Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/709545-Am-I-Good-Enough-
by Norman
Rated: E · Article · Religious · #709545
Bible study/sermon for preachers.
Exodus 3:11-15



This is a sermon for and about preachers. Sometimes in the preaching ministry we need encouragement, we feel like were not good enough. Often times some of the members will express this with facial expressions of boredom. Don’t give up! Below you will find two illustrations using Moses and Paul, they thought they weren’t good enough to. I use these illustrations all the time in my ministry. I pray that they will help you to when you feel your not good enough for God’s service. Please read along with me the following verses from (Exodus chapters 3 - 4)

I. Moses gives five excuses for not going back to Egypt:

A. Moses’s answers:
1.) I’m not fit. Exodus 3:1
2.) What will I say ? Exodus 3:13
3.) I have no authority. Exodus 4:1
4.) I have no gift of speach. Exodus 4:10
5.) I don’t want to go ! 4:13

B. God’s answers:
1.) I’ll be with you. Exodus 3:12
2.) God gives him his name and message. Exodus 3:14 - 22
3.) I will give you my power. Exodus 4:2
4.) I will teach you what to say. Exodus 4:11-12
5.) I will send Aaron with you. Exodus 4:14 -15

C. Am I good enough? We all know how this story turns out.Have you ever found yourself in this situation, when preparing a sermon for sunday morning service. What will I say, I have no gift of speach and Idon’t want to go. Remember God said I will be with you!

II. Another letter from Paul :

A. A member of an official search committee of a particular congregation undergoing the painful search for a new preacher, finally lost patience. He had watched the committee question and reject applicant after applicant for some fault or another, alleged or otherwise. It was time for a bit of soul - searching on the part of the committee, so he stood up and read a letter purporting to be from another applicant:

B. Gentlemen:

Understanding your pulpit is vacant, I would like to apply for the position. I have many qualifications. I’ve been a preacher with much success and also have had some success as a writer. Some say I’m a good organizer. I’ve been a leader most places I’ve been.

I’m over 50 years of age. I have never preached in one place more than 3 years. In some places, I have left town after my work caused riots and disturbances. I must admit I have been in jail three or four times, but not because of any real wrongdoing.

My health is not to good, though I still get a great deal done. The churches I have preached in have been small though located in several large cities.

I’ve not gotten along well with religious leaders in towns where I have preached. In fact, some have threatened me and even attacked me physically. I am not too good at keeping records. I have been known to forget whom I baptized.

However, If you can use me, I shall do my best for you.

C. The committee member looked over the committee. “Well, what do you think? Shall we call him? The good brethern were aghast. Call an unhealthy, trouble-making, absentminded ex-jailbird? Was the committee member crazy? Who signed the application? Who has such nerve? The committee member eyed them all keenly before he answered,It’s signed, “THE APOSTLE PAUL”


Paul also thought he wasn’t good enough, he considered himself the greatest sinner of all. In Galatians 1: 13 Paul’s says - For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. Yet he was chosen by God, and was the man who fought the good fight 2Timothy 4:7. This is what we need to do. Don’t give up fight the good fight like Paul did.

* Letter from Paul - Paul a Hebrew of Hebrews by Donnie S.Barnes, Th.D
June 28, 2001

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