Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/732464-Raimana-Potter-and--the-blahblahblah
by Ezi
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fanfiction · #732464
Ever wondered what happened 2 everyone when they left hogwarts?ReadRateReview PLEASE
Firstly, let me apoliguise for the title, i didn't know what to write. I don't think about things like that. Minor details. PAH! annnnnyhoo, this is my first fan fic, and hopefully it's something like JKRowling (I can dream can't I?) It's not finished, but I'll need help decidinhg whether to carry on with it, I really like it and all, but still. I think it's gonna end up pretty long. The summer could be a story in it's own...there's an idea. So anyway, read rate review, please. I'D DO IT FOR YOU!!!!! I have had 13 people (16 now(28 now...)(O.K., now 30, but no more reviews. COME ON! I know this is a little long, but just read a little if you must)(38 now, keep it coming, I NEED REVIEWS)) viewing this, and how many have rated and reviewed? absolutely none (well, two(four(six yay!) ) now, but i want more!!!). COME ON WORK WITH ME HERE!!! of course, all settings and many characters belong to the great JKRowling, God Bless Her Soul, I will be eternally grateful for providing me with the material. I doubt I could write stories at all, I have practically no starting ideas, I need to build off something. Anyhoo, here it comes, apoliguies for any grammatical and spelling errors they look right to me, and thats all that matters. ENJOY!!! XxX

Had it been seventeen years ago he would have been spending the summer holidays with the Dursley’s, Harry realised with a sudden and unexpected jolt. For it had indeed been seventeen happy years since he had left their home, and since then he had barely given them a second thought. He had, of course, received annual updates around Christmas time from the family ( Dear Friend...Petunia brought a new tulip...Vernon’s Business picking up...), so knew everything he wished to, and many things he did not. They all still lived at Covetous Chalet, the small mansion they had moved into after Harry’s graduation, Dudley included, despite the fact that he was, like Harry, 34. No one knew how happy he was to move into the Black Home with Remus, even the Dursley’s, although very pleased to have finally rid them selves of him, hadn’t any idea of his joy. The summers at Number 4 Privet Drive were often so memorably unpleasant that he frequently found himself blaming his dead parents for leaving him with them, although, he kept reminding himself, it was probably Dumbledore’s decision. Harry considered this for a moment, wondering once again whether he had actually been better off staying with his relatives. He knew, of course, that if he had been anywhere else Voldemort may have tried to dispose of Harry, but he still could not forget those few weeks of torture every year.
‘Daydreaming again are we?’ came the soft voice of Raimana, disturbing his reverie. Harry spent a few moments clearing his head, and finally remembering to acknowledge his daughter, he smiled down at her inquisitive eleven year old face. Fiona, he realised, again a little too late, was chuckling quietly to herself.
‘You know,’ she said, ‘I don’t think anybody else is as easy to figure out as my husband. You were thinking about your aunt and uncle weren’t you?’
‘How’d you figure that out?’ asked Harry bewildered.
‘Oh it’s easy,’ remarked Raimana casually, sounding incredibly like her mother, ‘You just have to pay attention.’ Harry looked towards Fiona for conformation of this, and she nodded.
‘I think it’s mostly the furrowed brow, but the clenching of the teeth is a good sign too...’ Fiona’s voice trailed to an end, seeing that Harry’s mind was once again elsewhere. His eyes were gazing blankly in the direction of his daughter, and he didn’t realise that Fiona had slowly made herself over to where he was sitting in the middle of the lawn.
‘We can’t stop her going...’ she whispered into his ear, now also looking at Raimana, hands on her husbands shoulders. Harry sighed again, knowing she was right, but hoping against hope that it would all turn out okay.

Every day during the summer holidays Harry and Fiona had been expecting a large owl to come swooping down from the sky, delivering a letter from Hogwarts to their daughter, either accepting her into the school, or rejecting her. And every day they completed without a brown owl appearing was another night Harry would spend worrying about the reply. There was no denying it. He didn’t want to let his little girl go. Either way he saw it the owl would bring bad news, she would be accepted and Harry would endure months of not seeing her and worrying about her, a rejection would disappoint Raimana, and Fiona, and cause Harry to continuously turn over the reasons for her rejection, and come to the conclusion that it was his fault.

It was about four weeks since the break-up of Raimana’s small primary school when there was a screech overhead and a large brown owl came bearing down into the garden where Harry and Fiona were spending the evening. Automatically Harry held out an arm and the majestic bird landed gracefully, causing Harry’s arm to dip down from the weight.
‘This is it,’ Fiona whispered, reaching across to offer the owl some rice-cake. Harry nodded wordlessly and untied the letter from the leg the owl had thrust towards him unceremoniously, his eyes scanning the Hogwarts seal on the back of the yellowing envelope with reluctant acceptance. Harry opened his mouth to call his daughter when the words suddenly stuck in his throat.
‘Harry..?’ Fiona enquired uncertainly. He was gaping at the name on the front of the envelope. Mr H. Potter.


