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by Neissa
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Death · #726815
part 3 of the other more to the world than wut meets the eye story
Taren walked in the living room. She grabbed the remote and gently fell
back into a leather chair. She reclined and turned on the television. She
flipped through the channels. She quick stopped a channel eleven. They had a
special report on. Taren ran up to the television, her face practically in the
it. She turned up the volume. Soon after that a picture of Andra, Neissa and
Thorn flashed on the screen.
A girl came on the screen. “ Welcome to Channel Eleven news. I am
Renee Sepic. I’m going to turn you over to Gregg Kilia in a second. He is on
the scene of a crime. As far as we know a fifteen year-old girl who has been
recently identified as Andra Linkin, was found hanging from a tree by her
neck. Nobody knows when or how this incident has occurred. Now I will turn
you over to Gregg.”
The screen turned over to a tall guy. He looked like he was half insane.
He stumbled over a few words at the beginning. “ Thank you Renee. I am
here on the scene of the incident that happen on Gili Drive. Police are still
investigated to see it this has been suicide or homicide.” He takes a minute
to walk over and show the tree Andra had been hung from. Next he shows
the rope. “ All this evidence is going to be sent in for a closer look by
forensic scientist. Now back to you Renee.”
Taren turned off the television. No duh! Taren thought. Of course it’s
going to be sent in! Don’t those people know anymore yet? They showed
Andra but nothing about Neissa or Thorn. Neissa might of went to her
secret hide-out and her parents called the police again.
Taren grabbed the keys to her father Jetta and hopped into it. She
drove as quick as she could. She stopped almost running into the small
building. No lights where on. She jumped out of the car. She looked around.
I hate being out in the woods in the middle of nowhere! Taren thought.

Chapter 8
Don’t do this to me

She slowly paced herself toward the front door. She tried to turn the
knob but no such luck. She knocked. After about five minutes, she walked
back to her car. She kicked the car in anger.
“ Neissa!” Taren screamed her voice echoing in the woods. “ Where
the hell are you!”
Taren pulled the door opened and sat down into the car. She sat and
thought of where Neissa might of gone. She thought Raven might know but
she was not sure where she ever was. Taren sighed in disbelief. She closed
the door and started the car. She backed out and went back to the highway.
Taren was not sure where she would go next. Maybe she would go
home or check out Gili Drive, where Andra was found.
She pulled up to where Jackson and Gili Drive met. He parked the car
and hopped out. She walked down the street. The still air smacked her body
making her eyes water. She stopped when she saw a little girl in the middle
of the street.
Taren walked up to the girl. “ What are you doing out here?” Taren
smiled at the little girl.
The girl pushed back her long locks of blonde curls. Her green eyes
shifted the street. She ended her gaze on Taren. “ I have a job to do.”
“ What job is that?” Taren asked.
“ To find Dyther,” The little girl said.
“ Who’s Dyther and what’s your name?” Taren asked, trying to get as
much information as possible.
“ I am Gasik,” the girl said. “ Dyther is my brother. He’s in a mess and
I need to find him before the Devil chops off his head.”
Taren gave a puzzled look. “ Why would the Devil chop off his head?”
“ I’m not sure why. I think it’s the Devil. My brother was into black
magic. I know you really don’t find too many guys into that but he devoted
his life to it. Then he conjured a spirit he couldn’t handle.”
“ Would he of already chopped off your brothers head?” Taren asked.
She had read on the Internet a little about black magic. “ I thought they
devoured your soul instantly?”
Gasik shook her curls. She walked over to the sidewalk and sat down.
She looked around. It seems as though she was searching through her mind
to figure out where to start. “ This was the weirdest spirit I ever saw.” She
raised her eyes up to Taren. “ He was a blood-red color and he had horns.
From what I have read he resembled the Devil.” Her eyes swiftly scanned
the street. “ I heard him say something like the spirit was called Seth or
something with and S like that.”
