Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/685668-Bloodstone-and-Pentacles---Part-4
Rated: ASR · Novel · Supernatural · #685668
The continuing story of the vampire brothers and their little sister
Chapter 7

         "Master, we've found them!" Bruce cried, running into Redell's chambers. "We traced their bank card being used at a gas station near the apartment. Would you like to go after them yourself, or should we take them?"
         Redell grinned and stood, his hands shaking with the need for blood. "I want her untainted, and I will have her." He laughed as his body shifted into a cat, and he bounded out into the early evening.
         After running the length of one block, Redell came to a halt and cursed himself for not feeding before he left his chambers. If I conserve what little strength I have left, I can still reach that girl tonight, he thought, a malicious smile curving his furry face. Her blood will be my reward for my patience.
         He stumbled up the steps to their former dwelling and marveled at what lay before him. The room was utterly destroyed, and Redell made a mental note to share the little bitch with a few of his men.
         Sniffing the air, Redell hissed and shifted back to his vampire form. "They were here just now." He growled and slammed his fist through a kitchen cabinet.
         As he continued to follow their strong scents, he came across the front door, where the smell seemed to stop abruptly. "That boy must be covering their tracks."
         Redell reached out to his apprentice through their mental link and screamed. If she comes back, I want you to capture her! Come and stand guard here!! But, first, find me a child. I want innocent blood when I return.
         Yes, Master,
the incompetent puppy replied, and Redell was intensely happy. The town was so full of weak-minded newborns that were itching for a chance at power. His apprentice was only part nightwalker, making him even easier to corrupt then most. All he needed was a slight tug to bring him right into his grasp. And now, Bruce obeyed and served him without question.
         "If only I could keep her after I take her blood, she could be my new apprentice... or even my queen." Redell grinned and stepped into the light, putting a pair of sunglasses over his red eyes. "She can rule at my side... and maybe that is worth more than mixed blood."

         Draven stepped inside the door, almost overpowered by the elder's psychic scent. He must have been here a while to work up this kind of stench. he thought bitterly as he entered a large room, brushing a tapestry out of his way.
         This looks like my dreams... only darker. A castle ballroom stood before him, walls covered with black tapestries and curtains of velvet over windows. Braziers burned with orange fire along the walls, and a throne sat at the head of the room, surrounded with torches and covered in glittering gems. The room lay shrouded in shadow and darkness.
         "Can I help you, boy?" a booming voice echoed through the room. "If you come to harm us, get it over with and be gone."
         "Actually, I have come to help you, Redell." Draven leaned against the doorframe, a smile crossing his lips. "That is.. if you want my assistance.."
         A pale hand reached through the shadows around the throne and gripped a gem-covered armrest. "What assistance do you wish to offer, Draven? And why would you wish to abandon your precious sister and brother?"
         Draven shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. "They're both too boring for me. They refused to feed, and my sister isn't even a darkling yet. I want strength, and I figured you could give it to me."
         "And what are you planning to offer in return?" Redell asked, stepping out of the shadows, clearly annoyed.
         "I can help you find them."
         "Draven, I don't need help finding your siblings," he said, waving his hand. "Leave before I get hungry."
         "Do you think that will scare me, Redell? You're old, and without strong blood, you'll start to look your age."
         Growling, Redell disappeared, and Draven felt a prick on the side of his neck. "How do you plan to find the girl? Gabriel is blocking my power, Draven. He's blocking me! If my ancient powers cannot reach him, how do you expect to do it?"
         Smiling, Draven looked back at the elder. "I know my sister, and I know that she'll stay human. Gabriel is probably driving himself crazy trying to talk her into becoming a darkling, but she will resist."
         "Ahh... how does that make any difference?" he asked, rolling his eyes.
         "Humans are slower and require more rest than us, right?"
         Nodding, Redell motioned for him to continue.
         "She'll drag him down. If he doesn't get her food and doesn't force her to sleep, she'll probably die."
         "This does not bother you, Draven? You fought so valiantly for her just a day ago."
         "I realize that, but she is not my sister anymore." Dravenn looked down at his dirty shoes, wetting his lips. "She's afraid of me now because she knows what I truly am, and she ran from me."
         Redell stepped around to face him, his wrinkled face solemn. "This rejection is not new, Draven. In three thousand years, I have seen hundreds and thousands of newborn nightwalkers pushed away, snubbed out, or forced to leave by their family and friends. Even spouses have tried to kill their loved ones after they have been changed, always out of fear.
          "But most of those darklings go on and grow stronger from those experiences. Draven, sometimes being heartless or just cold can keep you alive." He put a hand on Draven's shoulder and squeezed slightly. "That is how my followers and I have stayed alive for such a long time. Do you want to join us and gain power to forget your rejection and pain? Do you want adventure and sweet blood to grace you?"
         Draven took a deep breath and blew it out quickly, a smile lightening his pale face. This is the chance we need, he said confidently, his head high. "I will join you."

