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Part Two of I'll Always Remember |
This is Part 2 of I'lL Always Remember Back home in Washington, Noah was feeling quite the opposite. “I can’t believe that she’s really gone.” Noah was complaining to Roxanne over the phone as he watched TV. “Noah, quit stressing over it. She’s fine.” Roxanne was saying. “So, when do you leave for college?” “Three more weeks.” He said. “We’ll have to get together before you leave. I’ve missed seeing you around.” She said. Noah muted the TV. “What did you say?” he asked, hoping that he heard her wrong. “We’ll have to get together soon.” “After that.” “I’ve missed you Noah. I didn’t realize how much until you weren’t around anymore.” She breathed into the phone. Noah shook his head. “I have to go Roxanne. It was nice talking to you.” He hung up the phone, not waiting for a reply. He quickly dialed Adeline’s cell phone number. “Hello?” she answered. He breathed again. “Hey sweetheart.” He said, closing his eyes to picture her face. “Hey Noah. Is it something wrong?” she asked. “No. I just wanted to hear your voice.” He told her. “It’s good to hear yours too.” He could hear he smile. He heard moving in the background. “What are you up to?” he asked, trying to make the conversation longer. “Just unpacking. Noah, it’s so beautiful here. I love it already. The headmaster is a big teddy bear and his wife is just adorable. I can’t wait for you to come here and see everything.” She said. “Me either.” “Well, honey I have to go. Some of the other students are starting to arrive. Love you.” She hurried. “I love you too. Bye. “Bye sweetie.” She hung up. Noah took a deep breath, glad that she was safe and having fun, yet envious the whole time also. Adeline was in Europe with those European guys… man he had a lot to worry about. “Welcome to Royalland!” Mrs. Coller greeted the students that were coming in. Boys and girls filled the hallway of the grand school. They all nodded at her greeting. “I’m sure that these next couple of years are going to prove worthwhile and fun. Come, let’s get unpacked then to dinner!” she laughed, showing the girls to their rooms and the boys to theirs. Each student had his or her own room and camera’s to use. As Adeline walked around the school, she saw boys and girls clicking away at pictures of different things. She backed right up into Headmaster Coller, without realizing it. “I am so sorry.” She apologized to him. He was an elderly man, around 60, showing his white hair under a golfing cap. “Not a problem my dear.” He smiled. Adeline decided that he was just a big Teddy bear. “How do you like that school so far Adeline?” he asked. Adeline’s head jerked at the sound of her name. “How do you know my name?” she asked. “My nephew was kind enough to point you out as you were in the garden earlier taking pictures. He seems quite smitten with you.” Mr. Coller smiled. “He’s a nice guy. I love the school sir. It’s beautiful. So full of life and color. A person could get lost looking into the details of this school.” Adeline smiled. “I love this school of mine. So, you and my nephew met on the plane here?” he asked. Adeline looked up at him, smiling. “Yes, sir we did.” She said. “How was your flight then?” “Entertaining. Your nephew is very caring.” She picked her words carefully, hoping that she didn’t give him the wrong idea about Andrew and her. “Yes, a quality that most envy. He has a way of making people feel at ease.” His uncle boasted. “Yes, that he does. If you’ll excuse me, I want to take some pictures of the setting sun.” Adeline excused herself as Mr. Conner began to talk to another one of the students. Outside Adeline zoomed her camera up on a butterfly floating around the roses. It was a perfect shot. Before she took the picture, a hand came up and knocked the camera upward. “Hey.” Adeline said, turning around. Andrew was standing there with a smile on his face. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you never wait for a perfect moment? It’ll pass you by if you’re not careful.” He laughed. “No, but thank you for that tip. Now if you’ll excuse me.” She turned around annoyed at him. “Your annoyed with me. Why?” he asked. Adeline turned back around, a sour look on her face that disappeared when she saw him smile. “Blame it on the time change.” She said, turning back around. She felt like she was being terribly unfaithful to Noah by even smiling with Andrew. It hurt down to her core to think that she could hurt Noah like that. “What are you doing for dinner tomorrow?” he asked. “Eating.” “Very funny. Would you like to go with me to one of my places?” he asked, gently turning her around so that he could see her face. “Andrew. I can’t. I have a boyfriend. I would never be able to do that to him.” She told him. “Not as a dating couple, but as friends. I enjoy your company Adeline. I wouldn’t want to lose what great friends we could be.” He said to her. Adeline considered it for a moment. “I’ll think about it.” She finally said. “Come on, some pizza and an old movie that’s played at the local park.” He pleaded. “Alright.” Adeline laughed. “Now go on so that I can get this shot and call my boyfriend to make sure that he’s okay with this.” “Okay!” Andrew threw up his hands and left smiling. Adeline grabbed her cell phone and dialed Noah’s number, hoping that he was home so that she could talk to him. Now, wait a minute. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, Adeline, what a snot. She’s got a boyfriend, and she’s playing with this other guy. Yes, it does seem that way, but some things aren’t as bad as they seem. Just hope that Adeline and Andrew just stay friends and Noah doesn’t get upset by this “date”. Keep reading and you’ll understand. “Hello?” Noah answered his phone. “Noah, hey.” Adeline said. Noah shut off the TV program that he was watching. “Did you need something?” he asked. “Your forgiveness.” “About what?” Noah’s heart stopped beating. Three days in Europe and she was already asking for forgiveness. “I met this kid named Andrew. He’s the headmaster’s nephew and he asked me to go to have pizza with him tomorrow. He knows that we’re dating and he’s cool with that, he just wants to have pizza with me.” She spilled. Noah nodded as he absorbed the news. “What did you say?” he had to ask. “I told him yes under the condition that it was just friends.” She told him. Noah closed his eyes and breathed. She was already thinking about being unfaithful. His greatest nightmare was coming true. “Noah?” he realized with a jerk that he left her hanging. “I’m sure that you’ll have fun.” He said the last thing that came to his mind. “You’re not mad?” “No. Go and have fun. I have to go, Roxanne and I are going to get a movie to watch. I’ll call you later.” He said. “I love you Noah.” She said. “Ditto.” He hung up the phone. Later that night, Adeline sat on the steps in the garden near the fountain, thinking about what Noah had said. Was he really going to go with Roxanne? Everyone knew that Roxanne loved Noah, but she had never considered her a problem before she left. Now she was nervous. Maybe she should cancel her dinner date with Andrew. She heard some steps and saw Andrew walking with his Aunt around the garden. Did he live here? Adeline wiped her tears and stood up, wanting to leave Andrew and his aunt alone. “Adeline Johnson.” Mrs. Coller called, seeing her. “Mrs. Coller.” Adeline answered back. Andrew and Mrs. Coller walked over to Adeline. Andrew noticed her tears, but didn’t say anything. “How are you tonight?” she asked. “Just fine. What were you doing sitting out here all by yourself?” she inquired. “Just thinking.” Adeline answered, scanning the grounds with her eyes, hoping for a way away from Andrew. “Andrew, my dear. I think that I will retire now. You two should think about retiring soon also.” She winked and left. “Sorry about her.” Andrew said, turning back to Adeline. “Why are you crying?” “It’s nothing. Listen, I have to cancel our date for tomorrow.” Adeline quickly said, hoping it would just be dropped and she could leave. “Why?” Andrew was surprised. “Was your boyfriend upset with the two of us having dinner?” he asked. Adeline shook her head, feeling the tears well up. She was not going to cry in front of Andrew. “No, he was okay with it. It’s me that having reservations.” She told him, looking to the ground. “Reservations?” he asked. “Yeah, I just can’t go.” She said, walking past him and running for the door. “Adeline!” Andrew called after her. She stopped long enough to look at him and shake her head and then she ran inside to the safety of her bedroom. Adeline lay there on her bed in tears. She loved Noah so much. She didn’t want to lose him over some guy that she just met. Andrew was a nice guy and all, but she wasn’t willing to jeopardize her relationship with Noah over Andrew. Adeline grabbed her phone and dialed Noah’s number. “I’m sorry.” She started with when the phone was picked up. “Adeline?” Noah answered. “Honey I am so sorry! I should have been more considerate of your feelings.” She cried into the phone. “Oh Adie!” Noah sighed. “Will you forgive me for being so stupid? I don’t know what I was thinking.” “Of course I forgive you. I shouldn’t have thrown the whole Roxanne thing in your face. That was wrong of me.” “I shouldn’t have accepted his invitation.” “Sure you should have. I have to accept that you’re going to have friends over there, guys and girls alike. I trust you. Please go to dinner with this Andrew guy. I have faith in you. I have faith in us.” Noah told her. “Thank you. Are we okay? Or should I apologize a hundred or so more times?” Adeline asked with a smile. “We’re good sweetheart.” He answered. “I’m glad. I should get to sleep. I love you.” “I love you too.” Noah said, “Goodbye.” “Bye.” Adeline hung up the phone. Falling back on her pillows she fell quickly asleep. It’s me again… At this point you should be torn between Andrew and Noah. Which one will it be? I’d guess you’re saying Noah, and right now that seems logical. But what about this “date” coming up with Andrew? Will that change her mind about a boyfriend that is a thousand miles away? Let’s find out… “Thanks for deciding to come tonight.” Andrew said, opening the door to his convertible. “Noah and I talked. He’s okay with me having friends over here.” She told him. “That was nice of him.” Andrew muttered under his breath, frustrated with her boyfriend’s point of view. “What was that?” she