Taren receded back. Seth Linkio? Could it be him? He didn’t look like
that though but maybe he had the power to change his appearance. “ Do you
remember his last name?” Taren frantically asked Gasik.
Gasik reached into her pants pocket. She pulled out a small sheet of
paper and handed it to Taren. Taren slowly opened the paper to reveal the
name. “ Seth Linkio,” Taren said under her breath. She looked around to she
if something had changed if there was any hint why Gasik would choose Gili
“ Is there something wrong?” Gasik asked. “ Do you know who that is?”
Taren nodded. “ He was the boyfriend of Neissa’s best friend, Andra.
Andra was murdered right on the tree above your head. Seth must if did it.”
Gasik looked above her head and for a spilt second had a flash back of
Andra being hung from the tree. She jumped up. Gasik looked from the tree
to the vacant lot behind her. The wind had suddenly blew. Gasik walked up
onto the side walk. She kneeled down and touched it. Her eyes scanned the
gray pebbles laying. She noticed they made and arrow. The pebbles were
spaced out enough that it was hard to recognize it.
“ What are you looking at?” Taren said after about a minute of Gasik
staring at the sidewalk. Taren walked over next to Gasik and looked down at
her. She notice the pebbles but she didn’t notice that they made an arrow.
She looked to the vacant land in front of her.
Gasik tugged on her jeans to get her attention. She traced the arrow
to show it to Taren. Then she stood up and looked to the land. Now standing
there was a building. Gasik looked to the house on the right and Taren
looked at the one on the left. It was between 664 and 668 Gili Drive.
“ The abandoned warehouse,” Gasik said. She looked back to Taren
who seemed very shocked.
“ Should we go up there?” Taren said with a slight hint of fear in her
voice. “ I’m mean......do you think it’s safe?”
“ Would you stop complaining!” Gasik shouted. “ You are worse than
anyone I’ve ever met! Now shut up and follow me!”
Taren opened her mouth to argue but she just shut it. She knew she
couldn’t win. Gasik knew too much. Was she hiding something? Why did she
know so much?
Gasik slowly walked to the warehouse. She watched for metal clamps
and other dangerous things that may fill their journey to the door. She saw
many dead animals and got annoyed but Taren instant disgusted remarks.
Gasik put her hand lightly on the bronze handle and removed it when she felt
it was hot. She looked around for a rope or something that could with stand
the heat. She looked down by her feet and Taren’s. She couldn’t find
anything that could help her. She reached for a pair of pliers. She put the
pliers through the looped handle and pulled. The door was tightly secured.
She beckoned for Taren to come and help her pull. Taren stepped behind her
and wrapped her arms around Gasik’s waist and pulled. With both of their
combined strength they managed to open the door.
The door creaked opened. Inside the saw a brightly lit spotlight in the
middle of the warehouse. Their were too silhouetted figures facing each
other. They had some red on them so Gasik figures that must be blood.
Gasik went into her pocket and pulled out a small photo of Seth. So after
they began to fight. Taren and Gasik saw their faces.
“ That’s him!” Gasik whispered under her breath.
“Oh my God!” Taren gasped. “ That’s Neissa!” Taren tried to hold back
screaming her name but she failed.
“ You fool!” Gasik hissed. “ You attracted their attention.”
Neissa turned and spotted Taren. The spilt second she let her
defense down she was hit with a dagger. Keith had throw it to him while
Neissa looked over to Taren. The dagger had sliced across her face and
blood trickled down the side of her face. Taren stepped back.
Neissa looked back to Seth. She kicked the dagger out of his hand
and it landed with the blade down a few inches in front of Thorn. She was
lucky that it didn’t hit him. She kicked Seth in the face sending him back
into Keith. Neissa was usually used kicks because she figured Seth didn’t
know how to block them more than punches. Seth regain his standing position
and lunged forward.
Neissa jumped back and Seth went crashing to the floor. Neissa
jumped on top of his lifeless body and grabbed a rope from a hook hanging
on of the wooden beams. She hog tied him and jumped in victory. She sat
down can clutched her rib cage. Taren went to run into the warehouse to
help Neissa but a yellow force field appeared on the doorway. Taren ran into
and got shocked and feel back. She twisted in pain.
