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Somewhere out there, somewhere... her soulmate is alive - yearning, needing her... |
" He needed a miracle, he needed one so badly; the irony was that he did not believe in myths." Welcome Readers, to this tale of grief and misery, woven out from the core of a Bible story. The journey begins with a man trying repeatedly to forget his soulmate, while she, strove to remember him. Both were in anguish, torment and hurt, knowing that only a miracle could restore them together. In the previous Chapters... In another era, a man had just married a woman he loved only to discover that he had a deadly disease; leprosy. He was the tenth leper in the Bible. In the night, utterly devastated, he was forced to make the most painful decision ever, he was forced to accept his fate - he had to leave. It was the hardest thing he ever had to do~ And so it came to pass, the next morning, his young wife woke up to find the bed empty... ~Chapter 7~ Jeuel kicked his door open and strode inside. Nashra followed anxiously, peering over his shoulder as he laid Deliah down on his bed. Deliah was moaning and muttering incoherently. Nashra touched her forehead gently and snatched her hand back in shock. “ She’s feverish, Chief! And there’s no doctor now to save her!” Jeuel paced across the room immediately and felt Deliah’s forehead. It was burning hot. He stared at the unconscious Deliah worriedly. “ I’ll be back,” he said decisively and left the room. Nashra took a chair and set down beside Deliah, eyeing her with a frown creased on her forehead. I should pray for her. Nashra looked at the smudged tears on Deliah’s face. After all, Deliah prayed to her God for me and I got well. He will definitely save her if I pray for her! With these thoughts, the woman started praying tentatively, in her heart, sure that Deliah will recover. God had never heard a prayer with so much faith before. It was such a sincere simple prayer. By the time Nashra ended her prayer, Deliah’s forehead felt much cooler. Nashra smiled and thanked God. She knew that Deliah will recover and bounce back on her feet after the shock she had. Deliah was a strong woman. Nashra leaned back and sighed satisfactorily. She had almost drifted off into a slight sleep when the door burst open. Jeuel strode into the room, his face in agony. “ There was no one who knew what to do for Deliah! No one,” he whispered brokenly. Nashra face broke into a smile. “ There is someone. Deliah’s fever has broken.” A look on disbelief flashed on his face as he went to check on Deliah. Then he turned and smiled, astounded, “ A miracle. A miracle indeed! How can her fever break so soon? Earlier, it was as hot as hell! It had seemed impossible!” Nashra interrupted quietly, “ Yes, but not with God.” Jeuel looked at her, bewildered, “ God?” “ Yes, God answered my prayers.” Jeuel raised his eyebrow cynically and shook his head grimly. Eyeing Deliah, he turned back to Nashra and said lowly, “ You must help Deliah. Don’t ever bring up the subject of her husband. Everyone believes that he is dead. It is best if you help her get over the pain of losing Zamon.” Nashra looked at him, her eyes widening, “ You too, believe him to be dead?” Jeuel shrugged helplessly, “ It is beginning to look like it.” * * * Deliah soon became aware of the murmuring and whispers that were humming above her head. She opened her eyes slightly dazed, and gazed about the room. Sister Mariah and Nashra were huddled together, talking in low voices. They immediately started bustling about Deliah when they saw that she was awake. “ Deliah, how do you feel?” Nashra asked in a motherly tone. Deliah smiled weakly at her friends, “ Much better. What happened? Where am I? ” Mariah glanced nervously at Nashra. “ You are in Chief Jeuel’s home. His house was the nearest... anyway, you’ve had a long journey. After all that you have been through, it’s no wonder that you fell ill.” Deliah looked at the sunshine that had drafted into the room. “ How long has it been?” she said slowly. “ It is amazing, Deliah, you were ill only for a day! We were astonished at your rapid recovery. No one has seen anything like it.” Mariah burst out in enthusiasm. Nashra smiled and raised her eyes to the ceiling, “ It was your God that did this. You were feverish, it was the type that often leads to -” she stopped and held Deliah’s hand tightly, “ ...well, I was so worried for you and I started praying to your God. It was unbelievable. Within moments, your forehead had cooled and you were out of danger.” Deliah smiled gratefully, “ Thank you. By the way, he is not only my God. He is also your God. He is our God.” Nashra looked at her doubtfully, “ How do you know?” “ Somehow, I just know.” * * * Zamon stumbled up the hill wearily. He didn’t dare bring them the bad news; he dreaded seeing the realisation dawned across their faces when he tell them that they had to go hungry again. Zamon sighed, he had never been good at finding food compared to the other men. He just was not cut out for this type of rough