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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Emotional · #738614
Memories, an even deeper love and a special surprise
Chapter 19 - The Next Day

         The next morning, Erick woke up first. Looking at the clock, he felt wonderful inside. “10:00”, he said softly, smiling as he looked lovingly down at Crystal. She was still snuggled up against him, as she had been all night. He wasn’t surprised she was still asleep. Last night had turned out to be even better than their first night together. Better than either of them had ever expected. “Thank You, Heavenly Father,” Erick softly prayed as he watched his lovely bride sleeping contentedly at his side, “for bringing such a wonderful, beautiful, loving and compassionate girl as my Crystal into my life, and especially for the chance to have her as my wife. Amen.”

         As he finished, he thought he saw tears slide down Crystal’s cheeks. He looked closer, leaning over her. Crystal slowly opened her eyes. “God, darling,” she said as she sniffed, “I can’t think of anything more wonderful to wake up to than hearing you say those words to Him. Now I really know how thankful you are to have me with you. Thank you, my love,” she said warmly as she leaned up on her arm and snatched her first kiss of the day from her husband. “Have you… said that to Him before?” Erick looked at her warmly, and kissed her forehead.

         “I’ve done it willingly every single morning since we’ve been together, Beautiful!” he said, watching her face intently. “And I’ll keep right on doing it every morning for the rest of my life. Because without you I would have no life, and if I did, I wouldn’t want the one I had. I owe all my happiness to Him, for bringing you to me. I love you, Crystal.”

         “I… love… you… too, Erick, darling,” she muttered as the tears came. “God, Erick, you couldn’t even let me wake up without making me cry, and feel all warm and fuzzy inside, could you?“ she laughed. He laughed with her.

         “We’re on our honeymoon, baby, I’m allowed to do that,” he chuckled.

         “Yeah, I guess you are at that,” she said tenderly as she sniffled. “Hey - what time is it?”

         “Ten o’clock.”

         “God that sounds late,” she laughed, “but um… we did get kind of um… carried away last night, didn’t we?” she blushed furiously.

         “Yes, we did, my love,” he said, smiling warmly. “And if that look on your face is any indication, I’d say you were thoroughly satisfied last night, darling.” He watched, smiling, as she blushed again.

         “God, yes, Erick!” she said, turning away a moment from the embarrassment. “I can’t believe the wonderful things you did to me and taught me last night!” Then Crystal stopped and thought a moment. Turning back to Erick, her mood obviously more somber and definitely uncertain, she asked very tentatively, “Were… you satisfied, darling?”

         Erick, still blushing from her compliment, had no trouble being totally honest. He watched her face intently as he told her what he’d realized only minutes earlier himself. Taking her head in his hands so she had to look at him, he said softly, tenderly, “Sweetheart, for me, last night was so wonderful that it was even better than our first night together. Far better. I couldn’t be happier. And I love you!”

         Even before he’d finished, Crystal was openly crying once again as she looked at him. The look of love in his eyes as he’d spoken those wonderful words had told her even more how sincere he was in saying them, and it had been too much for her. Erick kissed her softly, then laid her head on his shoulder and ran his fingers through her wonderful hair. “Go ahead, darling, you deserve the chance to enjoy this. I love you.”

         A couple minutes later, Crystal sniffed, lifted her head, wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Erick. “Thank you, darling,” she said softly. “I have to admit I was afraid I might not make you happy last night.”

         “Why, sweetheart?” Erick asked as he squeezed her. “I thought all your fears were gone by now,” he said, concerned.

         “They are now for sure, darling,” she said softly. “But my love for you is so deep, and I’ve been so thankful that you didn’t turn away after the accident that I wanted last night to be perfect for you. To say ‘I love you’ and ‘thank you for loving me’ in ways I never could. And I was terrified that looking for that kind of perfection would never work.”

         Erick realized, then, that even with what he’d seen, and everything they’d talked about and shared all this time, that he hadn’t even been close in his feeling for how very much, and how very deeply Crystal truly loved him. “God, Crystal,” he began as tears welled up in his eyes. “Darling, I don’t have any idea how in the world to respond to such an open, honest, and deep show of love as you have just given me. All I can do, sweetheart, is thank God for bringing you into my life, thank you for loving me so very deeply, tell you once again that I love you with everything that is in me, and promise to be the best husband I can possibly be to you. For the rest of my life. And that is a promise, darling. You are my life, my world, my reason for living. And I want you with me for the rest of my life. Thank you for loving me, Mrs. Crystal Eryn Sandlewood Metcalf!” Erick finished just as his tears refused to wait another second. He held Crystal tightly in both of his arms, rocking them both back and forth as the tears flowed down his cheeks. Crystal ran her fingers gently through his hair as he took his turn to wonderfully cry himself out.

