Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/702012-Wings
by Noir
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #702012
A night a girl earns her wings
It was a dark and stormy night, she stood quietly in the dark as she was told to . . . lightning struck, illuminating the room and also her features, she was tall, slender, her skin soft and golden against the sharp light, her luxurious hair, shining like a raven's wing.

She felt the weight of his presence before actually laying eyes upon him, the fine hairs on her body stood on end, and then slowly he came into view, He moved like a predator, fluidly, muscles rippling beneath sleek skin.

Her hand moved to her throat in alarm and she took a step back. He stilled, waited, intense eyes of molten silver piercing the veil of darkness. Something in his eyes told her to fear him but she stood her ground and waited for his approach . . . Yet, He did not move.

His voice and eyes played over her flesh like fingers . . . "Come,” heat flooded her senses and she moved toward him, dark eyes skimming over silver ones she followed the simple movement of his fingers and she melted to her knees before Him

Her tongue peeked out and moistened her dry lips, she looked up at him and trembled, unsure of what he expected. He moved to her side, fingers lifting the heavy mass of hair from her back, she shifted her weight on her heels and growled at her . . . " Close your eyes"

She obeyed without question, heavy lashes fluttering shut as she waited for her next command, temporarily blind, her other senses were heightened, hearing his every movement. She turned her head toward him and a cold object stilled her turn.

Her hands trembled upon her thighs, she fought the wave of tears that were threatening to spill . . . hoping and praying it was not what she thought. The cold steel pressed against her cheek in a loving caress and he chuckled as he noticed the tensing of her body.

He tested the weight of the weapon in his palm, a 9-mm semi automatic. He ejected the magazine and studied it before ramming the clip back into its housing. The pistol was fully loaded. She cringed at the audible click and she knew her fears were now a reality . . . she was terrified of guns.

"Scared of a little gun?" He said softly as he moved the weapon once more across the column of her neck.

She moved away from the cold touch of steel, the mass of inky black locks spreading out like a veil around her. Her soft doe like brown eyes shimmered with fear. He inhaled deeply and chuckled. Her fear fueling his hunger for more, He nudged her from behind with the toe of his boot, His laughter grating on her nerves.

Fire leapt into her eyes as he continued to taunt her. Again, she moved away, her palms resting on the floor as she turned to peer over her shoulder, a look of contempt blazing in her eyes. He growled as he twisted his hand in her silken hair, yanking her back upon her heels. Tightening His hold, until her head lolled back upon her shoulders, tugging the delicate flesh of her throat tautly.

Her heartbeat thundered in her ears and she gazed up at the cold pewter look he returned. His eyes never leaving hers, He leaned forward, hand tightened savagely and she winced. He captured her lips in a brutal kiss, one that proclaimed possession. Her body wept with need and wanting . . . it always happened when he was near and he touched her. He pushed the barrel of the gun to her lips; He outlined her lips with the weapon.

His low, throaty voice sounded more like a growl. " Take it in your mouth . . . like a good girl."

A low moan of alarm escaped her lips as his words penetrated the haze she was in. Her throat seemed to close off, being so near tears. She was silent, afraid to fight on this matter; she closed her eyes, long lashes concealing her warring emotions.

"Take it into your mouth, pet." His voice was tender, almost like a caress. It slipped under her skin, producing an unexpected ache.

Her entire being responded to him and she slowly opened her mouth. He turned to her and smiled a show of gleaming white teeth. She growled softly knowing he had won this round. As if reading her thoughts, he shoved the barrel of the gun into her mouth.

"Suck it, Show me how well you use that mouth of yours other than mouthing off to me." He sneered.

She wrapped her lips around the cold metal, her tongue swirling around it, warming it with the heat of her mouth. Tentatively she probed the metallic opening, in her mind’s eye seeing the velvety head of his cock, her tongue seeking the delicious drop of his precum. She moaned softly as she took more and more of the weapon into her mouth, lost in the image that her mind created. Him. He rammed the pistol down her throat, causing her to gag and the sound of the hammer being pulled back snapped her out of the world she envisioned.

She pulled away rapidly, cowering back against the wall, away from the cold weapon and the cold steely eyes of her Master.

"Why?" She squeaked out softly

"Ah, my pet, Have you not learned anything during our time together . . . ? It simply pleases me." He replied with a smile and that cocky attitude of his.

He took a step toward her; she bared her teeth, and made a low hiss of an affront. Her eyes darted to the front door and he sidestepped, blocking her escape. She rose unsteadily to her feet, and then with a burst of energy she whipped across the room, trying to rush past him. His arm snaked out, catching her quickly to him.