“ Taren!” Neissa screamed noticing her on the ground. Neissa grabbed
Thorn and dragged him to the door. She mutter a few words under her
breath and the force field vanished. She walked out and sat down beside
Taren. “ Somebody call an ambulance!”
Everyone looked around. Thorn knew their was no phone inside the
warehouse and the houses where all covered in a greenish tinted field
around it. Neissa swore under her breath. Gasik pulled out a cell phone.
Neissa looked at her.
“ Here,” Gasik said. “ The battery is low and it might not work but try
Neissa hit the keys rapidly. She waited patiently while the phone rang.
Then a girl answered. Neissa had enough time to tell the address before the
phone died. “ Shit!” Neissa threw the phone on the ground. “ Sorry.” She
looked at Gasik. “ They should come, right. I mean I didn’t tell them where
we are.”
Taren looked up at Neissa with a blank stare. She looked down to her
stomach. She was losing blood. Neissa looked to see if she could find a cloth.
When she didn’t see one she took her shirt and ripped a piece off. She
found the wound and applied the cloth and pressure. “ Gasik, could you go see
if an ambulance is coming.” Gasik nodded her head and ran to the street and
starting looking.
Chapter 9
You need me

Gasik had not returned in about ten minutes. Neissa knew that the
ambulance must of thought it was a prank or something. She held the cloth
tightly over the wound letting no blood seep through. Gasik came back and
she said she saw nothing, not even a car. Neissa looked around to the people
they were all standing there waiting to get orders from Neissa.
“ I’m not a frickin captain!” Neissa shouted. “ Think of something! I’m
not gonna sit here while you guys stare at me! She’s dying for God’s sake!”
Everyone looked around. They seem to be thinking...Well at least most
of them did.
“ How far away is the Hospital?” Thorn asked.
“ Close to two miles, why?” Gasik voiced.
“ Who can run really fast?” Thorn asked again.
“ Taren is the fasted but that isn’t going to help us at all,” Neissa said.
“ Maybe Gasik? Gasik can you run fast?”
“ Almost as fast as Taren,” Gasik said with a smile. “ Okay I’ll go.”
Gasik looked into the sky a little and then after a minute she seemed
satisfied and she ran.
Neissa looked down to Taren. She was covered in sweat and her eyes
looked like they were about to roll into the back of her head. Neissa got
worried trying to think of things that she could do. She was only sixteen!
She had no clue how to save a person or at the lease bit now if they’re in a
seizure or something. She looked up to Thorn who seemed to be as confused
as she was. After about ten minutes they all heard a siren. Then the
ambulance pulled quickly up to the warehouse. Which was now a vacant lot.
Gasik jumped out of the back and helped the ambulance carry the
stretcher up and heave Taren’s body onto it. Gasik looked back at Neissa.
She let out a sigh. “ My brother’s in the same hospital so I’m going with
them. Will you two be okay here?”
“ Yes,” Thorn said. “ I’ll keep Neissa safe. Trust me.”
“ I’ll hold the promise!” Gasik smiled.
Gasik jumped into the back and the doors closed as soon as Taren was
hooked up to some IV wires. Neissa and Thorn watch them disappear around
the bend. They walked down to the sidewalk and sat on the edge. Thorn
placed him arm around Neissa’s shoulders and pulled her close to him.
Neissa smiled and then remember how bruised and bloody she was and
she pulled away. She looked around and saw a puddle of water on the ground
she looked into it. Her face was cut up but the one from the dagger would
probably leave a scar. Her arms and legs were bruised from falling. Some
from the whip. Her back must of been real bloody since that’s were the whip
hit the most.
“ What’s wrong?” Thorn asked.