         "What do you mean you can't sense Draven anymore?" Kayla asked in shock. "How can he block himself like that?"
         "Kayla, right now, I'm using my power to shield us. Draven is probably doing the same thing." He sat down on the edge of the cheap hotel bed, rubbing his temples. "But we need to worry about more important things at the moment, such as where to get more money. Even if we hope to keep the car, we need to keep paying for gas. And, unless you're up to a little larceny, we're out of luck."
         She sighed and fell onto her own bed. "Are you suggesting that we just give up, Gabriel? If that's the case, I suppose you can say good bye soon."
         "Kayla, you know I don't want to give you up. Hell, I just met my brother and sister for the first time in two hundred years! Why do you seem to think I want to turn you over to them?"
         Tugging at her hair, she looked blankly at the ceiling. "I don't know. Draven, my big brother, practically my dad, turned against me. Why would you be any different?"
         Wincing as the emotional blow struck, he closed his eyes. "To tell you the truth, I don't honestly know," Gabriel said softly. "I hope I can resist the urge to kill. Kayla, I'll do all I can to protect you alone, but that may not be enough to keep you alive. There is one other form of protection I can offer... but you have to be willing to accept it."
         Kayla turned on her side and wet her lips. "Will it hurt?" she asked, barely a whisper.
         Gabriel looked over at his sister, thankful for her strength and courage. "It won't hurt much if I do it right. Kayla... do you trust me?"
         She hesitated for only a moment before she nodded. "Yes," she squeaked. "You have already saved my life and protected me thus far, so I doubt you're in this for my blood."
         He stood and knelt next to her on the bed. "I will be as gentle as I can." Gabriel brushed her hair away from her neck and leaned closer to her. He felt her take in a shaky breath as his lips met her skin, kissing lightly.
         Remember, a large part of his mind said, she is your sister. Don't try to seduce her... like you normally do.
         Gabriel blushed and murmured an apology as his teeth sank into her skin. He nearly moaned as her blood, rich with energy and power, flowed into his mouth.
         He felt Kayla flinch and sent soothing words into her mind. You will be stronger, faster, and more agile that you ever were before, Kayla, his mental voice said lightly as his power blanketed her mind, calming the pain.
         I know, Gabriel she responded, startling him. That's why I didn't want to do this.
         He marveled at her underdeveloped yet strong mental abilities. How had Kayla been able to answer so soon after being bitten? Most could not use their psychic powers until months after being changed and then trained.
         You have to drink from me, he stammered, holding his wrist near her mouth.
         I have to drink that?! she screamed, almost pushing him away before he could hold her still.
         Kayla, don't move or it will hurt very badly. This is the only way I know of to change you, he said softly, loosening his grip on her arm as he pulled his mouth from her neck. "This will return blood that you lost into your body and finish the transformation."
         Gabriel took a small knife from his pocket and held the blade against his wrist. "Are you ready."
         She wet her lips and nodded, trying to hide her fear as she moved her mouth closer to his arm. "Yes."
         Nodding, he cut his wrist with the knife, wincing as his blood dripped onto her lips. Kayla braced herself for a moment before pressing her mouth against his wrist and, reluctantly, drank the liquid from his veins.
         Gabriel winced as she drank, praying that she could handle the power of this new form and come to terms with what she had done.

