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Tanner and Ebony are on the run with their baby brother Sam to get away. |
Fourteen year old Ebony Caitlyn Robinson was talking to herself.To her suprise her fifteen year old brother popped in.Tanner Dean Robinson entered with his best friend,Tate Alan.Tate had a small crush on Ebony.He always wanted to stay the nite so he can hang out with her.Ebony has a one year old baby brother named Samuel Henry Robinson.But they just called him Sammy or just plain Sam.To her suprise Tanner had his own car from his birthday.Her father favored her brothers.She was beat if she asked for anything. She had a black eye today because she wouldn't wash the dishes.Tate knew about the problems and always wanted to help them get away.But Tanner was scared they'd be hunt down because his father raped Ebony.Ebony cried as Tate raced to comfort her,Tanner grabbed his pocket knife from his pocket,he heard footsteps coming his way,he hid behind the wall so noone would notice till they entered.To his suprise Sam crawled in crying.Tanner picked Sam up and checked to see what was wrong,he had a red mark across his cheek."It's ok Sammy" he said with a angry expression.Tate walked over to Tanner.Tanner handed Sammy to him.Tate sat the baby down on the bed and took Tanner's arm. "You risk hurting yourself and your sister and the baby if you try to hurt your father.." he whispered holding his friend from charging into the hallway."That's the last straw,he hit Sammy,And i can't take him raping my sister every nite." he said.Tate sighed "Bud get your baby brother and your sister.We're leaving." Tanner looked like he was sixteen.Ontop of that he could drive.Tate grabbed Ebony's hand and pulled her up from her bed.Tanner picked up his baby brother.Tanner made his sister pack one suitcase full of clothes.Tanner's father stormed out of the house to get beer.Tanner ran downstairs and got two training cups.Tate packed the baby a couple changes of clothes in a suitcase and grabbed the bag of diapers. He also grabbed the diaper bag and packed it with two blankets and a jacket.Ebony came out with a suitcase.She had red puffy eyes and couldn't stand to look at her father's picture hanging on the wall.Tate smiled and took her suitcase.Tanner came in carrying Sam on his hip,he was drinking his training cup.Tanner put the other one in the diaper bag.Tate walked toward his house with Ebony and Tanner beside him.They walked for a few hours and finally arrived.Tate lived with his parents who were gone away for a trip leaving him and his twin sister to run the house."I can't stay with you that's the first place he'll look." he said."If he remembers i have friends." he said with a giggle. Tanner sat on the couch holding Sam on his lap with his sister beside him and his arm around her shoulders trying to make her stop shaking.Tate got his sister to come downstairs finally.Tanner and her were going out which was funny to Tate."Sis,we've got to leave now,i need you to not say a word to Tanner's dad or the cops,i'll be back tonite.I'll visit them everyday to make sure they don't need anything." Tanner had taken his money he had stashed away so noone could find it.Tanner watched as Tate paced back and forth.Ebony was still shaking but stopped a little after Tate smiled at her. Sam began to howl and then Tanner had noticed he had hit his cheek where he was slapped by his father.Tanner gave Sam his pacifier and stood up taking him up in his arms.Tate grabbed the suitcases and put them in the trunk of his car."I'll be back later sis,don't stay up late.Be back soon" Tate said kissing his sister on the cheek and hugging her.Tanner kissed her on the lips and walked out after Tessa gave Sam a little kiss on the cheek."Tate likes you." Sabrina told her.It suprised her and she quickly ran out of the house holding a tissue.Tanner had already gotten the carseat when he left his house.His dad never took them anywhere so he kept it in the garage. Tate hooked it into the car and got into the driver's seat.Tanner got in beside him.Ebony sat in the back and put her little brother in the carseat.As they drove off Tessa waved then went into the house.Ebony fell asleep holding her little brother's hand a few hours into the trip out of town.Tate finally opened her side of the car and kissed her cheek while Tanner wasn't looking.Ebony opened her eyes and saw Tanner's bright smile looking down on her "We're here." he said and grabbed her hand pulling her out.She got a little worried when she saw the room,only two beds.No crib for Sam. Sam would have to sleep beside her for now till they got their own crib.Tate left them as Tanner thanked him and high-fived him and he promised to come back tomorrow.Tanner layed on the bed exhausted.Ebony looked at her brother as he stared at the cieling."You won't let daddy take me will you?" she asked."No sis i won't and he won't take Samuel either." he said and closed his eyes to sleep.Ebony locked the door and put Sam to sleep first then wrapped her arms around him to make sure he didn't fall out of the bed or wake up without her knowing and went to sleep. Ebony opened her eyes to see her brothers missing.She saw the front door was unlocked she slipped out of her pj's and into her black bell bottoms and her red t-shirt.She