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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #730196
Chapter 3- Kyle is stalked by mysterious assailant
Kyle Seals Chronicles

Part Three: Blind

Across the street from the headquarters of the infamous Kyle Seals, sat a woman, alone, and in the dark. She aimed her sniper rifle out the window, her sights targeted on Kyle. She had awaited for his arrival and watched as his headquarters erupted in an amazing explosion. She had him directly in her sights, aiming for his head. But at the last possible second, he turned his body as she fired and she hit him square in the back.

The woman gazed at him through her scope as he fell to the ground. He tried to stand back up, but failed and he dropped back down. Confident that she had killed him, she smiled to herself thinking that it was too easy for someone of his reputation. But after a minute, much to her surprise, he began to stir. The woman opened her other eye and looked down at him, wondering if her scope had played a trick on her. But sure enough, he slowly began to move and pulled himself to his feet. She aimed again, ready to shoot him in the head, but many civilians had surrounded him, checking to see if he was all right. She could not get a clear shot through the sea of people.

Then a peculiar thing happened. Kyle looked straight up her scope. She opened her eyes, taken aback at his ability to locate her quickly and his arrogance to expose himself to her. She looked through her scope again and began to squeeze on the trigger. But her curiosity overcame her better judgement and she let go of the trigger. She decided that he was to intriguing a target to kill from such a distance. Eliminating him up close and personal would be much more gratifying. She lowered her weapon and slowly backed away into the darkness.

* * *

Kyle watched as the sniper disappeared from his view. He let out a sigh of relief, thankful that his gamble had worked. If his attacker had wanted to, they could have killed him and anyone that was around him with no effort at all. But looking at the sniper directly and showing his face, he gave a look of ‘come and get me you pussy’, and thankfully it had payed off. Kyle again felt the pain in his back of where the bullet had struck him, and was thankful he invested the time of putting bulletproof material into his jacket. But it still hurt like a son of a bitch. People were swarming all around him, asking if he was all right, but he paid no attention to them. The sounds of several sirens could be heard from the distance and Kyle remembered the explosion of his home.

Kyle raced toward the apartment building. People were running out of the front entrance, and Kyle had to push his way through the panicking crowd. Kyle came to the elevators and pushed the button for the top floor, but it was not working. The explosion must have damaged the elevators. Kyle turned around and headed for the stairway. He had to kick open the door and began to climb the stairs. His penthouse was on the 20TH. Floor, but he didn’t care. He had to get up there. He ran as fast as he could, circling around the corners, pushing his way to the top.

Thoughts raced through his mind as he went. What had happened? Why did the penthouse explode? Were they attacked for some reason? Was Damion and Danielle in there when it had blown and were they safe? All these questions and more popped in and out of his head as he went. But there was one question that kept repeating itself over and over. Was Bliss all right?

The closer Kyle came to the top, the more damage to the building could be seen. Smoke was beginning to appear and rubble had fallen to the ground. Two women, who were barely clothed, ran past Kyle screaming. He came to the 19th. Floor, and quickly looked inside Damion’s apartment, but it was empty. Kyle ran down the hall to the stairway that led to his penthouse. Along the hall were several armed men in uniforms lying on the floor unconscious. Kyle didn’t know who they were, but he figured that they had something to do with all this chaos.

Finally reaching the entrance to his penthouse, he turned the doorknob, trying to open the door, but it was stuck shut. Kyle used all his strength and slammed into the door, forcing it open. But it was worse than he thought once he was inside. Fires were burning in several spots, glass was everywhere and all of the furniture was destroyed and scattered across the room. Bursts of electricity sparked throughout the area and the wind was blowing through the broken windows. Several more of the armed men were lying dead on the floor.

“Bliss!” Kyle yelled out trying to find her. He had to pick up debris and move it out of his way. “Damion! Are you in here!?”

“Kyle?” A voice called out. Kyle turned, trying to locate the voice. He made his way over the rubble and through the fires.

