,not knowing what to think or what to do, he stands up and then falls to one knee. A rumble, then a roar, it feels like a lion on the inside. Jasper really felling it, he says this must be it, I am fixing to die, my life is ending before it starts real good. Things start going through his mind, what will mom say what will she do with out me, this will just kill her. I have to think of something. Scarlet , Jasper asks can you help me. She asks.“what’s wrong Jasper.” I know what this is Jasper. It is an attempt to go home, but it isn’t going to work. Scarlet says to Jasper, take it easy, let the mood, the rhythm flow. Now Scarlet seems to be fading in out to Jasper. As every minute goes by it feels like a day. Jasper is trembling but he seems to be losing face.
Scarlet now becomes clear to him again, then Scarlet says to Jasper, I can make you feel better. She takes one of his hands in hers then puts the other on his stomach, she goes on to talk in a language Jasper doesn’t understand. Getting feelings he has never felt before, he goes out like a light. Now in a deep sleep, Jasper sees thoughts of his baby life before him, his dad taking him to a horse ride, his grandma and grandpa rocking on the front porch while he is playing in the yard. But he sees a little girl playing with him and it is as if Jasper has never seen her before now he gets close to a light This is it I have passed on in the next life.

Chapter Two
The Beginning
Waking up in his own bed he starts to scream. Ma, Ma where are you. In the room she storms. What’s wrong babe, she asks? Feeling her hair and rubbing her skin, saying I Love You Ma and once again he is out like a light.
Things are calm, Jasper is resting well now, but he thought he was at the crossroads. All he can think of is why me lord. What have I done, but all Jasper gets is the felling of ease and comfort, but he is waiting for it to change. When he wakes up the next day some fourteen hours later, still feeling a little strange he doesn’t know what to think of what just happened to him, or if even happened at all. Was it all a dream.
As he sits in his bed Jasper wonders why do I have to go through this, I should be out having fun with friends not having dreams or is it nightmare. I must relate I have to find Scarlet .
That afternoon he goes to find Scarlet. But his search comes up empty. Only wanting to find out if it were true.
In the next two weeks, Jasper relies on memories of those dreams to try to bring him closer to Scarlet. He ask himself what is her connection to me. I haven’t crossed her. Nor have I ever met her before we become friends. Now his life in turmoil from his life after his connections with Scarlet.
Two weeks go by and still no word from Scarlet. More time goes by the less he thinks of Scarlet. Every time he lays down for sleep he wonders, will she appear. Maybe or not but still he will never rest until he finds some answers. Since so much time has gone by Jasper really thinks it was a bad dream. Now he could carry on with his life.
Jasper got a since of dependance from Scarlet, he never trusted anyone besides his mom, until Scarlet. So he thinks maybe one day he could find someone a day on in his life.
Jasper starting his junior year of high school, starts to open up a little bit and met new friends, also he had sealed the love of a young girl that he met at a baseball game. She was a very beautiful young lady, her name Jennifer, Jasper’s name for her Precious. Because from the first moment he saw her that was what he thought of her precious. So precious. Days went on and Jasper grew to like her very much, they would always go for walks through the park. On these walks they would be gone for hours. On these walks they would see things that Jasper had never seen before and Jennifer would explain them to him. Jasper was amazed by Jennifer’s knowledge of her surroundings from the type of birds that were in the park to the trees, flowers, people and even the automobiles. One time she had told him that the reason they started making some cars pink is because some famous rock star bought his mother a pink Cadillac for no reason. He had special ordered the color.
A month went by and Jasper had fallen in love with Jennifer. But he didn’t feel she felt the same.
But one day Jasper lying on his bed, he had fallen asleep, he has a dream that had bypassed so long.
The Soldier returned but this time the soldier has come to Jasper’s world, where he takes a hold of people that Jasper cherishes like his Mom and Jennifer. As the battle heats up Jasper digging deep into his sole not realizing what’s going on outside him he falls victim to the circumstance of this Soldier when he feels something grab hold of him and bring him out of the corner and up to the surface, dusts him off then he opens his eyes and there she is Jennifer shaking him wake up baby its me. Jasper shaking, cold and sweaty Jasper gets up and says Jenn it is happening again.
The three days to come showed her love for him. Her every waking minute she spent with him rubbing his hair and caressing him like his mother use to do. He looks up at her and said I want to marry you when we can. Jennifer says I want to you too.