looked over at him as he got into the drivers side. “Nothing important.” Andrew kept his comment to himself. “Okay.” She accepted. “So, where are we going exactly?” “If I told you, then I would have to kill you.” Andrew seriously said. “Come on. You can tell me.” “When I told you that London was my favorite place in the whole world, this place that we’re going to is why.” “That’s sounds nice.” She agreed, looking forward on the road. Andrew fired up the engine and drove south. Twenty minutes later, he parked outside of a rural pizza place. It was a small cottage like restaurant. With flowers and bushes outside, trees surrounding the place. It was beautiful. Adeline couldn’t have imagined a more amazing place. “You were right.” She told him, as the waiter seated them. “About…?” “This is the most beautiful place in the world.” “Thank you. It’s been a family secret for years to come here and eat. Not a lot of people know about this place. Some people just don’t drive far enough to find it, other’s find it and won’t tell anyone about it because it’s so incredible.” He told her. Adeline nodded. It was a very romantic setting, more romantic then she would have liked. “Noah would love this place.” She whispered, not realizing it. Andrew nodded, disappointment flooding his face. “Andrew, I’m sorry. I’m having a great time with you here.” “You would just rather be here with your boyfriend.” He completed for her. “Yes, and no. I would like for him to be here, but at the same time I’m glad that you are here with me to.” She said. “Let’s order.” Andrew suggested. For dinner they had an incredible Italian tasting pizza and cookies for dessert. As they were getting in the car to leave, Adeline’s cell phone rang. He hadn’t realized that she was carrying it with her in her purse. “Hey you.” She answered. Andrew decided that it must be Noah on the other line. “I just got through with dinner with Andrew. I’ll call you later.” She said. “Bye.” She hung up the phone. Andrew didn’t ask who it was. “Ready?” he asked, holding open the door for her. She nodded and got in. Halfway home, Adeline turned to Andrew. “I had an amazing time. Thank you.” She smiled. Andrew glanced at her beaming face and couldn’t help but smile back. He’s only known her for a few days, but he liked her so much already. “Anytime.” He said, focusing back on the road, instead of on her. He had to remember that she had a boyfriend. But those brown eyes, you just got lost in the them. “Noah accepted it too.” She said, turning back to face forward. Andrew sighed. How had he known that that was going to happen? “Really?” “He says it good that I have friends over here. He’s coming to visit when he gets his first week off from school.” “I can’t wait to meet him.” Andrew said quietly, trying to end the conversation. The rest of the ride was in silence; except for some chitter chatter here and there from Adeline. Andrew dropped her off at the school and drove home. His father was waiting up for him when he got home. “Andrew Michael Coller! Where have you been? We had a very important press meeting tonight and you missed it, again. You have some explaining to do young man.” His father lit into him when he walked inside the house. “I told you that I was going out tonight.” Andrew said, putting his jacket on the chair in the den. “It’s that American girl, isn’t it? She’s no good Andrew! You’re better than her! Why do you constantly fight me on this point?” his father’s temper flared. “I don’t care what you say about her. You can’t hurt me with your words.” Andrew retorted. “Well I can hurt you with actions.” His father breathed angrily. “What did you do?” “I arranged a meeting with the Count Regale’s niece. She’s wealthy and not terrible looking. She’ll make a good wife to you Andrew, and she’ll get these notions of that American girl out of your head.” “Father, I don’t want the life that you and Mother had. You hated each other, and don’t deny it. I saw it in your faces. You were so cruel to each other because of the way that your marriage was arranged. Do you really think that I want that?” Andrew threw in his father’s face. “As your father I have prescient over you and you have no say in the matter.” His father decided. “You will marry this girl and become the Lord that I know is in that definite son of mine somewhere.” “I don’t want to be a Lord!” Andrew screamed, losing his temper once and for all. “Don’t you dare.” His father warned. “You will speak to me with respect or you won’t live to see tomorrow. Understood?” his father pushed him into the corner that Andrew couldn’t get out of. “Yes father.” Andrew agreed. “Now get out of my sight.” His father spat, looking away. Andrew nodded and left the room. “You think that she’ll like it?” Noah asked Raquel as he handed her a box. “What is it?” Raquel asked. “It’s a promise ring. My promise to her that when we finish school, we’ll get married.” He said. “Like an engagement ring?” “A pre-engagement ring.” Noah decided. “So, an engagement ring.” Raquel pushed. “Yes, I guess if you think about it. Do you think that she’ll like it?” “When are you going to give it to her?” “I’m going to go there for Christmas.” “You’re what?” Raquel chocked out. “Yeah, I’m flying out tomorrow. The