It had been years since he had received a letter from his old school, and was quite unprepared for it’s arrival. In the few seconds Harry had as he showed the front of the letter to his wife, his mind was rapidly flicking through what this could mean. Maybe something had happened, something big and Dumbledore needed his help as an auror (as that was what he had eventually become), or maybe something had happened to someone he knew at Hogwarts, or maybe...
‘Open it.’
Harry glanced at Fiona as soon as she had uttered these simple words.
‘You do it or I will...’
It suddenly occurred to Harry that this might be concerning Raimana’s acceptance or rejection, maybe Hogwarts contacted the family of the witch or wizard in question before the letter was sent to them. It made perfect sense, Harry had not known of this because he had no family, so...
Fiona’s voice came sharper this time, and he obeyed automatically, sliding a finger under the seal and carefully broke it open, pulling out the parchment inside. His eyes scanned the paper, but his mind didn’t take the words in, so he began reading it again, slowly.

Dear Mr H. Potter, it read,
You have been invited to Albus Dumbledore’s Retirement Celebration at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on 19th -21st August. There you will have the chance to say goodbye to our beloved headmaster, who is accepting that he can no longer bear the responsibility of running the school, and meet his replacement. Unlike a school reunion this will include any students who wish to come who knew Albus and headmaster, so we expect you will be seeing many unfamiliar faces, as well as old friends. Please find enclosed directions to the hotel in which you and your guests will be staying during the celebrations. It is run by a wizarding family, but take caution as it is also popular among muggles. We look forwards to seeing you during the above dates,

Yours, as always,
Professor M. McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Below the writing was a photo of Albus Dumbledore, smiling and waving at Harry, as all wizard photographs do. Harry stared at him. Dumbledore. Retiring? Harry had always thought of Dumbledore as remaining at Hogwarts forever, although realistically he should have retired years ago, Harry hated to think how old and crooked Dumbledore would be now, he seemed to have aged terribly during the seven years Harry had spent at Hogwarts. A life of retirement was what he deserved after the strain Harry’s year had put him through, yearly adventures for six years, ending with the climatic seventh year, when Harry and his two greatest friends had conquered Voldemort, paying the dreadful price of the life of a treasured member of Dumbledore’s staff.


‘Mum?’ Raimana’s voice was heard before her face appeared round the door frame of the kitchen, ‘When is it?’
‘19th-21st of August.’ replied Fiona absent-mindedly.
‘We are going, aren’t we?’
Fiona tore her eyes away from the letter she was writing and looked at her daughters innocent face. ‘I’m not sure honey. Your father... well he...’ She sighed. How could she explain to Raimana what she didn’t even know. Raimana saw her dark eyes, and seemed to understand immediately.
‘I’ll ask Dad.’ She smiled as she climbed the attic stairs to where her father sat, watching the fire. Harry, hearing the creak on the steps, smiled the smile he and his daughter shared. He patted the floor beside where he was sitting cross-legged, and Raimana slowly sat down, staring at the fire like she expected something to happen.
‘Dad...are we going to Albus’ retirement party?’
‘You know, the first time Sirius’ head appeared in the fire in the Gryffindor common room I was so shocked. But each time he did it I got more and more used to it. Things like that always happen...’ Harry’s voice became softer and softer until he eventually stopped speaking, before turning to look at her. ‘Do you want to go?’
She nodded. ‘It’s been years since I saw him. Albus, I mean. Do you?’
Harry understood what she meant, and considered the question for a while. ‘Yes,’ he began confidently, ‘and no.’ he exhaled softly. ‘I don’t know. If I go, I’ll have to remember it all, and see everybody, but if I don’t go I won’t see anybody and I won’t get a chance to say goodbye.’
Raimana nodded, accepting this without question.
‘I think we should go Dad. You’ll have fun. And I might get to meet all these people you’re always going on about.’
‘What, you mean Ron, and Hermione, and Neville, and..... you’re right...’ Harry turned to Fiona, who had been standing on the stairs silently listening. ‘Do you know where Honter’s gone?’ he asked her, referring to their owl, Hedwig’s son.
‘Yeah,’ she replied grinning mischievously, ‘He’s off to Hogwarts, with our reply. I knew Rai would change your mind.’


When Harry’s year had graduated they all stayed in touch for a long while. Harry and his two best friends began training as aurors, all at the base in Leeds. Ron, who had proven to be the best out of the three was moved on to another base quicker than the other two, and, though instructed not to keep contact with his friends, sent them regular owls, up until a year later, when his letters had suddenly stopped. Harry and Hermione expected that, an aurors life was very secretive, and not before long Hermione too was moved out to another base. She, however, had permission to keep contact, and so they did, Harry in Leeds, Hermione in Birmingham, and Ron....well, they both got a message, weaving it’s way through the system occasionally. Harry had stayed in touch with the Weasley family, but they received as little news as him. Gradually Hermione’s letters became shorter and shorter, and, when Harry was inevitably been moved on to another base, neither Ron nor Hermione had any idea where to send the owls to, and Harry lost contact with them, and the Weasley family altogether. The inseparable three had left Hogwarts, and each other.