“Bliss? Where are you?” Kyle called out again and saw a pile of debris move. Looking closer, Kyle saw a hand trying to find its way free. Kyle began to remove the broken pieces of furniture and debris, throwing them to the side. He removed the last piece to find Bliss and Danielle under the computer desk. Bliss was holding onto Danielle, who was unconscious. Danielle had several wounds along her left shoulder, chest and arm.

“Kyle, it’s really you,” Bliss said thankfully, “Danielle’s hurt. We need to get her out of here.” Kyle helped Bliss up and then pulled Danielle out of the wreckage.

“What about you? Are you all right?” Kyle asked Bliss and she nodded her head. “Where’s Damion?”

“I don’t know” Bliss told him, “he grabbed the bomb and pushed us out of the way. I didn’t see what happened to him.” Just then, firefighters and rescue workers came through the door, pushing rubble out of the way.

“Over here!” Kyle yelled to them. He picked up Danielle and handed her to one of the firefighters. “She needs help, get her some help. Bliss you go with her, make sure she gets to a hospital.” Bliss nodded and another firefighter helped her out as they followed Danielle. Kyle turned to the others. “There’s someone else in here somewhere, we have to find him fast.”

Kyle, along with the remaining firefighters and rescue workers began to search the penthouse for Damion. The firefighters continued to put out the small fires scattered throughout the penthouse, and checked on the dead soldiers lying about. After a few short minutes a rescue worker found Damion, trapped under support beams.

“He’s over here!” The rescue worker yelled, and Kyle ran over to him. “We need to get this beam off of him.” Several firefighters grabbed hold of the beam along with Kyle. “Ready, on three! 1,2...3!” The group all lifted at the same time, using their combined strength to lift the beam off of Damion and dropped it to the side. Damion was in worse condition than Danielle. He was unconscious as well and had several burns and injuries resulting from flying debris.

“We need to get this man to a hospital,” one firefighter said to another, “get a stretcher in here.” And in record time, a stretcher was brought in. They lifted Damion’s unconscious body onto it and carried him out. Then a firefighter turned to Kyle. “Sir, you need to leave now and let us do our job.”

Kyle nodded to the firefighter and turned to head out. But before he reached the exit, he saw one of the armed soldiers moving on the floor. Kyle stopped and looked around to see if any of the firefighters were watching him. The soldier was looking up at him. Kyle leaned down close to the soldier.

“Who are you?” Kyle asked angrily. But the soldier only gave him a slight smile and pulled down the collar of his shirt, revealing a small skull tattoo as well as a necklace with the same design.

“The woman will die,” he said to Kyle in a faint, horse voice, and Kyle’s face turned to one of extreme anger, “Death will come for her. She cannot escape.” Kyle moved closer to the soldiers ear.

“Then you tell Death,” Kyle whispered to him, “that I am waiting.” And with that, Kyle put his hand over the soldier’s mouth and nose, cutting off his oxygen supply. The soldier was too weak to put up any kind of a struggle and shortly after, he stopped moving and his breathing stopped. Kyle removed his hand from the soldiers face and his look of anger slowly melted away. He then took hold of the skull necklace and yanked it from the soldier’s neck.. Kyle stood up and quickly inspected the design of the necklace. He then took one final look at the dead soldier. Kyle put the necklace in his pocket and headed out the door.

* * *

Hours later, Kyle was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital, awaiting word on Damion and Danielle’s condition. He sat alone, inspecting the necklace that he had taken from the soldier. He tried to figure out if the design was special in someway or just a worthless necklace. Whatever it was, Kyle thought that it all somehow connected to Bliss, good or bad. Bliss came out from one of the rooms, limping on her right foot, but otherwise fine. Kyle quickly pocketed the necklace.

“How ya doin?” Kyle asked as he stood.

“I’m alright,” Bliss told him, “my leg is going to hurt for awhile, but I’ll be fine.”

“What about Damion and Danielle?” Kyle asked, “Are they going to be alright?”

“Danielle had some minor surgery done on her left shoulder,” Bliss explained, “she’ll have to keep her arm in a sling until it heals.”

“What about Damion?”