last flight to London before Christmas Eve.” Noah took the box back from Raquel. “She’ll sure be surprised.” Raquel said, knowing what Adeline had planned for the week and it didn’t include a surprise visit from Noah with an engagement ring. “I hope so. Well, I have to go. Wish me good luck!” he said, getting up and leaving. “Good luck.” Raquel whispered under her breath. She was glad that Adeline was getting along well with Andrew. From the pictures that she’d sent, Andrew was a catch and from what she’d heard about him the last four months was nothing but good. Raquel was glad that Adeline had found such a good friend in Andrew. Noah was a good guy, but he was so childish. At least that’s how Raquel saw him. Adeline would defiantly be surprised. “Merry Christmas.” Adeline toasted Andrew with her mug of hot chocolate as they sat there on the floor, watching the fire on Christmas Eve. “Merry Christmas.” Andrew said back, clinking their mugs together. “I got you something.” He said, handing her a package. “I got you something too.” She said, handing his him present. She had gotten him a book that he raved about on every president that ever lived. He had never been able to find it, but with a few calls to home, she got it for him in no time. “It’s nothing big, but I thought that you might like it.” She said. He opened it quietly. “This is perfect! How on earth did you find it?” he asked, flipping through the pages. “Raquel knows all the places to find books like that. I asked her to look for it, and she found it.” “This is perfect. Thank you so much.” He smiled at her. “Your welcome.” She said. “Now open yours.” He prompted. “Okay.” Adeline carefully opened her present. Wrapped in delicate yellow paper was picture of Andrew and Adeline laughing together in the garden. Andrew was handing Adeline a yellow rose. The picture itself was black and white, with just the rose that yellow color that she loved so much. “I had my aunt take that picture. She did a beautiful job. That day out in the garden was something that I will never forget.” He told her. Adeline fought back her urge to cry, looking at the picture. She looked so happy, standing next to him, as he handed her a flower. They had just been laughing and talking and when he handed her that yellow rose, her head spun still thinking about it. “Adeline are you okay?” Andrew cupped her chin and drew her face up to his. Adeline nodded, feeling the tears come down her cheeks. Oh, she didn’t want to cry right now. Not at this perfect moment. “This is so perfect.” She chocked out, trying to remember to breath, as his hand was still on her chin. “I thought that you would like it, but I didn’t think that you would cry.” He laughed slightly. Adeline forced a smile, and his hand left her chin. “It’s the whole Noah thing, isn’t it?” he asked, ruining the moment. Adeline nodded. As much as she liked Andrew, she was still in love with Noah and she was betraying him right now. “This is so beautiful, but I can’t except it.” She carefully handed him back the picture, silent tears rolling down her face. “I understand.” Andrew lied. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I get it. I guess in my mind, I thought that we might have something, but you warned me. I just let my heart get in the way. I should go now.” He said, standing up. Adeline nodded, standing up herself. It hurt her to see Andrew like this, but she had no other choice. “Andrew, I like you as a friend, but friendship is all I have to offer you. My heart belongs to someone else.” She told him, as he turned to the door to leave. “Good bye Adeline.” He said, closing the door behind him. Adeline sat down on the chair and cried. She’d hurt him, and herself in the process. She had feelings for Andrew, but that didn’t change anything. She was Noah’s and she missed him now then ever, just wanting him to hold her and tell her that she was going to be okay. “Hey you.” She heard a familiar voice from the doorway. Adeline jerked her head up in surprise to find Noah standing there. “Noah!” she screamed, flying into his arms. “Oh!” he laughed as she tackled him to the ground. “It’s good to see you too.” He laughed. “I have missed you so much, you have no idea!” she said, kissing him. “I missed you too.” He smiled, as they moved off the ground. “What are you doing here?” she asked, pulling him over to the couch so that they could sit and talk. “I came to surprise you.” He said. “It worked.” She whispered, snuggling against him. Andrew who? She quietly laughed to herself. “I’m glad. You look at bit distraught when I came in, anything important?” he asked. “Not anymore.” She told him. “I’m glad. So, how has your Christmas been going?” he asked, pulling her close to him. “Much better know that you’re here.” She said, entangling her hands in his. “Good.” He answered, just wanting to sit there in silence with her. That was one thing that he missed the most; the quiet moments with her. A half and hour later, Noah got up the courage to give Adeline the ring. “I have something for you.” He said. “Like what?” she asked, looking up at him with a smile. “Here.” He pulled out the ring box and gave it to her. She gasped and opened it up. “It’s a promise ring.” He explained to her