brushed her hair and opened the front door to see Tanner standing outside the door against a pole holding Samuel on his hip talking to Tate."Tate's going to take me to the store,you want to come?" he asked."Sure." Ebony said going to put her shoes on.Soon after,she walked out and while the two boys got in the front of the car Ebony buckled Sam into his carseat. He began to cry."Did dad come looking?" she asked."No,he seems not to care.He might some day when he really thinks he needs us." he said and sighed as they pulled out.Tanner smiled "Eb,we're getting a portable crib and all for Sam so he doesn't have to sleep with you,and we'll get you some clothes." he said.Tanner smiled as they drove way away from the hotel toward a local Wal-Mart and Babys R' Us.Ebony carried her brother in her arms while Tanner pushed the buggy,they were at Wal-Mart first.Tate walked beside Ebony and kept glancing at her.First they went to the baby items.Ebony gave Sam to Tate.Ebony grabbed a outfit and showed it to Tanner and grabbed four more.They then grabbed baby food for Sam and his juice. Ebony grabbed crib sheets and blankets and got Sam a couple toys.None of them cared how much they spent.Tate and Tanner both were paying.Ebony then went to The shoes next,both the boys following with the buggy.Ebony grabbed a pair of tennis shoes for Sam.She got her and Tanner a pair of tennis shoes.Then Ebony parted from them to get her clothes,Tate and Tanner went to get Tanner some clothes and to get tylenol and other things they'd need like band-aids.Ebony grabbed shirts and pants and shorts and took them with her to find Tanner.She put them in the buggy then took Sam from Tate. Tate looked at her as Tanner began searching for clothes.They had first gotten the medicines.Ebony just remembered something and left the boys to get it.She came back with baby tylenol and stuff for teething.Soon they were all loaded up and went over to the Baby store.Thats where Ebony,Tate and Tanner went in,Ebony carried Sam and Tate pushed the buggy.They went toward the cribs.They found one cheap and got someone to get it for them.They got a matress and then finally they got Sam a bottle and two bibs and went to look for a stroller and a playpen.They found those on sale and bought them.Finally after all the shopping.Tanner thank goodness had brought his truck.They put the stuff in the back.After a while of driving home they got to load all the stuff into the room.Sam was put on the floor away from Tanner and Tate while they put togther the crib and the playpen and the high chair and the stroller.Ebony laughed when they began to complain.Sam stood up against the bed and began to cry.Ebony climbed off the bed and picked him up putting him on the bed to watch his brother and Tate. Sam found it funny when Tate hit his finger.Finally after a while they finally got the crib and all up.They put the stroller near the door folded up and they put the playpen in the corner of the room and they put the crib between the two beds since it wasn't that big.Ebony put the sheets and all on the crib,she then had Tate and Tanner put the toys in the playpen and then put Sam in it to play.Tate went outside for some air and Ebony followed him to get all of them a soda.Ebony closed the door behind her and thats when Tate took her chin and kissed her quickly,she smiled and then went to get the soda's.When she returned Tate was already back inside.When she went inside she shut the door behind her to find Tate laying on the bed watching tv and Tanner putting the clothes on hangers and in the closet.Ebony gave the soda to Tate then went to give Tanner his.After she sat hers down she put the medicine in the bathroom. Tate glanced at Ebony as she plopped down on her bed and began to watch the tv.Sam was laying down in his playpen half asleep.Ebony had gotten him a stuffed bear with the five bucks she had on her while they were at the store.Tanner came into the room and sat beside Tate and layed back,blocking his view of Ebony.Ebony flipped the channel.Tate looked at his sports watch."I really better be going,my sister's going to be mad at me,i told her i'd bring her up here tonite." he laughed then sat up and waved as he left.He wasn't gone two hours when Sam woke screaming.Tanner spoke first "Tate seems to like you,do you feel the same about him?" he asked his sister.She smiled then nodded.She was now holding Sam.She had put some juice in his bottle and he was holding it and looking around.Ebony grabbed the blanket and wrapped him up and sat on the foot of her bed and rocked him to sleep. Ebony opened her eyes and they began to fill with tears.Tanner stood up and walked over to his sister and hugged her tightly.A second later Tate walked through the door with his sister beside him.Tessa kissed her boyfriend and then sat beside him on the bed.Ebony stood up and put Sam in his bed and layed on her bed.Tate sat on the foot of her bed and turned to look at her.Ebony got up and slipped her new shoes on and stepped outside,as she slammed the door shut behind her Tate looked at his best friend."What's up with her?" he asked."No clue,shes been crying off and on and last nite woke up in the middle of the nite screaming." he answered sadly."Mind if i go out there with her?" he asked."Try to,maybe you'll cheer her up or