Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/731814-Amneius-Daughter-of-Anrewein
Rated: E · Short Story · Foreign · #731814
Written for English; a detailed story
I walk down the dirty gravel road while bits of sand pelt my unclothed feet and legs. The sharp rocks rip tiny cuts into my unclean skin. This narrow road seems to go on forever. I have been walking so long my feet are blistered and crimson red from my dry blood. I come upon a market, one like I've never seen before. Sparkling banners welcome me, but they are written in a Roman tongue that I cannot comprehend. Tents line the street with items bulging out from them. To my right there is a stand with wondrous toys. There are curly-haired stuffed animals for the little girls and dark wooden swords with short hilts for the young men who wish to become knights. Amongst many other extraordinary toys, spinning blue and orange tops as little as my pinkie thumbnail, bows made of fine silk the length of my arm with smooth oak wood, and bags of marbles that seem to have captured the rainbow's radiant colors.

The next tent I come to has the most extravagant silk clothing, which a peasant like myself could never afford. Long green robes, with purple accented cuffs and collars usually worn by scribes of the king lined one wall. A fine silver robe was hidden in the far right corner. Golden beads lined the cuffs and an embroidered cross on the chest pocket. It would have come down over my bloodied feet if I were to wear such an elegant thing. It would drag behind me in such a way making me look like the Queen of Rome. This is what I came here for; this is what I wanted to see. I whisk myself away from the dreaded thought of never being able to wear anything like this and walk slowly out of the tent, stopping to take one longing look back at my beautiful gown.

As I walk further past the tents put up before me a scent of warm bread rises. I follow it, hoping it is the famous Bandua bread that I have heard so many stories about. Some of this eclectic bread makes your heart sear with happiness and love, some makes your senses awaken and aware, and even others fills your body with a depressed mood and put a great weight on your heart. I pass along wine stands, clothing and other odds and ends and finally see the place I am looking for. Sweet aromas waft in my nostrils as I get closer, sugary wheat, blackberry, and plain white bread. These are the breads I have heard the stories about, the ones that fill you with different emotions. Suddenly I am pushed aside and thrown to the hard dusty ground by a firm silvery figure. I look up and am kicked so hard I lose my breath and am dazed. When my strength returns I get up and hear "watch it peasant" in a deep grumble of a voice.

I hear mumbles coming from others and see that some people are smirking at me. A young knight in red armor rushes over to me and asks if I am all right. He helps me regain my balance and wipes off the dust from my already dirty clothing. He apologizes for his friend’s malicious acts and asks if there is anything that he can do to make up for his friend's discourteous act. I am silent for a long time wondering what to say. A brave young knight is not supposed to apologize to an unclean peasant like myself. He asks again if there is anything that he can do and I try to find my voice to speak.

"N-n-no," I finally stutter.

"I'm sure there is. That was wholly uncalled for, in the name of Caesar! Knights of our honor shall not treat anyone like that if it is up to me, even mere peasants like yourself," this gallant fresh knight replied.

"I am no mere peasant, I am daughter of Anrewein Keeper of the Lost," I replied in a firm tone, "but I do not mind that your friend was oblivious and knocked me down. As you can see I am in disguise."

This time is was the knight's turn to stutter. His voice trembled and cracked as if he was fearing for his life, "d-d-daughter of Anrewein… K-keeper of the…"

"Yes that is correct and if you don't mind I would not like everyone to know. I am passing through as a peasant. I am a peasant plainly as everyone can see. My mother is respected by the King, which does not mean I cannot pass as a peasant. Now please leave me."

"I would still like to repay you for the debt my fellow knight has bestowed upon you," the knight replied the courage and valor returning to his voice. "Anything you want in this market place is yours. Why not try some of the famous Bandua bread that you were looking upon?"

"Anything," I replied in a slow response. I pondered this thought for a while and then thought back to my beautiful silver robe. "I know exactly what I would like. Are you sure?"

"Yes, absolutely," the knight replied.

"All right then, follow me." I led him to the crystal blue tent that help the precious garments that I looked upon with my peasant eyes, knowing that I would never be able to afford anything of it's sort. I turned to the knight and nodded, he looked puzzled at first but this look quickly vanished from his stern face.

"I would like the silver robe," I said slowly.

"Very well!" he replied and pointed to the merchant of the tent. "Sir, fetch me that robe up top."

"No, no, no," I shook my head. "I don't think you quite understand. I want that one." I pointed to the silk silver robe with the gold embroidered cross.

The knight sputtered, "that… That is only worn by the finest nobles of the land, not even a high knight like myself can wear something that extravagant."

"Are you saying you will not hold to your word young knight?" I quizzed.

"It's just… I… I did not know that you would want something so excessive. I will gladly buy you anything else, daughter of Anrewein, but that, that I can not obtain," replied the knight.

I turned around swiftly and exited the tent. The knight came after me as I was heading for the dusty trail of which I came.

"Please, I… I am a man on honor. The people will think less of me if a peasant, like your disguise, walked away from me. Even though I am a man of honor, I have the authority to take your life. For you are, only a peasant to everyone around. No one else knows what I was informed of," he said as he caught up to me.

"I regret ever asking you to buy such an overgenerous thing. But you did say anything. Just like knights, not keeping to their word."

"Knights not keeping to their word? The Keeper of the Lost has not showed her face in over one hundred years! Do not insult me in such a way! I will keep my word to you, Amneius!" I gave a sudden start as he mentioned my name. "Yes, some have studied Anrewein, like myself. You have offended me by your uncalled for insults!" with that he spun around, his long red cape whisking behind him.

I stopped waiting to see what he would come back with, but I knew what it would be. He studied Anrewein? My mother… I thought everyone had forgotten about her or were frightened. But no… There was hope after all.

He returned unexpected with the beautiful robe. The robe that would make me look like a Queen. He put the silver silk robe in my hands and said, "I have kept my word," and strode off.

I have obtained the silk robe of power. Now I will wander no more as a measly peasant would. I will now wander the lands as Amneius, the Sacred Daughter of Anrewein.
© Copyright 2003 Elizebeth (elizebeth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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