Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/712515-THE-MIDDLE-AGES
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #712515
A Night at the "Day Rate" Motel
         Traffic picked up speed as they neared the spot where the Turnpike split into separate highways for cars and trucks. Neither had talked for several minutes. Their thoughts were occupied by plans each had for their future together. Katie's mind was so involved that she nearly headed off into the truck lanes, the last place she wanted to be. At the last minute she flicked on her blinker and navigated from the right to the left, where the “Cars Only” portion of the road began.

         She told herself to keep her eyes on the road, but mentally her mind jumped to the recent past. A smile came to her face when she remembered their first night at a motel: two people past fifty acting like goats or rabbits, rutting all night. She was sure the noise they made could be heard in adjoining rooms and out in the hall. She recalled thinking that the person next door had probably brought in neighbors to listen through the walls. She imagined them hearing her moans and exclamations,
“Oh god, oh Karl, please, please, oh Karl it feels so good.”
She thought to herself, ‘that was six months ago and it still feels good and I think it always will.” It was at one point that night that she suggested they find a place that had individual cabins. Karl replied, “I think we're dating ourselves. Places like that haven’t been around in years, since we were teenagers forty years ago. You probably remember them from old movies.”

         Later that week, Katie suggested that they try an Internet search for cabins. If they stayed in a cabin, they could make as much noise as they wanted. What they mostly found were summer cabins. These would not be open after Labor Day. Karl remembered the Lakeview Motel near Diamond Lake, New York. It had cabins and he was sure that it would be open all year to accommodate the hunters and skiers, but it had one disadvantage. It was nearly four hours from his house, and six hours from Katie. That would be a long way to go for a night.

         It was Katie who found the place they were looking for, almost by accident. Driving home on Route 24 from her daughter’s house, she ran into a traffic stoppage just east of Shiloh. Apparently there had been an accident ahead. As traffic slowed to a crawl, she could not help but notice the cheap motels on her right. There were three of them in one mile, and each had a lighted sign advertising their rates. She happened to glance at one and saw cabins in back of the office. She took out her cell phone and called Karl. He was not home; she realized he was probably walking his dog. She told him she would call him again when she arrived home, but before she could call him, he called her.

         “Katie, what’s this about cabins?”
         “You won’t believe it, right there on Route 24 maybe two miles from where we stayed that one night and everyone must have heard us making love.”
         “I know where you mean. One of them is called ‘Fair Motel’ or something like that.”
         “Yes, I saw that one. The one with cabins is called “Kleen and Cheep”. Karl, they advertise ‘day rates’, what are those?”
         “What a naïve and sheltered girl you are. You pay a day rate when you take a woman there and spend only a few hours instead of the night, like what we call a ‘Quickie.’ I don’t think we qualify for that. I can’t get enough of you in a few hours. Hell, I can’t get enough of you in a few days.”
         “I know what day rates are. I was just teasing you. Do you think people stay there overnight?”
         “If it is one of the motels I am thinking of, I do think some people stay the night, the really horny ones like us.”
         “I don’t know, I think I would feel funny going to such a place, like I’m a pickup you’ve met in some bar. It felt so funny going into the motel the first time.”
         “We could sneak you in; you could put your coat up over your head and face.”
         “My car would still be there.”
         “I could pick you up. I wonder if they are clean. I imagine so. I've driven by on my way home some nights and they look crowded.”
         “You can’t pick me up; I have to drive to work in the morning and it is the opposite direction from you. I never thought of cleanliness, not only the beds but the showers.”
         Karl paused a second, then continued, “Well, we could leave if we didn't like it.”
         “That’s a thought.”
         “Come on, Katie; you know if we close the door and see a bed, we won’t leave for a while.”
         “I know; we’re like rabbits. Let’s do it, Karl, we don’t have to take a shower and we can always put a chair against the door if we don’t feel safe.”
         “When do you want to do it?”
         “Next Monday evening?”
         “That works for me. Where do you want me to meet you?”
         Katie gave it a moment of thought. “It would be nice for us to eat in a real restaurant for a change. There is a buffet place in the one shopping center on the south side of the road just past the place we stayed last time. Why don’t we meet there, at say five o’clock? After eating we can go to the cabins. I doubt that they’ll be sold out.”
         “And if they are, Katie?”
         “I am sure we can find some other place for trysting. Anyway, I doubt if the hot sheet motel takes reservations!”
         In his mind an old song played, but with different lyrics: ‘Trysting, trysting, trysting the night away.’ He wanted to sing it to her but simply told her, “You are probably right.”