It was only two years since they had graduated from Hogwarts when Harry met Fiona. She had received a wizard upbringing, but wasn’t accepted into the famous school. Instead she went to a smaller and reserved school in Scotland to study Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry had met her when he was following up on a Voldemort Copycat, in a small village near Glasgow, where she lived. She had reminded him of Hermione, so had started out as good friends. Of course, his feelings for her developed quickly, leading to a small wedding, to which Harry would have liked nothing better than his best friends to attend, but it had only been a few weeks ago that he had received an owl from Hermione, who had finally tracked him down. She too had got married, but her muggle husband took the vows very seriously, particularly the line about forsaking all others. Hermione gave up everything to do with the wizarding world, including her friends, for her new husband. Harry hadn’t heard from her since.

Ron, however, was a different story. Some months after the wedding Harry had found out that Fiona’s aunt was friends with Mrs Weasley. Harry jumped at the chance to catch up with his old friend, and they had stayed in touch via the wizarding fire network, speaking around once a year. He was still working as an auror, though he had ended up lower down than Harry, chasing up the family’s of convicted criminals. They rarely spoke of their life at Hogwarts, or Hermione, concentrating on their careers, steering clear of the subjects of family’s, since Ron’s had fallen apart due to the departure of Percy. Still, Ron’s head hadn’t appeared in the attic fire for a good few years, Harry had no way of contacting him, and Harry missed all the old gossip, and his friend.


‘You know what he’s like, he always goes a bit funny this time of year. It just seems a little worse, you know, he’s worrying about Raimana going to Hogwarts.’ Fiona was in town with her friend Kiata, discussing Harry.
‘But why does he always go funny? And why doesn’t he want Raimana to go to Hogwarts? I would’ve killed for that chance.’ Kiata’s long, brown hair swung from side to side rhythmically and she admired all the fancy shop fronts.
‘I’m not gonna make excuses for him, but what happened to him...that last year at Hogwarts...I think it kinda unnerved him a little, you know?’ Fiona sighed. ‘It the time of the year marking when it happened, it always makes him go a little funny, he gets wrapped up in his memories. I’m hoping a trip away will do him good.’
‘I know, I’m so jealous, I wish my Geoff had gone to Hogwarts. You’re gonna see all the grounds, everything that your Raimana’s gonna see if she gets accepted.’
‘Yeah, if,’ Fiona muttered darkly, ‘you would’ve thought they’d have sent something by now. She’ll never admit it, but I think she’s getting a bit worried.’
‘I just hope the poor little thing won’t suffer a rejection like we did.’


A few days later the family had packed, and were trying to give a taxi driver the directions sent with the invitation to the hotel. They had just clambered off the train which had taken them from their town in Gloucestershire to Kings Cross, and all three were tired and grumpy. Eventually the driver nodded in understanding, and they began the task of getting their bags into the boot of the car, and trying to get Raimana to put her seatbelt around her waist rather than around her neck.
‘I just don’t see why we can’t get there by magic!’ Raimana moaned quietly, having rammed the seatbelt’s buckle into it’s fastening several times before succeeding.
‘One,’ Harry murmured just as quietly, ‘We need to look normal. Two, you’re not allowed.’
‘I can use floo power. Or a portkey. Or...’ Harry elbowed her sharply. ‘We’re in the muggle world now, hush up, blabber mouth.’ As Raimana elbowed him indignantly back, Fiona sighed and began asking their driver whether her family ever behaved like that.

Despite claiming to understand the instructions given, it took the driver another hour to locate their hotel. They had to stop near Piccadilly Circus and let Raimana get out to be sick, she had gotten giddy, probably due to the circles they seemed to be travelling in. By the time they had heaved out their luggage and paid the driver she was looking a little green around the gills again, and had to be taken to the toilets by Fiona while Harry got the key for their room. He found himself in a red hallway, the floor a lush royal red, the walls more of a pinky colour, and the ceiling elaborate Dark rouge swirls. Feeling a bit confused and disorientated Harry made his way to the front desk, and leaned against the red marble counter.
‘Hi, the Potter’s here for Dumbledore’s Retirement Celebration.’ He spoke to the young lady sitting at the computer who was looking up at him expectantly.
‘Potter’s...Potter’s...’ She mumbled, typing in the name. ‘Harry, Fiona and Raimana?’ she enquired glancing at him for conformation.
‘Yeah, that’ll be it.’
‘Room 642. Up the stairs, turn left, up more stairs, whisper ‘Concealius’ to the ceiling, then up the ladder that appears. Someone will be there to guide you to your room.’
‘Ummm....yeah...so why do I have to say Concealius to the ceiling?’
‘The first two floors are for the muggles,’ She replied calmly, staring pointedly at Harry’s wand, poking out of his pocket. ‘The rest of the hotel, is for us.’ She smiled at him trying to push his wand further into his pocket before carrying on with whatever she had been absorbed in on the computer before Harry arrived. Whatever it was looked suspiciously like exploding snap on the PC. He picked up the key left on the desk, and turned, only to find his wife and daughter directly behind him.
‘Come on then,’ he said, exhaling slowly. ‘We’d better go before I forget the instructions.’
He led them along the corridor to the small staircase, turned right, realised that he’d got it wrong, turned back, went up the next set of stairs, and feeling a bit stupid muttered ‘Concealius.’. The appearing of the ladder was greeted with a small gasp of surprise from Raimana and Fiona.
‘Expect the unexpected...’ Harry quoted happily as he looked back at Fiona and Raimana, before climbing the ladder up to the next floor.

