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This part is a little more detailed and has more action. ch. 4-6 |
Chapter 4 Mysterious Phone Call Neissa waited for a voice to answer. “ Hello!” Neissa repeated into the phone only much louder now. She heard a faint screeching noise. She went to hang up the receiver when a loud screaming came through the phone. She recognized the scream as Andra’s. “ Andra? Andra is that you?” Neissa her the scream continue. “ Andra!” “ What’s the matter?” A voice said through the phone. “ Nothing,” Neissa said. The voice showed it was a guy. “ Is that Andra?” “ Yes,” the voice continued. “ You sound worried. Don’t. Her pain will soon end.” “ What the hell are you talking about?” Neissa asked. “ If You kill her I swear I’ll rip your fucking throat out! Now tell me what is happening!” “ Don’t talk to me that way!” The sinister voice hissed. “ If you say one more damn thing on the subject I swear I will make her death painful.” “ She sounds like she’s in enough pain now!” The screaming stopped suddenly. She heard a faint whisper but didn’t hear what it actually said. “ No. She’s fine now. No more pain. No more tears. No more Andra.” Neissa heard the voice hang up the phone. Neissa was in shock still holding the phone next to her ear. She was staring down her hunting knife. She took the phone to her laptop. She broke the code on the private call revealing the number. She traced it. The house it was traced to was 667 Gilli Drive. It was a old warehouse owned by the people living in the house across the street. 666 Gilli Drive. She knew that house sounded so familiar but she just couldn’t place it. She called up Thorn to find the answer. “ Hello,” Thorn said. “ Hi,” Neissa voice said. Anybody could hear the fear in her voice. “ Neissa? What’s wrong?” “ Do you know who lives at 666 Gilli Drive and the person who owns the warehouse?” “ That’s the house across from the warehouse right?” “ Yeah. Who owns it?” “ Seth. Seth Linkio.” Neissa heart jumped. Had Seth done this to Andra? Thousands of questions ran through her mind at once. She began to cry at the spot. “ Neissa? What’s wrong? What happened?” “ Are you sure that’s Seth? You’re not mistaken?” “ Yeah, I’m sure. Why?” “ Are you ready for this?” “ What happened?” “ I got a phone call. I traced it back to that house. Andra was there, I heard her screams in the background. Their was a voice claiming he was going to kill Andra. Then the screams stopped. I’m afraid! I don’t know what to do.” Neissa let out a small cry. “ I couldn’t bare it if anything happened to her! She was my best friend! I told her everything!” Neissa started crying. Thorn’s voice dropped down almost to a whisper. “ Seth.” That was the only thing he could say. His was froze in the moment and didn’t know what to do. “ What? Thorn tell me what’s happening! You know, don’t you! Tell me!” Thorn kept quiet. “ Seth was always talking about Andra a lot!” “ They were going out! Don’t you know anything?” “ I know that!” Neissa never heard Thorn raise his voice to her or anyone else. Neissa was thinking of what to say. “ What secret do you know?” “ Seth wasn’t normal, as you may know. He liked girls and everything normal but....” Neissa was waiting for an answer. “ But?” “ He liked dead girls.” “ Necrophiliac?” “ Yeah. We need to get to the warehouse now!” “ Okay! Met me at Call Street!” “ Okay, but be careful!” Neissa smiled. “ I will!” Then they both hung up the receiver. Neissa told her parents she was going to Andra’s house. The thought of Andra almost made her cry though. She hurried to the street. She heard many noises on the way there but tried to ignore them. She forgot about her fears when she saw Thorn. His slim body standing underneath the street light. His light brown hair waving in the wind. Neissa has had a huge crush on him since they met. Neissa broke into a run until she was about three feet from the street light. Her light green eyes met his bright blue eyes. Those eyes. They were as blue as can be. She froze. “ We have to hurry,” Thorn said. His voice sounding very sweet and caring. “ Okay,” Neissa agreed. “ Let’s go!” Chapter 5 Haunted Warehouse Neissa and Thorn walked through the cold streets. It was a wintry night, though it was a summer. The temperature was down to about twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit. Neissa shivered. Thorn walked completely warm next to her. He blocked some of the wind hitting Neissa. He heard her shivers and gently placed his arm around her. She smiled with satisfaction. Her eyes lifted up to look at his face. Her eyes then quickly dropped to the sign reading Gilli Drive. Her heart jumped for the fear of what may happened, or what is going to happen. She tightly closed her eyes. Thorn would guide her to the warehouse. Neissa felt that he would think she’s weak if her eyes were shut. She slightly opened them. Her eyes then shot open at the sight of a shadowy figure in the distance. Neissa jumped right