work. He never was. That’s why he had studied to become a doctor. He was one of those rare men blessed with an education. He had wanted to save people! Zamon clenched his teeth. But that was the past, now, he couldn’t even save himself. Despairingly, he glanced ahead of him. The dark cave loomed in front, beckoning him. He had reached home. He started to call out to Banual when a sight stopped him. A large gray bag lay at the entrance of the cave. Zamon stooped down in sudden excitement. With trembling fingers, he opened the bag and gasped. Goodies seemed to spill out in endless flow. They were mostly homemade bread, but to him, it was the greatest gift he had ever received. He tied the bag up shakily and lugged it into the cave, his face shining. “ Look at what I found! It was just outside the cave!” Those who could still walk, hobbled towards Zamon, seemingly the bearer of good news. The cave was suddenly filled with exclamations. “ Well, I’ll be damn!” Banual said in surprise. “ It must be an angel at work. God bless her!” beamed another. Zamon looked at the lepers, so empty of the bitterness that he had harbored. Ashamed, he distributed the bread quietly, hearing the warmth in many lepers as they repeatedly thanked the angel who did all this. When he had finished, he put the gray bag away, his hands trembling slightly. Angels have to exist. They must! If not, who can explain the good fortune that has just befallen us? He eyed the bag, his heart beginning to heal. Angels! His faith in goodness was about to be restored. * * * “ I don’t believe this!” Deliah stared at her friends tiredly. In turn, both of them were looking at her warily. “ I just want to know what is happening! Why does everyone acts as if my husband is really dead!” her voice was raised a tenor higher. Mariah jumped and said guardedly, “ But Deliah, when are you going to accept it? I mean, he is either dead or if he isn't, he won't come back.” Deliah glared at her friend heatedly, “ And you are supposed to be my friend!” Nashra interrupted gently, “ This is nothing to do with it. You have to move on to the next chapter of your life. Whining will not help at all.” Deliah bit her lips, stung by her friend’s frankness. “ All we can do now is pray.” Nashra said softly. Deliah looked up at her, pleading, “ But I had felt him; I was so close... I can’t just let go like that! I must look for him!” “ You have already tried that. Besides, Zamon is a man. If he’s alive, he can fend for himself.” Nashra reminded gently. Deliah closed her eyes. She knew that her friends were right. She must let go; for the time being. She must. God will take care of the rest. Numbly, she nodded an agreement. ~Chapter 8~ Shadows danced across her face as she sat on the grasses, staring at the little grey stone that was planted at the back of the village fields. Mixed emotions flickered across her heart. It was a new addition. Silently, she read the words engraved on it; Zamon. Deliah’s eyes were tearless as she bowed her head in the cemetery. She had no more tears to cry. It was all a lie anyway. Zamon was not really dead. No matter what others said, she still refused to believe it. With a sudden strength of new resolve, she stood up, her chin raised defiantly. She will pray everyday, and until Zamon returns, she had a mission to carry out. * * * Chief Jeuel observed Deliah intently. After her miraculous recovery, he had been afraid that Deliah would not recover spiritually. Hence, it was to his amazement, when instead of moping about her house with that famous forlorn look of hers, she had been busying herself with...of all things, cooking! He shook his head, a smile tugging up the corner of his lips. He will never be able to figure her out. Deliah arched her eyebrow, “ And may I ask, what is just so funny?” Jeuel shook his head, smiling while eyeing her figure appreciatively. It was then he noticed a slight swell in her abdomen. He recalled suddenly that it had seemed that she have put on some weight weeks ago. As it had not been that obvious, he had dismissed it. But now, the swell seemed more obvious than before. “ Deliah, you haven’t been eating much, have you?” he asked suddenly. Deliah looked at him, puzzled at the sudden change of topic. “ Why do you ask? You were never interested in my eating habits before.” Jeuel wondered how to probe further into the delicate issue. “ This is going to sound weird, and I’m not saying that you are fat, in fact, you are not. You have a beautiful figure...” Deliah stared at him in amazement, it was the first time she had seen Jeuel so rattled. He was almost blabbering. Jeuel took in a deep breath and went straight to the point, “ What I meant to ask was, have you been eating a lot suddenly?” Deliah’s mouth dropped open, “ No, why? What’s wrong?” Jeuel turned ashen, “ It’s just a theory, but I think that you may be pregnant.” Deliah looked shocked and when the words finally registered in her mind, she simply had to sit down. It was just too much to take in. You may be pregnant. That means a baby! A baby of my very own. We