“ What’s wrong!” Neissa exclaim. “ What’s wrong? I look like I just
died no maybe worse then that. I could break a mirror by looking into one
“ No you don’t!” Thorn said. He went over to where Neissa was and
kneeled down in front of her. “ Your beautiful.” He placed his hand on her
cheek. “ You always have been and you always will be.”
“ You lying,” Neissa said. “ How can I be beautiful? Nobody ever said
that to me unless you count Ben Valleo but that was three years ago. After
that I haven’t been the same. My heart is cold and I have no feelings. I’m
sorry but guys lie. They seem to love you then find someone better and
sexier and take that.” Neissa looked down to the puddle. “ This world is
“ I can promise you I’m not lying,” Thorn said. “ What do you want me
to do? I love you Neissa and I will love you forever.”
Neissa’s eyes shifted up to his. She could sense the love and see it
right in his eyes. She sighed. “ There’s no way you can prove it by me asking
you to. You have to prove it over time. If it’s true love it will last forever
and if it isn’t then it will die.”
“ Okay,” Thorn said. “ I will.” Thorn looked at her. He wanted to kiss
her so bad right now but was afraid he would reject it. “ We should get you
get you home. It close to dawn and as you would say you need to make
yourself look good.”
Neissa chuckled. “ Yeah, I do.” She smiled at him. He stood up and
helped her off the ground. “ Thanks.” She smiled a bit more. I feel like a
barbie doll, Neissa thought. The way the put those cheesy smiles on their
They walked until they got to her house. Then Thorn had to leave. No
matter how much Neissa wanted him to stay he had to leave. She stood at
the front door and hugged him and she would let him go. Thorn just laughed
a bit. He wished he could stay to. She looked deep into his eyes then she
leaned forward and kissed him. After that she turned around and began
walking through the door, but then she jump grabbed Thorn kissed him one
more time then went inside the house.
Neissa crept quietly up the stairs and entered her room. She was so
happy. How would she explain the cuts though? Benji and Luna will work. She
fell back onto her bed and snuggled with the comforter. She fell into a deep
sleep. She was dreaming of her and Thorn and possible future plans. To get
married have kids and everything. She was having a wonderful dream until
her dad let Benji in the room to wake her up. Neissa fought with Benji to
stop attacking her hand. “ Stupid cat.” She mumbled under her breath.
Her dad laughed and removed the cat. “ What happened to your face?”
“ Luna went on one of her raging bitchy moments,” Neissa smiled. “ I’m
fine though don’t worry.”
“ Your lucky she didn’t get your eye,” Her dad said no sounding
concerned at all. “ Maybe we should get rid of the bitch.”
“ No!” Neissa said sitting straight up. “ You can’t get rid of her!”
“ Why not?” He said sounding bored.
“ Grandma was alive when I got that cat!” Neissa spat. “ We took it up
to her house and all it did was sleep but it was in her house.”
“ Your grandmother died three years ago,” Her dad said. “ Get on with
your life. You’ll see her sooner than you expect. Time will fly by so fast.”
“ You never know if your gonna see them!” Neissa exclaimed. “ You
never really know where anyone goes when they’re dead! Plus you have no
clue when I’m gonna die! I can die today, tomorrow or even make it to a
Her father slapped her across the face. It stung like hell since he hit
the spot when the dagger cut her. She grasped her face. “ Just because
your mother and grandmother never talked about God and didn’t believe it
him doesn’t mean you have to do the same. You never had a mind of your own.
You follow what other people do. Look at your clothes. The Ben kid ruined
your mind and you won’t admit it.”
“ He did not fucking ruin my mind!” Neissa said with so much anger her
eyes glowing red again. “ Don’t you ever say I have no mind of my own! All you
do is sit on your ass and play video games! What the hell kind of life is that?”
“ Don’t you start an attitude with me!” Her dad yelled. “ I’m your
father and you have no right even saying that shit.”