out of Thorn’s arms. Her heart beginning to race. She looked over at Thorn. He was a good distance away from her. Now the shadow was lurking behind him. She wanted to scream so bad but she couldn’t. She opened her mouth but no sound emerged. Then the figure went down the street. To the warehouse, Neissa was guessing. Neissa breathed hard. “ Thorn!” She saw him fall on the hard pavement. She ran up to his side and knelt down next to him. She put her arms underneath him and lifted his head onto her lap. “ Thorn.” She repeated softly. “ Don’t die on me!” She searched his body for any visible wounds or blood. She didn’t find any she could see. Thorn lay there, stiff and lifeless. His body was starting to become cold. Neissa could feel the coldness from him. She quickly took her hoodie and placed it on him. She felt his body slowly becoming warm. His eyes seemed like they wanted to open. She smiled with relief. She pulled him over to a patch of grass and laid him there. Neissa gently kissed him. “ I’ll be back.” She whispered to the lifeless body. “ I’ll be at the warehouse just in case you wake.” She kissed him once more and left. She walked down the frigid street. She read the house numbers carefully. She stood in the middle of the street between 666 and 667 Gilli Drive. To her surprise, it was a vacant lot. No houses. The frosty air blew through her hair. She began to walk again but she failed when she tripped. She landed on her hands and knees. She grunted at the mistake. She felt silly for tripping on such a small rock. She brushed off her pants. She noticed something red. Blood? She looked at her hands, they were covered in blood. On the street there was a small puddle of blood. She heard a non-stop dripping sound of blood. She looked up at the tree. There hanging from her neck was Andra. Neissa let out a long, loud scream. She kept her stare on Andra. She felt as though a pair of eye were suddenly staring at her back. She turned around to confront the person. In the dark she saw the shadow lurking again. She looked back to where Thorn was laying. She didn’t see him there. She rushed to the spot. Thorn was laying there but now there was signs of wounds and blood. She turned around to find a car or phone. She was shocked when she saw the warehouse. The door slowly creep open as if it was inviting them in. She took the chance and grabbed Thorn. They entered the warehouse slowly with the door slamming behind their backs. Chapter 6 Encounter with Seth Neissa almost immediately felt she had made the wrong choice. She looked down at Thorn. She couldn’t help but cry at the sight of him lying there lifeless. He was her best friend and she didn’t know if he was dead or in a coma. She scanned the room for anybody who might be watching her. After seeing nobody was there she bent over and kissed him. “ I though you didn’t have a boyfriend,” Keith’s voice echoed. Neissa quickly raised her head. She looked Keith straight in the eye. “ I don’t.” She said very angrily. “ He’s my best friend!” A reddish glow set into her normal color eyes. Keith grinned. “ I see my spawn is working.” He continued to smile. “ What spawn?” Neissa asked Keith. “ What did you do to me?” “ If I tell you,” Keith started, “ It wouldn’t be a surprise anymore on what happens.” “ What are you going to do?” Neissa was slightly worried. She hoped nothing would happen to Thorn. Keith smiled at the worry in her voice. He walked up to the lifeless body of Thorn. Keith went to touch him but Neissa moved him back out of Keith’s grasp. Keith continued to scan the two. “ I though you were going to be my girlfriend?” “ In your dreams!” Neissa hissed. “ I would never do that even if my life depended on it!” Neissa paused for a minute to think of what to say. She thought of what he had said about the spawn. “ Unless, you tell me what the spawn is.” Keith looked as though he was considering the offer. “ I’ll have to ask my son what kind of person you are. I want to see how good you are before I consider that.” “ Son?” Neissa thought out loud. “ You have a son?” “ Two,” Keith added. Keith eyes dropped down to Thorn. “ Thorn is one and my other is Seth.” “ Seth?” Neissa said. “ Thorn? Are you completely sure?” “ Yeah,” Keith said. “ Seth is out with Andra now.” Neissa was wondering what he meant by that. “ Andra is dead.” She searched in her mind for an answer. She remember the phone conversation with Thorn. Seth was a Necrophiliac. “ Seth killed Andra so he could have her all to himself,” Keith remarked. He let out a small laugh. “ You freak!” Neissa said. “ I know Seth could be your son but never Thorn! Thorn is too nice! He my best friend, so he couldn’t be related to a monster like you!” Neissa throat ached from the screaming. “ I’ll make you a deal,” Keith said. “ I will tell you about the spawn and maybe, just maybe, retract it. Also I will let Thorn have a free life if you...” Keith paused for a moment. “ You fight Seth and win. If you lose though, Thorn