Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/711245-The-Omega-Sword
by Dakkan
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #711245
Twisted relationships turn deadly, and then two friends risk their lives for a legend.

In ancient times, before the landmass of Earth split, a great war raged. It was a war like no other. For none escaped its reaches. Humans, dwarves, and elves pitted themselves against trolls, goblins, and orcs for supremacy over the land. This war raged on for years, and the plains of Punjab became stained with blood, literally, as many lay dead and dying. For a time, it looked as if the evil trolls and their allies would win this dreadful War of the Races. But, the Gods were kind, and sent a strong leader to the race of Man and their friends. This leader was King Goldar. And before him, the rebel-forces were crushed. Utterly. Severely weakened, their numbers decimated, the enemy forces slunk away from the battlefield. Never again would they be able to mount a serious threat to the other races.

King Goldar sat kneeling beside his great warhorse, Striker. The huge black animal shook its mane, and its nostrils flared. Occasional tremors shook the horse's sides. Bathed in sweat and hungry, the magnificent, shiny-coated horse was as exhausted as its owner.

King Goldar picked up a handful of dirt, and let it fall slowly through his fingers. Bowing his head, he said a prayer to Obatala, God of peace. The sun beamed down on the thick, red hair that was plastered to his head. Noting the sun's warmth, Goldar threw his head back. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the sensation of the sun's heat as it played over his face. I never thought I would feel this again.

To Goldar's left lay a crumpled pile of white steel, a rarity. The once-glorious armor was dented and blood-splattered, but it had served him well.

King Goldar stood up, and surveyed the carnage that was spread across the plains of Punjab. Broken bodies littered the ground for as far as he could see. The loss of life had been horrific. Goldar turned away from the pitiful scene before him. Right now, even though he was sad because of what had transpired, Goldar had other worries. His Elvin friends had taken terrible losses. Losses that would take a long time to recover from. Concerned for their safety, Goldar went to talk with them. For even though they had aided the humans and dwarves in this war, there were some amongst their allies who might try to take advantage of the Elves in their weakened state. Being a man of honor and strong character, Goldar would do whatever he could to prevent that. However, he no longer knew who led the Elves. Their king had fallen nearly a fortnight ago. Goldar shook his head. King Ranyon had been a good leader. In war, there truly are no winners.

Later, under the eerily beautiful light of the moon, as Goldar slept within the command tent surrounded by some of his finest warriors, a high pitched, musical voice split the silence of the night.

Goldar shot from under the sheet that covered him. His hand was on the hilt of his sword.

"Guards! What was that noise?"

No one answered.

"Guards! What's going on?"

Still, no answer.

Goldar clenched his fists to his sides. Why has no one answered me? Wearily, he walked out of the command tent.

"What in Obatala's name?"

All around him, every elf, dwarf, and human slept. As if they were dead. This should not be happening.

Goldar gently shook the man nearest him. The man did not stir. Cursing under his breath, Goldar shook the man roughly. Still, the man did not move. All the while, the eerie, high-pitched voice continued to flow over the camp.

They are all under a spell. But why does it not affect me?

Goldar turned slowly around, trying to gauge where the sound was coming from. A thick grove of trees caught his attention. The sound was loudest there.

Drawing his sword, Goldar walked cautiously towards the grove. With each step, the voice grew louder. Goldar began to get nervous. Whatever was in that grove had magic at its disposal. And against magic, he was defenseless.

Using his free hand, Goldar pushed through the brush, which popped back, scratching his hands and face. The sound was unbearably loud now. He was close.

Pushing through the last bit of undergrowth, an awesome sight greeted him. Goldar's mouth fell open, and the sword dropped from his hand.

The being in front of him smiled. And her smile was dazzling. Goldar wanted to say something, but found he could not. He felt as inept as a newborn baby.

"Come here, Goldar," said the being in a musical voice.

Goldar's legs began to move of their own volition. Wildly, Goldar shook his head to try and clear it. He was under some kind of enchantment. Nevertheless, shaking his head helped him refocus.

After regaining his composure, he stopped walking and stared at the woman in front of him. Instantly, he knew he had made a grave mistake. Goldar openly admired the breath-taking sight. His original thought of destroying her vanished.

She had skin, the color of milk and honey. A subtle glow emanated from her body, making her even more alluring. Her eyes were the bluest blue he had ever seen. Flame-red hair, much like Goldar's, cascaded around her shoulders, like a waterfall.