atleast get answers." he said and watched as Tate opened the door and left closing it.He could hear the wind picking up.Outside,Ebony was still crying and leaning up against the pole.Tate walked up behind her without her knowing and wrapped his arm's around her waist.She turned to see him smiling."What's wrong my sweet?" he asked sadly."Nothing,leave me a..a..lone." she finished contining her sobbing.Soon she was looking up at the sky.Tate didn't leave her alone he got in front of her,"What's wrong?" he asked again.She wiped her eyes."I won't let him get you." he said kissing her. Ebony smiled and looked Tate in the eyes.They looked cute with the sea blue color.She couldn't resist staring at him.He smiled and grabbed her hand,he drug her inside the room as it began to rain hard.Tate smiled as he got inside."Guess we aren't leaving tonite,Tessa,the rains suppose to become very high winds and maybe cause tornados." Tate looked over at his sister once more.Ebony let go of Tate's hand as Tanner looked at her holding his.Ebony went to her bed and layed down close to the crib.Tate sat on the floor in front of the crib.Tanner gave Ebony a teasing smile.Ebony grabbed five bucks from her brother."I'm going to get some sodas for us." she said and ran out of the door before Tate could see how to get there.She came back with five sodas.Ebony gave one to Tanner and Tessa and one to Tate.She took the other two.When thunder boomed Sam woke up screaming.Ebony sat up grabbing Sam out of the crib and his pacifier and bottle.Sam took hold of Ebony tightly and kept crying. Ebony held her brother closely and layed down.Tate kept getting up and going outside.Ebony got up grabbing Sam into her arms and his blanket.She slipped her flip flops on.She opened the door and shut it behind her.She sat down on the step beside Tate.She covered Sam up.The stairs were covered with a roof so she didn't worry about getting wet.Ebony looked at Tate.He was worrying she could tell.She turned sam into her right arm and used her left hand to grab Tate's hand.She layed her head on his shoulder.Tate squeezed her hand and watched the sky.Ebony kissed Tate and watched his expression. Sam had his eyes open even with his pacifier in his mouth.Lighting struck far off and a big boom came scaring Sam till he was sitting up clutched to Ebony's chest.Ebony put her right arm around him."Damnit sit still." she whined."Maybe we should go in the winds picking up don't want anyone sick." he said and stood helping Ebony off the ground,they went inside.Ebony put Sam on the floor with a toy.When thunder would boom he'd scream then stop.Ebony layed at the foot of her bed to watch him.Tanner and Tessa were getting worried about the weather they turned it to the news and saw tornado watches in the corner stating counties. Tate sat beside Ebony while she layed down.Ebony kissed him as he looked at her.Sam crawled toward her and then when sirens went off started screaming and crying.Ebony grabbed her brother off the floor.A blanket for him.She grabbed her shoes.Tate grabbed a pacifier and the bottle and helped Ebony into the small bathroom.Tanner and Tessa followed close behind.But Tanner and Tate climbed out and ran to the window and looked out."Its far away but just to be safe." Tate said watching it spin straight away from them.Ebony had left Sam with Tessa and came to join Tate."Is it ok?" she asked."For now." he said."We need to go to my house.It's bigger and safer..Plus my puppies are left outside in just his dog house." he said. Tate went to the bathroom and grabbed Sam and his blanket and all.Ebony and Tessa ran out to the car with Sam.Tate and Tanner locked up and turned the electric stuff off they ran out to the car and started it.They drove toward Tate's house.They passed a tornado headed away from them.Tate pulled into his drive-way.Siren's were going off everywhere.He helped Ebony with the baby.Tanner carried the diaper bag and bottle and helped Tessa inside.Tate opened the door letting them in.They all sat on the couch.Tate ran outside to his dog's doghouse.His puppies were crouched whining in the corner. He took the four puppy's out.He carried all four of them.He put their leashes on them and let them run around inside since they were stretch leashes.He let them out far.Tessa's german shepard and mini poodle came into the room.Tessa put their leashes on."The one with the pink collar is Karmel.The one in the blue is Dip.The one in the spiked one is Duke.The one in the red is Dot." he told them.All the puppies jumped onto Tate's and Ebony's lap.Sam was being licked by Dip.He began laughing."The german shep is Jackel.The poodle is waddles." Tessa said letting Jackel lay down beside her.Waddles jumped on her lap and layed down.Sam started crying when he heard the wind blowing and lightining strike. Ebony grabbed her brother and moved the puppies.She paced back and forth rocking her brother.He still was screaming."Lets just go to sleep.We'll take turns watching the news.Tessa you and Tanner go ahead and sleep" she said.Tanner looked at her with a teasing smile.Ebony pushed her brother and he left with Tessa into a room down the hall.Tate looked at Ebony as she sat down beside him with Sam in her arms finally back asleep.Tate layed a blanket on the floor and Ebony layed Sam down on it.Tate