Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/713856-Demonic-Fury
by raiden
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #713856
A young man is cursed by a sorceress and changed into a demonic skeleton creature
The sorceress stared at the young couple as her hands turned to flames, "I'll
teach him to never mess with my daughter again!" She raised her hands, the
skies opened up, and the young man was swept up by a tornado.

She smiled as she chanted an ancient incantation; the young man's body began to rip apart and she smiled at his hideous disfigurement.

"Maybe this will teach you some manners!" She smiled as she watched his skin melt off, leaving only a fiery skeleton in its place.

"You have been cursed for all of eternity creature!" She laughed loudly as everything returned back to normal.

The young girl stared at him as she ran off screaming. The young man ran off
into the woods and stared at himself in the water. He was, indeed, a hideous
creature not worthy of living.

He pulled his sword out, and was about to end his existence, when he started to change back. Soon, he was back to his old self, and a little bit confused. He stared at his reflection again as he touched his face. He was completely back to normal with no signs of ever being that "creature."

He breathed a sigh of relief, as he gathered his sword up, and started walking back toward his house. He heard some voices up ahead, so he hid behind some trees and watched as four guys took turns beating up a defenseless man.

He shook his head as he made his way closer toward them then jumped out of the bushes with sword in hand. Two of the men stopped beating on the guy long
enough to run towards him. He swung his sword toward them as another guy snuck
up behind him and knocked him over the head.

They started beating him up when he felt his insides start to burn. He held
his hands over his face as he felt a cool rage take over. The men stopped
hitting him long enough to look at him start to change.

His eyes turned to flames as the skin from his face began to melt off, as well as the skin from his body. Soon, all that was left was a fiery skeleton. The men shook in fright as the "creature" stared at them with hatred,burning deep within his skeletal eyes.

The men started to run away, but the "creature" stopped them from doing so. It slowed time down as it pulled out a shiny gold sword with human heads etched into the handle. Fireballs began to rain down from the heavens as the skeleton
viciously murdered each of them, consuming their souls along the way.

Pools of blood covered the ground as the skeleton's eyes turned completely
white. It surveyed the man lying unconscious on the ground as it started
walking towards him.

It made it's way over to the man as it raised it's sword above it's head,suddenly the sound of gun fire rang out as 6 hunters took turns shooting at the"creature".
The"creature"ran off into the woods as the hunters checked on the man"What the hell was that thing?"they shook their heads as they sighed.

The"creature"made it's way inside a cave as it sat down to rest,the feeling of rage was beginning to subside as the"creature"started to transform back into human form.
Skin began to cover the skeleton's skull as flesh also appeared on it's chest,arms,and legs within a few seconds the"creature"was transformed back into a human.

Gerrus Macade was once one of King Feralix's Red Knights he fought bravely to protect the king but soon found himself in over his head.
After leaving the King's army he fell in love with a beautiful maiden by the name of Gabriella.

They would meet after dark in the orchard to have their own private time together and all seemed to be going well.
All except for Gabriella's mother,Jasmina who found out about their fling and ordered them to stop seeing one another immediately.

Gerrus refused and continued to see Jasmina's daughter anyways,Jasmina finally had enough of their insolence and placed a wicked curse on Gerrus.
Gerrus looked at the blood on his hands as he remembered everything that had happened:Jasmina,Gabriella,the men he had slaughtered,and the monster he had become.

He shook his head as he tried to get all the images out of his head,he ran out of the cave screaming as Jasmina appeared before him.
"I tracked you to the caves so tell me how does it feel to know that you're a monster?"she smiled a little as he ran towards her.

He jumped at her but to no avail as she teleported behind him and laughed"You're so pathetic you should be thanking me instead of trying to fight me".
Gerrus looked at her with hatred as he replied"Why would I thank you sorceress if it hadn't have been for you I'd still be normal!"

Jasmina laughed a little as she stared at him"You actually want to be normal like everyone else? how pathetic!"
Gerrus stared at her as he clutched his fists"You robbed me of my life and now I'm going to repay the favor!"

He drew his sword as he ran at her with all his might,Jasmina blocked his attacks as she shot him with bolts of electricity.
"Now Gerrus you will feel the full power of my Wrath!"she sent a barrage of lightning bolts and fireballs towards him as she knocked him to the ground.

She watched him try to get back up as she sent a large boulder towards him crushing him underneath it.

Gerrus tried to move but it was no use the boulder was much too large for him to move,he sighed a little as he thought about his life.
He had lived a pretty good life so he wasn't afraid to die especially if it meant getting rid the"creature"inside him.

Suddenly the rock moved further down onto his stomach crushing his ribs and sending enormous pain throughout his body.
Gerrus closed his eyes as he felt a cold rage coarse throughout his body,his eyes turned to flames as his skin began to melt off again.