         When he’d finished, they dried their eyes, got their showers and dressed. After ordering lunch from Room Service, and from then until they’d finished eating, they reminisced about their life together to this point. Things like Crystal’s “total shock” at Erick’s online marriage proposal, and how quickly she realized right then that she felt the same way and found the courage to say it before he could slip away. From that day right up to the accident, the twelve days of panic for Erick when he couldn’t reach her online at all (which he now knows were when she was in the hospital), and the ordeal Al put him through with that police-style interrogation. They laughed together as Erick quoted Al again: “You’re not one of those dirty old men that preys on young girls, are you?”

         “God, he had me a nervous wreck,” Erick laughed.

         “I know, honey, I could tell. Even when he put me back on the phone to talk to you I could tell you were still nervous,” she chuckled.

         “You never let on, either, you little minx!” Erick laughed, kissing her cheek.

         “Don’t forget, sweetheart, I was a case of nerves, too,” she said in her own defense, but with a smile. “I was still scared dad wouldn’t approve of you when we were done with that discussion.” She kissed Erick’s cheek in return. Erick’s face suddenly took on a solemn, concerned expression. “What is it, darling?” Crystal asked, her voice filled with concern at the sudden change in her husband’s mood.

         “I have to ask you something very important, honey,” Erick said slowly as he pulled her close. But he couldn’t get the words out.

         “What is it, honey?” she asked, more worried now than before. “Please tell me. Your hesitation is scaring me, honey. You’ve never done anything like this before.”

         “I’m… sorry, honey. I’ll... try. Um… what would you have done if your dad hadn’t approved of me?” Now it was his turn to be terrified. He waited, his eyes not leaving hers for a single instant.

         “Oh, honey, baby, sweetheart,” she said softly. Placing soft kisses all along his neck and running her fingers through his hair, she put her hand behind his head and pushed him to lay his head on her shoulder. He didn’t resist, just squeezed her even tighter. NOW she knew why he’d hesitated. That question, even thinking about it, had all but torn him apart. She kept him there for a few more minutes, running her fingers through his hair and kissing his neck. Then, just as softly, she broke the silence. “Look at me darling, right in my eyes, and keep looking there, OK?”

         Erick slowly raised his head and did as she asked. And she immediately noticed that his fear of her answer was all over his face. “Darling, once we knew our love was real, we promised each other that nothing would ever come between us, didn’t we?”

         “Yes, but…” he began slowly.

         Crystal put a finger to his lips to silence him. “And we both said that the other person is the most important thing in our lives, the one thing we cannot live without. That our love is all that truly matters. That as long as we’re together we can handle anything. Didn’t we, baby?”

         “Yes, but…” She silenced him again.

         “Darling, sweetheart, my totally devoted husband,” Crystal began quietly, “if dad had said he didn’t approve, or couldn’t approve, then once the phone conversation ended I would have asked him why. And if nothing I said would have changed his mind, I would have reminded mom and dad both that I’m 18 and legally able to make my own choice, and that if they forced me to make a choice between you and them that for me the choice was already made. That I had to be with you no matter what. Yes, it would have hurt like hell if they would have backed me into that corner, but I would have done it if they had made me choose. Because I mean those promises you and I made to each other just as much as I know you do, baby. And I will stand by them throughout our life together. Because I love you.”

         Like she did with him so wonderfully often, this time it was Erick’s turn to break down in tears even before she was finished. But she knew he’d heard every word. Nudging his head back to her shoulder, she held him as tightly as her arm would let her. But she needn’t have worried about holding on to him. As she’d finished her words, he’d put both arms around her and held her so tight she could barely breathe. But she knew that was his first way of thanking her for the answer he’d been terrified wouldn’t come. And she suddenly realized that he had been as terrified at this moment as she’d been after the accident, thinking that he’d leave. She tried to squeeze him even tighter to try and let him know she finally understood the pain he’d felt just now.

         A few minutes later, Erick had cried himself out. “God we make a pair of lovesick, romantic, completely and totally emotional people, don’t we, darling?” Crystal asked softly, and intentionally. Her plan worked. Erick smiled.