As Harry’s head poked out of the trapdoor to which the ladder was connected his eyes met a strange sight. He saw a corridor that seemed to go on forever, doors and doors, stretching on and on. The walls were continuously changing colour, different shades rippling along like water disturbed by a stone. The ceiling seemed to act like a mirror, reflecting the floor, through which you could see muggles moving about busily, occasionally disappearing through doors that were in line with the doors on the wizarding floor. And standing, waiting for Harry and his family to step off the ladder, stoop a Blue Cornish Pixie. Harry watched it warily, for he had encountered Pixies very much like this one on numerous occasions, and never did it turn out pleasantly. However, this Pixie was wearing a smart dress that changed colour with the walls, and, to Harry’s surprise, was smiling at him.
‘Mr Potter, I presume.’ came a brisk voice that spoke very politely. Harry allowed a brief thought of how Aunt Petunia would react to seeing a creature like this speak like that cross his mind.
‘Er....yeah...’ Harry spoke gently, as if trying not to provoke the pixie, as the rest of his family appeared at the trapdoor.
‘Room 642. Just keep on walking down the corridor,’ the pixie flicked her hand as if swatting at a fly, though Harry suspected she was probably doing some sort of pixie magic, ‘It’ll be flashing black and white. Have a nice day.’
Harry glanced down the corridor, wondering how far he’d have to walk before he got to the flashing door. Meanwhile Fiona was thanking the pixie, and Raimana was babbling on about the corridor in Charlie and the Chocolate factory for some unknown reason. He turned and smiled at the pixie behind him.
‘Thanks.’ he said to her gently, as she curtsied primly. ‘Come on you two, we’d better get going.’ and so the small Potter family started off down the corridor, hopefully walking in the vague direction of the flashing room.

It wasn’t long until they reached their room, and even from there you couldn’t see the end of the corridor. Neither could they see any people, other than the muggles wandering around downstairs. The moment Harry inserted the key into the door it stopped flashing, allowing all three to gaze at it with uncovered eyes. Every doorway in the hall was different, their rooms door was oval-shaped, and a metallic silver, whereas the one on the left side had sharp corners, and the one on the right looked and moved like water. Harry shrugged, and opened their door wide, displaying the room ahead of it. It was large, and grey for the most part. They saw no beds, no wardrobes, nothing. Nothing except a large piece of parchment hanging on the opposite wall, next to it, a small note.
Use the parchment provided to furnish your room as you desire. You cannot exceed the 17 room limit. You may have any item stored in the data base. You cannot exceed the 12,500 item maximum. You may not try to programme in extra items. Tap the parchment and speak SET when satisfied.


Fiona, Raimana and Harry spent the next half hour playing around with their room, exceeding the limits as much as possible. They finally settled on a five roomed hotel room, complete with four-poster bed for Harry and Fiona, and five different bed in Raimana’s room. The spare room/study/living room ended up green with black stars (Harry won the argument), and the bathroom ended up a yellowy colour, with bright pink stripes (Harry lost). Glancing round the main room one final time Fiona sighed contentedly and pressed the tip of her wand against the parchment where they had simulated what they wanted and whispered ‘SET’. Immediately the room flashed white, before returning to their ‘dream hotel apartment’ they had put together. Harry came out of the bathroom smirking.
‘What’s with you?’ asked Fiona suspiciously.
‘You really should have checked that the bathroom was how you wanted...you know, before you said the incarnation...’ Harry broke off with another grin.
‘Well, somehow, it’s suddenly become orange and black. Funnily enough, just how I wanted.’

