Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/688330-The-Dark-Angel
by Alex
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #688330
A story about religion and the values associated with it.

         The great city was finally asleep. The thick cloak of darkness fell on the quiet streets. It was almost midnight. Only a few people were awake at this deadly hour. One of the few was an owner of a large company located at the core of the commercial district. Indeed, Bill was a very dedicated businessmen. At this late hour he was still taking care of his business in the empty building. He has finished calculating the profit from the this month. When he compared it with the figures of this moth last year, he saw that he had an increase of almost two hundred percent. He smiled, and thought that only a smart and cunning man like himself can have such a successful business. He remembered old the days when he was just starting. Of course in order to get so high on the business ladder he performed some actions that were not very “virtuous”. But as we all now, it is business and those are the laws of business. He believed that the single commandment of a successful business “Only the fittest survive.”
         The phone rang. It was his old friend, who had borrowed a large sum money a while ago. And as always he was asking for if he could return at later time. This agitated Bill, and his good mood shattered like a glass knocked down from the kitchen table. Bill knew that his friend was having major problems with his business, but that was not an excuse. After all, business is business.
         “NO! I do not want the money later, I want it now. You have been saying that for over a year now”. Bill’s was almost yelling.
         “ You have no money!? That does not matter. What if I go to the electric company and say that I do not have money to pay the bill for my factory. Will they say ‘Oh, it’s OK, sir. You can pay it when you have the money.’ No, of course not! They will tell me to go take out a loan. So I am telling you the same thing. Either you give the money back now or you will pay the interest. And you know how the rates are right now.”
         Now Bill was actually yelling. “ I don’t care if you don’t have the money to pay the interest! I don’t care if your family needs money.! When I was just a small business a man ,starting out, did anyone care how MY family was!? No, of course not! I do not need this right now. I told you the options. I expect the money by next week, or there will be serious consequences.”
         Bill slammed down the phone and face the window. ” What an asshole!” , murmured Bill ”who the hell does he think he is? Now what was I doing? Oh yeah I have to get those papers-“. As he was saying that he was turning around to go to the next room. All of a sudden he froze, his body did not make the complete turn. Bill held his breath, and stood motionless. In the darkness perhaps eight feet away stood a dark figure. He could not see who it was. In horror movies the person in a situation like this would say something like “Who are you?”, but Bill’s could not open his mouth. The figure stepped forward, out of the darkness. Bill stepped back in horror because now in the clear moonlight he saw what it was. It was an angel, but not one of those cute angles that are drawn you see on religious painting. No, this one was different. He was about six feet tall. On his body he had some dark rags, and something that looked like armor, but it was all black . In his hand he had a long sword. From the sword some liquid was dripping , it looked blood except that it was black. His face was a skull. Just as the “good” angels radiate bright light, this one is radiating a dark light. Bill thought that maybe he was hallucinating, after all he had been in the office for over twelve hours. He shut his eyes, and with all of his soul he hoped to open them and fight nothing there. But when he opened them the figure was still there. The angel took a small step forward. Now he spoke ,he did this without opening his mouth.
         “Are you ready?”
         Bill hesitated, but when he looked at the skull, he knew that he had to speak.
“F..f.for..r what?”
         “Come, I am here to take you away.”

         “Where!?” Bill was now in panic.
         “The lord of darkness is taking you to his realm.”
         Bill clearly understood what the angel meant. “Why!? I am still alive! And it is up to God to decide where I go.”
         “No, it is not. It is up to YOU to decide where you go. You are in charge of your soul. You have two choices, two masters to follow. You are well aware of this. I did not come hear to teach you about religion. You have signed the contract with the Devil. And now you are going to join him.”
         “But I did not sign anything! I did not sign a contract with my blood!”
         There is a much better way to sign contracts with Satan, that is with your actions. It is a very simple concept. You follow God’s word , you sign a contract with him. But when you sin you denounce God, and become a member of Satan’s follower. By sinning you reject all that is holy and accept evil, whether you know this or not.”
         “But I am a Christian! I go to church on Sundays, I give money, I read the Bible with my kids-”
         “The problem with most people is that what they DO is very different from what they THINK THEY DO. It does not matter if you go to church everyday, pray ten times a day, read the Bible for hours… All that matters is your actions. By not following the word God, you follow the word of Satan. One of Satan’s favorite words is: greed”
         “But I am not greedy.”
         “Look at your business, think about you actions for the past year, think about your actions couple of minutes ago. Yes, you are one of those perfect and honest business-men. Yes, you are just like them that you would step over thousands of people just to achieve you goal. But after all business is business. ”
         “I- I didn’t do it for my self, I did it for my family. I did it some my kids could have a good life.”
         “And that makes it right? Do not lie to yourself, face the truth. A person who steals for himself, is no different from a person who steals so that his son can go to a good university. The bottom line is that he stole. And that is all that matters, ”the bottom line . Remember the man you put out of business couple of years ago? You did it for your family? You made him bankrupt, and he could not support HIS family , so he killed himself.”
         “That is not my fault! I did not know that that was going to happen!.”
         “Yes, you are one of those Christians who claim that they are hands of God. They say that they do not smoke, do not drink, do not commit adultery. But if a person needs help from them they will kindly ignore him or tell the emotional tale of how their life is horrible. That person might have a better chance of getting help from demon, then those
         “good” and “holy” people. Yes, you are one of those people who claims that God helped them to become rich. So did God also tell you to steal money from people and the government? Isn’t it ironic that, you claim that you are rich because of God’s blessing and yet there are millions suffering? Open, your eyes, God had nothing to do with your successful business, he did not bless it, but the Devil did. Your business was blessed by blood and sin.”
         “I ran an honest business! I did not do anything bad. I just did it for my family!”
         “I did not come here to argue with you. I came to take you home, where you belong. Your verdict has been given. It was given by Satan who you served, so well. It was given by God who you rejected. It was also given by all the people who you hurt. All those poor people, who you claimed were poor because they were sinners. By all those people who you did not help when they were in need. By all the consumers that you cheated. And by everyone that was on the path of your ‘successful business’. By being ‘smart and cunning’ you have earned your self a great reward.”
         After the angel said this, he swiftly swung his heavy sword. The lifeless body fell to the ground, and the soul started to fly at full speed towards the dark abyss of Hell. Now we can all see that there is a great deal of truth in the statement :“only the fittest survive.”

© Copyright 2003 Alex (alexg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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