Goldar's loins grew warm. He knew he would not be able to resist her.

The beautiful apparition began to walk towards him, and Goldar couldn't help but notice the way her wide hips accented her flawless figure. She stopped in front of him.

"Who...who are you?" croaked Goldar.

"I am Asthar. Lady of the wood, Goldar. Tonight you will share my bed."

"But how do you..." Asthar lowered her lips to Goldar, silencing him. Immediately, he forgot everything, as her lips closed on his. Her mouth was sweet, like honey, and Goldar found he couldn't get enough of her. Their kisses became more passionate. More insistent.

Before he knew it, they were fully undressed, and rolling around on the soft forest floor. Time and time again, they made love under the moonlight. When Goldar was fully spent, he held Asthar tightly in his arms and fell asleep.

When the first rays of sunlight hit Goldar the next morning, he awoke. Expecting to see Asthar in his arms, Goldar was shocked to see that she had left him in the night. And he desperately longed for her touch.

Deeply saddened, Goldar put on his things, and began to make his way back to camp. Looking back wistfully over his shoulder, Goldar remembered the night he had spent in the arms of an angel. His angel.

In front of him, the sounds of men waking up drifted through the air. At least everything is back to normal. Goldar made his way through the grove and back to camp. He would never see Asthar again.

19 years later...

King Goldar sat alone in his private study. In his arms he clutched a very special book. A journal. Kept from the days of the War of the Races. The journal was non-descript, except for the king's seal, having been made so to keep it from prying eyes. Tonight, instead of writing in it, King Goldar was reading it, and reliving some of his old memories...

Queen Zeerah was dressed in a special gown made of gossamer and silk. It was a gift from the elves, whose borders were protected by her husband, the king. Zeerah was feeling especially frisky this night, because it was their nineteenth anniversary.

Knowing she would find him in his private study, a place Goldar visited often, Zeerah swiftly made her way over. Once she got there, Zeerah saw Goldar sitting at a well-used desk. Not wanting him to know she was present, she sneaked up on him. As she got closer, Zeerah noticed that Goldar was holding something close to his chest. His breathing came in sharp gasps, as if he had been crying. Between gasps, Zeerah imagined she heard a name. Something that sounded like Asthar.

Slightly frowning, the queen got closer. And being half-elf, she was able to move stealthily without making a sound.

A shadow fell over him, and Goldar closed the book. There was an audible click as a locking mechanism engaged. King Goldar looked up, and saw his beautiful wife. She was more elf than human. High cheekbones gave her the look of royalty. Almond-shaped eyes, black as obsidian, the color of her hair, were spaced widely apart, making her look like an innocent doe. Despite his mood, Goldar managed to smile.

Queen Zeerah noticed the tear streaks on her husband's face.

"Why are you crying?"

"Memories of the war..."

Sighing, Zeerah wondered why her husband tortured himself like this. Taking his head and placing it in her bosom, she sought to comfort him.

While she held him, Goldar slipped the key to his journal under a pillow that was on the bed that the king had personally placed into the study. Noticing what Goldar had done, Zeerah tactfully ignored it.

Zeerah rubbed herself seductively against the king, and felt him stiffen. A smile came to her face.

Holding up his head, piercing blue eyes stared into obsidian ones. Desire shone within their depths. His eyes roamed lazily over Zeerah's body. The queen, in her special gown, was absolutely stunning.

"I am a very lucky man," said Goldar in a voice as sweet as honey, and as smooth as the silk that clung hungrily to the queen's curvaceous body.

Zeerah felt a warmth that started in the core of her being, and then quickly blossomed outwards. With passionate abandon, she kissed her husband.

Goldar lowered Zeerah to the bed, and his thoughts of Asthar passed as he was engulfed completely by lovemaking that seemed magical.

20 years later...

King Goldar walked through the streets of his kingdom. On his body he wore canvas, as did his people. Noting their king, the citizens of Aurora greeted him enthusiastically. A stranger new to Aurora wouldn't have given Goldar a second look. It was part of Goldar's charm, and his people loved him for it.

A dirty-faced lad ran up to the king. Breathing laboriously, he tried to tell Goldar what he had seen.


"Slow down lad. Take a breath."

The young man took a long, deep breath, then stood up fully from the stooped position he was in.

"There are...men approaching." He paused to catch a breath. "And I have not seen them in these parts before."

"Do they bare arms?"