"Arrrgh." She choked out, as his arm tightens like a noose around her neck, jerking her head back.

"Going somewhere, slut?" His strong masculine voice whispered against her ear.

"Master!" She said in a suffocated whisper.

He licked her exposed ear as a final insult and she felt total outrage all the way down to her toes. She struggled against his imprisoning hold as soft mumbled curses spilled forth. She tried to squirm free, turning in his grasp; she pounded at his chest like a wild thing. He stepped back a moment, and the unexpected strike to her cheek tore a cry from her throat. That stilled her for a moment, she looked up, blinded by her hair that tumbled wildly about her as she resumed her struggles.

She tossed her head back, swiping at the dark strands that clung to her face. Lifting a slender hand to her inflamed cheek, she quietly glared up at him. Again, He took a hold of her hair in his unyielding grasp and dragged her behind him. Leading her to the basement door, to their game room as she fought against his hold, clawing at the hand that held her close to him.

"Please" she whispered hoarsely.

He chuckled " Ah, yes. The pleading, the fire, the fight, then once again the pleading . . . I know all your tactics, pet."

He pulled her up roughly, bringing her flush against his hard body; she shivered as she felt the firm outline of the gun safely tucked in the waistband of his pants. She feared this man when he was in one of his "moods.” Yet, she could not resist the smile that curled her luscious lips. The obvious smart ass remark popping into her thoughts " Is that a gun in Your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" She clamped her lips together and refrained from opening her mouth. A difficult task but one she accomplished.

His hand brushed the side of her red cheek in a long caress, His thumb feathering across her lower lip as his gaze lowered to the girl. He could feel the hunger growing in him every day and he knew he could not stop the hunger unless he gave in to it. He needed a taste of the tall beauty before him. Soon. Now. He curled his hand around her upper arm, tugging her over to one side as he yanked open the door that led down to the room.

He waited for her to proceed down the stairs as he quietly followed. He watched her closely the way she walked, her hips swaying like a breeze and her chest heaving with her every breath. He could actually hear the soft beats of her heart and the rush of blood in her veins. He gave a quiet snort also sensing the fire within her and the fact that she was simply bidding her time.

"She was like a cat in heat and she loved games . . . mostly his games. And, there was definitely more than one way to skin a cat."

He laughed.

At the sound she turned around and glared at him. He laughed once again and pushed her forward, her feet missing one of the steps and she fell to the bottom, landing on her back.

"How . . . dare . . . You?" She sputtered.

"Stop it! " She hissed.

The look on his face was mean and vicious that she recoiled.
First one tear, then another escaped her brimming eyes. A muffled sob filled the quiet room then slowly she peered up at him through watery brown eyes. Instead of going away he hunkered down in front of her, His arms on his widespread knees. Instinctively she shifted her body so they would not touch. She knew what his touch would do to her. And, she avoided it at all costs.

That annoyed him, of course, He moved closer. Now His inner knees bracketed her body. She cursed herself . . . "why couldn’t she simply back down and let him have his way? But nooooo something inside her would rear its ugly head." Instead of leaning away from him she moved into him. Feeling the heat that radiated from his body, His lips were almost touching hers. He felt her breath against his mouth as she inhaled and exhaled with strong emotions.

Their eyes held the entire time, His in challenge and hers in defiance.

She seethed at him, then slowly scrambled away, stomping ahead of him.

Her Master clawed his hands and stretched them out toward her neck. A low ferocious growl emerged from his throat that would have made any beast proud. He leaned over her; He placed his hand to her throat to hold her in place, with his wide thumb resting on the pulse at the base of her neck.

He crushed his mouth to hers, forcing her lips wider with his own, and his tongue pushed slowly and deeply into her mouth, His tongue withdrawing and plunging again. Instead of resisting, she dug her fingers into his chest as his mouth raped her delicate lips. She murmured one word and one word only against his lips " Master."

He broke away from the kiss, admired his pet . . . The girl’s unbound raven black hair swirling forward, her lips bruised by his touch, the quickening of her heart and labored breaths. He snorted and threw her to one side as if she were nothing.

Her hand automatically went to her swollen lips and she quietly looked up at him. She watched him lean back against the pool table that dominated the room, His ice cold glare ricocheting over her form before sweeping the surroundings of the room.

" Come to me" He said softly.

