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An elves journey. |
Haven't read chapter 3? click here "Raven's Quest - Chapter 3" ![]() Chapter 4 “What the hell do you want, Elf?” Verrak spit the word elf out at Miksus, like it was poison on his tongue, his eyes and posture oozing with a menacing arrogance. “I-I, umm…I mean we…” Miksus tried to answer but an intensely strange feeling gripped him with petrifying dread. “We’ve come to settle his debt,” Quintlar interjected, tossing the silver coins across the desk at Verrak. “Here’s your coin, the debt is paid in full.” He could see the fury building behind Verrak’s eyes. He knew this man was dangerous, but he had dealt with his kind before. Quintlar was not intimidated easily. Verrak coldly picked up one of the coins from the desk, turning it over and over between his fingers. “So, you think this is over? You think this settles it? You think it’s only coin I wanted? I want to see him suffer. I want to see him nervous and squirming! I say when this is over and paid, not you!” he yelled across the desk at Quintlar and slamming his fists down, making the remaining coins bounce. This caused some silver coins to spill over onto the floor with a dull plink, plink, plink. Quintlar kept his calm composure. He was not affected in the least by Verrak’s outburst. He glanced at Miksus, realizing his friend was acting strangely. Miksus looked as if he had seen a ghost. He was rubbing his neck and shaking his head in an attempt, Quintlar hoped, to regain his senses. “You are the one who doesn’t understand Verrak, this business is over, closed, finished.” He replied in a controlled voice. “Miksus owed you five hundred silver pieces, there they are. We are done here!” He indicated the silver with a wave of his hand, never taking his eyes from Verrak’s face. Then he turned to leave and grabbed Miksus by the shoulder, leading him towards the door. As they reached the door Quintlar heard Verrak growl as the dam of self-control holding back his pent up fury burst. He pushed Miksus out of the way just in time, as Verrak launched himself over the desk. The two of them went crashing through the closed office door. They were a tangled mass of flailing arms and legs, landing on the floor of the storeroom. He realized surprisingly they had landed at the feet of the most beautiful elven woman he had ever seen. Her large gray eyes were fixed on him, a look of surprise on her face. For a moment he was lost in the depths of her eyes. A blow to the head brought him back to the fight and Verrak. Miksus by then had regained his senses, and was trying to separate the fighting men as well as dodge an assault of fists meant for each other’s opponent. He hadn’t noticed the woman, but he did notice Verrak reach into his boot pulling out a small dagger. “Quint, he’s got a knife!” Miksus bellowed in warning to his friend. “I’ll kill you, giantman!” Verrak spat at Quintlar, and lunged forward in an attempt to impale the large man. Quintlar deftly dodged the attempt, balled up his fist and struck Verrak with a mighty blow to the chin. Verrak went flying backwards through the opened doorway, landing amidst the coins scattered upon the floor of his office. “I told you our business was finished!” Quintlar emphasized through clenched teeth at the unconscious man sprawled on the floor. “And what do you want?” he asked glaring ferociously at the doorman. He doubted the man was loyal enough to his boss to defend him now. “N-Nothing, I don’t want nothing from you,” the man stammered, backing away slowly heading towards his unconscious boss. “Good! Mik, let’s go,” he told his friend, and then he remembered the woman. “ You too, I’m not leaving you here with the likes of that scum” Quintlar told her, grabbing her arm and dragging her from the storehouse and up the street. “Hey! Let go of me! Ouch that hurts!” she squealed in protest to his crushing grip. She was trying futilely to pull her arm free. “Not yet, what the hell were you doing in there with that cutthroat anyway?” He asked her, loosening his grip but not letting go of the arm. “Not that it’s any of your business,” she replied glaring at him. “But, I was looking for work. I was told to go there for a job and now you’ve ruined any chance I might have had. I hope you’re happy!” Miksus was half running to keep up with them as they swiftly turned the corner and headed up the next street towards the guild. He tried to ask her name several times but she didn’t seem to understand. “What did he say?” she asked the giantman. ”I don’t speak elven.” “I don’t know, ask him,” Quintlar replied, indicating his friend. “I was asking your name, and why does an elf not know how to speak elven?” Miksus asked her, switching back to the common language with an inquisitive raise of his eyebrow. “Because I was never taught. I was orphaned when I was a baby and raised by a human. She didn’t know elven,” She told him out of breath for having to keep pace with the giantman. “Who are you?” “I’m Miksus, this is Quintlar…and you are?” he asked her again. “Raven” she told him reluctantly, still trying to free her arm. “Now let go of me!” Letting go of her arm he stopped walking to rest a moment. Quintlar looked over his shoulder to see of they were being followed, they weren’t. That’s a