must have created a child that night; the night before Zamon left. A bubble of joy burst forth in her heart. For the first time since her wedding day, she felt full of happiness. She had been blessed by God. Silently, she thanked him with tears. “ Jeuel, please, don’t tell anyone yet. I want it to be a secret,” Deliah said suddenly. She hugged the secret to her heart and touched her abdomen longingly, knowing now that a baby is forming inside of her. Jeuel looked at her and nodded, emotions clogged in his throat. Then he turned his face away, masking his feelings of sudden jealousy. * * * After months, Zamon had grown haggard with dark longish hair. It covered part of his face, concealing his hollow cheeks. His ragged cotton shirt did little to hide his gaunt deformed body. His fingers and feet had now curled slightly and he had started feeling difficulty in walking. On the outside, Zamon seemed withered and old, but it was the inside that was numbed without emotions. Now, Zamon scanned the horizon with bated breath, blending in with the trees. She should be coming any moment now. He was waiting, waiting for this ‘angel’. It had almost been six months since the debut where his angel had mysteriously delivered the bag of food. And she had continued coming every fortnight. After waiting out for her these few months, he managed to gather that she always came on the same day of the week, precisely at about mid-afternoon. But somehow, he had never seen her. His green eyes searched the place again. How he longed to see this dream person, this unbelievable angel. His train of thoughts screeched to a halt when a flash of red hair caught his eyes. She was here! He observed her back intently, repressing his excitement at the verge of disclosure of the angel. Soon, he could see how she looked like. Soon. He watched her lugging up two gray bags to the entrance of the cave. The angel stared poignantly at his home for a while before finally turning back. He eyed her pregnant figure disapprovingly and let his eyes travelled up to her face. It was then that his heart stopped as he saw the familiar sweet beautiful face. Deliah! His heart roared in sudden fierce nostalgia. It had been getting harder these days to conjure up the memory of her face. It had been getting bleary and he knew that it was for the best. But now... the sudden shock at seeing her again was too much. Raw pain pierced through his heart and tears came into his eyes as the emotions that he had caged up were unlocked suddenly. He was forced to acknowledge the depths of his longing for her. He stared at her and balled his hands into a fist, anger dawning across his face. Deliah was actually the much enamored angel. His wife was the angel! Zamon felt a sudden urge to rush across and give her a good shaking with his deformed hands. What was she doing here! He wanted to scream. She was supposed to be safe and sound in the little hut he had made for her! He had undergone all the trauma just to keep her away from him, only to find out that she had been so near! Upset, he sank down shakily. This cannot be happening to me. I do not believe this! He jumped when he heard the leaves rustling. “Damn! She’s coming this way!” he cursed under his breath. Mustn’t see me. She must not see me. Not like this. Too dangerous! Thoughts scattered frantically as he tried not to panic. He struggled to get up on his feet, then sank down again when the lovely angel came into view. He buried his face deep within his knees, his long hair covering part of him and became still. Deliah was startled when she saw a man sitting at the foot of a tree. Colour left her face when she saw the hideous lumps on his body. He was in an awkward position and she grew concerned at his motionless state. “ Sir, are you alright?” she asked tentatively. Zamon closed his eyes and did not answer her, yet cherishing her sweet voice at the same time. Bewildered, Deliah started to reach out and was shocked when the man growled warningly, “ If you value your life, don’t touch me. Go away. Get out of here as fast as you can!” Deliah backed away, speechless. “ Wha-” “ I said go!” he rasped out. There was stunned silence. Zamon knew that his wife was watching him - either she was that stubborn, or ignorant. “ Go away! Can’t you see that I’m a leper!” He lifted his head suddenly, confident that his wife would not recognize him, what with his hideousness and all. “ What’s the matter with you?” he spat out bitterly. Pity was evident in her face as she stared down compassionately at him. He couldn’t bear it. He couldn’t bear that look on her face. “ You are supposed to run! I’m dangerous! Go away! Leave me alone!” His green eyes flashed angrily, challenging her to stay. Perplexed, Deliah stared into those emerald eyes. They were somehow achingly familiar. A feeling was coming over her; it was a subtle burst of wave and it started to generate into a tornado, stirring up her mixed feelings, exploding and shattering her entire being. All of a sudden, she couldn’t breathe; she was suffocating. She knew. Her confused mind