"None that I could see, my Lord. And they were dressed like nobles."

"Then invite them into Aurora as you would any guest."

"As you wish."

Hurriedly, the lad ran away to do as Goldar had bidden. Trails of dust flew from underneath his bare feet. Turning, Goldar made his way to the castle. Tonight, there would be a feast in their guest's honor. It was a tradition from time memorial.

Astelyn, a tall, well-muscled young man was in the forest outside of Aurora hunting with Maru'ja, his dwarf friend.

Astelyn was the son of Goldar, and had the same flame-red hair. Maru'ja was also noble born. His father had fought alongside Goldar during the War of the Races.

All day long, they had been hunting boar with no success. Even though the forest around Aurora was filled with them.

Astelyn looked down at the lengthening shadows on the ground. The sun would set soon.

"It will be dark soon, Maru'ja."

"Just a while longer, Astelyn. I have a feeling we will be roasting wild boar over a fire tonight."

The wind picked up, and Astelyn shuddered involuntarily. Sullenly, he looked at the perpetual smile that was always upon the face of his barrel-chested friend.

"For your sake, I hope you are right Maru'ja." said Astelyn sternly.

Maru'ja laughed heartily. Every time that Astelyn tried to be serious, his face scrunched up in a way that he found amusing.

A faint sound caught the sensitive ears of Astelyn. Quickly, he placed his finger to his lips.

Maru'ja became silent. For a few seconds, he heard nothing. And then, the sound was revealed to the dwarf's ears. Ears that were trained to listen to the slightest noise when underground. And more often than not, their very lives depended upon this ability.

There was scraping, and an occasional low snort. Wherever this wild pig was, it was digging up tender plant roots. Obatala had smiled upon them. It would be easy to sneak up on a pig that was rooting for food.

Stealthily, the young lad and his companion moved through the underbrush. They were careful not to step on any twigs, or disturb any of the forest's other denizens, since that would alert the boar to their presence.

The rooting gradually grew louder, and Astelyn knew they were close. Seconds later, Maru'ja motioned for Astelyn to stop.

Reaching out hands that had been tanned dark brown from spending an excessive amount of time above ground, Maru'ja carefully parted the prickly bush in front of him. A few thorns pierced his skin, but Maru'ja paid little attention to it.

The boar was a fine specimen. Its coat was dark and shiny, indicating that it had fed well. Two massive white tusks jutted from its lower jaw, giving the pig a fearsome look.

Astelyn glanced at Maru'ja. This will be an excellent trophy. From the look that Maru'ja returned, Astelyn knew he was thinking the same thing.

Astelyn took out his throwing spear, and balanced it in his hand. He wanted this to be a clean kill.

Unexpectedly, the wind shifted, carrying Astelyn and Maru'ja's scent to the nostrils of the wild boar.

Immediately, the boar held its head up and began to sniff the air. For a full twenty seconds, it did so.

Beady little eyes honed in on the youngster's position. The boar snorted loudly.

It's now or never! thought Astelyn. He jumped from his hiding place with his spear poised, and threw it with all his might.

The wild pig tried to move, but it was too late. A steel tipped spear protruded from its right shoulder. Roaring in pain, the boar came after Astelyn.

Maru'ja, up to this point, had watched everything in shocked silence. Astelyn had made a poor choice in attacking the boar as he had. Such foolishness will get him hurt badly one day.

Instead of turning and running, Astelyn stood in one place. His eyes were fixated on the boar's tusks as images of what they would do to him swam through his mind.

Is he brave, or stupid? thought Maru'ja as he yanked his battle-axe from the belt that he wore around his waist.

Maru'ja sprang from the bush, but the boar paid no heed. It saw only Astelyn. And bloody murder was in its eyes.

"Move out of the way!" shouted Maru'ja.

Astelyn continued to stand there. As still as a statue.

Cursing under his breath, and knowing he only had one shot, Maru'ja raised his battle-axe above his head and flung it mightily. As it left his hands, he said a silent prayer.

The boar charged wildly. Blood flowed from the wound in its shoulder. Its nostrils flared, and it let out a maddening shriek.

Astelyn continued to stand. Unmoving. Yet somehow, a dagger had mysteriously appeared in his hand.

A part of Maru'ja's mind registered the dagger, undoubtedly placed there while he had been focused on the wild boar, but then his consciousness snapped back fully onto the battle-axe as it whizzed through the air.