         Kayla winced as his blood flowed between her lips, wishing her dizziness would fade so she could push him away. Why did I let him do this? she asked herself.
         Him, a voice said lightly from behind her. Somehow, she was in her own body in a very dark place, and as she turned, an image of Draven appeared. Not the cruel, feral beast that was Draven now, but the sweet, big brother Kayla has always loved and respected.
         Gabriel, dressed in a long black trench coat and dark clothes stood beside the image and stared at her with sad eyes. "You know exactly why you changed yourself, sister. You love him and want to save him."
         Kayla sighed, knowing he was right. "That's true... but if you're changing me now, how are we here? Wait, what is here?"
         "This place was created the moment our bloods mixed, but you only feel it now because you have my blood in you. This is our psychic link, a place where only you and I can talk privately, mind to mind."
         "Wait, psychic link? I think I've read about those.. but wouldn't I need some kind of psychic abilities to connect with you?"
         Gabriel shrugged and stepped around her, putting a hand on Kayla's shoulder. "You must possess very strong psychic strength that you never knew of. So, now that our blood is combined, I walked into your mind, maybe awakening your true power."
         Kayla stared at his hand for a long time before she started tittering, then giggling, then laughing. "Gabriel, you can't possibly be serious! I don't have psychic powers and... there aren't any vampires or.." she tried to convince herself, though she still knew he told the truth.
         "Kayla, do you want to live a lie, or would you rather give in and accept the truth early on? It would save us all a lot of time and bloodshed." Gabriel's voice had reached the dark, heartless tone Draven had used when she saw him last, scaring Kayla into believing him.
         He nodded and sat down in a leather arm chair, motioning to one next to him. Kayla sighed and sat on the arm of the chair. "Now, this psychic power of yours will need to be trained until it is fully under your control. Before it is trained, your power could slip out and hurt anything you think about.
         "Let's say, for example, that you were angry with anyone and thought of hurting them. Your power could use any method to kill or cripple them for life. Even a simple 'I hate you' could break a limb."
         Kayla blinked and ran a shaking hand through her hair. "I don't want to hurt anyone.. Please, tell me what to do to control it," she said softly, sliding down into the chair backward and, for the first time, noticing her clothes.
         She sat in a pair of tight black leather pants and heeled boots along with a black tank top and a trench coat much like Gabriel's. Hmmm, she thought with a smile, not a bad choice, brother.
         " I knew you would like it, You still don't seem to think that I can hear all of your thoughts, Kayla. That's why I wanted you to trust me."
         "I'm trying, honestly. Just... I've known you for about two days, and you've asking me to give up everything I know to help Draven and you kill some old vampire guy. Do you honestly think that you could take all of that in after two days?"
         He started to answer, but she cut him off. "For now, I'll trust you. Nothing had happened yet to make me think you'll turn on me, so why would you turn now?" Kayla smiled and looked over at him. "So, is this place like.. real?"
         Gabriel shrugged and stood, offering his hand to help her up. "Well, you can see me and feel my hand, right?"
         Kayla nodded and he continued. "Then, technically, it is real. But this is more like another plane of existence than a real place. It's like astral projection."
         "Astral projection?" Kayla asked, standing and rubbing her temples.
         "Astral projection. You know the big myth about witches flying on broomsticks?"
         She nodded. "But I didn't think witches were real."
         Gabriel smiled. "You didn't believe in vampires until last night.
         "Anyway, witches don't actually fly on broomsticks. It's almost like they meditate. Like... they sent out their spirits to do some things for them, and someone saw the spirit of a woman on a broomstick in the sky. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but it's not just the supposed witches that can do this. Anyone can. Mostly, you just picture yourself in this place and imagine things here, and they appear.... That's almost the point of astral projection, along with traveling other planes."
         Kayla smiled. "So, what exactly can we do here?"
         He grinned as his body slowly lifted off the ground. "Lots of things. But that's not important right now. We need to figure out how to help Draven."
         She nodded sadly. "Yes.. any other bright ideas?"
         Gabriel shook his head and floated back to the ground. "None yet, but I'm working on it."
         "So, should we leave this place?"
         "Yeah... Kayla, you will be in a lot of pain when you get back to your body. It will take a little while to fade, but you'll just fall asleep for a few hours and wake up nearly fine."
         "Well, you'll be hungry... extremely hungry."
         "Oh," she said as she cringed. "I'm ready... how do we get out of here?"
         "All you have to do is will yourself out of here. Will yourself back into your body."
         Kayla nodded and closed her eyes, willing her spirit back to her body. She felt a slight tug from her physical body and bit back a scream as the tug turned into a violent yank, and Kayla was submerged in intense, blinding pain.