Jasper still afraid to tell her what he has went through with his dreams. He thought she might not want to be with him anymore. For the rest of the Junior Year they were like peas in a pod. To take different trips in the remote counties around. They first travel to Lawrence county. To find things that had been forgotten like old houses and what they might find there. Being the first house they go to The Renegade House where legend has it back to the Indian war, two Renegade Indian held off fire from fifteen soldiers for two days until the soldiers got close enough to shoot with accuracy and killed the two Renegades. As Jasper walks through he falls exactly where they stood because it was real cold. As he looks out the very window he can see the soldiers as they start to shoot, Jasper hits the floor, he tells Jennifer drop to the floor they are shooting at us. Jennifer asks Jasper what are you doing there’s no one out there. He’s in despair. When and where did that come from. The rest of the time they were there he stayed out of the standoff room. Well Jasper has had enough it was time to go.
He asked Jennifer lets think it over for the next visit we take.
Now I have had enough for a day. They go to the hotel where they get room service and then a nap. Jasper seeking a nice little nap hopefully not having a night like the day he had.
Sleep is good for Jasper, he plays out the next day like nothing happened the day before.
They are about to travel North of Lawrence County to this old church, that hasn’t been used in thirty years.
As they walk up the stairs to the front door, Jasper stops as cold chills run through his bones.
Jennifer opens the door and Jasper feels it as he walks through the door. He feels the presence of the Lord. Jasper walks in the corner next to what looks like a classroom where he thinks he sees a child sitting in a chair close to the corner and she looks at him and says he’s coming, and Jasper asks who’s coming and she says the Lord he is coming back for us. Then she ask are you ready. Jasper sighs , well I don’t think so I always knew of the Lord but I just really didn’t pay attention to what he would say. The Little girl says take my hand and I’ll show what you will get in hell, and what you’ll miss in Heaven if you’re not ready.
He takes her hand and through a door that goes out back, then they walk across the pasture to an old barn. When they enter the door, what Jasper sees tarries him. Fire everywhere people screaming. Fire burning through people like water running over rocks. The little girl says Jasper this is real this could be anyone you know that isn’t ready for the Lord.
These people standing looking at themselves as their body is engulfed in flames the screaming deafening and bone chilling. As they reached out to Jasper and ask him to help, one young man about twenty-one years old he ask Jasper, go to the Lord and tell him I am sorry and I will change just get me out of here. Jasper says I am sorry but the Lord has warned us but we haven’t listen. Now moving on out the crevices of Hell. Jasper sees a man that he knows Mr. Childers a real nice man, he too was not ready when he left the world. As Mr. Childers looks to Jasper and says Jasper go to the Lord start living his way.
Jasper doesn’t really understand why a nice man like Mr. Childers could have not gone to heaven and nor did he stick around to find out.
Now as he left the old church all he could think about is why do I have visions such as these, but as he and Jennifer travel on during their adventures he thinks less of it and tries to make the best of his summer with her.
As their adventure ends in a promise for a long relationship between a guy and gal. They were just as much best friends as they were a couple.
As they return home they vowed to make it through their senior year as a couple no matter what happens.
Jasper still thinks of Scarlet every now and again. How wonders where she is, but still not a word from her. Then one night she comes to him in a dream, but it was very short lived. She tells him, Jasper be careful who you will meet this year.
He doesn’t know what to think about his encounter with Scarlet, but he try’s for the first few weeks to come, too keep clear of strangers. But the thought was short lived.
One Friday night he and Jennifer were on their way to a party. Up the road, at the end of the shine from his headlight Jasper sees the outline of a human and as he gets closer he starts to make it out it’s a lady with a baby stroller, beside her was her overheated vehicle. Jasper stop to ask her if she needed some help and the lady says sure I need a ride to the closest town. Jasper says sure its just a couple miles up the road. The lady climbs in with her stroller that she had folded up. Jasper thinks to himself why would she have a stroller if she had no baby, then he says to himself again, hurry get her out as fast as I can. So they finally reach the next town and Jasper pulls up to a station to let her out. Without a thank you or anything, the lady gets out, leaving her stroller, she gets in a truck and it speeds off. Before Jasper could even yell, you left your stroller like it was planned.
Now Jasper curious about what might be in this stroller, he takes it out, unfolds to find a real old book, with lots of pages, but only one page had words on it, it read ,one person you love will move in into the next world before you graduate high school. He automatically knew it meant Jennifer.
He wasn’t going to say a word to her because he was going to try and keep her safe.
Now it being just a couple of months before school was out and Jennifer comes to Jasper to tell him, that she was pregnant, the baby was due in August. He was stunned but again he was happy.
Jennifer knew she couldn’t keep it a secret, so she tells her folks. They were furious. They told her she was not to see Jasper again.
Jennifer tells them this is his baby and he can’t be kept from this. Her mom and dad rallied back and told her she would be moving to her uncles in California.
