Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/686706-One-day-in-the-biology-lab
by ESK
Rated: GC · Short Story · Young Adult · #686706
I thought he was horrible, he was my teacher after all
I had never hated a person so much as I had my year 11 Biology teacher. Everything about him annoyed me, from his beard to the way he yells at students for playfully taking another students pencilcase. I wanted to be transfered out of his class, he was like the shadow that just won't leave you alone, especially when homework is overdue.

Anyway, it was a Tuesday after school, I had the last period free and he had a class so I had to wait for him to finish it. I wanted to ask him how I could improve my Biology mark, also to tell him that I was changing classes.
I watched all of the year 10's walk out of his class, laughing mainly. I saw a couple of friends so I smiled and said "hey" or "hi" to them. A couple of the students were still talking to him so I walked in, and they continued to talk for a couple of minutes then they left.
"Good to see you again, Erica. What can I do for you?" He asked, in the tone that I hate him using, it's almost like he puts himself above everyone else, not that he hides it not to mention calm and reassured of himself.

"I just wanted to ask, how can I improve my Biology mark?" I said, looking straight into his eyes, hoping to be intimidating to him also to hide my shyness.

"That's a good question. I'm glad you came to see me about it." He said pulling out his mark book. He started reciting my marks, 39/44 then C+ and B- etc.

"Yes I know what I got, how can I improve them?" I said sternly, getting rather annoyed with him.

"Hold on a sec, before I forget, could you help me with cleaning up in the back room? The year 10's are so messy sometimes" He asked.

"If you'll tell me when we're done, I kind of have to be at after school Japanese class soon."

"Sure, it'll only take 5 minutes."

"Ok" I said and he showed me into the backroom, where it was indeed a mess.

"Geez, you were right, the year 10's do make a mess. Was my class ever like this?" I asked him, leaning forward on the centre table at all the little glasses of chemicals.

"Just about the same, but then again, very different, no two classes are ever the same."

"I have to agree with you there." I said, it was probably the only thing I'd had to agree with him on.

I picked up a bottle and read the label "silver nitrate" how uninteresting.
I heard a click behind me, I just thought it was the teacher cleaning up.
Then I felt something on my shoulder, I turned around suddenly to see him looking straight at me.

"Would you not touch me? I have this thing, I don't like being touched" I said rather peeved that a teacher would do something like that.

He didn't move at all. I tried to brush his hand off but from me turning around to push him away he put his other hand on my hip and squeased me.
"This is different isn't it Erica? You seem so fiery today, I hope it isn't because of me."

"Don't touch me!" I yelled "Please don't."

"But you know you want me to Erica" he continued not breaking his gaze from my eyes "I've seen you look at me just like you are now".

"No, I want you to stop now. Go any further and I'll scream" I said starting to shake, I knew his testamony would hold more water than mine, if it ever did get that far.

"C'mon, it'll be fun, just relax ok?" he said leaning into me, kissing me softly. It did feel nice, but it was wrong.

"Stop, please" I whispered.

He kissed me harder, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I felt his beard on my face, it was very itchy, I wanted to bite his tongue, but I couldn't. I was too scared.

He pushed me into the table, his hand feeling around my back, lifting my jumper and shirt.
"Stop. Please. Don't" I said as loud as I could, but it only came out as a whisper.
He felt his cold hands over my back then around to my front and under my bra.

"Stop. No." I kept repeating, I wanted to run, But I was frozen.
He put one leg between mine and pushed one aside, I lost my balance in him doing this. I fell to the floor, trying to get up, and pull my shirt and jumper back into place. He dropped to his knees and pushed me back onto the floor.

"Just lie still, it won't hurt, just relax Erica. It'll feel good." He said, it was so calm and reassured.

"No. Please. Stop." I continued to say, not that he appeared to hear it at all.
Pushing my legs apart again with his knees he grabbed my hands and pulled them above my head, with one hand.
With his other hand he pushed my skirt up and my underwear to one side. Kissing me hard, he undid his fly and pushed himself into me. At this I screamed as loud as I could. It hurt so much, I started to cry.

"Shhh" he soothed, and kissed me again and again, slowly humping me.
Each time he pushed himself harder and each time it hurt more and the more I cried.
After what seemed like hours, he pulled himself out and let go of me. Fixing himself, he offered a hand to help me up.

I wiped my face and got up and ran out of the door grabbing my backpack on the way. I couldn't help feeling betrayed, even though I had hated him to high hell I trusted him.
I guess he thought that because it had happened to me before, by other men, he thought he could too.
What a bastard, all of them.

After that day I never went back to one of his classes and changed into a class with a female teacher, who I had the year before. I never told anyone what really happened, but I still avoid him at all costs.
© Copyright 2003 ESK (louise-erica at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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