puzzled look. “A promise for what Noah?” she asked. “That you’ll wait for me. And when we’re old enough and get to the point where an engagement is a word in our vocabulary, that you’ll marry me.” He said. Adeline sat there puzzled for a moment. “So, this is an engagement ring?” she finally asked. “No. Not really. It’s an ‘I’ll wait for you ring.’” He tried to explain. Adeline nodded and continued to look at the ring. “So, Adeline, will you wait for me?” he asked. “Noah…” she started. He stopped her. “This isn’t what you wanted, was it?” he asked. Adeline shook her head. Noah sighed, maybe he should have just gotten her an engagement ring… “I would have waited for you. I didn’t need you to get me a ring that asks me to wait for you.” She quietly said. Noah nodded. The moment was ruined. “But…” she started again. Noah looked up at her. “It does look like an engagement ring. And if you were to get down on one knee and ask me four little words, this ring would mean so much more.” She said. Noah shook his head with a smile. Leave it up to her to turn something like this into a moment that he had been waiting for his whole life. Noah got up and kneeled down on one knee, taking the box from Adeline and holding it up to her. “Adeline Will you marry me?” he asked. “Yes, Noah, I will.” She whispered, as he slipped the ring on her finger. She smiled and bent down and kissed him. He returned the kiss and sat back down on the couch with her. “That was five words.” She said between kisses. “What?” Noah asked. “Adeline will you marry me… that’s five words, not four.” She laughed at the look on his face. “You…” he laughed, enveloping her into a big hug. And that is where I wanted the story to begin... so now that it's here, let's keep going and see just what happens.... oh, so many detail to uncover. "He proposed?" Andrew questioned Adeline as she told him the news after he had met Noah. "Don't sound so shocked." Adeline said, pulling her hand from his grasp. "Well, I am shocked, I mean, you're only 19. Are you really ready for marriage?" "We won't get married until after I'm done here, then I'll move back to the states with Noah, as husband and wife." Adeline explained. "Well then let me congradulate you on your soon to be marriage." Andrew said bitterly. "Why are you so upset by this Andrew? I don't understand." Adeline said, eyeing him. Andrew just shook his head. "You wouldn't understand." He came back with. "Try me." "No, you go back to your fiancee, he's probably worried that you're spending too much time with me." Andrew said, walking away, leaving Adeline to puzzle over the comment. Adeline sighed, and went to go find Noah. "Noah?" Adeline asked, searching the house for him. She found him in the garden. "What are you doing out here?" Adeline asked him, sitting on the seat next to him. "Just looking at the view. It's amazing here." he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "I thought that you would like it." she smiled up at him. "What happened with Andrew? You were in there for a while with him." Noah said, looking at her. Adeline shook off the look that he gave her. "He's just upset." she told him. "He'll get over it." Noah said. "I hope so, because he's a nice guy, I wouldn't want to hurt him." Adeline commented. Noah looked at her. "Why would you care?" Noah asked. "Because he's a nice guy." Adeline told him again, looking around the garden. "So, what? Just because he's a nice guy you have to make sure he's okay and everything. What's your problem Adeline? I thought that we were happy?" Noah pulled his arm off of her so that he could look at her. "What do you mean, what's my problem? What, I can't be worried about my friends feelings now that we're engaged? I'm happy, I don't know where you have been, but remember, I said yes Noah. I said yes to you and life together with YOU." Adeline stood up. "If you aren't okay with that then maybe you should take back this engagement ring." "No, it's not like that at all. Please don't that." Noah pleaded with Adeline, getting her to sit back down. "I was just jealous I guess. I mean Andrew is a good guy and I was afriad things were just too good to be true. Forgive me baby? Please?" Noah begged. Adeline nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him close. "Thank you Ady. I love you." Noah whispered into her ear. "I love you too." Adeline whispered back. Andrew looked out at the garden from the postion he had taken in the window. He shook his head and went back to his work. Adeline had no idea what she had gotten herself into. "So, I'll see you for Easter, right?" Noah asked, holding Adeline's hand in his at the airport terminal. "Yes. I promise. Now get on the plane so you don't miss it." she pushed him toward the hallway. "Okay, okay. I love you." Noah said, kissing her quickly and walking away. Andeline stood there for awhile, not really knowing what she was thinking. She shook off the feeling, and went toward the parking lot. It was still pretty dark out when Adeline walked out side. She had asked Andrew to meet her there at 5:00. Just as she reached the surb, his sleek black car pulled up. She opened the door and smiled, to a driver who wasn't Andrew. She went to pull away, but the driver tugged her