         All week their on-line chat was full of anticipation of the big event. For both of them the thought of being with each other was enough to put them in a state of high excitement. Katie told him she planned to wear her easy-off dress that buttoned down the front. It would look nice and conservative at work and at the restaurant, but it would serve a dual purpose. That spurred him to tell her how he would remove it. As they messaged, Katie kept an eye peeled for her boss and co-workers.

KATIE: And once you have done that, what next?
KARL: Your bra comes off, of course, and I will give that triangle hidden by your panties a good rubbing and fingering. I bet it will be in its usual state of dampness.
KATIE: Guess what, it already is, just thinking about it.
KARL: This time I will pull your panties up first, not down. Your pussy and anus will love a good wedgie, I'm sure."
KATIE: Oh god, yes.
KARL: Then I might smack your exposed butt with your panties that way.
KATIE: And then?
KARL: I will give one them more good yank upwards, so you will get a good feel and then I’ll remove them to reveal you in all your glory. My dear, you will be at my mercy the rest of the evening, and in the cabin you may make all the noise you want. You'll be fingered, licked and screwed from the moment those panties come down until we leave the next morning; you’ll be walking bow-legged the next day.
KATIE: I really hope so. Lots of foreplay? God, I love your fingers feeling me.
KARL: And rubbing of that little clit hiding in your pubic hair. I bet you can feel me rubbing it now, can’t you.
KATIE: Karl, I'm already wet, and I am sitting here in my office. You make me feel so good, whether we are chatting on line like now, talking on the phone, or during those wonderful moments when we are together. I wish you were here now.
KARL: So do I! You make me feel so good too, like Superman.

Part Two

         On Friday evening Katie drove to her daughter’s house to spend Saturday with her grandchildren. She thought the visit would help the interval pass more quickly, but when time came to go home on Sunday morning, she realized she was almost as near to Karl’s house as her own. As soon as Kimmie’s house was out of sight, she pulled over and dialed him on her cell phone. “Like some company this afternoon?”
         “Does the bear shit in the woods?” he said with a chuckle in his voice. Hearing her voice had really brightened his day.
         “I’ll be there in two hours.” She arrived at his house a little after eleven on a golden autumn day. The sun was bright, a brisk wind blew and the trees were beginning to turn. From his dining room the fields and leaves looked radiant. They stood looking at them. He placed his hand on her butt; she pushed against him, sighing contentedly. He playfully remarked to her, “And we’re going to spend our afternoon naked in bed rather than enjoy this wonderful weather.”
         “We are depraved, aren’t we?”
         “If we were teenagers again, we would deserve to be grounded.”
         “We could take a walk, Karl, and hold hands and do what other couples do. We’re going to see each other tomorrow night. Even if we take a walk, I'll bet we get back in time for a little nookie, huh? Do you know a good place?"
         “If we drive fifteen minutes, we can be at a state forest with a nice dirt road that goes uphill. Bluebeard can come with us and get some exercise.”

         She’d forgotten the dog once the eighty pound hairy beast had sniffed her private places when she came in the door, but the canine didn’t bother her. As a rule, she liked animals, as long as they belonged to someone else. “That would be fun. I think we should do more things together.”

         She was wearing a cardigan sweater, one of her button down the front dresses and a pair of sneakers with white socks. He told her she could borrow a jacket if she needed it, but she said she would be fine. He leashed the dog and the three of them got in his car and drove the fifteen miles, to where he turned onto a dirt road for another mile and then parked in a small parking lot. He thought there would be other hikers, but there were no cars. He explained that some cars could have driven further up the road to a spot where a path led to the top of the small mountain, but for now it looked like they had the place to themselves.

         The dog, off the leash now, raced ahead as they started the uphill climb. They held hands as they walked. They made small talk about the sky, the trees, the colors and the wildflowers. Her hand went around his waist and dove into his back pocket. His dropped from her waist to her bottom. After fifteen minutes they saw a yellow sign on a path in the trees to the left off the road.