sat back and Ebony layed down on the couch her head in Tate's lap. Ebony started to fall asleep when Tate put his finger on her lips."No sleeping." he said.She smiled and sat up laying her head on his shoulder.The weather reporter said the storms were over and that it should be okay now to come out.Ebony layed on the floor near Sammy.Tate layed on the couch.Tate had let the dogs off their leashes they were pouncing onto the couch to attack Tate and then they would jump onto Ebony's stomach."Freaking crap." she said and looked up at Tate.He was laughing.Ebony looked at him "Thought it was funny huh?" she asked.He shook his head and she jumped onto his legs.In laughter.Only to lead to her kissing Tate on the lips again. Ebony bent her head down and kissed him.He smiled and then all the sudden a pounding came to the front door and a familiar scream.Ebony got up and grabbed her little brother off the floor.All the dogs began to bark at the front door.Tate became nerves,Ebony grabbed the diaper bag and ran up toward where Tanner was upstairs.Tanner came racing down the stairs with Tessa."It's daddy." she said.They saw the back door was blocked with cops."Come out now children and we won't arrest you." they said.Ebony fell to her knees holding tightly to her baby brother.She began to sob.Tanner grabbed her arm and tried pulling her up.Tate slowly in tears opened the door.Ebony saw her fathers face looking at her and her brothers.She threw a gaze at Tanner.He was about to start crying.Ebony's father came in and took Sam from her.She grabbed his arm and didn't let go. Tate watched as the cops helped Ebony and Tanner out.They left with no sign of a struggle.Tessa watched in horror as Tanner tried to beat up a cop.Tanner was grabbed by another cop and the other helped push him into the cop car.After a few hours in jail they were let out.Tanner and Ebony left with their father.Ebony couldn't testify because she had no proof.Suddenly she was at home being beaten like her brother.Tanner didn't even scream or cry.He fought back,Ebony was upstairs crying in her room when she heard her brothers instant messenger sound.She raced out of her room and intercepted with Tanner.He was carrying Sam.Sam reached out for Ebony.Ebony grabbed him.Tanner heard his father leave again to get drunk.He sat at his desk reading the instant message from Tate. The conversation started sadly. Tate:Hey bud,how is Ebony and Sam and you? Tanner:Bud,Ebony and me got beat,we have to go back to the hotel.Please bro,help me out. Thats when it stopped Tanner heard the phone ring downstairs then it rang upstairs.He grabbed the phone... The conversation. "Tanner,i never thought i'd hear your voice." the voice said.Tanner looked at Ebony then answered back "Who are you?" "It's Logan..." he answered "Your older brother,im twenty-two...how are you guy's doing?" "As you would know,We just got beat for running away.Sam's beside me being held by Eb.Ebony says hi.I wish we could get away from here.Can you come get us?Please bro.We haven't been able to reach you at all.We have a hotel room at Jackson city but we can't stay there dad will find us.Right now hes gone to get liqour.Can you meet us at the hotel on Jackson blvd.Room number 76,second floor." "Sure,i'll be there soon." he said. Ebony got her brothers diaper bag which wasn't unpacked.Tanner this time walked to Tate's house.Tate drove them back to the hotel.They stayed there for the remainder of the day.By the next afternoon everything,crib,high chair,play-pen and stroller were taken apart and ready to be moved.Clothes and medicines and all were packed to be put up.Soon after the car showed up to pick them up with a moving truck.Tanner helped Logan load the car.They never knew what he looked like because they were never shown pictures. Ebony buckled the carseat up in the back of the truck that Logan was driving.Logan was so happy to see his sister and brothers.Tanner checked out and gave the key back.Soon they were on the road.Sam was buckled in the carseat and playing with his stuffed bear.Ebony was talking to her brothers."Were are we going?" she asked shocked to see all the sights."To my New Jersey home with my wife and child." he said.Ebony kept asking question and time flew by faster.Soon they were there.Logan showed his house.It was three stories tall."I'm sergeant of the army so i'm gone most the time..my wife works and she has to put the baby into daycare.Maybe you can babysit." he said and looked back at Ebony. "Sure,if i get paid." she winked happily."Tanner i'm sure you've got your license?" he asked."Nope." he answered sadly."Well we'll just have to take you to get one,i have a extra corvet." he said happily.Tanner smiled and helped his sister out,she was holding Sam in her arms,he was sleeping soundly.Soon as they shut the door he opened his eyes.Ebony sat him down.He had his eyes wide open,his shoes made sounds as he made his way toward the grass.Ebony,Tanner and Logan unpacked the truck.Logan's wife wasn't home,and neither was the child.Toys were all on the floor. Ebony went outside and grabbed the last thing and looked over to see Sam sitting in the grass still."Come on Sam,let's go get your stuff upstairs." he raced toward the door.He climbed up into the door and then sat down and started to crawl."Brighten up