“He’s a little worse off,” Bliss said with a sigh, and sat down in a chair, “he was closest to the bomb when it blew. He was able to throw it out the window but he still got hit by the blast pretty bad.” Bliss stopped for a moment. “He lost his eyesight. Being so close to the blast damaged his eyes. The doctors don’t know if it will ever come back.”

“What the fuck happened?” Kyle asked, curious but angry, “Who were those guys?” Bliss looked at him with tears beginning to build in her eyes.

“I don’t know,” she said to him, “they just stormed the apartment. We tried to fight them off as best we could, but they just kept coming.” A tear fell from her eye, and she quickly wiped it away, embarrassed. “Look at me. Some partner, huh?” Kyle took her hand in his and looked her in the eyes.

“You were great,” Kyle assured her, “you kept Danielle safe and did everything that you could. I wouldn’t want anyone else watching my back.” Bliss smiled and hugged him tightly, taking comfort that he was with her to keep her safe now.

Time passed. Bliss and Kyle exchanged information. Bliss told him about the mysterious phone call, and Kyle told her about his meeting with the vampire and the mysterious sniper. But Kyle did not tell her what the vampire said about her. And he wouldn’t tell her until he understands what it means.

“I took this from one of those asshole soldiers back there,” Kyle said as he took the necklace from his pocket and showed it to her, “I need to take it to Vince and find out what it is.” As soon as Bliss saw the skull design, an image flashed in her mind, like a distant memory trying to make its way back. The image was that of a face that resembled the skull, and a feeling of dread came with it. Bliss held her head, as the memory brought a slight pain on.

“Are you alright?” Kyle asked, seeing her in pain.

“Yeah I’m fine,” Bliss said as she stood up. “I just need some water.” Bliss began to walk, but she began to stumble and Kyle had to catch her from falling.

“You don’t seem so good,” Kyle said, “maybe we should get you a doctor.”

Unknown to Kyle and Bliss, a hooded figure crept up behind them. The figure edged closer and closer towards the two in complete silence. Doctors and nurses walking past Kyle and Bliss took no notice of the silent stalker.

“It’s just a headache, I’ll be fine.” Bliss said to Kyle. The mysterious person stopped about five feet from them, and pulled out a throwing knife from inside their coat. Raising its arm up, the hooded figure readied to throw the knife.

“Bliss, the last thing I need right now is...” But before Kyle could finish his sentence, he grabbed Bliss by the waist and pulled her close as a knife plunged deep into the wall. The hospital staff and other patients had apparently not witnessed the attempted assassination. Bliss quickly looked around him as they both saw the hooded figure.

The silent assassin took off the hood, revealing their face. It was a woman. She had a natural beauty to her with sharp features. Her blonde hair hung down her face, past her dark eyes. She had no noticeable look on her face. Kyle stood in shock, as he knew that this was the same person who had attempted to kill him earlier today. She had kept her eyes locked onto Kyle, until she quickly looked at the knife imbedded halfway into the wall, realizing that she had failed in killing him for a second time.

“Interesting,” she said softly, her voice had a slight accent to it. Kyle pulled out the knife from the wall and took a step towards her, but a sudden rush of doctors came past them pushing a large medical machine of some sort. Kyle lost sight of the woman for only a split second, but when she should have come back into view, Kyle found that she had disappeared. Kyle and Bliss quickly looked around for her, and saw her running far away down the hall. Bliss came to his side as he eyed the knife. He then looked back down the hall, watching the woman disappear from his view.

“I think I need to make a few calls,” Kyle said to himself.

* * *
“I’m not available right now, leave a message and I’ll get back to you ASAP.”

“Hey, this is Kyle Seals,” he said into his cell phone, “I need a favor from you. Come to the hospital as soon as you can. I’ll explain when you get here.” Kyle hung up his cell and closed it up. Now all he had to do was wait.

* * *

Hours went on into the night. Kyle and Bliss remained at the hospital. Bliss was on the phone trying to contact someone. Kyle wandered around the hospital, waiting for his contact to arrive. Not long after, Kyle looked down the hall, finally seeing the person he was waiting for.