         “Yeah, we sure do, Brown Eyes,” he said, beginning to perk up now. “But I wouldn’t change it for the world. Thank you for loving me so very much, my darling. I love you!”

         “I wouldn’t change it for anything either, sweetheart,” she said, smiling to see his spirits getting slowly back to normal. “You’re welcome baby, and thank you for loving me just as deeply. I love you, too, handsome.” They smiled together, tenderly at each other, and shared a very passionate kiss.

         From there the discussion went to the moment they first set eyes on each other on the taxiway at the airport. “God, I was nervous, Erick!”

         “It didn’t show, honey. Honest. But then so was I, so that could explain it,” he laughed.

         “It could, honey, but then, too, my nervousness disappeared as soon as you kissed me as I sat in that wheelchair. I knew right then I’d definitely made the right choice,” Crystal said, smiling.

         “I guess I knew it, too, baby,” Erick said thoughtfully, "because that kiss just plain felt so natural. Like we’d been dating for years before then, you know?”

         "That's exactly how it felt to me, too, honey. Very natural. Thank you! I couldn't find the words for it, but you did. I love you!"

         He smiled lovingly and kissed her. To his surprise, she opened her lips and deepened that kiss, pulling him against her as tightly as she could. When they ended that kiss a couple minutes later, their reminiscing immediately continued.

         “Remember when Bob Turner shouted over to me asking if I’d just gotten married as I picked you up?” Erick laughed.

         “Yeah, but the thing I’ll remember the most is the total shock on his face when he realized why I couldn’t shake his hand,” Crystal laughed back. Then, warmly kissing Erick’s cheek, she continued softly, “But I am glad you did that that night, honey. With the little time I had to get used to peoples’ reactions, I needed that more than I knew even then. Thanks, honey. I love you.”

         Erick kissed her in return. “You’re welcome, baby. It’s part of the job I love doing. Looking after my wife,” he said lovingly.

         “Which brings us to our first wonderful night together,” Crystal said just as lovingly, laying her head on his shoulder. “God, I was nervous that night!” she laughed.

         “To be honest, darling, so was I,” Erick said as he squeezed her.

         “What?? You?”” Crystal said amazed. “You sure didn’t look it to me, honey!” she said, that look of amazement still on her face.

         “Yes, me, sweetheart,” Erick said, laughing.

         “But… why? I… mean… you were married to Ellen for almost 12 years before she died. Why would you be nervous now? You’ve been here before,” she finished, more curious now than anything.

         “Look at me, baby.”

         “Crystal knew that tone well by now. Calm, loving, and totally sincere. “Oh, God. I’m gonna cry again, right?” she asked as she looked up at him, her head still on his shoulder.

         “Yes, you are, sweetheart. Listen carefully. I was as nervous that night as you were. But as nervous and scared as you were, I knew I couldn’t let it show. I knew you needed a response from me that would let you feel you could relax about what was going to happen. And I was right. Now, to answer your question. Yes, I had Ellen by my side for almost 12 years. But I was very nervous on that first night with you because the love you and I share is so very, very much stronger, far more meaningful, and therefore so very much more wonderful than anything Ellen and I ever shared. And I wanted that night to be as perfect for you as you openly said then that you wanted it to be for me. And I was afraid I’d disappoint you.”

         Even before he was done, Erick felt Crystal’s sobs against his chest. She managed to stop them a moment, but when she looked up at him again, and saw that look of total love and devotion in his eyes that she’d seen that first night as he was about to make love to her, she broke down again. Erick just held her tighter and let her cry it out.

         A few minutes later, she’d dried her eyes, looked at him with that same look of love he’d seen in her eyes that first night, and said softly, “Sweetheart, I think our love has become something so wonderfully strong, deep and meaningful that no one else on earth would ever believe it, much less understand or appreciate it, no matter how hard we tried to explain it . And it obviously became far more wonderful and intimate than we ever thought it could be when we confessed it to each other three years ago. Don’t you think so, my love?” Her heart filled with love, she watched his face intently.

         “Oh, baby,” Erick said as he squeezed her again. “Not only do I totally agree, but I couldn’t have said it any better, either, honey,” he said, his voice raw with the love he felt.

         “Thank you, honey,” Crystal said warmly.

         They sat in silence for just a few minutes, their eyes locked on each other, embracing each other tightly, each letting their thoughts enjoy the new realization they’d just discovered about their wonderful love, and their life together. Crystal was first to break the silence.