         Bruce growled as Draven offered to help his master. How dare that goody-two-shoes try to switch sides and take his place?! He was the one meant to be all powerful, not this stupid bloodsucker!
         "Master, how can we trust him?" Bruce murmured from Redell's side.
         A smile curved his dry, cracked lips as he turned to Bruce. "Well, he seems to be more helpful than you have been, and he isn't hiding anything from us. His mind is free."
         Bruce looked at the vampire out of the corner of his eye. "But is his mental ability strong enough to hide anything?"
         Redell laughed as Draven turned to Bruce. "What's wrong, puppy?" he asked, his expression smug. "Afraid I'll replace you?"
         At Bruce's growl, Draven smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry. I don't plan to be a total brown-noser. I offered my assistance for a price; you offered yours so you could say you serve someone with Redell's reputation."
         Bruce took a step toward him, feeling his body shifting, but he hit an invisible barrier. Snarling, Bruce forced his body to shift to his human form. "Forget it. You're not worth the effort."
         "Boys, both of you, be silent," Redell commanded, and Bruce turned his attention to his master. "Now, what we need to think about is how to find your sweet sister. Then, we can think about destroying Venice and watching the elders kneel at our feet." He laughed bitterly and laid a hand on each of their shoulders. "Does that sound good to you?"
         Draven shrugged and pulled away from him. "Just the power, Redell. I don't care about taking over Venice."
         "But what is the point of having power and not using it?" Bruce asked, looking at Redell. "Master, I doubt he is truly here to help us."
         "Nonsense, puppy. Now, how about a drink for our new friend?"
         Bruce sighed as he walked to a cabinet, using a dingy copper key to unlock it. Inside sat an array of dark bottles and jars, all holding different types of blood. Bruce took three silver chalices from one shelf and filled them from a large bottle, then corked the bottle and closet the cabinet. He handed a chalice to each of them and stared into the thick liquid inside his. They all contained dark, elder blood, rich with power and calling to him.
         Redell lifted his glass and gave a vicious smile. "To the defeat of Venice."
         Draven touched his glass to Redell's and looks over at Bruce. "To power."
         Grumbling, Bruce raised his chalice and looked down. "To Master."

         Gabriel held Kayla's shoulders down as she started to sit up. "Kayla, it will go away soon, but you must lie still!" he yelled, hoping she could hear him over her screams of agony.
         "Gabriel," she groaned through her teeth, writhing under his grasp. "Help me... please." Her skin slowly turned the color of ivory as she cried one final time before dropping back on the bed, making the broken box springs creek.
         "Kayla, I promise it will be over soon," he said, smoothing her wet hair away from her pale, icy skin. She closed her eyes and seemed to wilt, her limbs and muscles loosening, as her breath passed through her tightly-closed lips.
         He kissed her cheek and sat back, waiting for her transformation to end. The pendant on her chest glowed as her muscles grew, and fangs slipped between her lips. Kayla's eyelids fluttered, then opened slowly. Her once-green eyes were now ringed with silver light, and she stared up at him, her gaze unknowing. "What happened?" she asked, her voice darker than midnight.
         "You've changed, dear," Gabriel said as he touched one of her fangs with a fingertip.
         Kayla blinked and tried to bite his finger, the silver around her pupils giving way to crimson.
         "Damn it, Kayla, what are you trying to do?" he growled as he pulled his hand away before her teeth pierced his skin. The growl that had risen in her throat ended, as if cut off by a knife.
         "I... I don't know..." she whimpered, curling herself into a ball. "Was I just growling at you?" she asked, running a finger over her fangs."My Gods..." She looked up at him with a mix of fear and curiosity in her eyes. "I changed."
         Gabriel nodded and patted the top of her head, ruffling her hair. "Yes, Kayla. You've embraced your dark side. You're a true vampire now."

         Draven sighed as he flopped backwards onto an over-stuffed couch, sprawling out across its length. "Now, Bruce... what is it, exactly, that you do to help your beloved master?" he asked with a smirk.
         Bruce sat near him in a straight-back wooden chair, strangling the dragons carved into the armrests. "What would you care, blood-sucker? You're not here to help us take over Venice, I know that." Hearing a cough mixed with a laugh, Bruce glared in Draven's direction. "What the hell is so damn amusing to you?"
         Draven shook his head and closed his eyes, laying his head back against the side of the couch. "Do you honestly believe that you will be able to take Venice? Are you aware of how many Elders live there, as well as new-bloods? The amount of night-walkers needed to even stand a slight chance against the city can't be found in this entire country!"
         Bruce grinned and loosened his grip on the chair. "Do you think Redell would even plan to take Venice without some sort of army to support him? He and his servants have recruited and created hundreds of darklings, most willing to help him. He's gone all over the world, getting allies and managing to keep Venice completely oblivious to his plan.
         "But you, Draven, will watch the war from a distance, because if you try to save your family after Redell has given you strength, he won't hesitate to burn you alive." Standing with a grace he would never have if he was merely human, Bruce tapped a finger against his chin and turned to Darven, who now sat upright, his eyes narrowed. "Which reminds me.... what, exactly, were you planning to use that power for?" As he made his way out of the room, he was followed by a low growl, and a broad smile crossed his face.