The man walked cooly towards Kyle. He was dressed in stylish black clothing. His black jacket was opened, showing a buttoned up vest that covered a white shirt, and he had black pants and boots. His dark brown hair was cut short with a small goatee. He looked young, but gave off a sense of wisdom and intelligence.

Kyle walked to the man as he approached. Kyle held out his hand and the man accepted it, shaking his hand.

“I came as soon as I got your message,” the man said to Kyle.

“I’m glad you could make it,” Kyle told him, “I need your help.”

“What’s up?”

“I’m not sure really,” Kyle said, “me and my crew have been under attack lately. Slate has placed a contract on my head, and my place has been destroyed.”

“That must suck....what do you need me to do?”

“I need to go and try to find some answers,” Kyle said, “but I have two people here who were injured when my headquarters exploded. I want you to look after them until I get back.”

“Are you expecting anyone to come after them personally.” The man asked.

“Maybe,” Kyle said to him, unsure whether or not that would actually happen, “someone has tried to kill me twice today. And one was right here at the hospital! Can you believe that?”

“I can. So they missed you twice, huh?” The man asked sarcastically, “They must not be very good.”

“Well I don’t know how much training she had, but more would’ve helped.” Kyle said, laughing to himself. Bliss came walking up to Kyle, having finished her business on the phone.

“I got hold of Vince, and he says he can meet you in half an hour?” Bliss said to Kyle and then looked at the man suspiciously. “Who’s this?”

“Oh, this is Tyger... Tyger with a ‘Y’,” Kyle told her, “he’s going to watch after Damion and Danielle while we’re gone.”

“Tyger huh?” Bliss said as she looked him up and down, “what kind of a name is Tyger?” Tyger looked at her with a raised eyebrow and just smiled.

“Look, don’t start,” Kyle told her, “I mean come on, your name is Bliss.”

“Good point.”

“You said this assassin was a ‘she’, do you know who it was?” Tyger asked Kyle, getting back to the topic at hand.

“Well, she did seem slightly familiar,” Kyle told Tyger, “so I called up the ninja babe...”

“Wait, what ‘ninja babe’?” Tyger asked, puzzled.

“You know, the one who always seems to be on the edge,” Kyle explained.

“Oh yeah.”

“Anyways, she said that she ran into this person a couple of times but really didn’t know much about her other than that she is slightly psychotic.” Kyle said, “She also said her name was Sonya. Personally I’m feeling a little blind about this entire situation.”

“Tell me about it,” Tyger said, “I’ve been here five minutes and I’m already confused. But anyways, I’ll help out. How long do you think you’ll be?”

“I’m not really sure,” Kyle told him, “hopefully not too long.”

“Alright, just watch your back.” Tyger told them.

“Easier said than done,” Kyle said to Tyger, and then looked at Bliss, “let’s hit it.” Bliss nodded and followed Kyle. Tyger watched them as they headed out.

* * *

Vince sat at his desk, typing away on his computer. The only light that was illuminating was the one from his computer screen. Even though he rarely had visitors and he spent most of his free time on his computer, his desk was very clean and organized. Vince had his long hair pulled back into a pony tail, but it was starting to come out. Vince took off the band holding it in place and put it into his mouth while he fixed his hair.

Suddenly a knock came from his door, and he jumped. Vince quickly got up and went to answer it. He looked through the peep hole, to see a striking black haired woman. Vince smiled, knowing it was Bliss. He unlocked the door and opened it.

“Well, hello,” Vince said smiling, as Bliss stood in the doorway, her hands on her hips. Vince’s smile quickly faded when Kyle came into view. “Oh, I didn’t know you were coming.”

“We need your help,” Kyle told him as Vince turned and headed back to his computer. Kyle entered with Bliss following.

“What is it now?” Vince asked as he sat down.