The distance between Astelyn and the boar rapidly shrunk. Seven feet...six...five...four...three...

Astelyn's eyes were wide. He could see the fine ridges in the boar's tusks. As he held up the dagger defensively, he knew it would be of little use. Astelyn saw the glint of sunlight off metal as an object whizzed through the air from the corner of his eyes. What is...

Astelyn's world exploded in a sea of red. His wind was knocked from him as the boar's body slammed into him. So this is what dying is like.

"Astelyn!" Oh no! I wasn't fast enough! "Astelyn!"

Maru'ja rushed to Astelyn's side. Looking down, he only saw the blood and gore that covered his friend. His mind did not register the fact that the boar no longer moved.

"Astelyn!" yelled Maru'ja.

Astelyn grunted.

"Astelyn! Are you okay?" said Maru'ja as he feverously worked to push the boar from atop him.

Heaving with all his might, Maru'ja pushed the boar off. Its head fell on one side, and the body another.

Maru'ja's battle-axe had decapitated the mighty beast.

Shakily, Astelyn stood up.

"You could have gotten yourself killed!" said Maru'ja angrily.

"Oh, stop your whining!" said Astelyn after he had regained his composure. He had a crooked grin on his face. Glaring at Astelyn, Maru'ja threw up his hands, and stomped off.

"You'll have to carry that thing back to Aurora by yourself!"

"But..." began Astelyn. However, Maru'ja had already vanished into the forest. I'll have to apologize for that. In silence, Astelyn prepared the boar for transport.

King Goldar looked at the strangers gathered around the feasting table, on which all sorts of meats, cheeses, fruits, breads, and sweetmeats lay. The newcomers had a look of roughness and discipline about them.

"We welcome our first guests in over a year. Tonight, we shall feast. Tomorrow, we shall speak of business. But first, you shall experience the generosity of Aurora." With a flourish of King Goldar's hands, music began to play, and wine flowed.

Tyraneous, the leader and most handsome of the newcomers, raised his glass in a toast.

"To a great and wise King."

"Here! Here!"

Over sixty tankards clanked together in unison. Everyone took a long swig, then tore into the wonderful assortment of food.

Tyraneous and his men ate heartily. However, they did not drink nearly as much as Goldar's court. After a while, the king and his men began to get a little tipsy.

Tyraneous watched. And waited. His heart was filled with boundless hatred towards Goldar that he hid behind a calm exterior. Soon, vengeance will be mine.

Astelyn and Maru'ja were hastily putting on things to wear to the feast. Right after they had come back from the hunt, servants had informed them of the night's festivities. Naturally, they wanted to be there. Aurora hadn't had a good feast in a long time.

As the night wore on, King Goldar began to notice the slow rate at which his guests were consuming wine. Intuition told him that something was not quite right.

Goldar looked closely at his guest's robes. They were bulky, and jet-black. Exactly what he would wear if he was trying to conceal something.

Tyraneous noticed the appraising look Goldar was giving his men. So, he is not the fool I thought he was. It will make killing him more pleasurable.

One of Tyraneous's men stumbled over one of the servants, and Goldar saw the glint of metal when the man's robe rose above his ankles.

Unfortunately, Tyraneous noticed the slip also, and before the king could act, said "Men! Destroy everything!" Mentally, Tyraneous made a note to punish the man who had blown their cover. Failure was inexcusable. Because of that man's blundering, he had been forced to tip his hand sooner than he would have liked.

"To arms men!" shouted King Goldar. But even as he looked around, he knew the order had come too late. Everywhere his gaze fell, he saw his best warriors either dead or wounded. It would be over soon.

Astelyn and Maru'ja heard the commotion coming from the Commons, and immediately took out their weapons. Running as fast as their legs would carry them, they raced over to see what was happening.

Mere seconds later, a horrible sight greeted their eyes. The Commons was filled with dead or dying men. Blood was splattered over the walls, and made the floor slick.

Frantically, Astelyn looked around. Somewhere within this chaos was his father, and he desperately wanted a glimpse of him. Perhaps he was still alive.

Steel clashed against steel as a few of the king's men managed to keep on fighting. But with a cursory glance, Astelyn knew they were doomed.

King Goldar held his trusty sword in his hand, facing a younger, faster, and stronger foe. Tyraneous had proved he was the king's equal, but he lacked experience.

Goldar feinted to the left, and acted as if he was about to fall. Tyraneous fell for the ruse, and raised his sword high above his head, intending to slice Goldar in two. Immediately, Goldar thrust outward with his sword, and his aim was true.

