Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/732323-British-Have-a-Bad-Temper
by Sakura
Rated: ASR · Script/Play · Comedy · #732323
Just a school thing.
This was for a school program and it's not that good, but since it's ESL we won a 2nd price with it so my class wanted me to post it here. And by the title and the content, I do not mean to offend any British at all, or anyone else for that matter. I wasn't the one who came up with the idea, just the one who wrote it down and handed it in to an editor. Again, I do not mean any offense!

British have a bad temper!
Introduction: This is a meeting organized by the British. The invited guests are:the American, Afganistan, Chinese, German, Egyptian, Japanese, and the Israelite. They’re here to talk about a bomb that the British are trying to make.
British: Hello, everyone!
Everyone else: Hello!
British: Introduce yourselves to the others please.
Afganistan to American: How do you do, Mr. Bush?
American: Ahhhhhhhhh………………….(lay down, sturt crazily)
Afganistan: How do you……(he was interrupted by Mr. Bush)
American: Shut up! You’re trying to kill me! (runs away)
British to Afganistan: Look what you did! You made my guest runaway!
Afganistan: Then I’m not your guest? I’m going!
British: Oh God!!!
American: Is he gone? (came back)
British: Yes! It’s all because of you!
American: What?! Then I’m REALLY going. (goes again)
Chinese: Americans are bad, so, don’t care.
British: Yeah right! How can I not care??? He was the most important guest!!!
Chinese: What?! You’re crazy! (turns around and goes)
British: Jesus! I shouldn’t have said that!
German: I’m still on your side!
British: Thank you! But I need them for the bomb!
German: You need us for te b-b-b-bomb? (acting scared)
British: Yeah for…..(stopped by the German’s scream)
German: Ah…………………. I don’t want to die yet! (runs away)
Egyptian 1: Our God will protect you, Mr. Tom.
British: Stop talking about your freaking gods, I want to burst your head!!!
Egypt 1: Sorry God, sorry! (on knees)
Egyptian 2: You will be punished! (both Egyptians goes away)
Japanese: You should control your temper! Don’t say stupid stuff!
British: Why? The ones that I don’t want to go are gone, and the guy that I want to be gone is still here.
Japanese: What! What do you mean!!! (goes)
British: I didn’t mean you!
Israelite: Then you must've meant me! (goes as well)
Narrator: When the presidents ask the representatives of their country how the meeting went, they all said the same thing,
“British have a bad temper, and are very scary!!!”
The End
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/732323-British-Have-a-Bad-Temper