“I need you to try and find some information on an assassin,” Kyle told him, “her name is Sonya. I think she...”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Vince stopped him, “hacking my way around government files isn’t like just signing onto the web. I have to go in and out of certain high tech systems trying to navigate through all their fail safe programs all while trying to find the right file. And besides, it’s illegal. If they find me I’ll be in big trouble.”

“What? You do it all the time!” Kyle said back.

“Yeah but when I do it, it’s for something important.”

“This is important!” Kyle yelled, becoming increasingly angered. Vince was a good and skillful person but sometimes he can be very stingy.

“Ugh, not to me,” Vince said, rolling his eyes.

“Oh, just fucking do it!” Kyle wanted to reach for his gun. Luckily Bliss stepped forward. Vince immediately looked at her as she leaned towards him and pulled her jacket down past her shoulders, giving him a clear view down her shirt.

“Oh, Vincent, won’t you please do it?” Bliss asked in an innocent voice, “Do it for me? I need it bad.” Vince was transfixed. He stared into her half closed green eyes, as she ran her tongue over the front of her top teeth. Kyle had a look of disgust on his face.

“Oh, well... if you want it that bad....” Vince said.

“Oh yeah baby,” Bliss added, and stuck out her tongue a little, showing Vince her tongue bar. Kyle slapped his forehead.

“I guess I can help you out.” Vince said to Bliss as she stroked the side of his face. Vince turned to his computer and began tapping on the keys, zoning out the rest of the world.

“Vincent?” Kyle said to Bliss with a sarcastic tone, “I can’t believe you did that,” but Bliss just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, “I could’ve shot him in the knees or something.” After a few short minutes, images of the blonde haired assassin began to appear on his computer screen.

“You were right,” Vince said to Kyle, as he and Bliss leaned closer to the screen. “Her name is Sonya. But that’s about all it says. No birth record, no social security number, no known family. There are a couple of arrest records, and it says that she’s wanted in over twelve different countries. The only thing I really have is a last known address, but it’s a few years old.”

“That’s all we’ve got to go on right now,” Kyle said to him as he memorized the address. “And while we’re at it, I want you to run an analysis on this.” Kyle took out the skull necklace from his pocket and handed it to Vince.

“Present from your boyfriend?” Vince asked jokingly, and Kyle gave him a look. “Alright already.” Vince put the necklace into his scanner, and analyzed it. After a minute, the scanner finished the analysis.

“Nothing special about the metal,” Vince told them, reading the information, “but the design is unique. Looks like the symbol for some bizarre cult that worships something called ‘Death’.” Bliss could feel a slight headache coming over her.

“Death huh?” Kyle said.

“Here’s a photo,” Vince said to him and clicked on a thumbnail that enlarged an image. It was a large group of people, facing some kind of burning alter and celebrating. The picture was poorly lit and blurry. But Kyle noticed something. Behind the alter was someone with their hands in the air. Bliss’ headache was becoming more painful.

“Wait, zoom in on that?” Kyle commanded as he pointed to the silhouette on the screen. Vince pointed and clicked, and the image became larger, but still blurry. “Can you clean that up?” Vince typed quickly on his keys. The image slowly began to morph into a visible form. The person was covered entirely in black, except for a white skull on his face. Bliss saw the skull faced man and her headache seemed to suddenly hit her hard and she screamed out in pain.

Kyle turned to her as she fell to her knees.

“What’s wrong?” Kyle asked as he knelt down to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. But her headache had suddenly disappeared. Bliss opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. Kyle helped her up.

“I don’t know,” Bliss told him, as she held her head, “I just got a rush of pain for a second.”

“Maybe you should go home and get some sleep,” Kyle said.

“No. No, I’m fine. I just need a minute.”

“Look, just go home,” he continued, “it’s been a rough day for everybody.”

“But, you’re going to need some backup,” Bliss said to him.

“Ah don’t worry,” Kyle assured her, “Vince will come with me.” Vince came out of his daze and looked up.

“I will?” He asked, as Bliss looked over at him, and Kyle nodded. Vince just shrugged in agreement.