A few hours later Raimana was in her room working on a story she was writing, and Harry and Fiona were lounging on their four-poster deluxe bed when a giggle exploded from outside their room door. The occupants of the room chose to ignore the sound, that is, until an almost identical giggle protruded again from the other side of the door.
‘You’d think they’d make the rooms more private, wouldn’t you.’ remarked Fiona casually, heaving herself off the bed and strolling into the living area. Harry nodded his agreement, following his wife and glancing curiously at the purple spotted door that led into the never-ending corridor.
‘Shhhhhhhh...’ came a whisper, ‘Just shut up you lot.’ It was a man’s voice. Harry took another step closer to the door, his wand out and pointing in the direction of the voice in the corridor. His auror training stepped in and he padded silently towards the door, wand hand pointing rigidly, the other reaching out cautiously towards the door handle. A sharp knock disturbed him from his reverie and he physically started, wand unfortunately poking him in the eye. He fell to the floor clutching his throbbing eye, tears streaming down his shocked face. He stared blurrily at the room door, watching it open, eyes widening as the figures outside came into focus.
‘Harry mate, what’re you doin’ on the floor?’

All the commotion had brought Raimana out of her room, and she slowly surveyed the scene. There was her father rolled up in a fetal position, both hands covering his one eye, her mother hovering uncertainly at the back of the main living room, and standing in the doorway was a collection of men, boys and a girl, most of them with flaming red hair.
Slowly it all added up in her head. Either these men had attacked her father with a conjunctivitis curse, but that wouldn’t explain why her mother was doing nothing, or more likely her father had once again been clumsy and hit himself in the face somehow, much to the amusement of these three men, one of whom she was almost sure her Father knew.
‘Ron...’ Harry’s voice seemed strangled.
‘Heya Harry.’
‘It’s me Harry.’
‘And, Fred...?’
‘How’s it going?’
‘But...what....I mean...’
‘Do I not get a ... ‘George’?’ asked the other man, identical to the one Harry had labelled Fred.
‘What are you lot doing here?’ Harry smiled at George’s mockery and tried to sit up.
‘Why are you on the floor?’ countered Ron smiling.
‘Because some stupid people were sneaking around outside my room giggling and whispering.’
‘Hey,’ said Ron, mock offended, ‘It was Beka giggling, no one else.’
‘And I hate to tell you Harry but that doesn’t really explain what you’re doin’ on the floor.’ smiled one of the twins.
‘Well, naturally I was trying to make sure there was no threat, and I had my wand out, and-’
‘Spoken like a true auror.’ interrupted Fred
‘Ron does exactly the same thing.’ nodded George. ‘He’s always poking that wand somewhere. If we’re really lucky he won’t do it near us. If not, well Fred has experience in those matters, why don’t you ask him...’
‘Ron....’ Harry was still sitting on the floor.
‘Yeah, Harry, I think we’ve all established who I am...’
‘But, what are you guys doing here? I haven’t seen you for years Ron. At least, not in person. And who are the kids?’ babbled Harry, gesturing at the boys and girl with one hand, clutching his eye with the other.
‘Well Harry...’ Fred spoke slowly, as if Harry didn’t understand English. ‘We had Dumbledore as a Headmaster too, so we came to his retirement party. Idiot.’ He muttered the last word just loudly enough for Harry to hear. ‘You gonna introduce us then or not?’
It took a few seconds for Harry to realise what Fred was talking about, and then he pulled himself shakily to his feet.
‘Fiona....My wife.’ He said walking over to where his family stood curiously. ‘And this is my daughter, Raimana.’ Fred, George and the kids all smiled at the two female Potters, but Ron went and hugged Fiona, asking her how she’d been, before turning to Raimana and hugging her too.
‘I’ve heard so much about you. Have you gotton your letter from Hogwarts yet?’
She shook her head, eyes downcast.
‘Don’t worry, the owl’ll probably have got lost or something, you know what they’re like.’ He smiled kindly before giving the upright Harry a hug too.
‘Awww, Harry, mate, you have no idea how good it is to see all of you for once.’ Harry laughed and returned the compliment.
‘This is Boyd and Rick.’ Ron gestured to the two red-headed boys, ‘Fred’s kids. Rick has just turned 13, and Boyd’s nearly ten. And this,’ He put his hand on the blonde girl’s shoulder, ‘is Beka. She’s eleven. She’s George’s. And she’s a giggler.’
Harry smiled hello to them all, before turning to Ron again.
‘You haven’t got any kids then? Or have you forgotten them.’
‘Nope, no kids for me. I have all the nieces and nephews I want.’
‘Are Bill and Charlie and Ginny here to?’ asked Harry, carefully avoiding Percy’s name.
‘Bill and Charlie are, I don’t care about Ginny.’ Harry frowned, confused. It was Percy that was in disgrace, had been for years. His flitted across each of the Weasley’s Faces; Ron, Fred and George were all looking angry and the younger Weasley’s were all looking at the floor.
‘Sorry...did I say....sorry...’ Harry stuttered.
‘You weren’t to know.’ came Fred’s gruff reply.
‘Know.... know what..?’ Harry asked tentatively.
‘Stupid girl,’ muttered Ron, sounding just as gruff as Fred, ‘She went off with Malfoy thirteen years ago.’
‘Draco Malfoy?’
‘Yeah,’ George said, ‘Haven’t spoken to her since. We don’t need her.’
‘Off as in...off ?’
‘Off as in couple, married, and for all we know, kids.’ Fred spat.
‘Yes Harry, Ginny. Our little sister who has suffered pain at the hands of the Malfoy’s just as much as we have. But we don’t go and decide that we’re in love with them, do we?’ replied George sharply.
Harry digested this new fact. Ginny, and Malfoy. Ginny had been cut off from the family, as had Draco, if Harry knew anything about the Malfoy family. Ginny and Draco.
‘Sorry, this is a little hard to believe...’ Harry murmured, responding to his friends curious glances.
‘Well, believe it mate,’ Ron muttered. ‘We’d better be going. Come see us all, we’re in room 675.’
‘What, all of you?’ asked Fiona, speaking for the first time since the troop of Weasley’s had arrived.
‘Yeah, me an’ George managed to hoodwink the system.’ Fred grinned. ‘It’s just like having five different apartments, each with at least four rooms.’ He grinned wider seeing Fiona’s impressed face before clapping Harry hard on the back. ‘Come and see us, alright mate? Meet the wife, and the rest of the Weasley Clan.’
‘Yeah, and Ron’s new girlfriend.’ snickered George, suddenly seventeen years old again. Ron blushed furiously and elbowed George hard in the ribs, looking at Harry guiltily.
‘Yeah,’ said Harry, regarding his old friend with careful suspicion mingled with amusement, ‘I’ll have to meet her.’ The Weasley twins cackled in unison at Ron’s scarlet face, and steered their children and the red-faced wonder quickly out of the door, closing it softly behind them, allowing the Potters to see into the never-ending corridor no more.