“ Prove your my father and I will,” Neissa said more calmly. “ You’re
not my father and don’t even try to make yourself seem like it. I hate you
and for all we know mom could hate you too. Besides I heard you two over
talking one time saying that you wanted her to have a abortion. You never
wanted me! I was just a little mistake and you two wish that you would of
never brought a child into this world. We’ll if you want too bad enough kill
me! I’m not afraid to die!”
“ Would you shut the fuck up before your mother comes up here and
flips on me,” her dad spat. “ She let you off but flip on me.”
“ That’s because you act like you frickin two years old!” Neissa said.
She felt her face turning bright red. “ Act your age and she might not!”
After Neissa’s last sentence the door flew open hitting her dad in the
back and almost sending him flying into Neissa. Her dad became quiet as
Neissa’s mother eyed up the situation.
“ I told you she yell at me!” Her dad spat.
“ She didn’t say anything!” Neissa said.
“ Mark,” Beth said. “ What the hell are you two doing? I could hear
you clear downstairs while I was talking to Michelle.”
“ Nothing is going on,” Mark said. He looked at Neissa dangerously.
Neissa retreated back. She didn’t know what he would do to her if she said
“ That’s not what I heard,” Beth said, losing her patients.
“ It’s cool,” Neissa voiced. “ Don’t worry about it. We were just having
a little fight and it’s all good.”
“ Are you sure?” Beth questioned. “ It didn’t seem like you two were
working things out. You better not be lying. What were you two fighting
about any ways?”
“ Just a little of this and that,” Neissa said. Why am I saving his ass?
Neissa thought.
“ Okay,” Beth said. “ I’ll find out sooner or later what happened any
ways.” She turned around and left. Mark looked down to Neissa. He scoffed
and walked out of the room.
Neissa looked at the door. Many things she could call him right now
but she decided to keep her mouth shut. She laid back down onto the bed
and she stared up at the ceiling. She looked at the phone. Maybe I should
call Thorn and see if I can stay at his place. Neissa thought. Maybe I’ll get
treated better and not beat up by these power maniacs. She did as her mind
told her to. She starting packing her things. She walked right by her parents
and starting walking to his house. They came out and questioned her but she
just blew them off. They starting chasing her but she still blew them off.
Her father grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back and turned her around.
Neissa took her fist and punched him in the side of the face. “ Don’t ever
touch me again!” Neissa spat and started to sprint.
After about twenty minutes she got to Thorn’s house. His mother was
a nurse so she helped Neissa with all the cuts from the fight. Thorn’s
mother was a short woman with blonde hair and hazel eyes. She rarely held
Thorn back from doing or getting anything he wanted. Neissa liked this
quality in his mother. She was always very caring and understanding. She
went through a lot when she was young and she knows how to fix what her
parents did and be better than they were.

Raven woke up by the sudden sound of blast of music. She looked out
side of her room and saw her mother blasting what ever the hell kind of
music it was. She was actually cleaning the house for once. Oh my God, Raven
thought. She knows how to clean. Oh God now she’s dancing. That’s a
disgusting site. Raven went back into her room and closed the door. That
something she did not want to see. She looked up to the ceiling. The stain
from the sparkles where no longer there because her mom moved again. Now
she lived in a small apartment. She can never stick with one house or even
one job. Raven walked to the tall window. She placed her hand on it and
found where the latches were. She could easily remove the window and
leave. She knows where her mother kept her keys. She would just wait until
her mother was asleep and then grab the keys and sneak out.
About five minutes after Raven’s wonderful idea, her mother called
her down for dinner. Raven rolled her eyes. She slowly opened the door and
walk to the kitchen dragging her feet along the fluffy carpet. Her brother
ran about the house doing God only knows what. She saw her brother running
aimlessly across the living room. He stopped to attempt to hit Raven but she
kick him before he had the chance to try. He went back and began to cry.
Manna walked into the room.
“ What did you do to Dennis?” Manna asked. She placed her hands on
her hips and looked very impatient.
“ He was gonna hit me so I hit him first,” Raven said coolly.
“ Don’t you ever do that again,” Manna said.
“ It’s gonna happen again,” Raven spat.