had never been so clear before. “ Zamon!” she cried out, her voice raw. “ It is you!” Sobs wracked her frame as flames of pain burned within her. Zamon shuddered and tore his gaze from the damp tendrils wrapped around her neck. “ Everyone thought that you were dead! Why Zamon? Why does this have to happen to both of us?” she wept brokenly, tears clinging to her dark eyelashes. Zamon bowed his head, refusing to let his wife see the tears that was flooded in his eyes. “ Now you know why I had to leave,” he said quietly, torment laced in his voice. Deliah reached out her hands, aching to touch him; to feel him. “ Don’t!” he gasped. Deliah’s hands stilled, touching only air; the invisible barrier. Her husband was so near... yet she couldn’t touch him. It had been so long, too long. A shuddering sob broke out. “ I love you, Zamon! It hurts, Zamon, to know that I’ve found you, only to lose you again! Oh, the wretched pain!” She pressed her hands against her heart, her face in anguish. “ To think,” she paused in agony, “ that my baby will never have a father!” At that, Zamon interrupted, an odd look on his face, “ Whose baby?” “ Why, ours! I’m going to have your baby, Zamon!” Deliah whispered, tears smudged on her face. Zamon felt a sudden surge of happiness when he heard that. A baby. It had been what he had always wanted and dreamt of when he had been with Deliah. He looked at his wife with fierce protectiveness, something inner lighting his demeanor. Then, it all died down when he was reminded of the disease in his body. Yes, he had always wanted a baby, but that was in the past. He shook his head bitterly. Now Zamon wished that his wife had never told him that he was going to be a father. Before the coming of this angel, he had accepted that leprosy had caused him to lose his wife. He hadn’t known that he was to lose another most precious gift on earth. Now, he have to accept all over again that he was to lose his baby, through leprosy too. He closed his eyes, sealing his heart and blocking his view of his wife. What he will be doing next will hurt her even more, but it can’t be helped. Zamon struggled to get up, ignoring the look of pity on Deliah’s face. “ Deliah, it’s best if you go away and don’t ever come back. My friends and I appreciate the food that you have brought for us, but this is the last time. I don’t want you to come back. Go!” Deliah stared after him, shocked. She couldn’t believe it! This was not her husband speaking. He would never hurt her like this! What he had just said was like a sharp slap on her face, disregarding her feelings. He couldn’t just walk away from her. Not like this. Not after all that she had gone through. “ Zamon, don’t do this to me. Please, don’t block me out of your life. We are in this together.” Deliah started trembling as he continued limping away. “ Zamon!” Deliah’s anguish was so evident in her voice that it tore right straight through his heart. Zamon stopped for a moment, his heart heavy with grief. “ Not anymore, Deliah. Not anymore.” Deliah let out a cry as he disappeared from her view, the harsh cruel words resounding in her mind. She couldn’t believe it. Zamon had discarded her so easily like a rag doll. He didn’t even say that he loved her. She had thought that he had loved her. Now, she wasn’t so sure anymore. Deliah closed her reddened eyes wearily, too tired to cry. ~Chapter 9~ The village women eyed Deliah’s figure with venom. It was late by the time she had reached home and she was confused and tired. Deliah ignored the women’s whisperings behind her back. She knew that they were talking about her. For the last few months, when her pregnancy had really begun to show, Deliah had been the object of their cruel gossips. She knew that no one believed that Zamon was the father of her baby. It was a widely-known fact that Chief Jeuel, now the highly enamored bachelor in the village, had been hanging around her home almost every week. Women were spiteful of that fact alone and now, there was a new suspicion; Jeuel was actually the father of her baby. That gossip spread like wild-fire when it started and now, the taunting had gone so bad that she had to struggle each day to keep her head high with dignity. “ The unfaithful little actress. She fooled all of us into believing that she actually loves her husband. When he is dead and gone, she turned to Chief Jeuel and charmed him into bedding her. It’s no wonder Zamon’s dead.” Deliah stiffened when she heard the menace in a woman’s voice. Controlling the urge to cry, she had to force herself not to run towards the safety and warmth of her house. Must be strong. Mustn’t cry. Must not cry! She fled into her little hut and only when she reached it that she flung herself on her mattress and let the dam of water broke. She wept for her husband, she sobbed for the child inside of her; she cried for herself. “ Deliah?” a man breathed softly, “ What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Deliah lifted her head to see Jeuel staring at her, anxious at her tears. She had been so busy lamenting with self-pity