“See, it’ll be alright,” Kyle continued, “we’ll be fine. Just go get some rest for tomorrow.” Bliss finally gave in and nodded. She went to leave, but turned back around and threw her arms around Kyle, hugging him tightly. Kyle held onto her, not really wanting to let go. They eventually broke off and headed in their separate ways.

* * *

Vince and Kyle drove to the location in Vince’s car, a car that seemed like it would die any second. They came to a dark street and drove to an old alleyway. The address they had was down the alley somewhere. Kyle told Vince to pull over and they both got out. Kyle had a backpack he had brought with him. He opened it up and inside was a handgun with a laser sight attached onto it and several magazines. Kyle took out the gun, checked the ammunition, and then holstered it onto his right hip. He put several clips into his pocket and handed Vince a flashlight.

Kyle headed down the alley with Vince following. Vince was ranting on and on about how dangerous this was and how he didn’t want to be here. Kyle just tuned him out as he surveyed the surrounding area. He then saw a door leading into one of the buildings. Kyle stopped and put his hand up, telling Vince to be quiet. Kyle looked up and down the buildings to see if anyone was following or watching them.

“That must be it,” Kyle said to Vince and took out his gun, “let’s go.” They headed for the door cautiously, Vince staying close to Kyle’s side. Kyle kept his gun low, but ready. They came to the door and stopped. Kyle checked the door knob and found that it was unlocked. He turned the knob and slowly pushed the door open. Kyle raised his gun, pointing inside the dark room. Vince aimed his flashlight inside, giving Kyle some light.

The room was empty and looked as if no one had been here for several months. There was one bed, a small worn down table and a dirty rug on the floor. Kyle and Vince entered, looking around the room for some kind of a clue. The wood floors were old and creaked as they walked.

“Look’s like a dead end, huh?” Vince said to Kyle. Kyle did not respond. His attention was fixed at a small beam of light emanating from a crack in the floor, barely noticeable. Kyle pushed the rug away with his foot, revealing a door in the floor. Vince walked over to Kyle looking down at the door. Kyle grabbed the small handle and pulled it open.

Once the door was fully open, the light grew stronger, flickering along the walls. A small flight of stairs led down to another room, so Kyle headed down them, gun in hand, with Vince following close. They reached the bottom, and Kyle stopped at the entrance, poking his head inside. He then rolled around the corner, pointing his gun and checking to see if anyone was there.

The room was empty, but unlike the other, it had been just recently visited. Several candles were lit around the room, and a faucet was leaking, dripping water into a sink, giving off an eerie feeling. Weapons were placed along the walls and organized very neatly. There was a small bed in the corner with pillows and blankets, with a work table next to it. Kyle walked over to the table as Vince was looking at the guns and knives on the wall.

Kyle found that there were many pictures of himself pinned on the wall directly in front of the table, but that didn’t really surprise him. He rummaged around the table and found another large picture. He looked at it and found that it was the head of a person, circled many times in red ink and crossed out in one large ‘X’. Kyle knew immediately who it was.


* * *

Bliss opened the door to their backup safe house. It was a small one bedroom apartment, that they rarely ever had to use. There was only a small TV, and a couch in the living room. Bliss opened the refrigerator to find that it was empty and the cupboards were bare. There was a bed in the bedroom that was actually quite comfortable but everything else was a piece of shit. Bliss kicked off her shoes and laid down on the bed. She could easily fall asleep, but she decided she would feel better if she showered first.

Bliss unbuttoned her baggy pants and slid them off. She then took off her red fishnet shirt. While she was undressing, Bliss thought that she saw something streak by the open door. She didn’t want to take any chances. Remaining in her black tank top and pink thong, she reached under the mattress of the bed and found a small handgun that Kyle had left there once. Bliss checked the ammo and cautiously went into the living room. But it was empty.

Bliss double checked the kitchen, looked out the front door, and even out the window, but there was no one there. Bliss just figured that the long day was finally catching up to her. She let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes. She went back into the bathroom and finished undressing. She looked at her naked body in the mirror, admiring her amazing shape.