will belong to me forever.” Neissa looked at Keith then down to Thorn. “ Sure.” She wasn’t completely confident in that but she would try her best to win. She wanted to free Thorn from Keith. She really didn’t care much about the spawn. Keith looked deep into Neissa’s eyes. “ I will give you one day to prepare. I will revive Thorn so he can be with you.” Keith raised his arms. Between his hands was a glowing blue ball. He dropped it into Thorn and then Keith snapped his fingers and they were in Neissa’s room. Neissa looked at Thorn laying on the bed sleeping. Keith had cheated her out of time. It was seven o’ clock the next night. She silently cursed at him. She looked back at Thorn and smiled. She thought he looked so cute when he slept. He wasn’t awake to see the huge smile on her face. She wanted so bad just to wake him up and kiss him. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder. His body was warm. She gently shook him to try to get him to wake. His eyes sensitively opened and he winced at the intense light. He studied Neissa expression and skimmed his eyes over her room. “ Hi,” Neissa said softly. “ Hey,” Thorn said. Gradually he put himself in a sitting position. He stretched out like a cat. He put his lips against Neissa’s and softly kissed her. He say a huge smile on Neissa face and that made him smile. “ This is your room?” “ Yeah,” Neissa said. She surveyed the walls. She looked over to Thorn who seemed very interested in the room. “ The walls are actually black but with all these posters you really can’t tell.” “ Same here,” Thorn said lazily. “ What happened? All I remember is you jumping away from me.” “ It’s an extremely long story,” Neissa sighed. “ I will tell you later, I promise. I have a question though.” “ Yeah?” Thorn said. “ Are you Keith’s son?” Neissa blurted out. “ Is Seth your brother?” “ Yes,” Thorn said. “ Can we please not talk about this now?” “ If you promise to tell me everything later?” Neissa compromised. “ Sure,” Thorn said. He looked into Neissa eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her. When he pulled back he blushed. He whispered, “ I love you,” into her ear. “ I love you, too,” She replied back. She kissed him once more. Then Neissa situated herself on her bed and Thorn on the floor. They went to sleep moments afterwards. Neissa awake seeing Thorn next to her on the bed. The room was chilly but his body kept her warm. She snuggled against his body. He must of placed himself up here during the night, Neissa thought. She let a small tear drop. What if I lose him. Oh God please help me! Neissa was shocked at the last words she said. She was Atheist, which meant she didn’t believe in God. What made her say that? Many question were running through her mind. So many that she got confused and a bit dizzy. She was ready to fight the battle. She got up and stretched. She looked back to see that Thorn was finally waking. She bent over and kissed him. She shooed him out if the room since she had to get dressed. She searched though her dresser trying to find something comfortable. She decided just to put on jeans and a tank top. It didn’t really matter. She walked out and saw Thorn patiently waiting for food. She hit him gently on the head and called him a pig. While she was cooking she told him about the whole evening and the fight she had gotten herself into. He begged her not to fight Seth. She refused to listen to him and said it was her choice and she was going to fulfill it. She just kissed him gently and told him just to wish her luck. They slowly walked to the Warehouse. Neissa heart beating faster with each step she took. Thorn looked like he wanted to pull Neissa back and kiss her and beg her more not to do this. They walked up the front entrance. They hesitated for a moment, they really didn’t want to enter but Thorn’s free life depended on it. Neissa pushed the door open expecting to be attacked immediately but she saw Seth waiting patiently for her arrival. Seth jumped off of the crate he was previously sitting on. His blonde hair looked black in the darkness. His eyes cold and gray probed Neissa’s. He looked over at Thorn. The expression on his face shoed much hatred toward him. “ Are you ready?” Neissa looked at him. The only way she saw him is because of his pure white skin. “ Yeah,” She said. “ No weapons though!” Seth agreed and began to attack. Neissa managed to dodged his kicks and punches. She did a back flip to avoid a board he picked up. She had said no weapons but he had ignored that fact. She hissed at him in hatred. She threw herself forward and delivered a hard blow to his stomach. He fell back in pain and Neissa laughed. Then she felt a whip hit her back. She screeched in pain. She looked over her shoulder and saw Keith standing at the side line hitting her. Repeatedly over and over again he hit her. Blood oozed from her back. She could barely stand. He had hit her so quickly she hadn’t had a chance to move. That distraction