good sign, he thought to himself. "Where are we going?" she asked them. "Well, I don't know about you, but we are going to the warrior's guild. We have training to do. Don't care what you do, but stay away from Verrak, he's bad news," Quintlar warned her. Raven had had enough of his attitude.” Who do you think you are? You haul me off, blow my chance for work and now you tell me who and what I cannot do? I didn't ask for your help!" During her verbal assault she had stepped closer to Quintlar and was now nose to chest with him, looking up into his eyes. "Now look here, I couldn't just leave you there. I'm sure you can find work somewhere else," he told her calmly, but the fire in her eyes showed him just how angry she was. "I've looked all over town. The storehouse was about the last chance I had. Do me a favor and mind your own business. I don't need your help! I...I...Oh!" Raven was too angry to talk to him anymore. She stomped off towards the Inn muttering to herself in frustration at his arrogance. Quintlar just watched her go. He didn’t know what to say, so he just stood there. "Well Quint, seems you've upset the lady," Miksus said to him trying to stifle the grin that was growing on his face. “Oh shut up Mik!” he snapped back. Then he brushed past Miksus so fast he almost knocked him down, the sound of Mik’s laughter ringing in his ears. “Ahhh…don’t be like that. Come on. I didn’t mean to upset you…Quint…Quintlar, wait up,” Miksus tried to apologize as he followed him through the guild gate, stepping quickly trying to catch up. Quintlar stopped and waited for Miksus. He chided himself for being so upset. He didn’t mean to take it out on his friend. He wasn’t angry with Mik, he was angry with himself, and Raven. His hero attempt had somehow backfired. His only thought at the time was to get her out of danger. He hadn’t stop to wonder if she wanted help. Verrak was ruthless and Quintlar was certain he wouldn’t think twice about hurting someone. He should have known better than to get mixed up with a woman. This was the exact reason he usually avoided them. Like he had told Miksus before, he was much better with swords. Quintlar sighed deeply remembering the look in her eyes, she had been so angry. Angry or not he couldn’t forget her eyes. They were captivating. Quintlar didn’t think he had done anything that bad. Surely there must be work somewhere for her. He was worried now that maybe he should have just left her there. But, he knew even if he could do it over, he would still have dragged her out of there exactly the same way. Had he really ruined her only shot at work in the town? He wondered silently. He would try to find a way of fixing the mess he had created with her. The fact that she was angry with him bothered him the most. Quintlar could see Miksus waiting for some sort of acknowledgement. The silence hung in the air around them like a thin veil of silk, but he didn’t know what to say. Then he looked at Miksus and saw the worry on his face. He knew what he needed to do. “I’m sorry, Mik. I didn’t mean to make you worry. It’s just this thing with Raven and my bad luck with women. I took it out on you, I’m sorry.” Squaring his shoulders and looking into Mik’s eyes he said what he needed to say. Then flashed a broad grin. “Hey, no problem, friend. I’m just glad it wasn’t me you were angry with. I saw how you took care of Verrak. Man, I sure wouldn’t want to be in his boots right now. He’s going to have one hell of a headache when he wakes up. And Quint, thanks. I really mean it. Thanks for helping me out of that tight jam. I have a feeling Verrak won’t let this go that easily. We’ll have to keep an eye out.” Miksus told him clapping him soundly on the back in appreciation. “I think you’re right about Verrak. We’ll deal with that when it happens. Don’t worry. Mik, tell me what happened back there. You looked so strange, like you’d seen a ghost or something” he told him, concerned about his friend. “I don’t know it was weird. I felt…I mean…well, it felt like impending doom and fear rolled up into one feeling. I’ve had that same feeling before but this time it was more intense. Rumors are going around that only elves are being affected. I need to check that out. “ Miksus replied. “Only elves? That is strange.” “I seem to sort of remember something from when I was a kid. I think this has happened before. I’ll go tomorrow and talk to someone at the Temple. They would surely know, well I hope they know something to explain it.” Miksus smoothed the hair from his face as the wind picked up and shuddered with a sudden chill. “We going to go practice now or what? I need to get moving around or I’m going to freeze in this wind.” “Come on, let’s go get a drink. Practice can wait until later.” “Oh yeah?” “Yeah, and I’m buying,” Quintlar said with a sly grin. “Well now, in that case let’s go!” Miksus laughed, caught his friends’ arm and hauled him out the gate, in the direction of the tavern. ---------------------------------------- A cloaked figure huddled in the cliffside alcove chanting in front of a massive altar. It was ancient and had been overgrown with weeds and vines. Carved from black onyx it was very impressive, dominating the small natural cave. Elaborate carvings of demonic figures covered the smooth surface of the