Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/719630-The-Story-of-Me-Mac-Chap-2
by Becca
Rated: E · Fiction · Animal · #719630
The second part to The Story of Me,Mac this time Mac has to face the Bathroom.Dun Dun Dun!
-The Story Of Me, Mac-
-Chapter Two-
-The Bathroom and Mac-

The next day everyone woke up one by one. Just like in Noah’s ark expect it was one by one. The house had LOTS of boxes. Some new people came in and took the boxes away and put them in this big…whatcha-ma-call-it? I think they called it a ‘truck’. Well, they took me out for walks, showed me to some MORE people. I must have been really popular cause everyone kept on squealing and petting me.

Then, they played fetch with me! The stick tasted really good! And they tried to take it away. But I fought hard! Later, I was tied up. I didn’t mind cause I was still around people and I could see everyone. Though I did whine a couple of times cause everyone would go away.

Then, they all went inside and LEFT ME ALL ALONE! They came back out five seconds later! Hey, I thought they were never going to come out. I mean what would YOU do if you were tied up and then, everyone…JUST LEFT?! Huh! Huh? HUH?! Well, tell me? (Rebecca: My dog is really, really really, really, weird. Mac: Am not!).

After, all that they put me in a car and drove off to somewhere, I was just there to enjoy the car ride. They’re calling ME weird?! Check out this… They were all saying good-bye to some building! Now, who’s weird after that?! (Rebecca: Humph! That’s not weird Mac: *Snorts*) Well, we drove off into the road. We finally, arrived at this OTHER house, accept this one was bigger.

They took me into the house. I was the first one in! NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH *raspberries* Well, Ana took me into this room. It was really a ‘Bathroom’ She said I was a Good Doggie, left some treats , water, and food, THEN, SHE LEFT! AGAIN! WHY DO THESE PEOPLE ALWAYS HAVE TO LEAVE ME ALONE! IT WAS REALLY STARTING TO BUG ME! THIS TIME THOUGH IT WAS IN A STINKY BATHROOM! OF ALL PLACES! EW! So, had been like DAYS (Rebecca: Dogs ‘time’ go faster then ours. I think its 35 min. for them is like 5 min. for us. I don’t know, all I know is that there ‘time’ goes faster then ours! RESUME!)

So, after that WONDERFUL TIME IN THE BATHROOM *chokes*! Well, they FINALLY let me out. I ran around the house to get a nice stretch in my legs and of course to get away from the place. Then, they fed and played with me.

So, after a couple of hours the house was all organized, though everyone kept on yelling at me to move out of there way, I was only trying to help. Humans these days. Anyways, it was around nightfall and they took me by the collar, I thought I was going for a walk so, I went along with it. And you want to know where they put me! IN THE BATHROOM, OF ALL PLACES! I whined all night and BEGGED them to let me out, but it seemed no one was listening. *Starts to whine*

Well, then the next morning someone came and opened the door. I ran as fast as I could away from that place. They fed me, took me out, and then went to do there own business. I went for the little bone that was in the kitchen and placed it down next to them. They ignored me and kept on doing what they were going. I whined and followed them, I don’t give-up that easily!

As everyone came down I jumped on them, saying “HI! I’m happy to see you!” Naturally, I would have scolded them for putting me into the bathroom, but I’m a dog and we love are humans... no matter what! (Rebecca: Oh, how sweet! Mac: I know!). Anyways, you want to know the thanks I get from them! I get shoved and pushed away! Humph! I try to be a good doggie and THAT’S WHAT I GET! Well, there was that one girl… Rebecca... Well, she didn’t shove. She actually gave a big squeal saying my name and then, smothered me! I hate it when she does that.
© Copyright 2003 Becca (cutiepie_55 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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