Tyraneous gasped in pain. He looked down and saw Goldar's sword protruding from his midsection. Goldar twisted, then pulled upward. A gaping, bloody hole was cut into Tyraneous's body. Tyraneous fell to his knees. With his foot, Goldar kicked Tyraneous from his sword.

King Goldar looked around at the isolated pockets of fighting, trying to find someone who he could help next. Then the impossible happened.

"King Goldar!" screamed Tyraneous.

Goldar turned to see the mortally wounded man rise. And as he rose, the wound that had been cut into his abdomen was healing.

No! This can't be! Thought Goldar.

Tyraneous saw the shock in the king's eyes and sneered.

"Surprise! Little man! I cannot be killed by your steel!" Like lightning, he thrust his sword through Goldar, who gasped in unexpected pain. He twisted his sword, sneering all the while. Goldar looked down and saw his life-blood escaping. He knew he would not recover like Tyraneous had. His time on this earth was ending.

"But...why?" gasped Goldar as spasms shook his body.

Tyraneous knelt beside Goldar, and whispered something into his ear. Goldar turned white as a sheet, and a single tear fell from his right eye before death claimed him.

Astelyn saw everything. From the mortal wound to Goldar's enemy. To the miraculous healing. And the subsequent spilling of his father's blood.

"No!" came an anguished scream from the depths of Astelyn's soul.

Angrily, he tried to rush into the melee. But, a steely grip caught his arm and yanked him back.

"There is nothing more we can do here!" said Maru'ja. "Your death would be pointless! Normal steel will not kill that person...or thing! Whatever it is!" Astelyn looked around, saw all of Goldar's dead men, and silently vowed to avenge them. He knew the wisdom of Maru'ja's words, and even though he burned with the need for vengeance, he decided to leave.

"Let's go." said Astelyn.

Maru'ja didn't respond. As quickly as possible, they left the Commons. The dwarves must know of what had happened.

Drednor, king of the dwarves, stroked his long beard. Deeply troubled by what he had been told, he had not spoken for ten minutes.

His keen eyes focused on Astelyn.

"And you say his wound, even though it was mortal, healed before your eyes?"

"Yes." replied Astelyn.

He looked at his son, Maru'ja, who nodded in agreement.

"We shall help you. But no weapon made by dwarves could kill the creature you have described." Astelyn's spirits dropped. "However, there may be a chance."

"Anything." said Astelyn.

"In Mount Vesevius lies a special sword. A sword owned by Phoroneous, who is a fire god. This weapon is special. It is called the Omega Sword. And anything it pierces, including the gods, die instantly. This man, or whatever it is, would be no match for such a weapon."

Astelyn's eyes lit up with hope. "So when will we be able to climb this mountain?"

"It is not a mountain." said Drednor. "It is a volcano." He paused, and noticed the apprehension growing on Astelyn's face as his words sunk in. This must be tough on him. "And the sword lies deep within its core."

Goldar's face flashed before Astelyn's eyes, and his resolve hardened.

"I will do what I must."

Drednor shook his head approvingly. He is a lot like his father.

"Then you shall leave this very night."

2 weeks later...

Astelyn stood with Maru'ja and seven other handpicked warriors. A special cloth, of dwarven make, was wrapped around their face. It allowed them to breathe, and at the same time kept out the volcano's sulfurous fumes.

The small cave that they were about to enter had blackened walls, and was warm to the touch.

Maru'ja turned to the other dwarves.

"None of you have to do this."

"It is our duty," said one of the younger men.

Maru'ja turned to Astelyn. This would be his decision.

"Let's go." said Astelyn, knowing full well that he probably would not get out of this alive.

The day after Tyraneous had killed Goldar, he had thrown the king's body over the gate, intending for him to become food for the vultures. However, that very night, a villager had stolen the body away, and given it a proper burial. In retaliation, Tyraneous had ten villagers whipped. Nevertheless, no one told him a thing. Even though their beloved king was dead, the people were still loyal to him.

So, Tyraneous made a decision. One that was dangerous because of the people's loyalty. He decided to stay in Aurora and live for a while at the people's expense. And to further disgrace Goldar's memory, he kept Queen Zeerah alive. At all times, she was by his side.

They had been crawling through lava tubes for what seemed like hours. Astelyn was becoming antsy. The close proximity of the walls bothered him.