that she had not hear the door opened. Jeuel grew extremely concerned at her red-rimmed eyes, “ What’s wrong, Deliah? If it’s the village women who have been bothering you, tell me. I’ll handle it.” Deliah shook her bent head, her long hair hiding the continuous flood of water, “ It’s nothing to do with it, Jeuel. Please leave me alone. I want to be by myself.” Jeuel bowed his head for a moment, and then he left her, silently cursing her damn pride. She had never let him in. Even when she was most vulnerable, her walls were always kept up, forbidding him to probe further, or come any nearer to her. Jeuel shook his head, then his mood shifted to anger when he saw Deliah’s tears again. He wanted so badly to hurt the person who had hurt Deliah. Jeuel clenched his fist tightly. * * * That night, as Deliah wrapped her arms around herself, she uttered the most sincere prayer of her life. Dear God, help me. Now that I know my husband is alive, I pray that you do something to ease his pain. The legend suddenly floated into her mind. It was the one fable that everyone had scorned as a myth. It tells the story of a God that came down as man. His name was Jesus Christ. During his time on earth, he did many miraculous things; one of those was the healing of ten lepers. Deliah gazed up at the ceiling, seeing yet unseeing. Lord, now there are ten lepers too. They are in desperate need of your healing. I pray for a miracle. I’m asking for the impossible. I want Zamon home with me, healed. Deliah inhaled shakily. Thank you, Lord. * * * The prayer floated into the heavens. Sitting at the Father’s right hand was the Lord Jesus Christ. He heard the sincere prayer and offered it to his Father, who nodded. Then, his hands went down; all the way down to earth, down to a little rural village on the border between Galilee and Samaria, down to where Deliah laid on her mattress, tears coursing down her face. Gently and lovingly, Jesus let his presence enveloped around her being. He watched as her tears stopped flowing and a small smile spread across her face. Soon, her breathing grew steady. She was asleep. * * * Zamon was in the cave with the other lepers when it happened. A bright light filled the cave and he could hear exclamations coming from his bewildered friends. Their home started shaking. Everywhere was upheaval. Sounds were reverberating as stones and pebbles clattered noisily to the floor. A loud sonic boom. And then, there was silence. Zamon opened his eyes, shading them immediately with his hands as the glare of the light blinded him. From the murmuring of his friends, he could gather that the others were awakening too. Curiosity pushed him to the entrance of the cave and his jaws dropped as a magnificent sight greeted him. From where he stood, he could see villages scattered everywhere. In fact, in a far distance, he could just make out a Temple built in gold. The others joined him and they stood awestruck at the beauty of it. Zamon rubbed his eyes; he knew with a sudden clarity, that all these weren’t there before. Somehow, as unbelievable as it sounds, somehow, they were transported back into history; into another era. It was then that the commotion broke through their senses. A man ran past the cave suddenly, shouting in ecstasy, “ I can see! Praise the Lord, I can see!” Zamon stepped out of the cave and peered at a throng of crowd that were coming up the hill. The atmosphere was different. Excitement was buzzing in the air and occasionally, he could pick out some phrases. The air seemed to be whispering the name, ‘Jesus’. Jesus. The hairs on Zamon’s arm prickled. The ten lepers stood motionless, captivated as they stared at the man who stood out among the crowd. Somehow, they knew. Somehow, they knew that he was Jesus; God and man. Entranced, Zamon could not tear his eyes away from Jesus. Then Jesus looked straight at him and Zamon felt a tug on his heart. Love had been so evident in Jesus’s eyes; it simply melted away the barriers of bitterness and hatred. Jesus seemed to be beckoning him. Zamon felt an uncontrollable urge to run to the Lord. The ten lepers moved towards Jesus, seeing only Him. They didn’t see the disgusted look and horrified look everyone else had. They didn’t see the twelve disciples trying to restrain Jesus from walking towards the lepers. They did not hear the appalling screams of, “ Unclean lepers!” All they saw was the look on Jesus’s face. They knew that he wanted to heal them. Zamon knew that he have to ask Jesus by himself for healing, “ Jesus, sir, have mercy on us!” Jesus looked at him and said gently, “ Go to the Jewish priest. Show him that you are healed.” Zamon glanced down at his ugly body and knew that physically, leprosy still dwelled in him. Then, as he looked up at Jesus, faith blossomed and he knew that he would be healed, just as Jesus had said. Slowly, the ten lepers limped towards the village, the crowd parting silently for them. As they made their way to the Temple, Zamon felt a strange sensation. It was as if a sudden wind had whipped out their breath and cold