little guy." she said with a laugh.Tanner and Logan put all the stuff upstairs into its own room.It was blue with baby balloons painted on the wall all around.They sat the stuff up then came down and put the stroller in the garage and put the high-chair togther and put it near the other one."My baby's only five months old." he said.Then came a sudden opening of the front door. Sam came crawling fast to Ebony.Tanner was behind Ebony his hand on her shoulder.Ebony held Sam.A pretty woman of about twenty walked in carrying a carseat.It was covered in pink."Melissa,this is Ebony,shes 14,thats Tanner hes 15 and this is Samuel he is a year.They are all my brothers and sister.They were living with my abusive father.Remember that's what i told you about when we met at that age." she smiled sweetly."Hi,guys make yourselves at home,this is our daughter shes just five months old.Her names Jessica." Jessica was sleeping with a pink pacifier in her mouth."She just got shots sweetie.Im going to take her upstairs to bed." Samuel tried to follow behind but stopped at the stairs. Ebony looked at her brothers."Eb,your rooms upstairs next to Sam's and Tanner your's is right across from the stairs,so when you go upstairs you keep going straight.You two have bathroom's in your rooms." Logan said and went grabbing Sam he traced up the stairs after his wife.Ebony and Tanner smiled at eachother.Logan came back downstairs without Sam."My wife,come to find out was promoted,she only works during the week till twelve in the afternoon,so thats 7-12." Ebony smiled and looked at Logan."So,Tanner what about that license?" he asked.Logan and Tanner left togther after telling Melissa. Ebony sat outside on the front steps watching people walking down the sidewalks.A voice came from across the street."Hi,you just move in?" the voice came again."Yes,with my brother and sister in-law,my brothers came with me too." she said and looked at a boy about seventeen looking down on her.He had tan skin,alot of muscles,green eyes like emeralds and black hair that was spiked perfectly.He was a perfect sight for Ebony.Ebony tried not to keep staring."My names Griffin,thats my little sister,shes eight,her names Karen." he said "My names Ebony,my brother just left with my older brother to get his license.My baby brother's upstairs somewhere doing something." she said with a laugh. "I'm seventeen." he said."I'm fourteen,will be fifteen," she said with a stifle.Griffin smiled."Want to hang out sometime?" he asked.She looked worried about the age but then agreed."How about in three hours,for a movie?" he asked."Sure." she said.Melissa walked out a second after he left."Hun,are you going out tonite?" she asked with a giggle."Yes," she answered "I knew it," she said laughing."I over-heard you." A few minutes later Tanner and Logan came home."Good job,now you can drive." he said.Tanner smiled and went toward the door.Logan stood outside and followed Ebony's gaze."Hey,sis,you okay?" he asked and tried to get her attention.Ebony kept staring at Griffin while he mowed his parent's lawn. Ebony threw her gaze once more to Griffin then to her brother.Logan laughed."Girl get inside before it starts to rain." he said and helped her up.Melissa walked inside the house to see Samuel sitting in middle of the living room not even moving.Melissa ran upstairs as the baby-monitor went off with Jessica's cries.Ebony changed two hours later and was putting her makeup on when a scream came from downstairs."Eb,its Griffin." her older brother said.Soon she was downstairs and in Griffin's car after a few ground rules.Ebony and Griffin saw a movie then he took her to eat.Soon they were outside his house getting ready to part.Ebony looked into his eyes.He smiled and finally gave her a peck on the lips.Soon he was inside his house.Ebony ran across the street and into the house.Tanner ran downstairs with Melissa behind him.Melissa had Jessica in her arms."Tanner i told you,you can't go out without asking us first.If you do ask if your sister wants to go!And be back before cerfew." she screamed at him. Tanner opened the garage door laughing.Logan looked at his wife and sister.Logan and Ebony walked out and into the garage."Boy if you're going to live under my roof,your going to obey our rules." Logan said.Ebony looked at both her brothers."Tanner i'm going with you" she said.Ebony looked at her brother and then back again."Guy's be back before midnight.No drinking,and no drugs,no sex trips,don't want to have to bail you out of jail." he said and watched as Tanner drove off with Ebony beside him.Tanner began to talk to his sister as he stopped at the stop sign down the road."I'm going to pick up Tessa and Tate." he seemed to say happily. Ebony smiled."Whatever," she answered then threw her gaze to where her brother was standing at his house.Tanner grabbed her hand after he had turned.They finally pulled into Tate's drive-way.Tate and Tessa walked out after locking their front door.Ebony got out and sat behind her brother.Tate climbed in behind his sister.She sat near Ebony's brother.Finally they were loaded and Tessa shut the door.Ebony looked over at Tate."How's your older brother going?" he asked."Good,he's married,he gave us a cerfew,and um he has a little girl so they are watching both kids." They said.Ebony