She lifted her head proudly and squared her chin before proceeding to obey. Her heart skipped a beat as she rose unsteadily to her feet. " Could He tell she was quivering inside?" She thought. She was afraid but even so, the stubborn streak she rarely attempted to rein in was apparent in everything she did.

She froze in her tracks. She spun around in shock as she stared at him and then at the girl who quietly approached. She seemed to glide toward them in all her grace and femininity. Light to his darkness. Chestnut locks swirling around her as she joined his side. Her eyes damning her, speaking volumes to her in a mere gaze "See what your haughty attitude has brought you . . . you will never know the bond that we share."

She recoiled as if she were slapped and she settled back on her heels, dark eyes always in motion as she gazed around through her lowered lashes, fingers curled into the soft supple flesh of her thigh, wincing as her nails broke through her skin.

He pulled the girl into his embrace and he nuzzled the top of her head with his cheek. Whispered words reached the girl on the floor as she listened quietly. She looked up to see the couple standing before her and her heart swelled with love for them. But she knew that she would be forever repenting for the deeds of the past. " You risked our friendship for him." Time and time again it echoed through her mind. She wanted the bond they use to have . . . But it would be forever lost. She tried to make things better now . . . but barriers were thrown up and she could no longer scale them.

"No more!" her mind screamed.

She was different; stronger . . . she felt the tentative touch of her sister as it slowly invaded her mind. And she slammed it shut . . . distancing herself. Wrapping herself up in the one person she could trust and talk to, she slowly immersed herself in his presence, in His Dominance and love.

She let her eyes roam over her sister for a moment, and she licked her lips... ah, but she still wanted to fuck her. That would never change, they were good together and it had been ages since they shared an intimate moment.

She smiled. The beast within was once again on the prowl, rising in one fluid motion, she moved toward them, in what one would call a prance. Dark hair bounced as she moved. Hips made for sin swayed dangerously, a tantalizing temptation. His steely gaze heated for a moment despite his anger.

Again, He pulled the girl to him as he watched his other slut settle into to a kneel before him. Her knees kissing the floor, her back straightened, a chin lifted, shoulders rolled back and a hand slid along her curves coming to rest on her silky thighs.
He turned to his girl and commanded softly " bring the items I requested earlier"

She looked at the girl as she moved away, obeying without question, retrieving the items he needed, she quietly took mental notes on how to glide away . . . apparently not a skill she had mastered as of yet. But perhaps one day "Ok, so she would not hold her breath on mastering that particular skill . . . but she would try."

She opened her mouth to say something . . .

"Do . . . NOT . . . talk" He said through clenched teeth, and he picked her up by the waist, tossing her high in the air and onto the massive pool table.

She landed on her back, legs and arms splayed wide. She gasped for breath, the unexpected slam to the table robbing her of much needed air.

He chuckled " I thought all cats landed on their feet?"

He bent down and began to caress her inner thighs with his fingertips. They slowly found their way to her sex, prying the soft folds of her cunt, His thumb feathering over the tight little bud of her clit. She began to moan softly, at first, then louder and louder until he could tell she was about to cum. He stopped abruptly in the middle of her ecstasy and her brows furrowed a moment in disappointment.

She heard the silent whispered footfalls of the girl as she approached with the items. He placed them on the mahogany rail of the pool table and turned to her.

"On your belly, Kara." He spoke softly . . . But it was definitely a command and not a request.

He held his hand out and cold metal handcuffs were placed gently on it as he waited for her to do his bidding.


She scrambled onto her belly, spreading her arms and legs out for him. He instructed her sister to move to the other side of the table and cuff her right hand and ankle. She moved quietly and took her wrist in her hands. She turned her hand and captured her sister’s hand. Dark eyes raked over her sister’s features for a moment and she smiled. Her sister smiled back as she tucked her slender hand in the right corner pocket. Cuffing her and sealing her fate, Her sister continued with her task so she turned to her Master and watched quietly as he did the same to her left side.

He grasped her leg roughly, and cuffed her ankle securely. She was stretched as far as she could go now, every part of her exposed and vulnerable, ready for him.

He walked around to her, holding a ball gag in his hands. She looked up at him and quietly begged. " Please, Master . . . No. Please."

She felt fingers lifting the heavy mane off her back, and he slipped the ball firmly into her mouth as he tied it off under the silken curtain of her hair. Soft gentle fingers treaded through her hair, leaving it off her back and allowing it to billow over one shoulder, spilling over the rail and to the side.