         The trees were twenty feet from the road as was the beginning of the trail. He wondered aloud, “How would anyone get a car in there?”
         “Yes, it looks like the perfect place for a lover’s rendezvous.”
         “I’m not sure. I bet it is much colder in those trees.”
         “You think so, Karl?. Want to try?” She pinched his buttock with the fingers in his pocket and gave it a good twist.
         “Hey, you are going to pay for that.”
         He prodded her off the trail and down a path in the scrub between them and the woods. The dog ran after them. The trail was about four feet wide, and a little way into the woods it began to climb and turn. The bushes still had leaf, hiding the pair from the road. He nudged her on a little farther until he found a fallen tree trunk where, making sure he had hold of her hand, he sat down.
         “Now young lady, about that pinch.” He pulled her over his knees, face down, and raised her dress above her waist. She did not put up a fight beyond a few squeals of delight.
         She had on black panties. With his thumbs on her hips, he gave the panties a tug. Down they came, below her knees, revealing her creamy white bottom. The sun broke through the trees and spotlighted it. The dog ran to Katie and licked her thigh.
         “Oh god.”
         He told the dog to be good and raised his arm. The dog backed off and his hand came down on her fleshy cheek. The sound of it hitting resounded through the woods. They both giggled, wondering if anyone heard, but he only paused less than five seconds before bringing his hand down again on the same cheek. By the time he had smacked her ten times she could feel how wet she was between her legs.

         “Let me up, Mister, I’ve got a horse to ride.” She stood, pulled him to his feet and grabbed his waist line, unbuttoning his jeans. They were large on him and dropped to his ankles; she yanked down his maroon boxers. “Now be seated, Mister Horse, so I can ride this thingee here.” She grabbed his cock, stroking it vigorously. It really didn't need the massage since it was already perpendicular to the ground.
         She stepped out of the panties around her ankle and unbuttoned her dress. She was taller and heavier than he was, so as she straddled him, her face facing his, she sat carefully for fear of hurting him, but then instinct took over. Her hand felt for the soldier that had risen up to salute her, and carefully she inserted it into her waiting pussy like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle.

         “Oooooooh, you really fill me up.” She almost hoped someone would walk down the trail and witness the pleasure she was getting. She could not stop moaning and exclaiming her pet mantra:

‘Oh god, oh Karl, please Karl, it feels so good.”
From childhood a memory of riding mechanical horses outside the supermarkets came back to her. Up and down she rode. When she slowed down, he held her tight and moved into her. She came and came, but wanted more. Within minutes she knew he would fill her up, his breathing was getting heavy, but just at that moment a truck horn sounded on Route 22 down at the bottom of the hill where the dirt road intersected the highway. It startled them; she felt his penis go limp.

         “Karl, how fast can you drive home?”

         He let her stand up. She pulled up her panties and buttoned her dress. As they stepped out of the woods, they saw the dog rushing to greet other hikers. They hustled through the scrub and he grabbed his animal. The hikers looked at them and smiled. The newcombers were obviously more serious about their walking, being dressed in boots, sturdy hiking clothes and carrying water. Katie and Karl smiled and said a few pleasantries. As the two of them started back down the road, the dog stopped and Karl waited while Katie walked ahead.
         “Ahem, slight problem, Katie.”
         “Your dress is a bit hung up.”
         The back of her dress was caught in the waistline of her panties. She smiled at him and wondered if the hikers had noticed.
         “I thought it felt cold.”
         “No kidding. I love the sight but I guess you’d better fix it if we are going to walk in public.”
         The drive back seemed a lot faster, probably because it was downhill. Within five minutes of getting in the house, they were naked in bed. She had grabbed his penis and was vigorously massaging it and when she thought it just right, she hopped on and rode it into the sunset.

Part Three

         His car was at the buffet when she arrived at five the next evening. He had not been waiting long. She noticed that Bluebeard was in the back. He explained that the dog sitter was not available. He lowered the back windows of his car so the dog would have air, and then took her arm and walked into the restaurant.
         “You wore pants, not your button up the front dress.”
         “I wore one yesterday. I felt like wearing pants today.”
         Neither of them filled their plate very full. Katie was trying to lose weight, while he explained that his Viagra worked better on an empty stomach. Their table talk turned to films. Her favorite actor was John Wayne, “and you were just like him in the woods yesterday, pulling me over your knee and spanking me, like he did to Maureen O’Hara in ‘McClintock.’ Of course you pulled down my panties, Maureen was in her underwear.”

