Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/709147-Serving-God
by Norman
Rated: E · Article · Religious · #709147
This is the beginning (intro) of a book I'm writing on church leadership.
Serving God (the qualities of leadership)
Mark 10: 42-45
By Norman Mc Leod


This same situation that Jesus teaches James and John along with the ten in our text, exists today as it did then. As ministers (servants) in the body of Christ, we have to be careful not to fall into a secular (lording over) structure as leaders in the church. Let us begin by reading together from the gospel of Mark chapter 10 verses 42 through 45.


Servant- ( Strong’s # 1249 Greek “diakonos” deacons, minister, servant, servants).

Secular Authority:

In verse 42 of our text Jesus is talking about the secular world (authority) which they should “beware” of, especially among themselves. Example, Leadership with secular authority (lords over) is “Power Based”. This is not a quality that Jesus wants them to acquire.

Spiritual Authority:

In verse 43 Jesus says- “Yet it shall not be so among you; but who ever desires to become great among you shall be your servant”. This is the quality that Jesus wants us to acquire.
Example, Leadership with spiritual authority ( serves among ) is “Love Based”.

Who is the greatest? :

In verse 44 Jesus says- “And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all”. Today in the body of Christ we need to imitate the character of Jesus by showing love, compassion and forgiveness like Jesus does through out the entire New Testament. It’s not important who gets the best seat, or who’s sermon was the best, or who is the best teacher or lead singer. What is important, we are to be servants! “For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as one who serves”. Luke 22:27.


Coffman explains the situation today “The government of Christ’s church was not to be patterned after earthly government and organizations with their pyramided echelons of authorities in rising tiers of dignity culminating in some ”head”! An utterly different conception was to prevail; but, historically, churches have slipped into conformity with the old and forbidden ways of the world”. (James B. Coffman commentary on the Gospel of Mark )

This is the beginning of a series I’m writing entitled (“Serving God” - Qualities of Leadership ) I pray that this information will edify the body of Christ and help us to show the love and compassion to our brothers and sisters in Christ and to be good servants. Be an example!
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