          Watching Bruce leave the room through narrowed eyes, Draven could not hold his growl down. He slumped back into the couch and crossed his arms, looking like a child that had been grounded. How in the hell did Redell manage to form an army? For that matter, how long had it taken him to gather forces strong enough to overpower Venice?
         This was a mistake, he thought as he ran a hand over his face. I never should have come here, and now, I'll lose everyone. But how can I leave without being suspected of betraying Redell?
         Draven shook his head and stood, stretching his arms before shifting into his raven form. They have to be warned, and I'm the only one who is willing to do it. He cawed as he flapped his wings and soared through the open window, flying toward the closest airport.

         Gabriel helped Kayla out of the bed and slung her arm around his shoulder. "We need to get some blood for you. Is there anyone you trust to feed from?"
         Kayla stared up at him and forced a bitter smile. "Only Draven. I've never had another friend."
         He sighed and looked down. "Damn. Well, would it hurt you to feed from a stranger?"
         "Do you think we should trust a stranger?"
         "Good point, but I can make them forget what happened."
         "So they'll have a couple of bite marks and not know where they came from?"
         "Close enough. And, as long as you don't take too much blood, everything will be fine." He hugged her against his side and smiled. "Think you want to give it a try?"

Chapter 8

         Kayla sighed as she leaned against the wall while Gabriel struggled with the hotel door. "Need some help?" she asked, her words slurred.
         He unlocked the door and held it open, grining down at her. "Why, is my little sister drunk or someting? And on her first drink, no less."
         "Well, don't take me by bars anymore," she laughed, sliding passed him into the room. "Why's everything so fuzzy?"
         "You're imagining things, sweety. Lay down." Gabriel helped her to the bed and tugged off her shoes. "So... is it as bad as you thought it would be?"
         "Being a vampire? Hell no, I'm havin' a great time!" She slumped back against him and hiccupped, blood and vodka on her breath. "But I thought vampires weren't affected by alcohol."
         "Well, I suppose with the amount of vodka your little snack consumed, it should, hopefully, wear off by morning, though your head will be in a lot of pain. As part of the myth, we aren't supposed to be able to eat or drink, but I am still fond of a nice steak dinner once in a while. The fact is we don't need the food or drink, but it's nice to taste something besides blood every so often. And we go through the same process to get rid of waste as humans.
         "When it comes to vampires, my personal theory is that enough of anything can affect us. A lot of booze can get us drunk, a lot of food can make us fat, and enough poison could probably kill us."
         "So.. what part of the legends are true? I mean, the whole crosses and sunlight thing." Kayla had slipped beneath the covers and pulled the blankets under her chin, looking like a child waiting for her bedtime story.
         "Many of the stories are just tales that villagers throughout the centuries have created to scare their children into behaving. Or, sometimes the church has said that terrifying creatures were waiting for unsuspecting people in the night, and the only way to be safe was to pray and go to church. That helped keep church attendance high, church revenue higher, and the "good people" stayed home at night instead of having one too many drinks at the pub or finding a nice prostitute for the night.
         "That's probably what started the whole crucifix thing. If people beleived enough in God and went to church like good little boys and girls, they would be safe from all things that go bump in the night. I suppose they never thought of keeping the people safe from rapists and murderers. Or maybe they just blamed the deaths on us. Hmm.
         "Of course, it's all crap because I've seen werecreatures wearing crosses, trying to hold on to their faith in their new life. Plus, I know for a fact that churches aren't the sanctuaries they claim to be, since I've stayed in many over the years, along with other nightwalkers.
         "But, since our family has always been loyal to their Pagan roots, there were no crosses to test the theory on. That did bring on a few uncomfortable questions from guests about our faith, especially during the Inquisition, but they can play Catholics better than anyone I've ever seen."
         "That's great, Gabriel, really... but that doesn't answer the question."
         "Good point, I apologize. Anyway, wood is very harmful to us, as you probably already know from your hand. It hurts like hell, but it doesn't kill us. You'll probably have a scar though. A wood injury to a vampire heals almost as slow as a human heals.
         "As I said, holy relics don't leave us crippled or anything. If someone hits you with a big crucifix, you'll still hurt, but you won't melt. You will heal rather fast, most cuts and bruises disappearing within a couple of hours.
         "Sunlight can be a slight problem. Wearing a protective stone will let you go out in daylight, though you will still be slightly weakened. Without it, you'll burn though not as bad as a full vampire. The crosing running water thing is crap, and you can only see a faint outline of yourself in mirrors and water. You can still be killed by losing enough blood or by decapitation.... but let's not go into detail on that one.
         "You can sleep in any bed you want as long as you still wear your stone. That reminds me.... do you have one?"
         "A stone? Just what you gave me."
         "And what about that necklace you wear?"
         Kayla reached under the blankets and pulled the pentacle in front of her face, her eyes crossing. "This thing? Draven told me to keep it on no matter what.. did he think I would just turn into a vampire out of the blue?"
         Shrugging, he looked closer at the pentacle, leaning over her. "Maybe he thought, since you're half, the sun would still hurt you or at least weaken you.
         "But you have had a very long day, my dear. You need to get some rest." He laid his hand on her head and smiled. "Keep that necklace with you at all times, especially when you sleep. Any slayer could come along and try to char you in bed. But I'll try my hardest to protect you, Kayla. And I'll try to bring our brother back."
         Kayla snored like a quiet chainsaw, waiting to be used, through most of his warning and Gabriel smoothed her hair away from her face and tucked the pentacle under the sheets.
         Gabriel sighed and slid into the other bed, running his hand through his hair. My Gods, what the hell did I get myself into this time?