“ How do you know?” Manna retorted.
“ Because he is a fourteen year old guy who still cries to his mother
over everything!” Raven said. “ He still cries to you when he falls and when I
barely even hit him. He thinks he so cool but he doesn’t have too many
friends. He is an egotistical---”
“ Okay!” Manna said. “ That is enough! Half of that wasn’t even true.”
“ Who the hell would you know?” Raven asked.
Manna couldn’t take much more of Raven mouth. She wouldn’t admit
that Raven was right. She had always hated Raven, ever since she was born.
She walked over and grab Raven by the arm. Raven kicked at her to let go
but she missed. Manna slapped Raven so hard across the face she started to
bleed from where her rings had hit. Raven stumbled back and grabbed at her
face. She hissed in anger. Dennis jumped into the middle of the fight that
was beginning to start. He begged them not to start anything, at least not
this late at night.
“ Don’t try to stop this!” Raven hissed.
“ Why not?” Dennis quarreled.
“ Because I said so!” Raven hissed at Dennis. Dennis looked at her with
a strange grin on his face. “ What the hell are you smiling about?”
“ You’re funny,” Dennis said. He gave her an evil grin and then walked
away to his mother’s room. He doesn’t have his own room so he shared it
with his mother. In Raven’s eyes, that was the most disgusting thing she has
ever heard of.
“ Bastard,” Raven said under her breath. She looked at her mother
with an evil glare. “ Why are you such a bitch? Everyday of my life you have
to ruin, why don’t you just get a hint and leave me with my father. He is a lot
better than you will ever be! At least he cares about me! You could give a
rats ass on what I do! I hate you!”
“ I do care!” Manna rejected. Her face slightly curved in a smile.
“ Fuck you!” Raven said. She walked back down the hallway and turned
left into her room. Her mother’s items were scattered through her room.
Her mother wouldn’t buy her anything. She goes out and buys Dennis what
ever he wants and buys herself sixty dollar wigs but won’t buy a bed for
Raven. The hatred for her mother was going inside her body.
She figures nothing could stop her now. It was about two hours after
her mother had hit her that she finally came to this conclusion. She figured
just walk in grab the keys and go. What would her mother do? Surely nothing
by now. She decided she would do that. She didn’t need to take anything
from this Hellhole back to Killopo. She walked right across the small hallway
into her mother’s room. She fingered through her jewelry box until she
found the keys. Her mother was slowly rising from the bed by that point.
“ What in Heaven’s name are you doing?” Manna asked. Her turned on
the desk lamp next to her. She looked directly at the keys in Raven’s hand.
“ I’m going away,” Raven said coolly.
“ You won’t go anywhere,” Manna said almost reassuringly. “ You need
me and you know it. How will you survive out there?”
“ Have you already lost the rest of your mind?” Raven asked. “ I’m a
bit puzzled on that. I have a father and friends to go to. Besides I don’t
need you--” She paused slightly and let a evil smirk come across her face.
She turned and grabbed the door and closed it but right before that she
said, “ You’ll need me more than I’ll ever need you!”

Chapter 10
Raven’s Runaway

Raven walked out into the cool air and stepped into the car. She
fumbled with the keys until she found the right one. She put it in the
ignition as her mother walked out from the small complex apartment. She
went to go open the door but Raven hit the lock all doors button. She smiled.
Her mother began to punch the glass window. Raven just rolled her eyes and
put the car into reverse and drove away. Her mother didn’t dare go in front
of the car because she knew Raven would hit her. Raven was looking for
landscapes and road signs trying to remember her way back home. She found
the way back within an hour, it usually takes thirty minutes. She pulled up
the hill leading to her house. She turned and slowly entered her driveway.
She went to the back door and opened it. She wondered why she
opened the door so easily. She slowly walked up the stairs and she entered
her dining room. She heard foot steps and turned into the kitchen and saw
Neissa there.