gave Seth enough time to recover and pounce on Neissa. He sent her hitting the floor hard. Lying on her back sent jolts of pain through her body. She tried to roll on her side but it didn’t help very much. Seth would only kick her back to her original position. She could barely keep her eyes open. She saw Seth reach back into his pocket and revealed a dagger. He pushed it against her throat. If she tried to move it would slice her throat and kill her instantly. “ You have any last words?” Seth asked. “ Before you die?” Chapter 7 Taren’s Breakthrough Taren sat in the kitchen, she was making tea. She stared blankly into the crystal glass. There was an odd silence throughout the house. Her parents were out to some fancy dinner and she was in paradise. She grabbed the tea and walked into her room. The carpet felt good against her bare feet. She signed on to Buffy Chat and began to talk to Matt. Matt started dropping all these hints that he was going to dump her but Taren just ignored them. Finally he actually did it. She felt tears come to her eyes and signed on under a different screen name. She soon met a guy named Will. She started talking to him and they became fast friends and even a couple. He lived some odd miles away from her. Her was nineteen and sadly she was fifteen. It really didn’t matter to them, they believed they were in love. How can you fall in love with someone you never met? They believed they did. It was around midnight before they got off. Taren took a vow not to tell Neissa, she would just bite her head off. She knew Neissa didn’t believe in Internet relationships. She was too happy to go to sleep that night. She stayed up and decided to do dishes, just to get on her parents good side. For once in her life. She pranced into the kitchen and turned on the water. She jumped back to see that it wasn’t water, it was blood. She went to turn off the facet but it wouldn’t. The blood overflowed and spilled out onto the floor. Freaked but the incident she went to run and stay away from kitchen. When she turned around though, a zombie of Mr. Lopinio was there. She ran up to him to see if a punch would hurt him. It didn’t though. He looked down to where she punched him and to her. He began to walk towards her. She walked backwards until she hit the wall. “ What do you want?” She said. He ignored what she was trying to say and continued to walk forward. She decided there was no way to escape so she let her defenses down. She waited for him to attack you and rip her body clean of her flesh. After about a minute of being alive, she opened her eyes to find he wasn’t there. She took a deep breath. Was the just a hallucination? Taren thought. She returned her mind to the blood in the sink. She went to drain it. As she put her hand in the blood, in the window she saw the reflection of Mr. Lopinio. She felt his cold have caress her. She shivered. His other cold hand brought a blade to her throat. She stood there, helpless. Mr. Lopinio whispered in her ear, “ You, Karen, Raven and Neissa have two weeks.” He voice was intense. “ Two weeks for what?” Taren spat. She meant it to be a question but came out more sarcastic than she needed right now. “ To solve the puzzle of the Four Chosen Ones,” He whispered in her ear. With a cloud of red smoke, he was gone. Taren grasped her throat. It pained from where the blade. What and who the Hell are the Four Chosen Ones? Taren asked herself. Taren looked down at the sink then to the floor. The blood was gone. This is way too much for my small mind to handle right now. Taren walked to her room and swiftly hit the keys on the keyboard. She found tons of matched for the Four Chosen Ones but she had no clue which one she was looking for. She heard a faint sound of the phone ringing. She didn’t want to answer it for fear of what may be on the other end. She got very annoyed after the phone rang about fifteen times. Then she picked up the phone and screamed. “ What the hell is your problem?” The voice asked. “ Karen?” Taren said with relief. “ I thought you were someone else.” “ Who else could I be?” “ Mr. Lopinio.” “ He’s dead!” “ A zombie!” “ Taren, what the hell are you saying?” “ He came to my house. He told me we had two weeks to solve the puzzle of the Four Chosen Ones. I know this sounds hallucinatory but her was here.” “ What do you mean by we?” “ You, Raven, Neissa and me.” “ Wow in that case I better watch out he might come for me next! Maybe he’ll came back to you and tell you more!” Karen’s voice had a hint of sarcasm in it. “ Stop acting like a bitch and listen for once! Put aside the fact that your life is shit!” “ Whatever.” “ Ditto. I have one question though? Have you ever once talk to Neissa or Raven since school ended?” “ I talk to Raven. She’s quad camping all this month. Neissa I could really care less about.” “ You selfish little slut!” Taren hung up on her. She hissed in anger. Why does Karen have to be some hard to get along with anymore? Taren thought. |