Bliss went to the shower, turned on the water, and adjusted the water to the right temperature. She stepped in, and the feeling of the warm water cascading down her body made her feel almost immediately better. She let the water hit her face and soak her black hair. There was no soap or shampoo of any kind, but Bliss didn’t really care right then. The only thing she wished she had, was Kyle, right here with her. She stayed in the shower far longer than she had thought she would. After about twenty-five minutes, she finally finished. Bliss stepped out of the shower and realized that there weren’t any towels in the bathroom.

But then Bliss noticed that the bathroom door was open, and she could swear that she had closed it. She also saw that her clothes were not where she had left them, and her gun was missing. Bliss cursed to herself and walked slowly to the living room. Sonya, the blonde haired assassin, was sitting on the couch, pointing a gun at Bliss. Sonya’s body was covered by her long coat, but her crossed legs, slender and wearing some kind of black boots, were visible. Bliss had stopped at the doorway, still naked and dripping water onto the floor. Sonya was just staring at her.

“I can see why he likes you,” Sonya said in a smooth voice, “you have a very striking figure.” Bliss didn’t know really what to say.

“You just sat there and watched me undress, didn’t you?” Bliss asked, and Sonya smiled.

“I thought that you could use the peace,” Sonya explained, “you have had a hard enough day already. You seemed to be enjoying yourself, but I could tell that you weren’t completely content in there with just yourself. You wished that he was in there with you.” Sonya reached to the floor and grabbed a towel, tossing it to Bliss. Bliss caught it and quickly put it around herself. She brushed her wet hair over her ear and away from her face.

“What do you want with me?” Bliss asked, “Why are you trying to kill Kyle?” Sonya said nothing. She went back into her emotionless stare. “You’re just a killer. A cold emotionless killer, who gets off on making other people suffer don’t you?” Sonya stood and walked over to Bliss, her gun still trained on her.

“You still don’t understand, do you?” Sonya said to her, “this goes far beyond me, and even beyond him. This is about you.”


“There are more things going on here than any of us realize,” Sonya began to explain, “to have a future with him, you’re going to have to discover your own past. A past that may push him away.”

“What are you talking about?” Bliss asked, angered yet curious. But before Sonya could continue, Kyle came crashing through the door, gun in hand. Sonya immediately turned and fired two shots at Kyle as he dived to the floor behind the couch. Bliss saw her opportunity and kicked Sonya’s hand, knocking the gun away. Sonya ran to the window and jumped out as Kyle arose firing his gun. Sonya quickly began to climb the fire escape.

“Are you alright?” Kyle quickly asked Bliss as he ran to the window. Bliss nodded and Kyle looked up to see Sonya climbing the ladder to the roof. “Damn she’s fast.” Kyle holstered his gun and climbed the fire escape after Sonya. Vince came running in, after all the shooting had stopped.

“What happened?” He asked Bliss, who was beginning to dress herself.

Kyle quickly scaled the ladders, one by one, chasing after Sonya. He reached the roof and slowly looked over the edge. Seeing no one around, he jumped to the top and took out his gun. The roof was littered with multiple vents and machines, allowing for many possible hiding places. Kyle ran to a nearby wall and peaked around, still searching for Sonya. At his feet, he noticed Sonya’s coat, lying on the ground.

Kyle crept around the structures carefully. He turned a corner and saw Sonya standing at the edge of the roof, her back facing to him. She turned around, coming clearly into view, revealing her true form. She wore all black. A sleeveless top, and short shorts with thigh high boots and long gloves. Any bare skin showing was covered by fishnet material. Twin guns were holstered on her hips and several knives were placed along the belt around her waist.

Kyle aimed his gun at her, his laser sight tracing along her body. He hesitated only momentarily, and in that split second, Sonya drew her guns and fired at him. Instinctively, Kyle dove to the side, as bullets bounced around him. He fired off several rounds, but none of them found their mark. Sonya ran directly at him, guns blazing, her face turned to one of extreme anger. Kyle hid behind a wall as Sonya continued her assault.

