Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/698586-Wrinkles
Rated: E · Essay · Experience · #698586
You ask my age? Well....

         How old are you?
         I've been asked and it's hard to answer. For one thing today I don't feel as old as I probably look. And yesterday I didn't look as old as I really felt.
         I looked in my mirror this morning and was surprised to see my grandmother's face looking back at me. Did I really not look in the mirror for such a long time? Is this really me? I don't feel that 'look' today.
         I guess bodies age and I could answer the age question more easily if someone asked me how old my body was today. Then I could answer in years and months and maybe even in days.
         But I feel ageless - sometimes 16, somethimes 60. At least I do until I look in the mirror.
         I see wrinkles where I didn't feel any.
         But on other people I like wrinkles. It's like reading a book of a collection of stories. Each wrinkle is a history written on one's face - joy, sadness, pain, and laughter. Baby's face is almost wrinkle free but then again she doesn't have much of a story to tell yet.
         Well - okay then - I like wrinkles. Do I have stories to tell - I'll go look in the mirror.
         Yep I do.
         So go ahead ask my age - I have stories to tell!
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