She and Jasper puts up a big fight but still she would be off to California in a few days. It will be a ugly end to a great relationship.
Graduation finally came and Jasper still talking to Jennifer every other day but the calls became fewer and fewer.
Well the summer ended and Jasper hadn’t heard from Jennifer in a month. He knew its was about time for the baby to be born, but still he was unable to reach her.
Then one day a few weeks later Jasper runs into Jennifer,s mom and he asks, is Jennifer and the baby okay and she says, I’m sorry Jasper they both died due to complications in delivery.
Jasper felt like his whole world had stopped. The one girl that he loved more then life itself was gone and he couldn’t see, or hear nor talk to again and he started blaming himself. Not only was all he had was gone but the memories of a child that he would watch grow and become an adult were not to be. Then what he read in this book was late but true, the love of his life would be gone forever.
Weeks now gone by and Jasper already missed he’s entry into college. So he decides to take the year off. Jasper says to his mother, Ma I am going to work for the rest of the year and into the spring of the following year and then I will travel to California to finalize his relationship with Jennifer and his baby that was not to be know by anyone but the Lord.
Jasper starts to work for the local butcher shop packing meat. He really takes t his job and actually does really well.
But knowing he wouldn’t do this long he turns down advancement after advancement eight months after starting at the butchers shop it is time for him to move on.
Now May has come of the next year and he tells his mother he would be on his way to California and she agrees he should go .
It would still be a few days before he would leave for his adventure towards closure.
Jasper realizes he needs lots of rest before he leaves, because fore eight months he had worked much overtime and not knowing what lie ahead.
So he lays down for a nap but he felt like he was still awake but his eyes was. Scarlet comes to him, telling him don’t go to California he asks why? What you find out will upset you. Trust me Jasper it isn’t pleasant.
He feels that something bad has happened to Jennifer and the baby to cause their death.
Jasper doesn’t heed Scarlet’s warning, and goes to California anyway.
He arrives, goes to the neighbor hood where Jennifer uncle lived. Then he started passing around a picture of Jennifer and if anyone knew what actually happened to her. Well the first few days he had went by, he found no one who had seen her.
Jasper had been there a week without luck then one day as he walked around Jennifer’s uncle’s place, he sees this baby sitting in a blanket beside his dad. Jasper walks over to the man for some reason and ask is this your baby the guy say honestly I married his mom and then I adopted him, he could see it in the baby’s eyes. Then Jennifer walks up and Jasper’s mouth drops. He says who’s idea was it to tell you and my baby was dead.
Jennifer replied my mom said since I had found someone here, I did not need to concern you with it. Jasper says, you know I am here now and this is my baby and I have the right to see my child and I will. Jennifer says please Jasper don’t start any trouble, he replies, trouble started when I was lied to. I am going to kiss my baby and then go think about this just meet me here tomorrow and she says ok.
Jasper goes to his hotel, he got a shower then he lays down to take a nap. By the time his head hits the pillow he is asleep.
He starts calling for Scarlet and finally she comes. Jasper ask what should I do, start college and carry on with your life. Discovery of Jennifer and the baby are a blessing in itself.
The next day Jasper comes to the meet Jennifer. He approaches her and says that Jenn all I ask is tell the baby about a good friend you have back at home. I will, Jasper she replies. Jasper says to her I will be gone and I will leave you alone. She tells him thank you very much. He says to himself maybe what I read in the book was to mean that I would just lose her.
So on his way home, Jasper feels a little sigh of relief.
As he gets home, he sits down with his mom and tells her the news about Jennifer and their baby. Telling his mom the decision he made the baby was going to be hard but he does it and she agreed with him. It was a little shocking to him, but he realized mom knows best. He also tells her he has decided to go on to college and that really makes her happy and sad at the same time. Glad he has decided to go on with his life but again she will loose her baby.
Well the rest of the summer went well for Jasper. Not being caught up in the battle with himself has taken a huge burden off his shoulders.
Now it is time for Jasper to start to college. He figures he’ll go in stay away from the parties and other activities and he’ll do just fine.
Jasper feels good about his grades and accomplishments through the first six months of school. He is thinking this isn’t so bad after all now I can concentrate more on Jasper outside than the inside.
Not a musician but Jasper really likes his music, so he decides to take a concert in while he had nothing else to do. He makes his way down to the auditorium where the schools jazz band is performing. He finds he does enjoy the concerts so he would make a habit of coming to the concerts to occupy his time.
Now the week ending his freshman year Jasper prepares for his finals and really fixes his self on them and comes out with colors. An honor student, that is something he will be glad to bring home to mom.