Jasmina stared at the rock as she sighed"Well I thought he would have put up a better fight than that but oh well". She started to walk away when she heard something, she turned back around to see the flaming skeleton holding the huge boulder up above it's head.

Jasmina tried to teleport but the boulder knocked her to the ground,she tried to shoot fire at the skeleton but to no avail as the skeleton grabbed her by the throat.
It stared at her with a look of hatred as Jasmina tried to talk to it"Put me down at once I created you and I can damn sure destroy you!"

Jasmina's body turned to flames as the skeleton seemed to absorb her energy,she looked in fright as she stared into the fiery eyes of the demon she had created.
"Please I beg of you don't kill me"the skeleton stared at her with disgust as it pulled out it's sword.

It raised the sword above it's head as Gabriella's voice called out to it"Please Gerrus don't do this..I beg of you let my mother live!"
The skeleton seemed to respond to Gabriella's voice as it dropped it's sword and released Jasmina.

Jasmina wiped the dirt off her dress as she stared at the skeleton with a look of disgust"I should have turned you into a mouse instead of a Skelor Demon".
Gabriella shook her head as she replied"You shouldn't have changed him into anything in the first place Mother!"
Jasmina stared at her daughter as she shook her head"Well it's too late to change him back now".
Gabriella stared at the Skeleton as she sighed"I'm sorry Gerrus I understand if you hate me but please remember that I still care about you".

The Skeleton stared at her as ran off back into the woods"He's gone Gabriella"Gabriella sat down on the ground as she wiped a tear from her eye.
"I'll miss you Gerrus"she whisphered as Jasmina grabbed her by the hand and helped her back up to her feet.

"Come on let's go home"Gabriella nodded as she stood beside her mother and disappeared in a bright blue light.
The skeleton ran as fast as it could until it reached the falls,it layed it's head down on the rocks as it slowly started to change back to human form.

Soon the skeleton creature was gone and Gerrus was back to normal,he stared at his reflection in the water as he remembered the look of fear in Gabriella's eyes.
She was the only thing in his life that had meant something to him and he had lost her,he stared up at the sky as he thought about how dramatically his life had changed.

He closed his eyes as he felt something sharp touch him,he jumped up as 3 men grabbed him by the arms and knocked him to the ground.
"Get his money!"one of them shouted as Gerrus tried to break free from their grasp,one of the men punched him in the stomach as the other one laughed.

"He's so weak we might as well just kill him and get it over with"Gerrus kicked one of them in the leg as the other man took out his sword and shoved it through his chest.
Gerrus fell to the ground with the sword still stuck in his chest as the 3 men stared at him"He didn't even have any money on him can you believe it?"

They shook their heads as Gerrus'eyes began to change to flames his skin melted away leaving the demonic skeleton in his place.
The men laughed a little as they turned around to see the skeleton pull the sword from it's chest and lick Gerrus'blood off of it.

They started to run away but the Skeleton creature slowed time down allowing them to move at only a fraction of their speed.
They were running in Slow-motion while the Skeleton was still at full speed,he grabbed one of the men by the throat as he shoved the sword through his skull and threw his lifeless body down on the ground.

The other 2 were trying to climb a tree but they were easily caught by the Skeleton creature,he stared at them with a look of hatred before finally chopping their heads off.
It consumed their souls as time returned back to normal,it stared at all the carnage it had created as it ran off into the woods again.

It ran past several trees before it stopped to rest,it started to change as it began to calm back down.
Soon the skeleton was replaced by a completely healed Gerrus as he layed down on the ground and stared up at the sky.

"What's going to happen to me?"he wondered to himself before falling asleep underneath a large oak tree.
A strange man watched him sleep from high atop the trees as he flew back towards the caves to tell his master.

He flew to the caves in the far east of the forest, as he entered the caves and bowed his head"Did you find him?"
The man nodded as he replied"Yes M'Lord he's resting under the oak trees near the waterfall"the shadowy figure nodded as he smiled"Good make sure he doesn't leave the forest".

The man bowed as he replied"Yes Lord Bachirellus your orders will be carried out"the man walked back out of the cave as Bachirellus laughed loudly.
"Soon I'll have enough power to take over the Elven continent Qizero"his eyes turned yellow as he remembered the hell the elves had put him through.

He sat back down on his chair as he rubbed the scars the elves had left on him during their last encounter.
The last battle he had with the elves was a bloody one,several thousand of his Orcs were slaughtered by the elves.

Of course several thousand elves were slain too but in the end the elves prevailed,he stared at his face as he cursed loudly.
"The elves might have defeated my Orc army but will they be able to withstand the power of my newest ally?"

He laughed loudly as he smiled"All I have to do is find a way to persuade that skeleton creature to join me..then I'll be all set!"
© Copyright 2003 raiden (orion at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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