Breathing was becoming harder. The cloths kept sulfur and other gases out, but not heat. And the air was noticeably hotter.

"Just...a...little farther." gasped Maru'ja. The heat was getting to him too.

The line faltered.

"What's happening?" asked Maru'ja.

"There...is...a...sharp drop-off."

"Then climb!" said Maru'ja.

He was answered with a grunt. But Maru'ja knew the man would do as he was told.

Tyraneous was alone with Queen Zeerah. And although he was impressed with her beauty, he had never shared her bed. In fact, the very idea revolted him. She had slept with his sworn enemy. And he would never disgrace himself by sharing her bed.

"Do you wish to know why I killed him?" Tyraneous enjoyed torturing Zeerah like this.

As always, Zeerah's face was expressionless. She would not give him the pleasure of seeing the pain that lay within her heart.

"Have you ever heard of the War of the Races?" Zeerah remained expressionless. "Of course you have. Goldar was the man who ended the war. Much to the chagrin of someone very dear to me."

Zeerah looked at Tyraneous with malice. She did not know how anyone could be dear to such a heartless creature.

"And may I ask who that is?"

Tyraneous began to laugh wildly.

"Guards!" he said. "Remove Queen Zeerah from my quarters."

Two men came in and dragged the struggling queen from Tyraneous's room. A room that had once belonged to Goldar. It was yet another way for Tyraneous to show his contempt for the deceased king.

"Curse you!" said Zeerah.

"I already am," said Tyraneous. He continued to laugh as Zeerah was forcefully removed.

Astelyn and his companions were in a wide cave that was encrusted with diamonds. Being greedy people, the dwarves eye the diamonds hungrily. There was a tremendous amount of wealth in this room.

"Don't touch anything." warned Maru'ja. "We do not want to anger Phoroneous."

At the mention of his name, a bright flame sprang to life in the center of the cavernous room. From the flame, a voice spoke.

"I know why you are here. You seek the Omega Sword."

The dwarves shrank back, but Astelyn stood his ground. This was something he had to do on his own.

"Astelyn, son of Goldar, defender of the free world, why do you seek the Omega Sword?"

"I wish to kill the murderer of my father. Ordinary steel will not work."

"This I know. Come closer." Astelyn did as he was asked. "You are filled with so much hatred."

"My father did not deserve such an evil ending to his life."

"No, he did not. But nothing can be done about it."

"What?" said Astelyn.

"Nothing can be done."

"I do not accept that."

Phoroneous roared, and Mount Vesevius shook. Yet Astelyn stood resolutely before him.

"You have steel in you boy. I will grant your request. But only because the balance of power has been tipped for the Races. Once your mission is carried out, the Omega Sword must be returned to me."

"Thank you, great fire god."

Phoroneous chuckled. He was beginning to like Astelyn, son of Goldar.

"Put your hand into my flame."

Without hesitating, Astelyn reached out his hand. Expecting to be burned, Astelyn was surprised when he felt no heat. His hand closed around something hard and solid, and Astelyn pulled the object out.

The dwarves gasped as they beheld the terrible beauty of the Omega Sword. It was a weapon far superior to any ever made by their hands. The blade was nearly four feet long, and razor sharp. The hilt was cut from a single, large diamond. But it was the center of the hilt that held their attention. For in its depths, they saw a skull. To the dwarves, it looked dwarfish. To Astelyn, it looked human. Whatever creature beheld the sword saw a skull of its own species. A single lightning bolt ran the length of the blade, and seemed to disappear into the hilt. Into the skull.

"Take it, and go." said Phoroneous.

"Thank you." said Astelyn as he bowed.

As quickly as they could, the small band left the presence of the fire god.

3 weeks later...

Astelyn stood within a small hut in Aurora city. Drednor and Maru'ja stood with him. There were also soldiers who had managed to survive the night Goldar had been killed.

"We will strike tonight. At midnight, the church bell will ring. That will be our signal to attack." said Astelyn. "Until then, remain hidden."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Tonight, there would be a price to pay. Anticipation, thick enough to be sliced by a knife, hung in the air. A huge debt needed to be paid. And the debtors were ready to collect.

Tyraneous was throwing a feast in the Commons. Yet another slight to Goldar.

"The last time we were here was rather enjoyable!" said Tyraneous loud enough for all to hear.

His men laughed wildly in response.

Raising his tankard, he said, "To my mother Asthar, and her sweet revenge." Beside him, Zeerah winced.