         “I think that brings us to McDonald’s again, doesn’t it?

         “Right, it does, Beautiful.”

         “Can you believe how many times we’ve talked about that since it happened?”

         “I know,” Erick said softly. “Between us, and with others.”

         “And look how many lives it’s already touched,” Crystal said, still a bit amazed at the effect one single event could have on so many people. "And others may well have heard us when we said it for Sandra's sake," she added.

         “You’re very right, honey. I think that alone tells us it really was His handiwork, don’t you?“

         “Yes, I do, Erick. There’s no other explanation that makes any sense. The timing alone tells us that. There's no way I can ever think it was only coincidence that brought us AND Sandra's family to the same McDonald's, much less at the same time on the same day."

         "I can't either, honey. It was just too perfect.

         "I can’t wait to see what else He has in store for us, can you, darling?”

         “No, I can’t, baby. And as long as we keep our faith strong we’ll never have anything to worry about, will we?”

         “No, we won’t, love. And I want to thank you for helping me get my faith back on track after the accident. That I couldn’t have done without you. I was too down about everything to see that till you started by reminding me that He brought us together three years ago, and that I couldn’t give up because He wouldn’t have done that unless He had a plan for us as a couple. Thank you, darling! I love you!” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Okay, honey, where does that take us on our journey?” she asked warmly, snuggling up to him even more.

         Erick noticed that her short term memory problem had kicked in there. She was asking him because she couldn't remember the sequence of events just then. He smiled inside, loving the fact that she knew his devotion meant he'd willingly answer her question without even mentioning the problem. "To that evening we spent with Pastor Markham making our wedding plans," Erick said, smiling.

         "God, Erick, I love Pastor Markham!" Crystal said, smiling warmly at the memory. "He didn't even flinch. Looking at my missing limbs didn't phase him. And to him there is no age difference between us. You know, it doesn't matter to him. He's priceless."

         "I agree totally, honey," Erick said just as warmly. "Then there was that following Sunday when he introduced us to the congregation as a couple."

         "I... know," Crystal said, obviously getting a touch emotional at that memory. "I still can't believe that wonderful reaction we got that morning, and all the support we've had from them. We're still getting comments from people that were there, telling us how much they love our compassion for others, like Sandra," she sniffed. "Where to next, honey?" she asked, wiping her eyes.

         "To my office, where we picked up the PC, honey," Erick said, smiling.

         "Oh, yeah!" Crystal said, blushing at the memory. "I still can't believe how almost everyone in your group said they could see our love was real just by looking at us, and how they said you couldn't stop bragging about me. Especially Mike."

         "I know, honey, and I loved that. It sure showed I guess, huh?" Erick said, laughing.

         Yes, I guess it did," Crystal blushed again. "Now where does that take us?"

         “You’re first day of class, I think, baby. Remember all the preparation?”

         “How can I forget it?” she laughed. Getting the class schedule mapped out on paper! And thanks, honey. I needed a firm hand that morning, you knew it, and gave me just what I needed as always. Then there was meeting all my professors, and that first day in class. I still can’t quite believe that first English class, can you?”

         “You're welcome, baby. Yes, you needed a firm hand, and I'm glad I could do that just right. And you're right about that English class, too. That was wild, wasn’t it? But I think Professor Martin’s giving us that class time to answer questions sure paid off, don’t you?”

         “Yes, I do, honey. Those kids were really interested in learning about our situation, and they’ll be more understanding of others with disabilities as a result, not to mention having more respect for others. And look at all the new friends we’ve made,” she beamed.

         “Right, baby. And I know you’re right about the kids’ interest. Look at the number of questions we’ve been asked since that class! And that will probably keep happening because each new class will have kids we've never met that will want to know.”

         “Oh, I know. It’s great. Then there was that one guy you lectured about his treatment of girls. I loved that, and so did the class. And did you notice? He came the rest of that week, and then just left. Never came back. I heard one girl talking a few weeks ago. She said he asked her out, and she reminded him of his comment in that class, and asked him if he had any ideas about trying to make time with her, and when he hesitated in replying, she had her answer. She walked away. Then she said he never showed up for class again. I LOVE IT!”

         “Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me, Crystal,” Erick said thoughtfully. “I have a feeling the social life may have been the only reason he came to begin with.”

         “Good point, honey.”

         “That almost brings us up to date, baby,” Erick said.