The Potters had just begun to consider going somewhere to eat when there was a soft drip, and a message had appeared on the wall just above the door into the corridor. All three of the rooms inhabitants turned to the sound immediately, therefore seeing the appearing of the words;
Celebrations for Albus Dumbledore’s Retirement Festivities will begin tomorrow at noon. You are welcome to order Room Service, by selecting foods from the menus below, at this point three large booklets materialized, hanging on the doorhandle, and writing your order on the backs. Your meal will arrive soon after, with your bill. Tomorrow morning you are welcome to eat in the hotel dining hall, with other wizarding guests, and muggles also, so if you do decide that you would like to eat in the pleasant hall with exciting London views then please keep the wizard world under wraps. We have informed our muggle guests that we have a group from the London House for the Inane or Unstable, so this will excuse any extreme abnormalities by their standards, but please keep yourselves controlled. Many thanks, and we hope you have a merry stay.
The Potters finished reading this at roughly the same time, and trying to keep their smiles to themselves proved difficult.
‘Why did they tell everyone we were mentally unstable?’ asked Raimana stifling a laugh. ‘Couldn’t they just have turned a room into a dining hall for wizards. You know, so that they don’t lose muggle trade.’
‘It was probably Dumbledore’s idea. You know how he enjoys muggle company. Almost as much as Mr Weasley. He’s gonna be green with envy.’ Fiona’s face broke into a grin again, remembering how her aunt would always complained about her friends husband.
‘Fred and George’ll have so much fun tomorrow morning,’ sighed Harry, ‘They’re gonna be delighted that the muggles think they’re mad.’ As if to prove Harry right another message appeared on the wall, this time just to the left of the handle.
Hey, Harry and co. Want to come over to eat? It’ll be a little crowded, but it should be fun and then you can meet everyone. Room 675. That is, if you can bear to eat with us mentally unstable folk. Don’t bother bringing anything but your good selves. Yours, as always, the Psychotic Twins and Madman Ron.
Harry smiled again.
‘Shall we?’ he asked.
‘Why not?’ replied Fiona. ‘It’ll save me having to order.’
‘How many more of them are there Dad?’
‘I dread to think.’

The twins greeted the Potters on their doorstep (so to speak) with identical grins of delight. ‘Hey guys! Come in, quickly, we’ve waged war on the family opposite.’
‘Wha...’ Harry started, before being pulled roughly into the apartment, Fiona and Raimana following close behind.
‘They started it,’ George smirked again. ‘I don’t think they realised who we were.’
Harry gazed around in bewilderment. They were standing a small hallway, around which were six different doors, five, he guessed, leading into the extra “rooms” the twins had added. The other door led into a large dining room, as explained hurriedly by Fred.
‘My place, George’s, Bill’s, Charlie’s and Ron’s.’ He rattled off, pointing to each door in turn. ‘I suggest you knock before going to Ron’s, we don’t know quite what’s going on in there.’
The twins exchanged another smirk before turning to a large crate lying next to the door and pulling out several large water bombs.
‘Sometimes the muggle way is best-’
‘-but other times you need just a little magic-’
‘-just to make sure the device hits the target.’ And with that sentence shared between the two Weasley’s, they wrenched open the front door and began throwing the magically affected water bombs at the door opposite, cackling with delight as the door sprung opened and several slightly shocked screams were heard.

