Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/685943-The-land-of-liars-cheaters-and-theives
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #685943
A future society propelled by ignorance and lies. Work in progress, input appreciated.
Somewhere in the future....

Where there is nothing but a mass of all knowing smiles. You are born with the same knowledge that you die with. Nothing more and nothing less. A place where no directions are given and no questions are asked. Everyone is polite and no laws are enforced or broken.

Children are born to licensed parents. Those incapable of providing a safe home are denied the privilege of having children of their own. Born knowing fully what is expected of them, limitation is not in their programmed vocabulary. Everything that they know of is possible.
These are the programmed smiley's that walk in The Now. They don't observe, mimic, or imagine. They just merely exist.

If you were old enough to remember The Before Times and fortunate enough to avoid capture, the boiling wells is where you ended up. Due to the rash irrigation that started in the Before times, all land had been lost. In The Now there is one body of water. The great waters of Aquimius, which have long since emerged the globe.

Fruits and vegetables are grown in emense water fields using hydro-ponic techniques, but fish is what makes up the majority of food for most of civilization. Though most of Aquimius waters were calm and warm to the touch, there were parts that reaching scalding temperatures.

Boiling wells.

No one intentionally goes into these waters, no one but runaways and misfits that would not reform to The Now. They live as their ancestor's lived hundreds of years ago. The only difference being they possess the knowledge their ancestors didn’t; but any other way would mean to conform with The Now, and that is the reason that they risked death. Even if it means the life they live now is nothing but a shadow of their former selves.

To live in The Now is to live in ignorance.
Everything that is done is worth doing for them.

In The Now life is easy. There are no other major emotions but happiness and empathy that are expressed. Avoiding pain, confusion, and sadness is a simple task; for the citizens of The Now are unaware of the existence of these words. Much easier then in The Before times, when people were left to their own devices. Left to deal with all those emotions and the indifference of others.

The Before times had not been without flaws. War, sickness, murder, greed and scandal. All for personal gain. Never mind that it gave those who lived choices, freedom's to agree or disagree.

But alas nothing lasts forever, and it's a wonder it lasted as long as it had.

The reform for The Now started far before any of the ideas made sense, things that seemed so practical. How could they have had all the answers and yet been so far?

In The Now the Before times are not discussed, merely dismissed as a myth of stupidity on the part of non civilized people that once might have existed. No one speaks of the past, why do that when there is Now to think of? That is the key. Never remember what was said or done yesterday, or think of what might be changed by tomorrow.

Just live in The Now.

Many things were "reconfigured" to conform to the Now. "Everyone's business is your business" is common sense, and no one has a problem with it. Why would anyone, its how things have always been.

There were still a few who remained in the cities that refused to surrender to The Now, and refused to migrate to the boiling wells, their numbers however were dwindling; more and more were caught everyday. Most stayed because they did not want to take their children somewhere as savage as the boiling wells; but any children left from The Before times stuck out like a sore thumb.
Not only were the children of The Before times intelligently inferior, they were physically different as well. Children of The Now retain a smaller build, but you could always tell by the teeth.
You see ways of the old days are over; the most logical methods are enforced. Before, there was a need to visit doctors known as dentists. These doctors specialized in removal and care of a person's teeth throughout their lives for a considerable fee. This was maybe one of the most unfavorable experiences for most people of The Before times. It was thought that too much time, effort and money were spent for something that would fall out or break in thirty or so years, so it was said that after the baby teeth were lost and after the second set had grown in, they were extracted and replaced with a set of false teeth. It was quite unnerving to see a nine year old with a set of pearly whites so large they prevented the lips from touching.

That soon, became normal along with other hideous laws and acts that were enforced. It seemed to anyone who couldn't see the positive aspects of this new culture, and there were surprisingly few, that all was lost before it really began.

But if they have any clue what was to come they would have lost hope a long time ago. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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