into the car and drove off. Adeline tried to get her witts about her. "Who are you?" she demanded. "My name is Lord Coller and I am Andrew's father." he said in a dark menicing tone. Adeline looked at the man. He was so dark, almost evil. "What do you want?" she asked. "I want you to leave my son alone." he said. "What are you talking about?" Adeline asked, checking to see where they were. She couldn't tell, it was still so dark out. "For the past week it's like my son doesn't even exisit. He's been, moping... for lack of a better word, around the house. He has a job, a duty, and a responisbility to me, and I will not let some gutterball American destory my son. Do you understand?" Lord Coller asked, slamming on the brakes in front of a enromous house. Adeline nodded. "Now, go inside and inform Andrew that you will have nothing more to do with him. Oh, and tell him to bring you back to the school." Lord Coller nearly pushed Adeline out the door. Adeline hit the ground as he sped off down the driveway and turned left. Andrew came bounding out the door . "Did he hurt you?" he asked, helping Adeline off the ground. "No. I'm okay. What was that all about?" Adeline turned to Andrew for an explaination. "Come inside so that we can talk." Andrew said, helping her inside. He brought her to an oversize room with lots of furnaturie. "Please, take a seat." he motioned for her to sit down on the oversize couch. She did so, and he came and sat next to her. "Andrew, you have to explain this to me. That was scary, expecting to see you pull up, and instead finding your all too scary father there instead telling me that you've not been your self for the last week and that it was all my fault and that I should tell you that it's over and that nothing more can happen between the two of us. What is this all about?" Adeline rambled, trying to regain her witts. Andrew sighed and shook his head. "My father is scary, and petrifing, and overbearing, and unfortunatly, I'm his son and you, you just got stuck in the middle of all of this turmoil that's been going on for years. Ever since my mother died." Andrew took Adleine's hand in his and began to talk. Adeline just listened, not removing her hand, wishing to comfort him. "My mom was the most caring person that I ever knew. You remind me so much of her. Just the way that you carry yourself, your speech, just everything about you reminds me of my mother. So, anyway, about three years ago she was killed in a horrible car accident. I was in the car with her. She was driving to a meeting with my grandmother and was hit by a drunk driver. I can remember alot of what happened, but I don't want to. I was only 15 when it happened. But I do remember the sound that came from my mother when the car hit her. I heard her scream. The terror in her voice still haunts me to the core. It T-boned us right on the drivers side. My mother didn't stand a chance, but I was in the passenger side, so I wasn't hit too hard. My father couldn't bear the fact that I lived, and she didn't. He's always resented me for it. I would have given anything to have my mother back. That's when the fighting began. I tried to reason with my father, but he demanded that since I lived, I would have to carry the pain and burden of my mother's death forever. So I have, but he also began to try and turn me into the proper next Lord. I don't want to be Lord Coller. It's just not me, but I can't fight my father anymore, it takes to much energy, and as you can see, he most always has his way. I'm sorry that you got caught up in this. This is all my fault and I'm sorry." Andrew told her. Adeline tried to hold back her tears as he told her of his mother. "Andrew I am so sorry. Are you okay?" Adeline put her hand over his. "Yeah. I've gotten past the burden of my mother, but my father is an ever present plague. I don't want you to get even more involved." Andrew told her. "You still haven't explained everything to me." Adeline told him. Andrew looked at her puzzled, then nodded and smiled. "You mean the moping thing, right?" he asked. Adeline nodded. "I hoped you would forget about that." "Not a chance!!" Adeline laughed. Andrew nodded. "Andrew, you have to know something..." Adeline started. Andrew stopped her. "Adeline, I'm in love with you." Andrew blurted out. Adeline just stared at him as she tried to comprehend what he had just said. She shook her head. "Yes I am. That's why I've been moping around, because I know that you are throwing your life away to be with someone who doesn't even appreciate you. Noah is not the greatest guy, if you haven't figured it out yet. He is insanly jealous and overbearing and..." Andrew went to say. "Please stop right there." Adeline said. Andrew nodded. "Andrew, this is really confusing to me. I love Noah, I always have, but then you came along, and things just got messed up. And now the whole engagment thing, I just... I don't know what I want to think or do anymore. Can I have some time to think about this? Alone time Andrew, please?" Adeline begged. Andrew shook his head. "Oh course, I want you to have nothing but time to think about this." Andrew said. Adeline nodded. "Thank you." she said. "I'll drive you back to the shcool. You have a lot to work