         “Yeah, but we’ll have a whole bunch of new memories in the future,” Crystal said, smiling with anticipation. “Both from school and when I start that job at church next year. God I’m looking forward to that!” she squealed.

         “Erick looked at the clock. “Darling, it’s 2:00 already. You need to take your second pill, honey. I’ll get it for you. We’re right on time with it.” He brought the pill and a glass of water.

         “Thanks, honey. I… guess you noticed I couldn’t remember the things that took place that day, didn’t you?”

         “Yes, sweetheart, I did, but I wasn’t going to say anything. I know how it bothers you when you can’t remember something.”

         “Thank you, darling. I love that you never get upset with me when that happens. I just love you all the more for your understanding and patience, honey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my love. I love you!”

         “All a part of looking after my lovely bride, Mrs. Metcalf,” Erick said lovingly.

         “Thank you, darling. What now, baby?”

         "We have to be checked out of here by 3:00.” Then a realization hit him. Softly, his concern openly obvious, Erick asked, “Crystal, sweetheart, you’re not disappointed that we spent our whole honeymoon day just reminiscing, are you?”

         The concern in his voice was obvious to her. “Look at me, Erick,” she said firmly but with love. When he did, she continued. “Listen carefully, baby. No, I’m not in the least disappointed that we spent our honeymoon day this way. And I’ll tell you why. But first, kiss me.”

         A couple minutes later, when they ended that long, passionate kiss, she continued. “Thanks, darling! I needed that. I love you! And I also did that to make sure you’re paying full attention, sweetheart,” she grinned.

         “You little rascal! “ Erick laughed. "God, I love you! Go on, honey. I’m all yours, and I’m all ears,” he grinned back.

         “Okay, honey,” she said, resuming her serious tone. Bound and determined that he would fully understand what she so wonderfully wanted to tell him, Crystal did her best to use the same tone Erick had used with her at McDonald’s that day.

         “Now it’s your turn to listen up, Mr. Erick Metcalf!” Erick looked at her, surprised at her tone. Quickly realizing her intent, he smiled warmly, but said nothing as she continued. And, he lovingly realized, he’d better listen. He smiled inside. “Now. I am not in the least disappointed about the way we spent this honeymoon day of ours, and I need to make sure you fully understand why.”

         “Number one. The simple fact that this IS our honeymoon day means our longtime goal of being man and wife has finally been achieved. The rings are on our fingers, the love is in our hearts, and our life is complete. That alone would be reason enough not to be disappointed.”

         “Number two. Our wonderful night of fantastically meaningful and enjoyable activities in this room made this day totally worthwhile on its own. We thoroughly satisfied each other, often in ways I never knew it could be done. And I’ll be expecting to enjoy those very same activities with you for the rest of our lives.”

         “And number three. Those activities left me wanting a slightly lazy day today, whatever we might have decided to do. And to spend it reliving the highlights of our life to this point was a most wonderful way to enjoy this easy day I wanted. I enjoyed every second of it, and want to do it quite a bit on all of our future anniversaries, along with other activities. I have NO regrets about this day, Mr. Erick Metcalf, none whatsoever. NOW do you believe me?”

         Finishing that sentence, she melted against him. Softening her voice as he had also done that day at McDonald's, and looking him in the eye, she said warmly, “I really did enjoy this, Erick. All of it. And I love you very deeply for everything you’ve done for me. I love you!” Kissing his cheek warmly, she said, “I’m ready, baby. Let’s go home.”

         Erick kissed her deeply, and passionately. “My love, I heard every word. Every single one. And I’m very glad our honeymoon was so very satisfying to you, darling. I love feeling, and knowing in my heart that I was able to bring that kind of satisfaction to my lovely bride on this very, very special day. Thank you for telling me, darling. Knowing that, I’m ready too. Let’s go home.”


         Erick closed the suitcases, helped Crystal in the bathroom one last time, then seated her in the wheelchair. Then he called the desk and asked for help with their belongings for checkout. “They’ll have someone here in a couple minutes, honey,” he said as he hung up the phone.

         Eight minutes later, there was a knock at their door. “Come in,” Crystal called, then she let out a squeal as the door opened. “ROY!” she shouted as he walked in. “God I’m glad it’s you!”

         “I have to admit I am too, Roy,” said Erick warmly.

         “I didn’t think we’d be lucky enough to get you this time, too,” said Crystal, grinning from ear to ear.

         “They had to send me,” Roy said, grinning back.