She arched in protest and keened low in her throat. Her nipples grew into hard points against the softness of the cloth and her breasts swelled with excitement.
He worked methodically, preparing the items before her. A rolled piece of supple leather was extended out . . . her eyes widen as she took inventory of the different sizes of scalpels that lay in a gleaming row.

She couldn’t escape, couldn’t move, and couldn’t call out. She was his plaything. She began to writhe on the hard table, trying to find a way to move or to get away or something.

He bent over her; His tongue traced a path over her pulse before sharp white teeth scraped the sensitive flesh. She clenched her tiny fists, and pulled her feet, causing the cuffs to tighten and graze her skin as she tugged sharply. She bowed her back and tried to turn away from one side to the other, To no avail.

He brushed his fingertips over her sex and they came away glistening, She heard his sharp intake of breath at the sight then softly heard his quiet laughter. She squeezed her eyes shut, angry at her body’s betrayal. He took two fingers and entered her tightness quick and hard. She jumped at the painful entry, then began to uncontrollably react to his sliding motion between her legs. She cried through the gag, yet, her body undulated against his probing fingers. She could have screamed with sweet agony at the soft, wet, slurping sounds that filled the room.

He ran his fingers along the smooth expansion of skin on her back; He took a moment to look into her eyes. He caressed her cheek, then slowly wiped the white droplet of spittle that trickled around the corner of her mouth where the gag didn’t quite fit as well.

Moving away from her for a moment, He ran his fingers across the neat row of gamma sterilized blades. He chose a #10 blade; it was designed to glide with a smooth, clean precision for less tissue trauma and faster recovery. And, of course, He wanted to use her again . . . soon.

He smiled again and began to make the first incision, the cut just barely enough to separate the skin, He drew the blade across the skin three more times before moving to another line across her shoulder blade. A sobbing moan slipped past her lips as fire surged through her veins. Blood now flowed freely down her side, tickling the swell of her breast as it pressed hard against the table.

She screamed as hard as she could but he barely heard through the gag. Every muscle in her body tensed with pain as it steadily rose up and across her back and into her mind. He continued to make cut after cut. When He stepped back to admire the intricate bloody pattern across her back, He smiled, pleased with his handiwork. She had stopped screaming and began to quietly whimper, the pain becoming a dull throb across her back. With His first set of cuts complete, He waved his hand and her sister handed him a sniffer filled with the fiery amber liquid. Cognac.

Reaching under the dark inky mass, He released the gag . . . feeling it loosen. Her head reared back and she spit the offensive object from her mouth.

"Master." She spoke softly . . .

She bit her lip to keep them from trembling and she shook her head, sending a tangle of shiny black ribbons of hair cascading around her face and onto her back. She shifted on the table and she screamed, her movements opening up the wounds on her left side.

He looked at her quietly; the sniffer cradled in his hand as his molten gaze pierced her soul.

She lifted a tear-stained face to her sister and whimpered softly. With a soft command of her Master . . . Her sister floated away. And she was left alone.
His gaze slowly raked over her bloody form, and she shivered as if it were a physical caress. He tipped the delicate crystal containing the amber liquid, allowing the fiery contents to splash over the wounds on her back. She screamed again . . . the wail resounding in the basement room. Her skin was on fire now. The hot pool within grew even hotter and began to seep outside of her body, bathing her form in a light sheen of sweat. Stricken gaze shifts to him and found herself choking on a panic as she watched him pick up the scalpel once more.

He set the blade against her flesh and sliced open the smooth skin, the flow of blood following in its wake. Darts of fire raced through her blood stream as she struggled to break free of her restraints.

Her cries of pain filled the room, then slowly subsided into small gasps of breath; she was weaving in and out of consciousness. He growled. And poured the remaining amber liquid onto her freshly cut flesh. She gave a final gasp as white-hot lance of pain and intense pleasure washed over her. Her body arched upward and felt the blade sink deeper than any of the other cuts he was working on. He released her . . . and pulled her to him.

"God!" She cried as the intense pain filled her whole body as she moved causing the wounds to part and renew the flow of blood. Her shoulder blades were on fire and she leaned into him for support. Crimson trails streaked her back, the tickling on her flesh as it moved downward. He whipped her hair around her shoulder, revealing his design. He wrapped his arms around her, His fingernails raking over the wounds . . .

He growled softly as he held her, His hands now covered with her blood . . .

"My raven finally got her wings."

Wings of blood were proudly displayed across her back.

© Copyright 2003 Noir (rayven at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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