threw her gaze at what was left of her old house as they drove past."What happend?" Ebony asked Tessa more then Tate.But Tate answered "The house burnt the day after you left.Your dad had been smoking and left the match lit and he fell asleep on the couch and it killed him and burnt everything.The paramedics found just remains of him." Tate answered. Ebony smiled a little.Her brother seemed to be happy with himself."Where are we going?We've been going the same direction for a hour." Ebony said."A club,i went to when dad was drunk and you were somewhere." he said.Finally they pulled into a club.A sign hung over the door saying The Neon Club.Ebony and Tate walked beside eachother and Tessa walked hand in hand with Tanner.Tanner took Ebony's hand and drug her along.Ebony walked slowly behind Tate and Tessa.They walked inside and music came roaring from the stage.Ebony tried to stay calm.Her brother took her over to a table with the others.Tanner went to get drinks.Tate stood up and looked at Ebony "Want to dance?" he asked.They walked into the crowd.Soon Ebony had gotten drunk from her brothers beers.Tate and Tessa were off dancing.Finally Tanner gathered everyone up,it was going on midnite.Tanner and the rest piled into the car.Ebony fell asleep on the way back.Tate and Tessa were dropped off first.Ebony and Tanner drove into the garage and shut it and piled out of the car still drunk.Tanner helped his sister up the stairs.Thats when Logan came out screaming,loud enough he woke the babys. Samuel came racing out of his room and crawled down the third floor steps to where Ebony and Tanner were.Melissa came out of her room holding Jessica.She gathered Samuel in her arms.Sam began to stick his arms out for his sister to hold him.Ebony grabbed her little brother and looked at Logan."You come in this house half drunk,past midnite.You will not go out again past ten.You will tell me where your going,when you'll be back and who your going with!" he screamed and it made Ebony hold her head."I don't want to talk about it tonite" Ebony answered as he questioned her.He looked at them "Go on to bed,i'll talk to you two in the morning." he said.As they climbed the stairs to their rooms they heard his whisper of "When your sober" Ebony went to her baby brothers room and went inside to put him back in bed.She rocked him and stuck him into bed and covered him up handing him the teddy she had bought him."Go to sleep little Sam,maybe tomorrow we'll take you out with us." she said smiling to him.He went back to sleep as soon as she left.She went toward her room and passed out on her bed after closing her bedroom door so it only had a crack so Sam could get in. Ebony woke when Logan shook her."Wake up,it's late in the evening." he said.Ebony pulled herself up and went to her closet.She opened it and entered shutting it she changed then came out.Soon she was outside of the house holding her little brother who was dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts and a red shirt.Ebony wore a pair of blue jean shorts and a blue halter top.Tanner emerged from the house wearing blue jean pants and a blue t-shirt.Ebony saw Griffin across the street walking with his little sister their way.Karen was a little shy when she walked up to them.Griffin looked at Ebony then glanced at her two brothers.Ebony smiled "This is my baby brother Samuel.Thats my older brother Tanner." she said with a grin.Griffin kept glancing back at Ebony.Tanner smiled as he caught Griffin looking at Ebony.Ebony sat Samuel down.Griffin was wearing a white sleeveless tee,and black shorts.Samuel ran across the grass toward the sidewalk."Sammy,Get back here!" Ebony screamed having to chase him down the block in his nike shoes.He seemed to be laughing. Ebony scooped him into her arms laughing with him and carried him all the way back to the house.Soon they were all sitting inside the house with Logan and Melissa.Melissa was holding Jessica."Logan,is it ok if me and Griffin go outside with Karen?" she asked."Sure" Logan said happily.Ebony and Griffin walked outside hand in hand.Soon they were on his porch sitting beside eachother.Karen had ran inside to change so she could go swimming.Ebony had been invited along with Sammy and Tanner.But Tanner had plans to go have fun with Tessa.Tanner gave Ebony a smile as he left in his car.Karen came out in a multi-color one piece.Ebony was wearing a Bikini and holding Samuel in a swimming diaper and swim trunks over them.Griffin was in black swimtrunks with flames.Ebony had Samuel's carseat and helped Griffin put it in.Karen got into the back beside Samuel.Ebony sat beside Griffin in the car.They had towels in a bag and they had bottles and a pacifier in the bag for Samuel.Soon they were at the pool and Griffin saw a bunch of his friends.He helped Karen out then got Samuel out.Karen stood behing Ebony.Ebony had shorts on over her swimsuit bottoms and only her top showed.She grabbed Sam from Griffin.Soon they were making their way toward his friends.Karen threw herself at her brother. Griffin was talking to two boys that looked like twins,and then a girl came over smiling at Griffin.Sammy began to scream and reach out for Karen.Karen moved from behind her brother and took Sam.Sam watched Griffin then Ebony.Ebony put her hands on Karen's shoulders.Griffin