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Rated: E · Article · Emotional · #713371
Reflections & Perceptions On The Tragedies of September 11, 2001
"911 2001"


WTC Day. The Day of Devastation. Suddenly silent skies and desecrated dreams. Not one smile across America; perhaps few in the world. A national numbing.

On September 11, 2001, the world was changed in an instant. A hijacked domestic passenger airplane crashed into one of The World Trade Center towers in New York City. When rescue crews were called to the scene, it was believed only an accident had occured. Firefighters began their journey into the stairwells of the tower to begin evacuation. An all-clear was given to employees still remaining in the other twin tower. They could return to their offices. No one expected anything else to happen. Within twenty minutes, however, another hijacked domestic passenger airplane struck the second tower of The World Trade Center, as witnessed now by the world. This was no accident.

Instant Horror.

Suddenly an entire country is silented with disbelief. Around the planet, our grief is exposed as it happens. The media declares these events as acts of terrorism, right here in the United States. It is evident we have been struck in a most devastating manner. It’s too surrealistic to actually be happening. Our American soil is now soiled. There wasn’t any of knowing more tragedy was still to come…

While everyday heroes began their rescue of innocent workers, tourists and children in both towers, another unthinkable event occurs: one tower begins to collapse into itself. An umbrella of dust, debris and bodies plummets to the ground. Too many witnesses watch helplessly as people leap from too many stories above the ground; indelible images now in their memories and hearts. People on area streets flee in terror, while volcanic-ash-type clouds race toward them. Not long after, the 2nd tower crumbles exactly as its twin… Perhaps 1 could not survive without the other?

There are those who could not outrun the monster; there are others who did and will never be the same. Just like the world. Lives have been changed, lives have been ruined, and lives have been taken.

Their Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of The Lord… That song has always brought resounding emotion to my heart. It has always brought me to tears. A power that somehow still effects me from childhood. I’m afraid to hear it right now… I just know I shall lose any composure left inside…

Our country was so very focused on the catastrophes unfolding in New York City that we were again taken aback by more terrorism at The Pentagon in Washington, D.C. It was now obvious that terroristic forces had successfully penetrated our national security, and carried out some extremely devious deeds. And still the terror continued, when yet a fourth hijacked domestic passenger flight crashed into a field in Pennsylvania; more than likely heading for another ‘target’. Perhaps another location - another symbol - of freedom. We would later learn that the passengers on that doomed journey were Heroes themselves, and probably the reason the plane did not hit a particular target…

Four heinous acts of terror. Evil personified, larger than life itself. A Demonstration Of Dire Devastation was carried out in a country which has tried to be a peaceful & safe haven. Unfortunately, we have seen violence & war on our shores in the past. The devil’s face has been exposed again for all the world to see, by too many people of all ages. We now do know that he exists in our everyday world. In all of our worlds; no matter what the country. No matter what the religion. No matter what the jungle. Evil lives, indeed, and we are learning just how very powerful it is.

The fifth heinous act, at least in this writer’s eyes, were parades of thousands of bin Laden devotees in Pakistan – children especially – actually celebrating the mass murders in The United States. Still unknown numbers of innocent citizens & visitors are dead: children; siblings; spouses; parents; friends; lovers; co-workers; and, those heroic rescue workers. These followers were literally joyous in their own war-torn streets that countless people in America had been murdered; that lives were destroyed while we were caught off-guard. How can this be human behavior? I realize that in all cultures, races & religions, there are good people and not-good people. But this is how they raise their children? It’s no wonder that an evil populous of barbarians is rising steadfastly. This is the religious edict they live by; mass murder by terrorism?

Religion is their reasoning for these types of attacks, but it’s not even logical. Attack humanity? How could anyone possibly believe that God or Allah or Buddah or any other incarnate of A Great One would direct us to cause harm to others? In simple terms; we, as humans all, should be respected just as such. Human Beings.

Human Beings live in different countries; different cultures; with different habits. Human Beings are born in many beautiful colours. Human Beings need to eat, sleep and connect with other Human Beings. Human Beings are all made of flesh and our blood, all red. Human beings all bleed. Human Beings can be blown apart. And Human Beings all die, although unfortunately some more gruesome than others...

These attacks, to wipe out as many humans as possible just because they do not believe in the same truisms, are horrific. Just because, in these Great United States, Human Beings are born with freedom of religion. We are also gifted with numerous other freedoms, which most, to date, have been taken for granted.

And now, each & every single freedom we were born with has been breached beyond belief. Humanity has been mortally wounded.

At times, I cannot look at some videos or pictures or listen to individual stories. The horrendous shroud of terrorism is breaking me down, and bringing me to bawling like a baby. But we weep together now. People cry in the midst of doing a routine task. We cry in the streets. I join in the national mourning. The mass grieving. Our human frailties are naked to the world. Public places have become mutual mourning sites. We have created shrines of cards & flowers & writings & wishes & pictures. Pictures of hope in the faces of those lost…

Checking the newspapers and various websites that night, we came across a photo which brought on even more tears. It should be everywhere... The photographer is Thomas E. Franklin, for The Record. It features 3 Heroes, raising the American flag in front of Armageddon, USA, and immediately reminded me of the infamous Iwo Jima photo. Within a week, that photo has become the symbol for the war waged upon America....