Jasper makes it home to his mom and shows his grades to his mom and she really gets ecstatic. My baby has become an honor student how amazing can that be. Thank you Lord she replies. My baby is finally making it for his self. Then she says, this calls for a celebration.
Jasper’s mom plans for a party. She invites some of his friends and some of hers. She wants to celebrate her baby coming home and the grades and honors that he received.
It was about the time for the party and Jasper really feels good about his self all the way up until the time for everyone to go home. He goes to his mom to tell her that he doesn’t feel all that well. Then he goes to lay down. Jasper goes to his room when he starts to feel a burning sensation in his belly and it really hard for him to breathe, so he makes it quickly to his bed. He really can’t explain his feeling nut he knows it’s something he hasn’t ever felt before, but the longer he lay there the more ease he felt within, then he was able to fall asleep.
But it was one thing that he would like not to have done. He can see a dark cloud over the field behind his house, he can see the outline of a person walking toward his house, the first thing to come to his mind is the soldier but as it walks near it looks more like Scarlet and it was and he says to her as she comes to him he ask what is wrong Scarlet and she says Jasper you are in trouble be careful. I will be with you but you have to listen to me and then she fades away.
Jasper wakes and finds himself in cold sweat. Man he says, I haven’t seen Scarlet like that in a long time. But he fails to heed her caution. Still pleased with his college effort.
But his life was to change. Not able to find a job through the summer he becomes somewhat of angry person and it follows him on it to her sophomore year in college. He goes on a rage, a fury of relentless series of events taking place within his soul. His soul was fighting some inner batter he couldn’t explain. It was ripping his heart loose from the arteries. He starts all kinds of riots from sorts of all kinds. He just couldn’t take it anymore so he gives his mom a call.
“Mom do you remember the night I went out with Scarlet.” Yes son, I remember. Well he goes onto tell her that he just hasn’t been the same since. Things happened to me that night that I never told you about. So what are they son. Then he goes on to tell her about the bad things he experienced.
They got better but the night we had the party when I had come home from college and I got sick. It was her and she told bad things were going to happen to me and I think now she is out to get me.
Son I am on my way up to get you. Mom there are other things I need to warn you about. I have had thoughts of murder, rape and other crimes that aren’t me. I am on my way son, his mom says.
On her way to the college, she sees this young lady walking down the interstate. Not knowing why she stops to pick this girl up.
My young lady what brings you out to the interstate this late at night, she asks. I am going to the college to see my boyfriend. Well you’re in luck, Im going there to pick my son up. Great she replies, I can get a lift all the way there.
They arrive some two hours late. The young lady says Thanks Ma. What did you say Jasper mom asks? Well that is an expression I picked up from my boyfriend. He told me about his mom, and you remind me a lot of that. Thinks again and off she went.
Now Jasper mom enters the dorm and up to his room she goes to find the disturbing thing she has ever saw. Lying on the bed is Jasper without any clothes on and this young lady that she had given a ride standing over him speaking languages she has never heard before. Her son is lying motionless in his bed. She tried to walk in, but there was this wall of clear brick it seems like before her. At once Scarlet walks over to her and says take him now or you will never see him again. So to home they went and she vowed to never to speak of this night.
Never to be the same again Jasper would only leave the house with his mom. No visitors to sees him, Jasper went from very popular to somewhat of a hermit.

Chapter Three
His life didn’t slow down any. He couldn’t leave his house, because he was afraid of what might happen. Jasper just knew contact with the wrong person could bring him to the crossroads that he is now fearing more then anything else.
Murder, Jasper knew he was capable of it but he fought it so hard. The only refuge he could find would be his mother love.
So for the next few months Jasper would stay in his house under hid mother wing.
Mrs. Garber was really was really concerned about her son, but she also thought she could help more than the doctor.
Late that summer, Jasper was out on the lawn feeding his shepherd.

He could hear this pretty voice coming from the yard next to his, he searched but couldn’t find the face to fit it. Jasper then proceeded to feed his dog, when from the bush behind came this lovely young lady. Startled Jasper started to studder wh-wh-what are you doing. She explain, I am just trying to introduce myself. Then he replies Im sorry you just startled me. Not believing that after being through what he has experience that he could be next to someone alone, but he felt an immediate attraction between this young lady.
Jasper says well my name is Jasper and your’s is. My name is Jacklyn. He ask, are you visiting, she replies no I have moved in with my uncle. It was nice to meet you Jasper . Well I have to run some errands for my mom, see you later Jacklyn.
He hurries in to tell his mom the news about Jacklyn. Ma where are you? Down here she replies. So he goes downstairs to tell her the news. He goes on about the new girl he just met.