began to point to Ebony and Karen."Better go ahead and go inside Eb's brother will want her back later." he said heading their way.Ebony walked behind Griffin to the pool.She kept her eyes on Karen who was walking beside her still holding Sam.When Griffin paid they all entered.Ebony grabbed her little brother so Karen could go swim.Griffin sat on a bench beside the pool."Go ahead Eb," he said.She looked at him.He smiled as she sat down beside him and pulled the other bench closer.Sam put his head on Ebony's shoulder.He then heard Karen laughing and playing with her friends.Griffin watched slowly.Ebony took her brother and carried him toward the water.She sat on the ground and lowered him into the water.He began to coo and then cried.Ebony took him out and wrapped a towel around him.Griffin got in after making Ebony.He had hold of Samuel.He held Samuel into the water and he started to play in it.Soon he had Samuel putting his head in the water.Only to come back up coughing. Soon Ebony had Samuel kicking his feet."Come here Samuel." Ebony said as she got out.He crawled to her after Griffin put him on the ground.Griffin sat next to Ebony.As she looked at her watch it was already after time she was suppose to be back.She sighed."Oh well,he'll be cool,and if not i'll go out with my brother." she said."Karen!" Griffin screamed as she looked his way he waved her over."Lets get going" he said.They all slipped their towels around them and headed for Griffin's car.Karen carried Samuel in his little hooded towel.Ebony began to sigh as she got into the car to see her watch was wrong.She was four hours late."I really have to hurry home" she said as tears began to fill her eyes.Griffin grabbed her hand as he turned the corner onto her street.They pulled into his drive-way.Only to hear her brother screaming at Logan and Logan screaming back.Ebony got out hurrying Karen out.Karen got Sam,while Griffin carried the carseat."I'm sorry,maybe i'll call you tonite." she said crying as she carried Samuel and the carseat running across the street. Soon she ran into the garage,she put the carseat near the garage door inside.She walked in and saw Logan slap Tanner.Tanner threw the keys to his car to Ebony.Ebony ran upstairs crying with Sam still in her arms.She ran into his room and grabbed a pair of overalls and a red onesie.Melissa and Jessica were sitting on Melissa's bed.Ebony ran upstairs to her room and slammed her bedroom door.Sam's shoes were laying on her bed with his socks.She layed him on her bed,took off the towel,his swimtrunks and diaper and put a regular diaper on him.He was crying too and wanting Ebony to hold him.She slipped the onesie over his head and fastened it.Soon she had his overall's on him and had them fastened.She slipped his socks on and then his shoes and fastened the straps.Soon she had him on the floor playing with a brush.She dried off and slipped her red spagetti strap tee on and her black shorts on.Soon she heard her brother running up the steps toward her room.He ran in with his hair combed,his jeans had rips at the knees and his sleeve-less tee on.He had his shoes on.Ebony slipped black socks on and then her army boots.Soon she was brushing her hair out.Tanner combed Sam's hair down and then took him into his arms.He had a diaper bag with bottles and diapers already on his shoulder.He took the keys from Ebony.He went to buckle up the carseat. Ebony grabbed the phone and dialed Griffin's number and Karen picked up and went to get her brother."Griffin,i've got to go,my brothers waiting,we're going to see his girlfriend.I'll come see you soon,my brother is upset and he wants me to hurry,i'll see you soon." she said as he said bye she hung up only to hear Logan screaming again at Tanner.Ebony grabbed her purse with her money in it.She grabbed her brush and her jacket.She ran downstairs to the car.She climbed in the passenger seat beside Tanner who's window was open being yelled at.He backed up and Logan had to stop yelling.He pulled out.Ebony heard Logan cussing at them."Bro,can i go over to Griffin's in a little bit?" she asked."Sure,but first to see Tessa." he said happily.Soon they were pulled into Tessa's drive-way.Tessa and Tate came running out.Ebony was kicked into the back beside Sam's carseat."This totally,isn't cool.We can't drink since we have Sam." Tate said sadly.Ebony kicked him in the shin.He grabbed his shin and gulped."I got to drop Eb,off at her friends house in a bit." he said.Tate leaned forward to talk to Tanner quietly.Tessa had her hand on Tanner's leg."Freakie!" Tate said with a giggle. Ebony pulled Tate back as a cop came up beside them.Tate looked at Ebony.She smiled at him.He pulled her close to him even if the cop in the passenger seat of the cop car was watching.He kissed Ebony sweetly on the lips.Soon Tessa reached back and broke them up.Ebony turned away from Tate.So he wouldn't see her blushing.Ebony began to play with her baby brother.He giggled as she played patty-cake.Ebony felt something touch her leg.She turned to see Tate's hand on her leg.She looked him in the eyes."I'm staying at a hotel tonite,Eb it's up to you if you want to stay." he said happily.She smiled."Tessa and Tate are staying tonite." he told her making her blush more.He took a right and ended up at a huge looking Hotel