‘Ron?’ Harry knocked cautiously on the door, ‘Open up Ron, your brothers are getting a little out of hand.’
‘Out of hand?’
‘Yeah you,’ Fiona smiled. ‘I really feel sorry for the people across the hall.’
‘We told you they started it. We just, sort of, carried it on to an all out war.’
‘No one throws water bombs at the Weasley’s and gets away with it.’
‘I’m sure they wouldn’t have if they had figured out it was you. Come on Ron’ Harry knocked again.
‘Wha..?’ asked Ron, peering through the crack in the door, foam covering his jaw.
‘Ooooh dear, me finks Harry interrupted Ron in the middle of a shave. How foughtless of him.’ snicked George, reaching for another brightly coloured balloon.
‘Sh’up George.’ mutter Ron thickly, ‘C’min Harry.’
Harry followed Ron into his area, accompanied by his wife and daughter. They appeared to be in a glass bubble in the middle of the ocean, with vibrantly coloured fish carting through the light flecked water.
‘Cool huh?’ Ron grinned. ‘This is the living area. Over there’s the kitchen, next to that is the bathroom, and over there’s my room and next to it Ivy’s room.’
‘Ivy?’ Harry smiled. ‘So you’re not sharing a room then?’
‘No. She’s in her room now getting ready for the meal.’
‘Perfect. Then you can tell us all about her.’
‘What do you wanna know?’
‘Oh the usual. Where you met, how long you’ve known her, how you got together, how serious you are about each other... I could go on.’ Fiona settled down into the large fluffy sofa next to Harry, both wearing similar grins on their faces as they looked inquisitively at Ron.
‘Alright,’ Ron rubbed the foam off his face with a towel he had grabbed from the bathroom, ‘We met at a party Bill was having, to celebrate him getting back from Australia or something. She had come with a group of girls that knew Charlie, but she’s younger than me. That was about five years ago. We started dating immediately, then we broke up and were just good mates until about a year ago. Then everything just sort of started up again. She’s really nice, and...and I really like her.’ A deep blush spread up Ron’s face like a bushfire.
‘And she really likes you too, Ron.’ came a soft voice from the doorframe of Ivy’s bedroom. There stood a tall, slender woman with dark hair that hung in tight ringlets and deep blue eyes. Her face was extremely mature looking, her eyes the most prominent feature, sparkling behind designer glasses that complimented her face perfectly.
‘Ivy I presume.’ smiled Harry, moving to give her a warm hug. ‘You got someone special here Ron.’
‘Yeah, I know.’ replied Ivy and Ron’s voices speaking in unison. ‘I know.’


The Weasley’s ordered huge amounts of food from the hotel, and by seven o’clock in the evening, Harry was sitting happily, his family and friends all together. Minus Hermione of course, thought Harry before pushing the thought aside. They had all gathered around the huge dining table. Harry, Ron, Ivy and Fiona sat at the head of the table, Fred and George sat opposite each other, next to their wives (Jo, Fred’s wife, and Annie, George’s wife). Next to them were Bill and Charlie, also sitting opposite each other with their wives, Rosmerta and Sofia. Nearing the other end of the table sat all the children. Rick and Boyd were sitting with little Candy in the middle (Fred’s only daughter, aged six), opposite them sat Brandy and Gin, Bill and Rosmerta’s girls, aged thirteen and fifteen. Gin was actually named Perdiata Ginny Molly Weasley, (she had been named before Ginny had been put in disgrace) but preferred to use the name Ginny, shortened to Gin. Beside them sat Pippa and Raimana. Being the same age meant that these two bonded very quickly, Raimana felt as if she’d known the blonde-haired Weasley all her life. At the very bottom of the table was a large fireplace, fire blazing, and Mr and Mrs Weasley’s heads chattering happily.
‘I only wish we could be there. It seems a little unfair to me, we knew Dumbledore as a teacher rather than Headmaster, and we’re not permitted to come down to London with you lot.’
‘Mum, I’m sure they’d allow you if you’d only ask....’
‘Imagine staying in a muggle hotel. And eating with them! You boys must be so pleased.’
‘So have you heard from that gorgeous friend of yours recently Gin? Anything about me?’
‘Shut up Rick, you know she isn’t the slightest bit interested in you.’
‘Ahhh, that’s what she’s told you anyway. I’ve seen her gazing love struck at me...’
‘Probably wondering how a disgusting thing like you could possibly be related to a wonderful person like me.’
‘I can’t wait to get to Hogwarts. My cousins have told me all about it. Did you know there’s a forest where tons of magical animals live? It’s gonna be brilliant.’
‘That’s if we ever get accepted Pippa.’
‘Don’t talk like that Rai. Uncle Ron thinks they’re waiting for Dumbledore’s retirement to be settled, then, you know discussing who they want in with the new headmaster.’
‘Candy, drink slowly, you’re gonna spill it everywh- never mind.’
‘I’ll get my wand.’
‘Who do you reckon the new Headmaster’s going to be then Harry?’
There had been so many conversations going on at the dining table that all you could hear was general babbling and short snatches of conversation. Harry turned to Ron slowly, a confused expression on his face.
‘Don’t worry mate, you get used to it, only listen to the conversations you need to after a while. So,’ he prompted, ‘Who’s it gonna be?’
‘Well, I guess it probably gonna be a professor that’s been promoted. That’s what happened in Dumbledore’s case wasn’t it?’
‘You’re not answering the question Harry.’ Fred grinned.
‘Alright, alright. I don’t know what professors are still teaching there. He could be anyone. Flitwick.....Snape...’
‘Why can’t it be a headmistress?’ demanded Sofia smiling.
‘I didn’t mean....that is....ermmm....’ Harry stumbled over his words, averting his eyes from Charlie’s large but pretty wife.
‘Just ignore Sofia Harry. She’s all bark.’
‘Watch it George, or I’ll sit on you.’ The dining room rang with laughter, Harry gathered Sofia had that effect on people. It was odd to see how the family he had been friends with during his time at Hogwarts had developed. There was Bill and Charlie, both presumably very much in love with their wives, flecks of grey appearing across their bright hair, laughing like old times, Fred and George, both with the same boyish features as they had during their Hogwarts Years, but they seemed older somehow, more settled down with the wife and kids. Mr and Mrs Weasley no longer had vibrant hair, it had become much duller since Harry had seen them last, and their faces appeared more wrinkled. Ron hadn’t changed much though. He had become taller, and broader, his face matured slowly as he turned from a boy into a man. Hermione had always said how he would turn out to be extremely handsome, and he had. There we go, thinking about her again, Harry reprimanded himself, but it’s difficult not to whilst surround by many of my old school friends.