         “What? How… come?” Crystal asked, curiosity all over her face as well as her voice.

         “Because I told them to. I would’ve been here sooner, but they had to get me off break to get here when you called.”

         “Wait a minute,” said Erick, smiling broadly. “They HAD to send you, not someone else, because you TOLD them to, and you gave up your break to do this?” he almost laughed. “What’s with that? Why did they have to send you, how could you tell them who they should send, and why in the world would you give up your break to do this?” Erick had noticed Roy’s grin getting bigger and bigger as he talked.

         “I know more about this place than almost anyone else here, Mr. Metcalf,” Roy grinned. “Yes, a lot of our people have spent their careers here, but many are newcomers compared to me. They like having my knowledge around here when they need it, so they make it a point to keep me happy.” He grinned again, wider this time. “And I told them specifically that when you two checked out I wanted that call. So, they came and got me off my break, and here I am. I just couldn’t let you two get away without a personal chance to wish you goodbye and good luck in the years ahead. You two are very special people to me.”

         “That did it!” Crystal squealed as tears broke her voice. But this time she wasn’t letting them get the best of her. She had to do something far more important. Roy and Erick looked at her in surprise. “Roy, lean down here, please,” she said with determination.

         “Yes, Mrs. Metcalf?” Roy asked as he complied.

         Crystal pushed herself up a little with her arm and kissed his cheek. “That’s my ‘thank you’ for just being here, and being yourself, Roy. Never change. You’re one of a kind,” she said, warmly grinning.

         “Why thank you, Mrs. Metcalf,” Roy said, smiling as he stood up again.

         “I couldn’t agree more,” Erick said as he and Roy shook hands.

         “Thank you, Mr. Metcalf. I really appreciate this from both of you.”

         “Watch for us, Roy,” Crystal said. “Because we’ll be back. I don’t know if it will be next year, but we’ll be back. You uh… will be here, won’t you?” she laughed, knowing that it was a totally useless question.

         “You bet I will!” he shouted, laughing. “I have no plans to retire, and they wouldn’t want me to anyway. Even if I win the state lottery I’ll be here earning a paycheck. My days wouldn't be nearly as much fun without this place, and great people like the two of you. Go ahead and cry, Mrs. Metcalf,” Roy said softly, and smiling warmly, before she could even react.

         “God, Roy, you have learned how to read people well, haven't you?” Crystal wailed, half laughing, half crying.

         ”Now you’re not going to tell me you’re just noticing that after that conversation we had yesterday, are you?” he laughed.

         Crystal couldn’t help but laugh. “No, Roy, I’m not. And I’m sure you already knew that too!”

         ”Yes, I did,” he laughed again. “I guess we better get you folks on the road,” he said, a little more quietly. He hated to see them go, and he found he couldn't keep it from showing. “You two on any kind of timetable?”

         ”Just our own, Roy. We’re driving back to Lexington, Ky.”

         ”Well, at least you don’t have to wait for hours at an airport,” Roy said, smiling, as he finished loading their cases and gifts on the cart. “But you all be careful on those highways, too, now! I fully expect to see you back here! “ he said firmly. “Especially when the little ones come along!”

         Crystal blushed furiously. “God, Roy, you just had to say that, didn’t you?” she laughed.

         ”Well now, Mrs. Metcalf, I couldn’t just let two of my most favorite customers ever just walk out of here without making sure they had smiles on their faces, now, could I?” he laughed.

         ”No, I suppose not,” Crystal chuckled.

         ”I think all three of us would have been disappointed if you had, Roy,” Erick said warmly.

         ”Thanks, you two,” Roy said, his sincerity obvious. “Ready to hit the road?” he asked as he began pulling the cart toward the door.

         ”Lead on, McDuff!” shouted Erick.

         ”OH, so now it’s YOU using the old lines, huh?” Roy shouted back as he held the door for Erick and Crystal.

         ”Yeup it is,” Crystal said. "I had a feeling he’d get his two cents in here somewhere!”

         They all laughed as they entered the elevator together, and were still laughing when thy reached the lobby.

         Roy pushed the cart from the elevator and headed for the desk. Erick got his wallet out to pay the bill, then remembered the church had paid for the room. “Mr. Metcalf, if you’ll give me your valet parking ticket I’ll see that they get your truck here, and you’ll be ready to go,” Roy offered.

         ”Why thank you, Roy,” Erick said, handing him the ticket.