it looked like a castle.Soon Tate and Tessa were out of the car with Tanner.Ebony took Sam out and gave him to Tessa who had the diaper bag.Ebony had help out by Tate and soon they were heading toward the Hotel.Soon they were inside.It was beautiful.As Tate and Tanner went to get the hotel room.Tessa talked to Ebony."You like Tate,kissing you?" she asked."A little,i just don't know about him or Griffin." she said sadly."Going to lose your virginity?" she asked with a giggle."I don't know,inless i already did if you add me being raped." she said sadly.Soon Tate and Tanner were back.Two teenage boys with their mother and father looked at Ebony who now had Sam.She walked toward the elevator with the others. They took it up to the hotel room on the fourth floor.They walked inside the room after Tanner unlocked it he handed each of them a key.Sam was put on the floor.Tessa was sitting on the couch with Tanner.Tate was sitting on the bed "I'm going downstairs." she said taking her money in her pocket.She left Sam with them.Sam was asleep on the floor beside the beds.She ran downstairs not bothering with the elevator.She disappered into the crowded lobby.Tate had chased her and he couldn't find her because she was hiding behind a newspaper pretending to read it.He left back up the stairs.She pushed her way up the stairs after him,he was sitting on the banister at the second floor.Ebony pushed him almost making him fall backwards to his death.She grabbed his arm and pulled him down from the banister.She grabbed his hand and drug him downstairs with her where she walked out the back to the pond for the hotel and the swimming pool.Tate sat on the bench right next to the pond and grabbed Ebony and pulled her down on his lap.Ebony looked into his eyes and smiled.Tate let her up and they headed back upstairs.When they entered the room Sam was asleep in the middle of the floor.Tate layed down on her bed."Tessa,Tanner what do you guys want to drink and eat?" she then left to get the food. Ebony returned to find Tate asleep.Tessa and Tanner went to eat their food.Ebony walked over to her bed where Tate was laying taking up the whole bed.Ebony bent down and whispered something into his ear and that sure woke him."Wow,did i just hear what i thought i heard?" he asked with a smile."Yes" she said."Wow" he said again and then went over to eat.Ebony skipped eatting and went to lay in her bed.Tate finished eatting and brushed his teeth and joined Ebony on the bed.Tessa turned it to a scary movie and they watched it.Ebony fell asleep with her head on Tate's chest.Tanner had Tessa asleep in his arms.He moved her so she was asleep in the bed and turned the tv off.Tanner looked over at Tate who smiled at him. The next morning Ebony awoke to hear Tate and Tanner talking.Tessa woke seconds after her.They all put their shoes on and Ebony grabbed Sam.Tanner went to sign out of the hotel.Tanner drove back to Logan's house.His brother was waiting outside very angry."Tate,Tessa don't say anything just stand behind us with Sam." he said.Tate held Sam and Tessa held the diaper bag.Tanner walked in first with Ebony behind him.They made it to the stairs then they were trapped at the stairs by Melissa at the top and Logan at the bottom."WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Logan began to scream only to wake his daughter and make Sam cry."We have guest's Logan" Tanner said pointing."So,you ran off and took the baby,who knows what you could have done,you could have been killed." Logan continued.Ebony began to laugh.Tanner looked at her and the others did too."Is she high?" Logan asked."No" Tanner answered. Logan grabbed his sister's hand and shook her.Ebony laughed more and leaned against Tate."Don't touch me" she told Logan.Logan let go and watched her."If your going to beat us do so." Ebony said.Logan sighed."Get up to your rooms,give me the diaper bag and Sam." Logan said taking the baby and the bag.Logan watched the kids return upstairs.Tate entered Ebony's room and Tessa entered Tanner's.Ebony could hear Logan and Melissa talking.Ebony lay on her bed beside Tate who had collapsed there."Why were you laughing?" he asked."I don't know,it kind of reminded me of my Father when he got mad,he'd grab my arm and make those expressions then he'd beat me." she said then laughed.Ebony ran her fingers through Tate's hair and began to speak but stopped when she heard Logan and Melissa scream.Then the running of feet toward their room.Tanner burst in with Tessa behind him."Comeon Eb,Tate" he said and they bolted from the room down the stairs and into the garage and drove down the street and to Tate's house.Tate opened the front door only to be trampled by the dogs. Tate grinned and pushed the others inside and slammed the door.As Tanner and Tate Collapsed onto the couch the girls fell onto their laps.Tate ran his fingers through Ebony's hair and Tanner watched as Tessa flipped on the tv.Tanner got up pushing Tessa onto the couch instead.He helped his sister up and grabbed Tate's hand pulling him away from Ebony,who sat back on the couch and watched Tv.Tate was pulled into the kitchen and Tessa flipped it to the news.A noise outside scared Tessa.The front door opened and Tessa and Tate's parents came in with a carseat."MUM!" Tessa screamed running to her parents. |