         He smiled, “I remember, he chases her through the town before catching her. I didn’t have to catch you.”
         “You might next time. I’d love to be spanked that way, wearing that underwear Maureen O’Hara wears, and after you had hunted me down.”
         “Oh would you? I would love that too. I can imagine you running around the shopping center here in your panties and bra.”
         “Not in public, silly. I would never do it in public, even if we were out in the open in the woods yesterday. That was so exciting.”
         “I bet the deer and squirrels loved it. What an eyeful they must have had.”
         “I loved it. I did feel like Maureen O’Hara. You’d always given me swats before, but being over your lap turned me on.”
         “Wait until I get you in that cabin. Yesterday was just a warm up. Tonight I have all night.”
         “You just going to spank me all night? Nothing to follow it?”
         “If you hurry up and finish, you might get something.”
          In a baby-like voice, she inquired, "The toy, did you bring the toy?" referring to the penis-shaped hollow rubber dildo they both loved.
          She saw him wink as he answered, "That's for me to know and you to find out."

         He followed her car to the cabins. She pulled up in front of the office and he pulled in next to her. He got out and went in. They accepted major credit cards, but required a cash deposit of ten dollars that would be returned at checkout. The clerk, a woman of middle age, was surprised when he said he wanted the cabin for the night. She gave him the key to number six. She asked if he would want any in-room movies to rent. "We've got a full selection of adult films, some really good ones." She then asked for not only his license tag but Katie’s, "Seeing as how both of you drove. That’s not the usual. And I see you have a dog. Don’t leave him in the room alone."

         He told her they would not need movies and that someone would be with the dog at all times.

         He came out of the office, told Katie the number and then followed her car to it. They were pleasantly surprised at the neatness of the little cabin, which had a window in front and one in the bathroom near the ceiling, but none on the sides. The cabins on either side were not more than ten feet away. There was little light in the room, but neither of them cared.

         They looked at each other. He was smiling. With formality Katie announced that she wanted to take a long walk around the parking lot. “You’re in too big a hurry, Mister. If you want to ravish me, you are going to have to catch me.”
         “That will be a problem since I can’t leave my friend here alone,” he responded, looking down at Bluebeard who was sprawled on the floor.
         “I’m sorry, I forgot about him. Well, then you will have to catch me in here, but if you get too close I may run out the door and head home. Then you can play with Bluebeard all night.”
         She giggled and backed away. He answered, “Hey, you’re the person who told me you beat up three boys that followed you when your were fifteen or so. I am not sure I want to mess with that person.”
         “I won’t beat you up, I promise.”

         He lunged, she backed away and as he lunged forward again, she toppled a wooden chair into his path. He nearly fell over it. She laughed and jumped up on the bed, moving across it sideways to the other side as he tried to catch up. He came over the bed but she sidestepped him as he jumped off.

         By now the dog was excited, and as Karl closed in, it got in his way. Katie stuck her tongue out at him, but he pushed the dog aside. She grabbed the door handle, opened it and stepped outside and pulled it shut, holding onto it so that he could not open it.

         “You best take your hand off that handle and get in here and take your medicine, or you may spend the entire evening over my knee.”
         “Catch me first.”
         He gave the handle a turn and pulled. She had let go and the door flew open to his surprise, throwing him backward into the room. The dog moved toward the door. He grabbed its collar, told it not to go out, and then stepped outside pulling the door shut behind him. She was by her car, giggling. He faked coming around the front, she took off toward the back, but expecting this move, he was on her in an instant, grabbing her arm and then the waist of her pants.

         “Back to the room, sweetie, unless you want your pants pulled down out here.”
         “That might be exciting.”
         He held onto her wrist and with the other arm gave her bottom three solid smacks. Then they noticed another couple getting out of a car and staring at them.
         “A public spanking, just what you need,” he said quietly.
         “They’re here for the same thing, but maybe they don’t have our perversions.”
         “Everyone has perversions, sweetie.”