“ What the hell are you doing here?” Raven questioned, “ Are you
sleeping with my dad?” She looked at Neissa and saw all the marks from the
fight. “ What happened to you?”
“ I would ask the same about you?” Neissa responded. She pointed to
the scar on Raven’s cheek. “ You actually would think I would sleep with your
dad? Sorry gurlie but no chance in hell! Parents are on a psychopathic rage
and I knew were the house key was so I figured I’d let myself in.”
“ And what if my dad saw you?” Raven said. “ What would you have said
“ He accidentally left Mason outside last night,” Neissa said. “ He
actually did. I would say I was returning Mason at the time.” Neissa went
into Raven’s refrigerator and grabbed a Faygo. She tossed one to Raven.
They both walked through the dining room to the living room and sat down on
the couch. “ What would you say to you’re dad?”
“ Tell him what a bitch my mom was being,” Raven said after taking a
sip of Faygo. “ As you know she punch me I got mad and just grabbed the
keys and drove here.” She paused for a moment listening to Mason’s whines.
She leaned forward and snatched the remote from the coffee table. “ He
would understand. Do you know anything that I don’t know about Dennis? He
was acting really weird and smiling a lot and saying I was funny. Brothers! Be
very glad that you don’t have one!” She looked at Neissa.
“ I not sure why Dennis would be acting weird,” Neissa said, she
showed visible signs of her thinking very hard about something. “ Everybody
seems to be acting weird. Dennis, my parents and Karen. I haven’t personally
talked to Karen but Taren said she didn’t really care about me anymore. Me
and her were always so close. My parents and me haven’t fought since I got
out of counseling almost two years ago.” She looked at the clock. Then back
down to the Faygo can. “ We seem to be kicked out of all Taren’s and Karen’s
plans. They are keeping secrets from us. I can sense it.”
“ Yeah,” Raven agreed. “ I haven’t talked to any of them in such a long
time. I haven’t talked to you in forever.”
“ I thought you hated me,” Neissa retorted. “ You were acting so
different. It got really annoying then you just seemed to slowly drift away
from us.”
“ You all had such perfect lives!” Raven said raising her voice slightly.
She took another sip of Faygo. “ Karen’s family would give her the world if
she wanted it! She got everything she ever wanted. Not immediately but she
got it within a month. Her parents were so rich and caring and never yelled
or hit her. Taren, she believed her family wanted to make her life miserable.
She didn’t see that they were just protecting her and all that was out of
pure love. She had a computer in her room and all this fancy things. You,
you’re parents would buy you things and spoil the hell out of you. You also
had suicidal problems but pretty much everybody once in there life had to
wish they were dead. Some more than others but everybody eventually
does.” She drank the rest of the Faygo and waiting for Neissa to respond to
that in some way. She didn’t care how she just wanted Neissa to respond.
Neissa just sat there staring at the blank screen on the television.
Her eyes slowly drifting from place to place. She drank the Faygo and
walked into the kitchen and threw it in the recycling bin. She came back in
and saw Raven had left the living room. Neissa decided she’ll just wait in the
living room until dawn then just leave. If you walk some where in the middle
of the night, the cops just love to bother you. She felt herself slowly drift
off into a deep sleep.
Raven was in her room the whole time. She was sitting on the floor
staring up at her television. She put her headphones on so nobody would be
able to hear what she was doing. She was playing Gamecube and she thought
the sound of the buttons clicking might of attracted some attention. She
looked over at the clock after a while to realize it was nine o’ clock and her
father would be up soon. She leaped forward to turn off the Gamecube and
the television. She walked out into the living room and to her surprise Neissa
was gone. She searched the rest of the house for her but she was no where
to be found.
She heard a door creak open and she jolted into her brothers room.
She heard two pairs of footsteps. Her dad was the only one in the house...Or
at least he was supposed to be the only one. She then heard the giggles of a
woman and her dad was also laughing himself. So this is what he does when
me and Dennis are away, Raven thought.