water splashed, on their inner soul cleansing them thoroughly. Scarcely daring to breath, Zamon looked down at himself, and saw a new body. Leprosy had left him and all traces of skin diseases were gone! He glanced at his fingers and saw that they were restored to humanity. He tested his feet and found that he could walk without difficulties! Bubbles of jubilance burst forth and he wept, rapture on his face. The other lepers were shouting in exultation. Banual grabbed him in a sudden bear hug and Zamon glimpsed his friend’s new face. It was different. His face had also been restored its humanity; a normal nose could now breathe in the smell of flowers. Tears coursed down Zamon’s face and he felt as if his heart would burst! He had to thank Jesus for this miracle. Miracles do exist after all, God is real and living! Zamon ran all the way back to the cave in exhilaration. He had to thank the Lord! Jesus had now given him back his life which had been stolen away by the devil. Jesus had given him back his wife, and the opportunity to be a father. Zamon was now the richest man on earth; he was given back his family. Zamon’s heart was full of euphoria as he raced back, almost dancing. When he saw the crowd in a distance, he started shouting in ebullience, “ Glory to God, I’m healed!” He could hear everyone murmuring when they saw him. They knew him; he was the tenth leper. Then, Zamon saw Jesus and fell flat on the ground in front of Him. He didn’t care that his face was in the dust, he didn’t care that everyone was watching. All he knew was that he had been healed by this wonderful Jesus. “ Thank you, Jesus! Thank you!” he sobbed, tears mingling with dust. Jesus pulled Zamon to his feet and into his arms in a sudden warm embrace. The fact that Zamon stank of repulsiveness and appalling odour did not fazed him at all. Jesus kissed Zamon on the forehead gently. Then, he looked beyond Zamon. Where are the other nine? His eyes questioned. Zamon turned around. There were no sight of his other friends. A sudden raw pain of horror and shame punched right at his guts. “ I’m sorry.” He whispered. Jesus smiled ruefully and shook his head, “ It’s alright.” Then he tousled Zamon’s dark hair affectionately, “ You may go. Your faith has made you well.” Zamon closed his eyes, in revelation at the God-Man in front of him. Return to your home, child. Your wife needs you. Zamon heard a soft voice in his inner being. He opened his eyes and darkness greeted him. He was no longer in open space. In fact, it seemed as if he was in a small enclosed room. All of a sudden, he knew that he was no longer in history. He was back. ~Epilogue~ Zamon blinked a few times, adjusting to the sudden change of darkness; it was no more bright daylight. Only the shaft of light that filtered through the window hinted that it was almost dawn. Zamon gazed around the seemingly familiar room he was in. Then he saw a woman lying on a mattress on the ground. His heart stopped as he stared his sleeping wife. Deliah! A light ray caught the dry tear stains on her cheeks. She had been crying. Slowly and achingly, he bent down reached out for her. Deliah had been dreaming the most wonderful dream. She had felt her husband. He was near her. Then, he reached out and she had really felt him. Deliah almost died when she felt those familiar gentle hands running through her hair and face. Deliah hadn’t wanted the dream to end. It was too impossible and beautiful. A lonely tear slipped out from her eyelid and made its journey down her face. Zamon caught the tear and watched as it splashed onto his hand. “ I’m so sorry,” he choked, tears welling into his eyes. Then Deliah’s eyes were opened. She was staring into his green eyes. Then, she closed her eyes again, muttering miserably, “ I don’t want to wake up. I don’t want this beautiful dream to end-” Someone was calling her name. Deliah struggled to keep herself in sleep but the voice was too deep and familiar. She knew that voice - it had been imprinted in her memory since forever. Zamon, those familiar beautiful emerald eyes... “ Zamon!” Deliah stiffened in sudden shock; she was wide awake now, staring into those stormy green eyes. They were dark with emotions. “ What? How-” Deliah stared at her husband in disbelief. She rubbed her eyes, and gasped faintly. He was still beside her, as real as a man. “ Zamon!” she inhaled sharply, shuddering with emotions. Zamon grabbed his wife, holding her close to him, protectively and freely. All invisible barriers were cast away as he kissed her fiercely.“ A miracle happened,” he whispered, touching her everywhere, driven with an urgent need for her. It had been God knows how long. Too long. All his love that was bottled up now exploded and rained on his wife. “ Deliah,” he moaned achingly, “ I love you so much!” Deliah wept, calling out his name as she clutched his dark hair, their tears mingling together. That night, husband and wife were one; their souls intertwined, blossomed and exploded. A miracle had restored unto the tenth leper a new chapter of life. © Shamane J.T, 2003 |