         They were at the door. He grabbed the knob and twisted. It was locked. He reached in his pocket, in his other pocket, and then in his shirt pocket.
         “We’re really smart. The damned key is inside.”
         “I don’t suppose your dog is smart enough to fetch it.”
         “Oh right.”
         “Having a problem,” a male voice called. It was the couple who had watched the action in the parking lot. They had the next cabin.
         “We locked ourselves out.”
         “Don’t look like you need a cabin.” This time it was the woman who was with him who made that remark. “Kenny here smacks my ass too. Feels good, doesn’t it.”
         Katie blushed to herself and smiled back.
         “Come over for a drink,” the man offered.
         “We can’t, we have a dog inside.”
         Bluebeard now started to bark at them.
         “Then have a good time. Give her ass a few more for me too. Maybe we will stop over later and look at the results, but I think we’ll be too busy.” Both of them laughed. They went inside their cabin and shut the door.

         “Katie, I think you’d better go up to the office and see if they have another key. I don’t want to leave doggie alone.”
         “I can’t believe we did this. I am going to be so embarrassed.”
         She walked off to the office and came back a few minutes later with the woman at the desk following. She carried a set of keys in her hand. As they neared, the dog barked.
         “I told you not to leave the dog alone. What were you doing?”
         “We had to get something in Katie’s car. I left the door open a little, but the dog must have pushed it closed.”
         “That’s funny, I thought I saw you smacking this young lady’s tush in the middle of the parking lot.”
         “Oh yea, well she heard the door close on us and began to throw a hissy-fit and needed a little reminder that it was an accident.”
         “Well, my old man does the same to me when I get bitchy. It hurts but it feels good, I will tell you. He doesn’t stop until my buns are good and red.”
         Katie was smiling. She thought, ‘maybe we aren’t so perverted at all.’

         The woman put the key in the lock and opened the door. Both Karl and Katie thanked her. She wished them a good night. They went inside and closed and locked the door. The dog was so happy to see them she jumped all over them. Once they settled her down, they looked at each other and smiled and then fell into a deep embrace.

         As his hands began their search mission over her body, she smiled at him and said, “I’m nervous. I wonder if our neighbors will come over and see us later. We seem to have found less privacy here than in the motel.” They fell onto the bed, he on top of her.

         “Wasn’t my fault you ran out into the parking lot. At least you had your pants on. Had you worn your dress I might have lifted it up. Then they would have had a real eyeful. Anyway, I am not sharing you with anyone, you are too precious.”

         As he talked he was unbuttoning her pants and sliding them down her legs. Then he undressed while she took off her shirt and bra and fell on the bed, on her back. In the dim light of the room, her red satin panties shone.
         In an instant he was next to her on her right, recumbent on his side, his top leg over hers. His right hand began to stroke her body while his left arm pulled her face to him as they kissed, their tongues delving into each others’ mouth. His right hand began stroking and rubbing the spot between her legs. He could feel that she was moist and warm. His fingers began to probe her fleshy lips, tracing their outline and making little sorties into the interior. Her panties were soaked by now. She had reached that level of consciousness where every touch of his hand or fingers stimulated a reaction in her body. She put a thumb inside the waist of her panties and began to pull them off, lifting her knees to form a bridge to do so.

         He alternated kisses on the lips with butterfly kisses to her right nipple. She could feel the sensation down her legs. He took his left arm from around her neck. She lifted her body and he slid his hand and wrist under her bottom. His magic fingers continued their manipulation of her senses. When a thumb wasn’t rubbing her little protuberance, or his index finger tracing her lips or inserted into the dark interior, his ring and little fingers seemed to be playing with her other opening, circling its circumference and applying delicate pressure. Her own left hand reached for the spot on her body that it had visited for many years before she had met him. He moved his thumb and she began to gently rub herself.

         How could she explain it to him? Her mind was almost a blank; every nerve ending in her body felt like it was touching the thorn of a cactus. Then, after many minutes of this wonderful foreplay, in less than a second she knew the geyser would erupt. “Oh, Karl, please Karl, I’m going to cum.”

         He felt her shake; the muscles of her buttocks clenched; she reached out and pulled him to her, as close as she could. Her legs and body began to spasm. From her mouth came unintelligible sounds. She pulled and tossed him like a doll, and then the storm subsided and her body began to go slack. She lay again on her back, looking at him, mouthing her thanks to him. A second later, he began the treatment again, and this time within seconds an aftershock struck.