out. And I won't bother you until you are ready to talk. This is big for you and I understand. Please know that I understand." Andrew said, standing up and pulling Adeline up with him. Adeline nodded and smiled, and Andrew lead her out his car. 10 minutes later she was back at the school, contemplating what she would say to Noah. She couldn't just let this go. Oh, she had so much thinking to do. Okay, it's me again. Now that you have discovered some things about Noah and about Andrew, you'll understand why Adline will make the decsion that she does. I know it sounds like I'm giving it away, but hold on, the show's not over yet! "Noah?" Adeline asked over the phone. "Why are you doing this?" Noah asked, completely perplexed by her decision. "Because, I have some time to think and I think that this is the right move. Please forgive me Noah. I never meant to hurt you, you have to understand that." Adeline pleaded with Noah. "If you never meant to hurt me, then why are you doing this, because this is tearing me up inside. Much more than you will ever understand. I went into this relationship hoping that something like this would never happen. But you let me down Adeline." Noah told her. Adeline sniffed, wiping her tears as she tried to explain. In the two weeks that she had been thinking, as much as she loved Noah, she knew that right now, maybe she just needed some "me" time. So, she called Noah and was trying to explain to him what was in her heart. He just didn't seem to understand. "Noah, you don't think that this is killing me too? I hate the fact that I feel like I have to do this, but it's truly how I feel right now. You need to understand that I still love you. There is nothing in this world that can take that away. Noah, I need you to understand." Adeline pleaded with him. "Yeah, I understand that you don't want to be with me and that you'd rather be with that Andrew guy. That's what I understand." Noah just about screamed into the phone, his fury showing through. How dare she break up with him for some other guy! "I already told you that I am not breaking up with you for Andrew. I'm doing this because I need some time for myself. Just some time to think." Adeline tried to explain. She wasn't breaking up with him for Andrew, she was only doing it because of what Andrew had said. She needed some time to sort her feelings out for both of them. She was planning on going to tell Andrew later that day, after she was done with Noah. "I'm sorry." "Me too. Sorry that I ever got involved with you. What happened to us Ade? What happened? I know what happened. London. Well you know what, you go out there and think about what ever it is that you need to think about. Good bye Adeline." Noah said, slamming the phone down. He was hurt, but mostly he was furious. He needed to do something... but what? Adeline held her breath as she walked up the stairs to Andrew's house. Her phone conversation with Noah had gone horribly, so she came to the one place she knew things would be okay. She came to Andrew. Yes, she did like Andrew, there was no denying the way that he made her feel, but because of Noah, and everything that had happened, she knew that she couldn't start dating him now. She did need to sort out her feelings, buy really, she needed to see where this Andrew thing was going. Adeline rang the door bell and stood back. Andrew opened the door, much to his surprise to see her stanging there. "I said that I would come back when I had figured things out. Well, I think that I have." she started with. Andrew smiled and nodded, leading her inside to the oversize room again. "So, what's on your mind?" Andrew asked, motioning for her to sit down. She did so, and again he sat next to her. "First of all I need to say that what you said to me two weeks ago has been on my mind consitly. I couldn't get rid of the way that my heart leaped when you said that, and that's when I realized that something had to be worng. I mean, how could I be in love with two guys. Promised to one, loving the other. It didn't make sense to me. So, I started to sort things out, and then things just got more cloudy. There you were, almost like you were waiting for me there on that plane, like it was destiny that we were there together, but then I thought about Noah, and everything that he meant, still means to me. That's when I made the toughest decision of my whole life." Adeline blurted out. Andrew nodded through her whole speech, taking her hand in his. "I decided to break it off with Noah." she slowly said. Andrew's face lit up, as a handsome smile came across his face. He nodded, but Adeline continued on. "But, I don't want to go out with you... yet." she said. "Okay." Andrew said. "I mean, I guess that I just need some me time, and I really need you to... what did you say?" Adeline stopped talking. "Adeline, I understand." Andrew said. Adeline breathed in a breath of relief. Finally, the words she had been waiting for. "Thank you." "You did the right thing, even if it doesn't seem like it. Noah, he was a good guy, but I saw that his temper got the best of him sometimes, and that can be dangerous. Especially for you, who only sees the good in people." Andrew told her. "Come on, let's take a walk, and