I have attempted to shield myself from some images as I am extraordinarily sensitive. Trying to avoid seeing people falling from the buildings in New York. Until last night, I had avoided them. But I turned without thinking to look at something my wife was showing me in a magazine (on another page), and I saw him. I saw the man flying. Only I knew he wasn’t flying. Arms spread out… A man against a monster building. And it was real; not a movie stunt. I broke again badly; and now, I shall never forget that sight. I also know he was one of too many who chose to die by flight rather than fire…

Pre-impact moments in the airplanes, and anyone on the streets of New York, are moments we cannot even imagine. Did people on the plance see the New York City skyline in their direct path? Or those in the towers; did they see the plane heading directly at them – like something out of a movie? Or the Pentagon in Washington DC? Did anyone in there see the giant silver bird on a crash course with their lives? Or, on the fourth flight, could they see the Pennsylvania ground racing toward them too fast?

Did passengers hear terrorists celebrating and thanking their allah because they would be sucessful in their chaotic murderous destruction? Could anyone not be screaming? Passengers and flight personnel were stabbed, or tied-up & tortured.. Pilots died in the line of duty with great honour... I, like you, wish never to hear the sounds of multiple, horrific deaths.

What of the employees in the second tower who abided by the "all clear"? Some people went back, and for unknown reasons, were doomed. Naively, they believed everything would be fine for them; they would just follow the news. But still, they had to see too many faces in the windows of the afflicted tower on the floors above the crash impact. Faces with no escape. Faces full of untold fear. And faces they will never forget. Those in the second tower, for a time, were still witness to Human Beings plummeting out of windows or jumping to their certain deaths. Too many floors up to survive. More than they thought they could endure. And when they say the first tower imploding into itself, how could they possibly know they were next?

How do you describe true horror? Or Can you, really? Reliving it over & over on TV; in newspapers & magazines; even if you were not on site, or in the areas, or in The City. There is a hypnotizing effect. Some, like me, who have trouble facing war & terrorism in The United States. Home of the Free? Most definitely Home of the Brave right now…

Therefore, I Pledge Allegiance To Our Flag. I join in the tributes to those who lost their lives in the airplanes or on the ground. I join in tribute to those who treated the immediate victims. I honour and thank the tireless firefighters, police, EMTs, construction crews, out-of-town volunteers, and the volunteer medical personnel (including my amazing sister-in-law). These strong people have refused to release any hope. We, and they, pray of finding even one person alive. Somewhere amongst the rubble. Somewhere beneath the melted steel. Somewhere in a place they shouldn’t be.

Ironies I have pondered… The terrorists chose "American Airlines" and "United Airlines". Coincidence? I think not. American stands for our way of life; United is a word which terrorists identify with. They feel united in their quest for ‘justice’, and revel in their suicidal glory. To the best of my understanding; by undertaking such great missions and sacrificing themselves, they are greater in their god’s eyes. Again; what kind of god – any god – would condone mass murder?

The surrounding street names of The World Trade Towers also provide a bit of irony… Liberty Street. Church Street. Isn’t liberty one of America’s privileges? Aren’t our churches - our religions - supposed to protect us in times of fear and harm? This is definitely one of those times when we ask for guidance, we seek spiritual comfort, and cannot always understand why bad things happen to good people. We all now share a mutual, and desperate, hope.

Too many people know too many others who may be either missing or confirmed dead. So many questions by so many people. Even this writer has an indirect connection; my own cousin’s stepbrother is a firefighter in New York City. She didn’t learn he was OK until the next afternoon. Also, one of her company’s representatives was Jeremy Glick; one of the brave souls onboard the flight which crashed into the Pennsylvania field. One of the brave souls who deserves recognition. When he phoned his family, he advised them that some of the male passengers took a vote & decided to take action against the hijackers. As we all now know, that flight crashed, leaving no survivors. But there were obviously many Heroes on board that doomed flight…

Now there are issues specifically in New York that we cannot even try to approximate yet... The homeless population will increase. Welfare applications, too. Food stamps may be the rule, rather than the exception. The people will not suffer alone. The State, The City and insurance companies will also experience financial devastation, and may not be able to continue assisting those in need. Travelers will not travel as frequently. Businesses will condense offices and jobs. Hotels may close if there are no guests to host. Restaurants won’t be as crowded, and ticket lines in general may drop drastically. The bills will keep coming, and those same bill payments will get further & further behind. Shows and events will be cancelled. Stocks will be more unpredictable than ever. And innumerable people will feel lost forever…

A lot has changed in just one morning. (Is that why they chose AM flights? Morning/mourning?)

This is a living essay, because there’s really no way to end, is there? I am a living Human Being, in pain; but still among those truly lucky to be alive because of the place I happened to be at the time of the attacks. It could easily have been me though. It could have been my wife or her family. Or one of my sisters. It could have been any of my nieces or nephews. It could have been a good friend.

It’s all too scary; too overwhelming; too horrifying. It’s definitely all too real; and it infects you 24-hours a day. It won’t go away, and it’s not going to anymore.

If getting through one day after another is a great task for me right now; I cannot fathom what the victims went through, or are still going through. Or what their families are now suffering. Or how The Heroes continue their vigils. My prayers are with all of them. I am proud of them, and am grateful for their strength and herculean tasks.

A minority of people believe that killing other Human Beings is the right choice. "Kill" is a deadly 4-letter word. For some; it’s a fatal choice they make for themselves and innocent Human Beings.

The world as we knew it exists no more. We have no idea how big the snowball will get. It will take more time than we know to even begin to heal, or find our way; but we must strive to do that together. Every day, we, as a nation, must project our strength to the world. Be very loud and be very proud. Show these ignorant and blasphemous terrorists that they did not, in fact, destroy us. We must remain strong, and we shall remain United, because "Love" is a 4-letter word, too…

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