Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/710933-Fern-and-Ivy
by emma m
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #710933
The life of the office plants was about to change and here is their story.

The day started quietly enough, the sun streaming through the skylight was warm and bright. A couple of pigeons flew past and startled Fern and Ivy as they drank in the life giving sun.

"I feel uneasy" whispered Fern, "today is the day we leave and I'm just not sure I want to go. We've been happy here."

"Well it's better than staying" retorted Ivy, "the place will be bare at the rate they are moving things out and at least we have somewhere to go."

At that moment the first arrivals made their way up the stairs, chatting away about this and that. Then a steady stream of people made their way past Fern and Ivy and into the office. The door closed and it was peaceful once more.

"Did you see her?" Said Bramble "has she arrived yet? I can't see a thing through your leaves Fern."

"Yes Bramble" sighed Fern "she's here, and I'm sorry if I get in your way but I need the light, goodness knows when we will see daylight again."

"Stop frightening the little ones" hissed Ivy "you know how they fret and fuss about everything."

As the day went on more and more things started to disappear into the lift and as far as Ivy and Fern could tell the things were going out of the front door. Soon it would be their turn. Even in the warmth of the sun Fern shivered.

About lunch time when people had started to make their way down the stairs and out of the building, Sue came out of the office with a tall tree in a pot. He was huge. Fern and Ivy introduced themselves and found out his name was Palm and he had been on guard outside the managers office. A very important job. Greeting all the visitors and lending an air of dignity to an otherwise very empty office.

"He's a bit stuck up and full of his own importance" whispered Fern "ask him if he's coming with us."

"You ask him" said Ivy. But before either could ask little Bramble piped up "are you going to live with us, Palm?"

Palm looked puzzled. "live with you?" He spluttered "I don't think so, I'll be going with the manager to the next office I should think. I'm far too important to live with you."
"I think you will be in for a surprise" chuckled Ivy.

The next thing they knew they were in the lift and on their way down to the front door. As the lift doors opened they could see a white van, their long journey had begun.

Sue and Emily gently lifted the plants into the van. Palm was too big so he had to lay on his side, a most undignified position. Ivy's long tendrils were also laying down, she didn't feel at all comfortable. She was used to winding around the staircase rail.

Sue started the engine and reversed out of the car park. "hang on chaps, here we go" she laughed.

The first corner was a complete surprise for Fern and Ivy, they started to lurch around like drunken sailors.

"I'm going up to look out for more of those corners." Yelled Ivy over the noise of the engine. The only vantage point she could see was climbing onto palm and up onto the rail behind Sue. So her climb started with a tendril reaching out to Palm.

"Hey" shouted Palm "that tickles. I don't think I..." He stopped mid sentence. Ivy had already wound around his trunk and was positioning herself on the handle above him. She ignored his protests and started to watch the road ahead.

"Brace yourself girls, I think we're about to stop." As the lights turned green Sue indicated to turn left. "we're going left" shouted Ivy. The other plants all leaned into the turn all except for Bramble.

"Bramble, don't you know your left from your right?" Asked Fern as her fronds got crumpled.
"Sorry Fern, I got confused, remember I was planted the other way round to you, next time when Ivy says left I'll go right." Said Bramble. The other little plants all tried to hang on as best they could, their little roots holding onto the soil and each other.

"She's turning again" called Ivy.
"Which way this time?" Fern shouted back.
"I'm not sure, this looks like a roundabout, yes, hang on and lean into the turn it looks like we are going round this one" Ivy and the clan tried to lean but this was a tight roundabout. Ivy could feel her tendrils being stretched to the limit but all she could hear was Palm tittering to himself.

"What are you laughing at Palm?" Mused Ivy.
"You are tickling my trunk Ivy" chuckled Palm.

That was the first time he had called any of the other plants by their name, Ivy let it pass. Maybe he had resigned himself to retirement and she understood it would be hard for him to adapt.

Fern broke into her thoughts. "where are we now Ivy"
"We're on a long straight road with lots of other cars and lorries, don't worry it doesn't look like there will be any turns along here."

She stretched up to look at the other plants that were in the front of the van. "are you all right down there" she called.

"Yes, we are OK, but it's very dark down here, when will we see the sun again?" They wailed.

"Soon" Ivy soothed, "soon."

The little van came off the motorway and started to head down the country lanes. Ivy shouted instructions to the gang and watched as Sue pulled off the road and into a driveway.

"We are here, we are here" she shouted excitedly.
"What can you see?" The other plants all called together.
"It's a lovely house with a great big garden" she said quietly "we're home"

Sue turned off the engine and got out of the van. She stretched and thought about the drive back. Can't stop too long, just long enough to unload and have a cup of tea. She went round to the back of the van and opened the doors. She couldn't believe the sight that greeted her. The Ivy had climbed up and was looking her in the eye and the smaller plants seemed to be dancing.

"Well you all seem to have faired the drive pretty well" laughed Sue "and what are you doing up there?" She puzzled looking at Ivy. She unwound the climber from around the handle and then from around the trunk of the Palm. Sue could have sworn she heard a sigh coming from the big plant.

Sue's friend came out and together they carried the plants into the house. Each tray of plants were put in a window and the big palm took pride of place by the front door. He would still be able to greet the visitors, so he still had his important job. He had also made some very good friends on the way here, and from his vantage point he could see Ivy and friends. They all agreed they would like their new home.

Before Sue left on the journey home she gave each plant a drink of water and said goodbye.

As Fern sat on the windowsill drinking in the cool water and the warm evening sun she sighed and looked at Ivy. Ivy on the other hand was looking upward, trying to work out how to climb up to the curtain pole. She didn't have Palms trunk to climb up this time but that net curtain looked promising. She laid down and thought that tomorrow she would start her climb, but tonight she would sleep. She looked across at Palm, he really was quite sweet under that official exterior. Such an exciting day and as the sun started to set, lots of happy plants settled down to sleep.
© Copyright 2003 emma m (emmafish at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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