you can tell me all about it." Andrew pulled Adeline up to her feet. "I'd like that." she said. Andrew took her hand in his, and lead her outside. For hours they talked, Adeline telling her about her conversation with Noah, explaining further in depth her feelings, and Andrew who just listened, all the while never letting go of her hand. Now that he had her, he wasn't letting go, for nothing in the world. Okay, now did Adeline make the right choice? Andrew seems to be in his glory, but what about the hurt Noah. The poor guy was just riped in half. How would you be feeling? Keep reading, that all that I can say. Noah paced back and forth for an hour after his phone call with Adeline. He was dumbstruck that she had just broken up with him. For Andrew, none the less. She could deny it all she wanted, but he knew. He knew her all to well. He had to come up with something to do, and fast. He had to get her back. They belonged together, forever. No one had the right to take them away from each other. He was going to find some way to get her back, no matter what it took. He loved her too much to ever let her go, at least not without a fair fight. "RING RING" the phone rang in Adeline's room. She didn't want to pick it up, fearing that it was Noah, but did it anyway. "Adeline?" Andrew asked over the line. Adeline smiled. She hadn't seen him for a week now, he had to leave on some more busniess to Paris. "Andrew! It is so good to hear from you. How was your trip? Did everything go as planned? How are you?" she asked, putting down the paper that she had been writing for the last hour. "Everything went fine. Can you come over right now?" he almost whispered. "What's the matter Andrew?" Adeline asked. "I can't explain right now, but please. I need you hear fast." he pleaded. "Okay, okay, I'll be right over." Adeline said, hanging up the phone and grabbing her jacket, rushing out the door. Andrew tried to smile again as his father pushed Count Regale's neice Samantha further over on the couch so that she and Andrew touched. She pulled back, face going red. Andrew looked her over. She was 15, plump, as the cook had put it, and very red in the face almost all the time. Andrew weakly smiled, praying that Adeline would get there soon. For the last hour his father tried to force Samantha on him, and within the past 10 minutes, they had begun to discuss dowery's and weddings. Andrew couldn't take it any more. Samantha was a nice girl, but he had Adeline now. He didn't need anyone else, nor did he want anyone else. Andrew heard a car pull up, and saw Adeline get out of the cab. "Excuse me." Andrew said, running out of the room. He opened the door, to find Adeline standing there ready to knock. "Adeline." Andrew sighed, enveloping her into a big hug. "Hey you." Adeline laughed as he held her. "You saved me." Andrew said. "How?" Adeline asked, as Andrew let go. "Count Reagal has his neice in there and my father and him are discussing the weddding." Andrew informed her. "NO!" Adeline laughed. "No really. It's horrible. She's a nice girl, but I don't think so." Andrew said, pulling Adeline with me into the garden to hide them from the view of his father. "So what are you going to do?" she asked, as they say down on the bench behind the rose bushes. "I don't know yet. My father knows that you're here, and It'll be rude to just leave without saying anything to the Reagal's, but I have an idea that might work. It'll get me into a LOT of trouble with my father, but I'm sure that I can work it out." he said. Adeline nodded. "Pretend to be my fiancee." he said. Adeline eyeballed him. "Andrew..." she started. "Listen before you say no. It would just be pretend, and just until I know that I'm out of danger with Count Reagal's daughter. Please, it'll just be for a little while and then things can go back to normal." he said. Adeline just sat there. This was not something that she wanted to do. She had just gotten out of a relationship with someone and didn't want to do this, even if it was just for pretend. It wouldn't feel like pretend to her and she knew that. "Andrew, listen. If we say that we're engaged, even if it's just for pretend. I know myself well enough that pretend wouldn't cut it for me. I would want it to be real, and that's really scary for me right now because I still have so many fears about things and I'm still a little confused. This would mess everything up again." she told him. "I understand that you have reservations and everything and that you need time." he told her. Adeline nodded, knowing that she couldn't say no to him. Here he was, asking her for her help and she was going to turn him down because she thought that she just wasn't ready for it? Ut uh. Adeline knew that she loved Andrew. She'd known it all along, she just didn't want to say it outloud and have it turn out how it did with Noah. "I can't say no to you." she said to him. Andrew smiled. "Really? You don't mind?" he asked agian. "Let's pretend. But if I get too attched, you better make sure on your promise Andrew Coller." she told him. He nodded and leaned in to kiss her. It was wonderful and he knew that things would never be the same because he intened on keeping his promise, and sooner than she imagined. |