"Here! Here!" The men broke into cheers, and began to drink and eat with abandon.

Tyraneous looked on with enjoyment. Already, his mind dreamed of other conquests. And since the borderlands were no longer protected, it would be a good time to visit the elves.

A puzzled look was on Zeerah's face. He said the name Asthar. Where have I heard that name before? And then it hit her. On their nineteenth anniversary, Goldar had spoken that very name.

"I have to go relieve myself," said Zeerah to Tyraneous.

Half-drunk, he waved her away. Quickly and quietly, Zeerah left Tyraneous's presence.

Half an hour to midnight...

Queen Zeerah was in Goldar's old study. In her hand was the key he kept hidden under the pillow. In her lap was the journal.

Tears streamed down her face, as she thought about their wonderful times together. Turning the book over, she found the locking mechanism. She placed the key in, and heard a click. Her husband's memories were hers to peruse.

But in spite of the need to see what he had written, Queen Zeerah searched only for a name. Asthar.

Scanning page after page, she sought it, with no luck. Undaunted, she continued to look. As she was getting to the end of the journal, she saw it. The print was so tiny she nearly missed the entry.

It said, "Asthar, Lady of the Wood."

As Zeerah read the description of what had happened twenty years ago, new tears began to flow down her face. Even though she knew Goldar had been enchanted, it did not ease the pain. Twenty years ago, Goldar had betrayed her by sleeping with Asthar. And then a terrible realization hit her. Tyraneous had said a few moments ago that Asthar was his mother. And the more she thought about it, the more she became certain of the truth. The eyes were the same. The hair was the same. Even the body build was the same. Tyraneous was Goldar's son.

"No!" she cried in anguish. "It cannot be!"

At that instant, the clock struck twelve, and a horrible ruckus began all over Aurora. The clashing of metal, and the death cries of men could be heard in the fair city.

Tyraneous burst into Goldar's study. He was seeking Zeerah.

"Woman! What have you done!"

"Nothing!" replied Zeerah.

"Liar!" shouted Tyraneous. He slapped her hard across the face, knocking her into the wall. Tyraneous stood over Zeerah menacingly.

"Keep your filthy hands off my mother!"

"Who said that?" said Tyraneous.

A figure emerged from the shadows. It was Astelyn. He had come to avenge the wrong set upon his people. In his hand was the Omega Sword.

"Then come to me and die, just as I killed your father!"

With an anguished cry, Astelyn sprang at Tyraneous. Steel clashed against enchanted metal, with neither yielding. Tyraneous matched Astelyn blow-for-blow as the two fought wildly in the study.

Astelyn caught Tyraneous off guard, and struck a fearsome blow to his chin. Tyraneous spinned, and fell into the wall.

Zeerah stood up. "No!" she shouted, and then moved quickly between the two. "Tyraneous is your brother!"

Astelyn stumbled backwards, as if he had been struck.

Tyraneous stood up.

"Yes. I am your brother." He paused. "But Goldar knew I was his son when he died!" With uncontrollable rage, Tyraneous plunged his sword through Zeerah, then yanked it out.

Zeerah's mouth fell open. A trickle of blood came out. She placed her hands on the gaping hole in her stomach, then stared at them uncomprehendingly. A red stain rapidly spread over her white dress. She looked into Astelyn's eyes, then crumpled to the floor. Before the queen's body hit the ground, she was dead.

"No!" shouted Astelyn.

Tyraneous stood there grinning.

Enraged, Astelyn swung the Omega Sword with all his might. The skull handle began to glow. When it struck Tyraneous's blade, the metal shattered. Tyraneous dropped the broken sword onto the ground.

"You cannot kill me!" he said.

"Go to hell!" With a powerful thrust, Astelyn rammed the Omega Sword deep into Tyraneous's body.

Tyraneous shouted in pain. The blade seemed to be eating away at his essence! This is not possible!

Astelyn yanked the blade away, and Tyraneous fell to the floor. The wound made by the Omega Sword did not heal.

Astelyn turned, and was walking towards his mother when he heard a knife being drawn from its sheath. Turning, he flung the Omega Sword mightily. It pierced Tyraneous's heart and pinned him to the wall. His eyes closed, and his head fell forward. The knife dropped harmlessly from his hand. Tyraneous took one last breath, then breathed no more. His evil had ended.

© Copyright 2003 Dakkan (dakkan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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