Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/716871-Contest-item-A-funny-moment
Rated: E · Other · Contest · #716871
A funny moment
A funny moment:

I think one of the funniest and craziest times I can remember, happened at a funeral,of all things.
We were all sitting in those not very comfortable chairs, looking upon the casket. My Aunt was always a funny lady to begin with, not meaning to be, it just always sort of happened. Anyway, we're all sitting in these chairs, and I remember sitting next to my funny Aunt. At least I thought it was funny. A young child was sitting in the chairs in front of us, entertaining himself the best he could. He had a pocket full of toys and candy. First he started playing with some of his toys. Little action figures. "I'm gonna get you. You're going to be cremated!" The child was speaking loudly to his toys. The older folks sitting next to him kept trying to shush him. "Shhh, you can't do that here." My Aunt insisted for them to leave the boy alone. He wasn't hurting anybody. They were whispering amongst themselves wondering where this little boy learned the word cremated. Needless to say, the adults conversation wandered into the same scenario.
"You don't think SHE wanted to be cremated, do you?" One asked the other. "No, I don't think so. She just wanted to look presentable." Another said. My Aunt overheard the conversation adding..."I've got some of the perfume she used to wear, should we put some on her?"
Meanwhile over in a back corner you hear..."OH dear God, good lord. Don't people know how to conduct themselves in a funeral parlor?"
After a few moments passed, the little boy digs into his pockets and pulls out some candy. He begins opening the wrappers quite loudly, or so it seamed, inside of there anyway. My Aunt peers up and over the chair to see what the little boy had.
"What have you got there son?" She asked. "Just some hard candies to suck on. See... their little balls. My Aunt, totally unaware of herself speaks up again...."Can I have one of your balls?" She asked, quite loudly I might add. Every one in the room turned to look at her. The voice in the back of the room spoke up again. "OH my word! Well I never!" Now everyone was laughing. Except the voice in the back. She just replied with...."It's not funny. You people should be conducting yourselves in a little better manner."
The little boy responds to the lady in the back..."It's ok, she can't hear us. She's sound asleep." The voice in the back speaks again...."This is not a place for children."
Now a little further into the program, after the little boy eats quite a few pieces of candy, he is now on a sugar hit. He's bouncing and bopping all over in his chair. The minister is speaking to the mourners.....Aunt sitting behind the child....."Sit down now before I bean you in the head! I can't see the man speaking." Little boy...."Well I can't either, but when everyone shuts up you can still hear him."
Needless to say, the little boy had to be taken out of the room while the rest of the service continued. As for the Aunt... well... things still spilled out unintentionally, but everyone learned to disregard most of it you might say.
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