“ That was fascinating,” the woman said. She was a dish water blonde,
very slim with loads of make-up on. She was dressed in a tank top and a mini
skirt. He hair was pulled back to show her face with wasn’t as pretty as
Raven had expected it to be. She leaned forward and kiss her father but he
rejected it.
“ Go now and never come back,” her father had said. “ You are useless
and you’re no fun.”
“ But Gorge,” the woman pleaded. “ I need a man for my children and
you’re kids need a mother who isn’t on every drug they can find.”
“ Leah,” Gorge said touching her face. His facial expression didn’t
exactly seem to match what he was doing. “ What part of leave don’t you
understand?” He removed his hand as though she was a disease.
“ Gorge,” Leah said softly. She went to touch his arm but he pulled
away. He spun around.
“ I told you to leave me alone.”
“ Gorge, you don’t know what you’re saying. When I can here yesterday
you were so happy and you wanted to marry me. What made you change
you’re mind in such a small period of time?”
“ I told you to leave!” Gorge raised his hand and slapped Leah. “ Now
leave right now or I’ll do something much worse.”
Leah stood there in shock with her hand on her face. She obeyed him
and she left the house.
Gorge waited until she was completely away from the house before he
went back to Dennis’ room. He entered and saw Raven on the floor. He
picked her up by her hair. “ What are you doing here?” He pushed her into
the wall. He grabbed her hands and placed them on the wall. His face was
practically touching hers. He asked repeatedly until she gave an answer.
“ To get away from Manna,” Raven spat. Gorge slapped her.
“ She is you’re mother,” Gorge retorted. “ You do not call her Manna.”
Raven’s eyes focused on his. “ I’ll call her what I want. Now get the
hell off of me!” She struggled. She kicked him until he released her hands
and then she thrust her hand upward at his nose and broke it. “ Stay the hell
away from me.” She kicked him and walked out the front door.
She jumped into her mother car which she had stolen. She turned the
ignition and left. She was so sick and tired of having parents like hers. She
just wanted to leave. She wanted to go as far as she could. Nobody would
miss her. Nobody would care. If she left nobody would follow because they
would have no clue where she went. Nobody would hurt her. Well at least she
thought no one could hurt her.............

Chapter 11

Karen looked up at the tall tree in front of her. She was trying to
figure how far she could go up it without plunging to her death.
“ Karen I want you back in an hour,” her mother called from the sliding
glass door.
“ Okay!” Karen shouted back nearly an acre away from her mother.
She decided to climb the tree and read some of her favorite X-men books.
Her brothers would always pester her so she thought the tree would help
her escape from that.
“ Karen,” a voice from below said.
Karen raised her head from the book. She sighed and looked down. To
her surprise it wasn’t one of her brothers. “ Neissa?” Karen closed the book
and jumped down from the tree. She landed gracefully on her feet with her
X-men book in hand. She walked to Neissa and hugged her.
“ I thought you could careless about me?” Neissa asked. She showed a
serious look on her face so Karen would no she wasn’t playing around.
“ I thought about that for a while,” Karen said. “ Then I remember
some of the things you did for me that no one else would. I started to
regret saying that about you. I’m sorry.”
“ It’s cool,” Neissa retorted. “ Sorry I really can’t stick around. I have
to go visit Taren in the hospital.”
“ What happened to Taren?” Karen asked with a hint of worry in her
“ A very long story,” Neissa proclaimed, “ but to shorten it up, I was
fighting Seth and a force field came up and Taren ran into it.”
“ That must suck,” Karen sighed. “ Seth? Wasn’t that Andra’s
“ Yes,” Neissa said with a small tear coming to her eye. “ He was the
one who also killed her. He was a necro and that’s all he wanted her for.”
“ Oh,” Karen said. “ That’s just disgusting.”
“ Yeah,” Neissa retorted. “ I really have to go now. See you later!”
“ Bye,” Karen said. She watched as Neissa disappeared into the
horizon. She thought it would have been easier and quicker if Neissa had a
© Copyright 2003 Neissa (nissan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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