         She felt spent, wanted him inside her, but another form of play entered her mind. She smiled at him, beckoning him. “Aren’t you glad you caught me when I ran away?”

         “That’s right, you played games on me, and after that talk at the restaurant.” He pulled her onto her stomach; she put up no resistance. One of his legs was under her pelvis. She spread her legs a little and could feel it near her pussy. He had a hand on her back, and the other free. He pronounced sentence. “One smack for each of your years of life,” was the verdict. This was one time being in the second half of middle age was not advantageous.

         The noise of hand hitting her fleshy bottom echoed about the room. He actually counted them out. He did not spank her that hard, but he could see her best asset turning pink. He suggested she look in the mirror so she could see the result, but she barely heard. If his fingers were wonderful tools, the hand that was leaving its mark on her bottom was achieving the same status. She’d found a new form of play, and was it ever exciting.

         When he finished, he pulled his leg from under her while she assumed the position of the four-legged animal that shared the room with him. As he closed in on the target, she reached for his penis and made sure it had a happy landing. The wooden headboard began to keep rhythm with them. Had they done this at her house, she would have grabbed it so her nosy neighbor would not hear it, but here she did not care. She could feel ‘Old Faithful’ getting ready to erupt again, and when she did her muscles grabbed the invading thick penis and set off the spark. She never felt him explode inside her; she was engulfed in her own ecstasy. She slowly collapsed onto her stomach, his presence, not a rod now but a soft wand, still inside her.

         Disengagement was not without its pitfalls, but they negotiated the course and lay in bed, along side each other, she on her stomach, he on his back, both smiling. They mutually agreed they were each the most wonderful lover in the world. Laughter came when they remembered being locked out of the room. She made a playful remark. He gave her ass a smack. She told him that she was thirsty. Would he get her a bottle of water from the vending machine she had seen in the office?

         He stood and put on his pants and shirt. He slipped into his boots without putting on socks and started toward the door, but the dog followed.
         “This is going to be a problem. I can take her out but not into the office.”
         “Take her out a second. I will get dressed and go when you come back.”
         In less than five minutes he was back. She had put on her pants and top and her jacket. She was tying her sneakers. He gave her some money when she found she had little change. She slipped out the door.

         It was over fifteen minutes before she came back. During the wait, he heard their neighbors get into their car outside. The dog noticed too, giving a few quiet barks. Then came Katie’s knock. He let her in. She closed the door.

         “Karl! Did Bluebeard bark a little while ago?”
         “Sure. Our friendly neighbors left in their car.”
         “I know; I ran into them at the office. They were leaving. They wanted to know if I had received any more love taps. I must have blushed. They said they were too busy to notice any noise.”
         “So they won’t be coming over for cocktails?”
         Her voice dropped to a whisper. “But the manager might. Karl, I was standing there getting change for the machine from that woman. She was asking me how everything was, almost leering at me, and she was telling me more about her husband putting her over his knee. She wondered if I had enjoyed it. I wondered what she meant. Just then I heard a bark, and it sounded like it was coming from under the counter. I looked and saw a speaker. She has a microphone somewhere in here.
         “The other couple entered just then and talked to me, and while he got his deposit back, I left. Karl, that woman heard everything! She heard me making all sorts of noises and you screwing and spanking me and who knows what else.”
         He lowered his voice and answered, “Well, at least she did not SEE US, though I imagine we put on quite a show. You know it is only a little after eight. We can find a decent, regular motel.”
         He took out his cell phone, and within minutes found a room in the motel that would accept the dog. In minutes they were out the door. He stopped at the office, picked up his deposit and had the bill adjusted for the two hours they were there. She followed his car to the motel. He checked in, and shortly they were entering a room with two double beds. As he pushed the door closed, she took his hand and said, “One bed for you, and one for me, huh?” She exaggerated putting her tongue in her cheek.

         “Nah, the bed by the wall is for Bluebeard. He likes to watch.”
         Katie barely laughed; she was deep in thought. “Oh god, Karl, I hope I never run into that woman again. Imagine what she heard. I feel so embarrassed.”
         “You know what, I’ll bet if you met her again, she would tell you only one thing.”
         “What’s that, Karl?”
         “That she was jealous.”

Valatie, July 1, 2003

© Copyright 2003 David J IS Death & Taxes (dlsheepdog at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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