She is really pretty Ma, Jasper explains. She will be living next door. But the best thing is. I felt comfort with her. At first I was a little nervous, but for only a minute. I felt sudden ease when we began to chat.
Mom I think we can become friends.
Jasper’s mom said to herself this could help get her son well again, so she take upon herself.

So dinnertime came around and Jasper trying so hard to make a good impression on this new girl. He puts on his best shirt and pants and runs downstairs like a kid with a new toy. They’re here Jasper mom yells. Jasper as nervous as puppy with new owners, he fumbles around until he makes his way to the door.
Mr. Dunston makes his way thru the door first then his wife and baby, then there she comes.
Ms. Garby is dumb founded after she sees how her baby is reacting she is so relieved. So they eat then they have some pie. Everyone is sitting around the table just having small talk when Jacklyn asks Jasper to go for a walk. Mom, he ask can I? Sure I don’t care if Mr. Dunston doesn’t. Go on get to know each other. So they walk for about two hours. Being the first time in eight months that Jasper has been away from his mom. Jacklyn then asks Jasper, Do you want to come over Friday night and watch some movies? Sure he says.
Jasper feeling better than he has in a long time still trying to stay shy of people knowing daytime things could go wrong so it is getting closer to Friday he tries to think of things he could say and things not to say just to keep Jacklyn as a friend.
Friday rolls around and Jasper comes to Jacklyn’s house to find her lying on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and the remote. What are we going to watch? Just some movies my uncle got in the mail.
Jacklyn turns the VCR on. Now waiting for the movie to come on and Jacklyn turns to Jasper and says I am glad I got to meet you and gave him a big hug and a kiss. Jasper in awe, then when he gets his composure back, he says I have never seen anyone that happy to meet me.
She replies, well it’s been along time since I have gotten to be with someone as fun as you Jasper. He replies, well I don’t know where you find fun in me, but I am glad you do because I really enjoy your company. Jacklyn says thinks Jasper I have heard a compliment like that in a few years.
Jacklyn I don’t mean to intrude but what brings you out here anyway. She replies, well a few years ago my mom met this guy she really liked and he acted likes he felt the same. So they dated for awhile and then she married him. He beat her all the time. This went on for a few years. But as I grew older he started turning toward me for pleasure. I didn’t say anything to anyone, not even mom. I was afraid of what might happen to us.
Then I called uncle Ben and told him. He came took us away from the living Hell. Mom is in rehabilitation and here I am.
Jasper sighs and says I am sorry. Jacklyn says I am ok Jasper I feel relief now. So now comes the movies and out went the light. Through the first half of the movie.
The walk beings and Jasper struggles, he struggles to stay off seats edge. Knowing he’s been in these situations before. As the man lies on the bed, not able to move or talk as this man in a army suit tortures him, hovering over like a buzzard hovers over it’s prey. Hash backs that’s all Jasper can see.
Jasper says to himself, this is all too familiar to me. This is nothing short of a walk back in his life. For some reason he just starts telling Jacklyn about his life. He is telling her things he has not told anyone, not even his mother. Especially the time he was under Scarlet power. He goes on to tell her when he was under some kind of trance. Lying under her he had feelings he had, to this day he don’t understand. I walked through this dark tunnel, seeing things like cats without any eyes but could still get where they were going. Dogs without tails or ears bit still kept there balance. The most disturbing thing was I walked to this casket with me lying in it. So if you don’t want to see me again I would understand. Don’t be silly it would take more than to scare me away. But what happens next was a low point in Jasper life. In the last thirty minutes of the movie he sees his life experiences happening in the move, then he sees his self leave his body walking over to Jacklyn and ripping her blouse from her body. Then he sees his self-raping her then strangling her as she lays there gasping for every breath. Lying there helpless he starts to fade in and out then finds himself lying on his bed just crying all night. This was a night he would never forget. The morning came and he started calling Mr. Dunston’s but he got no answer. Hours went by and still no answer.
Then near the end of the day, here comes Mr. Dunston and Jacklyn. From that day forward he swore never to talk to her again just to keep her safe.
But Jacklyn wouldn’t take it that easy. After Jasper tells her what happened to him and what he experienced, he then told her he couldn’t see her again. This day would set her back in a depression state of mind.
Chapter Four
Weeks go by without any incidents happening. But one rainy night it happens. Jasper is sitting on his bed listening to his music, arriving without any warning, she appears. Sitting right beside him Scarlet asks Jasper what took you so long to ask for me. But I didn’t he replied. Yes every time you think of me you are asking for me. Now
© Copyright 2003 Jerry Martin (jay1987 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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