support but the top was unmarked and shiny. Lying on top of it was a small leather bound tome, the pages worn and yellowed with the passage of time. Outside the wind was blowing hard against the cliffs. It whipped into the cave with an eerie whistle adding to the creepy atmosphere. The altar pulsated with a dull glow each time the chant was repeated. “Oh bringer of the world’s blight I call thy name into the night Valgwath, I invoke, by the moonless sea Kneeling by the nameless shrine, come to me Ancient one, hear my chanted prayer Carried to you by darkness and air I remember what once was forgotten May the world of light, once more be haunted By this spell your power unlocks Unleash your wrath by Winter Solstice This chant I say not once to thee Over again, three times three Come. Come. My will be done” The voice echoed in the close space of the alcove. It never changed in tone, and kept in steady rhythm with the glow from the altar. Abruptly the chant stopped and all was quiet. The ritual complete the cloaked figure stood, gathered the tome and left the cave, walking out into the moonless night. The cave was well hidden and it would stay that way for as long as necessary. The figure started up the trail to the top of the bluff and even though there was no moon to light way, they knew right where to step to avoid falling over the edge of the sheer precipice. After a short trek the figure came upon the large main gate of Seaford’s Landing. They paused briefly before the gate to push back the deep hood of the cloak, exposing their identity to the guard on duty. “Evening Miss, out for a walk this evening?” the guard asked congenially, walking over to where she stood. “Yes, I was. Such a wonderful night for a stroll on the bluff, it’s so clear you can see all the stars, but the wind is a bit chilly. I think winter may be just around the comer.” She replied pulling her cloak more tightly around her petite frame as she smiled sweetly at the guard. “Aye, that it is. You’d better get yourself over to the Inn and get warmed up, it’s going to be a frosty night for sure.” He told her with a flirting wink. “Unless of course if you’d like help with warming up, the new guard is due any minute.” He added, leaning close to her, flashing a lusty grin. “I’d better get going. I’ll be missed soon,” the girl told him hurriedly as she practically ran through the gate and down the street towards the Inn. Once inside the Inn she carefully hid her cloak along with the tome in the bottom of an empty barrel. She placed a sack of grain on top, completely concealing the items below. Satisfied the items would not be found, she hurried into the kitchen. “Zosia where have you been?” Elina asked irritably as she filled the many plates backed up on the counter. “I’ve been swamped with dinner orders and you’ve been out doing the Lady knows what! Take those plates out there now! Customers are waiting and I’ll not have them wait because of the likes of you anymore.” She ordered. Grabbing as many plates as she could comfortable carry with out spilling, Zosia headed towards the dining room, her eyes fixed on the floor in front of her. “Yes Elina, I’m sorry.” “Hurry up girl! Those dinners are getting cold!” she scolded as Zosia walked through the doorway into the other room. “What am I going to do with that girl?” she asked out loud gathering up the remaining plates and following her through the door. ------------------------------- Raven sat in the chair next to her window watching the bobbing lantern light from the ships at the docks. She noticed a new ship had come in today. The crew was still busy unloading cargo. She hadn’t gone down for dinner; she just wasn’t in the mood to socialize tonight. It had been a terrible day. She had looked all over town but still no work, and that giantman. The anger she had felt was long gone and she regretted now the way she had behaved. He had probably done her a favor and she had acted like a spoiled child stomping off like that. Raven bit her lip as she thought of him, of Quintlar. He had been so large, and handsome. She had never seen a giantman that tall before, and impulsively she wondered what it would be like to be held in his strong muscle-rippled arms. He would probably never talk to her again, and if he didn’t, she wouldn’t blame him. Raven was far too independent for her own good. It had always been that way with her. She had to learn the hard way no matter the situation. Even though she wasn’t angry with him anymore, she decided he owed her an apology. He had no right to drag her off like that, like some common twit without any brains in her head. Well, she wasn’t like that. She could take care of herself. She wasn’t without skills, but the few skills she did have needed honing. Standing, to close the window, she had a revelation. Walking over to the large trunk, she lifted the heavy lid and peered inside. A smile crossed her lips as she realized the answer to her problem was staring her in the face. Reaching in, she pulled out the sword that had been her fathers. It was hers now, and she would learn to use it. Raven had the weapon, the shield and the determination to make it work. She just needed the training. For that, she knew exactly where to go. Closing her hand tightly around the hilt of the sword she tilted it, making the light play off the polished metal. “Yes, this is the answer,” she said to herself and placed the weapon back safely inside the trunk. It had been such a simple answer. Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner? Laughing, she threw on her boots and her red cloak. Then she headed downstairs, she had to find Quintlar and Miksus. --------------------------------- The tavern was noisy and crowded when Raven walked through the door. This was the first time she had been to the Goat’s Eye. The place was exactly as she had expected, all except the smell. It was rank. The stench of ale, sweat, and perfume mixed with who knows what else, threatened to overwhelm her. Closing her eyes she fought back the urge to wretch. The feeling soon passed and Raven scanned the room for Quintlar. He was not easy to miss, being so much larger than most of the patrons. She found him sitting at a long table with Miksus and another giantman. After ordering a glass of wine she headed for the table. Quintlar’s back was facing her as she approached. Miksus was sitting next to him. The other man sat across the table from them, while they talked. The man smiled at her as she came to a stop behind Quintlar. “Good-eve, Miss,” the man greeted her. “Good-eve, Gentlemen,” Raven said to them, waiting expectantly for a reaction from Quintlar. Raven saw his posture tense when she spoke. Was he still angry? Would he send her away? Raven wondered, but she hoped he would let her join the little group. “Hello there, Raven. It’s a pleasure to see such beauty in a place like this,” Miksus stood to greet her with a small bow. “Would you care to join us?” “Thank you, Miksus. I was just going to ask if you had room for one more.” “Sure there is. Naran, scoot over and let Raven sit down. Raven this is Naran.” “Pleasure, Raven,” Naran said politely as he scooted down the bench. “Well met, Naran.” Raven took the spot across from Quintlar, next to Naran. Quintlar never said a word. He just sat there sipping his ale and watching her. In fact, he never took his eyes off of her, she noticed. This caused her to be a little self-conscious. She took a deep draft of her wine. She hoped it would calm her nerves. “Umm, I…” Raven started nervously. She was suddenly a big jumble of nerves. Thank goodness, she thought, much relieved, as Quintlar interrupted her. “I owe you an apology, Raven. For the way I treated you today. I should not have dragged you through town like that,” Quintlar told her sincerely. “Please, accept mine as well. I stormed off like some spoiled child. I’m rather embarrassed by my behavior,” She replied with a small smile. She took another drink of her wine in an attempt to hide the blush growing to stain her cheeks a delicate pink. Seeing their discomfort Miksus spoke up. “Well now that the pleasantries are done. What brings you here Raven?” he asked with an inquisitive look. “I was looking for you two actually.” “Really? Looking for us? Did you hear that, Quint? She was looking for us.” “Yes, I heard. Did you come here for a reason or did you just come to sit and talk with us?” Quintlar asked her as the serving maid delivered another round of drinks. Naran raised his mug in a toast, “To new friends.” “To new friends,” they all chimed together, taking a lusty drink. “I wanted to ask you about something. Though admittedly, I’m not sure how you will react,” she was looking into her glass as she spoke. “Don’t worry, just ask,” Quintlar replied. “You know I was looking for a job, or some kind of work. I’ve come up with a solution. I want to join the warrior guild,” Raven bit her lip waiting for a reply. All was quiet as they absorbed what she had just told them. “You what? You can’t be serious,” Quintlar retorted. “Well, why not?” asked Naran. “Anyone can learn and everyone who wants to learn is welcome at the guild.” “But she would need a weapon, a shield, and leather armor. Those cost silvers,” Quintlar protested to Naran. “I’ve all those already. I’ve had some basic training as well. I know a bit of swordplay and hand-to-hand maneuvers. I know I can do this. Would you help me? I don’t even know who to ask about joining,” Raven tried to convince them. “As for asking admission, you just did,” Naran, replied with a broad grin. “I’m a drillmaster there and it would be my pleasure to help you.” “Yeah, Raven. Naran here is one of the best,” Miksus chimed in. “Oh thank you!” She said excitedly throwing her arms around Naran in a big hug. Naran just laughed and hugged her back. Miksus was smiling from ear to ear. Then she noticed the look on Quintlar’s face. “It seems you have their support. You might as well have mine too,” Quintlar told her. “I’ll help you. Actually, we can all help each other.” “Well then, that’s settled.” Naran said approvingly. “Come see me in the morning, just tell the guard at the gate I’m expecting you and we’ll get you all set up.” Raven nodded. She couldn’t tell if Quintlar really approved or not. That didn’t actually matter, she realized. She had support from Miksus and Naran. Still it would have eased what fear she had if Quintlar had been more excepting. What was he so worried about? She could be a great warrior. She would just have to prove it to him. What will happen next? You can find out..."Invalid Item" ![]() |