         ”My pleasure, Mr. Metcalf,” Roy said as he headed to the main door, pulling the cart behind him. “Fred! He called as he went through the door. “I’ve got a special request for you!”

         Five minutes later, as Erick and Crystal went through that same door, they found Roy, true to his word, in the process of loading everything carefully into the truck. As he finished, he said, “Mr. Metcalf, I found these ties in the back of the cab. I took the liberty of using them so your gifts wont get damaged on your trip. I hope you don’t mind.”

         ”Not at all, my good man!” Erick shouted. “I’d forgotten those were back there! I appreciate this. Thank you, Roy!” Erick laughed.

         ”You’re most welcome, Mr. Metcalf,” Roy said as he came over to shake Erick’s hand. He extended his hand, then, to Crystal.

         ”Nope, Roy,” she said firmly.

         ”Why not?” Roy asked, partly concerned, partly curious.

          Because a handshake is not enough for me. Not with you, not this time! Honey, help me up, please.” Knowing what was coming, from the reception, Erick helped her to her feet then automatically put his hands at her waist to balance her. “You remembered, didn’t you?” Crystal squealed, grinning.

         ”Yes, honey, I did,” Erick laughed. “Don’t be so surprised!” They all laughed.

         ”I need a hug, Roy! A good, firm hug!” Crystal said heartily. “Nothing less will do!”

         ”Far be it for me to turn down such a request from such a wonderful lady, Mrs. Metcalf,” Roy said as they embraced.

         ”Thank you, Roy!” she said warmly. Erick still held her at the waist.

         ”You’re quite welcome, Mrs. Metcalf!”

         ”Please. From now on call me Crystal. I’d like to think I’ve made a new friend today.”

         ”I’ll do that, Crystal,” Roy said, getting a little emotional. “I’d like to think that, too.”

         ”Good idea, honey,” said Erick, extending his hand to Roy again, keeping his other arm around Crystal’s waist. “And call me Erick, my friend!”

         ”I’d be glad to, Erick,” Roy said warmly. “See you all on your next trip down,” he said.

         ”Count on it!” Crystal shouted. “Remember - my folks live here. So we’ll have to be back!” she said, grinning.

         ”Right! Especially after the little ones come!” Roy laughed.

         “God, Roy, you're going to be asking about that every time we come, aren't you?"

         "Would you be disappointed if I didn't, Crystal?" Roy asked, a tender, knowing smile on his face.

         "You know, I think I would, now. You're right, Roy," Crystal said, the same warm smile crossing her face.

         Erick smiled warmly himself at seeing how good this was all making Crystal feel. Then she turned to him. "And Erick, I’m not sure what I’ll tell mom and dad, but… when we DO come back, I want to stay here again and not at home.”

         ”Consider it done, honey. I think I’d like that too.”

         ”Thank you both, very much,” said Roy, his feelings showing again. “See you all next year after all, maybe?” he shouted as he headed for the hotel door again.

         Erick and Crystal both shouted, “Count on it!” then looked at each other in surprise.

         ”You bet I will, now,” Roy shouted back, his laughing tone telling them in fun that they’d better not disappoint him.

         ”It was obvious that gave him one to look forward to,” said Erick, smiling as they watched Roy disappear into the hotel again.

         ”Us, too, right, honey?” Crystal asked, grinning. Erick saw that pleading look of hers in her eyes again, and smiled. He'd learned early on that he can't say 'no' to her when she looks at him like that. The thing is, he knows she knows it too.

         ”It sure looks that way, baby,” Erick said, picking up her contagious grin as he kissed her briefly and embraced her.

         ”Let me guess, darling,” Crystal grinned. “You just couldn’t pass up the chance to hold me ‘the right way’ since I’m already on my foot, right?” she grinned knowingly.

         ”Yeup, you’ve got it,” Erick said, grinning back as he picked her up and sat her in the truck. He kissed her again. “I love you, Mrs. Metcalf! he said with deliberate emphasis.

         ”I love you, too, Mr. Metcalf!,” Crystal said just as lovingly as Erick handed her the seat belt to fasten and closed the truck door. Carefully putting the wheelchair in the truck bed, he climbed in the driver’s seat leaned over and kissed Crystal again, made sure her seat belt was secure, started the truck and headed home.

 Ch. 20- Crystal and Erick Keep Teaching  (18+)
The professors are no longer the only teachers on campus
#740560 by Incurable Romantic

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