Sonya kept firing and firing at him. Kyle occasionally was able to shoot off a few rounds, but nothing was shaking her off. Kyle only had his one handgun, and she had twice his firepower. Sonya was closing in. Kyle would have to do something soon before she could reach him. Kyle peaked around the corner, and saw Sonya walk near a group of pipes, letting out small amounts of steam. Seeing his opportunity, Kyle aimed at the pipes and shot off several rounds. The pipes erupted in a small explosion, hitting Sonya with hot steam. She let out a scream and was forced to drop her guns. Kyle stepped forward, awaiting the steam to disappear.

Once it did, Kyle found that Sonya had once again disappeared, but her guns remained on the ground. Kyle walked forward, his gun at the ready. He heard a rustle from behind and turned to see Sonya charging for him. She kicked his gun from his hands causing it to fire off a round, and slashed across his chest with a knife, causing blood to spray across her face.

She lunged at him with her knife, but Kyle sidestepped, grabbing her arm, and flung her over onto her back. Sonya quickly recovered and stabbed the knife into his leg. Kyle let out a grunt of pain and staggered back, falling to one knee. Sonya pulled out a small throwing knife and threw it directly at his head. Kyle raised his arm, shielding his face, and the knife plunged into his forearm. Kyle barely had enough time to pull the knives out before Sonya came at him with a knife again.

Sonya tackled him to the ground and tried to push her knife into his chest, but he held onto her hands, holding it back. Sonya let out a blood curdling scream at him as they struggled on the ground. Kyle was losing blood and felt himself get weaker with each passing moment. He had to end this soon. Kyle grabbed hold of her wrist suddenly and snapped the bone. Sonya let out a scream, and in retaliation, drove her knee into Kyle’s crotch. Kyle grunted and quickly kicked her off.

Sonya recovered quickly and took out her three remaining throwing knives. Kyle looked to his side, seeing his gun lying on the ground. He quickly rolled along the ground as Sonya threw two of her knives at him, barely missing him as he rolled. Kyle grabbed his gun as Sonya readied her final throw. Kyle raised to his knees, aimed and fired, hitting her right in the stomach.

A look of shock appeared on Sonya’s face as she was hit. She dropped her knife to the ground and looked down at where she was hit, placing her hands over her wound. She looked at the blood on her hands and then looked to Kyle, who had climbed to his feet. Sonya dropped to her knees, still staring at him, and then fell on her back. Kyle walked over to her.

He kicked the knife from her reach, all the while aiming his gun at her head. Her eyes were looking around aimlessly, as if she was confused. Blood began to trickle from the corner of her mouth, and she coughed. Bliss and Vince had climbed to the roof and was running towards them.

“Kyle don’t kill her!” Bliss yelled out to him. Kyle looked up at Bliss then back down to Sonya. He was ready to put another bullet into her, and end this whole thing right now. But looking at her now, vulnerable and confused, he took pity on her. The familiar sound of sirens could be heard in the distance, and he knew that cops would be swarming over them in a few short minutes. Bliss came running to his side, and Kyle lowered his weapon.

“What do we do with her?” Vince asked as they all looked down at Sonya. Kyle knelt down to her and put pressure on her gunshot wound.

“We’ll leave her here,” Kyle told them, “the police and paramedics we’ll be here soon. They’ll take care of her and put her away. That’ll do for now.” Kyle finished tying a bandage over the wound, stopping the bleeding. He stood up and looked at Bliss. Kyle began to limp off, trying not to put weight on his hurt leg, and Vince followed. Bliss stayed and she and Sonya looked at each other.

“Bliss let’s go!” Kyle yelled back to her, and Bliss followed. She was confused and frustrated. Sonya knew something about her. Something involving her past. But there was no way she would be telling Bliss anything right now. Bliss ran and caught up to Kyle as they headed back down. Bliss noticed that Kyle was lost in thought

“What are you thinking?” She asked Kyle. He looked back at Sonya, and then to Bliss.

“One down,” he said to her, “two to go.”

To Be Continued...

© Copyright 2003 nortonman (kyleseals at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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