Most of the younger Weasleys had the same Red hair that all Weasleys had been known for, except for Pippa. Her mother, Annie had brown hair, so the reason for this blondness was a mystery. Her brothers Rick and Boyd both had dark red hair, Candy, Fred’s daughter, had light red hair (Jo was a dark blonde), and her cousins Brandy and Gin both had the same brilliant red hair as Bill, that gene must have over ridden Rosmerta’s dark hair gene. Pippa was the blonde in a sea of red, something that was much more noticeable when they all stood together for a family photo later that evening, clustered round the fire where Arthur and Molly’s heads were still floating.
‘All my grandchildren together, it doesn’t happen that often.’ gushed Mrs Weasley smiling happily.
‘Yeah, I don’t suppose you can often fit everyone in at the Burrow.’ Harry smiled back.
‘Hopefully we’ll be able to. You know, what with buying a bigger house and all.’
‘What you’re getting a new place?’ Harry asked. ‘Is it because of Fred and George’s Joke shop?’
Mrs Weasley seemed to cringe slightly at the name. ‘No dear, this time is my Arthur making the money.’
‘Yes, every wizard across the country seems to be buying an Arthur Car recently. Who would have thought it! Me, an inventor!’
‘Well I did always tell you what a fantastic idea that flying car was. I always used to say how creative you were being, and if it hadn’t been for me, I think you might not have-’
‘Waited so long before bringing it out?’ interrupted George, ‘You know you always hated the idea mum, you can’t try and convince everyone otherwise, they know the truth.’
‘I always said that it was a good idea, just not to you boys. I knew you’d just use it against me, Ginny always...’ The effect the mention of the name had on the room was astonishing. Mrs Weasley began chewing her lip frantically, whilst Mr Weasley tried to turn his head to watch how she was reacting, all the Weasley brothers had an identical look of rage cast upon their faces, their wives and older children looking anywhere but in the direction of Mr and Mrs Weasley, but the younger children (Candy) continued chatting happily, before she was silenced by a sharp look from her mother.
Harry and Fiona glanced at each other quickly, then down at Rai. Fiona gave a slight nod to show she had understood the look.
‘So, Mrs Weasley...ummm...is it good seeing Harry again?’ she improvised, trying to ease the tension in the room.
‘Oh, it’s fantastic love, he’s grown up so much, he’s ever so different from the little lost boy I once knew.’ Molly relaxed instantly, and chatter broke out once more, though Harry, blushing at the titters from the twins, was glaring at Fiona.
‘Couldn’t you have thought of something...I dunno, less embarresing?’ he whispered.
‘I only said the first thing that came into my head. I could have said more you know...’
‘Don’t you dare!’

YES, I KNOW, I stopped suddenly 2 go eat me dinner, haven't had time to carry on. My apoliguies (will I ever learn how to spell that?)-sorry but @ the mo I am swamped with school work, but I'll try to continue if and when I have time, and if I ever get REVIEWS!!!!! XxX
Ok i wrote more, i promise on my life, but computer screwed up, lost all harddrive (is that wot its called?) and i hadn't had a chance 2 update the site yet, so im building it up again from this. PROMISE!
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