         Sighing, Draven folded his limp arms across his lap as he looked out the window. I hope this flight gets there in time, he thought as he pressed his forehead against the glass, relaxing slightly.
         "Hey, Mister, what's wrong?" the child at his side asked yet again. More words continued to tumble from her lips as he groaned and closed his eyes. "Are you sick? You look sick. My mommy might have some medi... medi... stuff to make you feel all better. Do you have a cold? Well, I just had one, but I'm ok now. I went back to school and we colored and played on the swings and the slide and..."
         Draven placed a pair of head phones over his ears, blocking out the high-pitched, fast-paced, unrelenting babble beside him. Let her think he was listening. He turned on some Black Sabbath and drowned out the voice, but her words hung in his mind.
         "..and played on the swings and the slide and..."
         Did Kayla ever do any of that?
he thought as he raked his fingers through his messy hair. No, probably not...besides with me at night. Gods, she's never even had anyone but me to talk to or play with...
         He shot out of his seat and thanked the Gods that the plane was still on the ground. Draven made his way to the door and ran down the ramp. Running through lines and groups of people, he made his way out of the airport and continued to Redell's lair. If I don't keep this stupid act up, I'll lose more than just my family... I'll lose my best friend.

         Bruce waited for Draven when he stomped into the sitting room. "Have a good trip, Draven?"
         "Leave me alone, puppy," he growled, stalking out of the room with Bruce at his heels.
         "But I have orders from Redell. He said if you truly want to aid us in finding your sister, we need information on where she might be." Bruce crossed his arms, giving a smug smile.
         "You can tell Redell that I need my power before I can help you. Gabriel's blocking everyone out, even me. Besides, why does he want my sister so badly? I'm sure there are other unaware nightwalkers that would be a lot less of a hassel to find."
         "Draven, you truly don't understand. Not many half-breeds exist that haven't chosen a side or even been told of their true existance. She has some of the most powerful mixed blood on the planet. It holds the sweet, quenching taste of human blood and the rich power of the vampire." Smiling, he looked at Draven and leaned against the doorframe to the throne room as Draven stopped dead. "Understand now?"

         Kayla slowly opened her eyes and winced as sunlight crept through a crack in the curtains. Groaning, she stretched her arms over her head and arched her back, hoping to hear a pop.
         "Morning, sweetheart," Gabriel called from the bathroom, talking like a forties mobster.
         "If you say so. What time is it?"
         "You're the one with a clock. You tell me."
         "Three?! Why the hell did you let me sleep this long?"
         He walked out of the bathroom, dressed in his same dirty black slacks and grey button-down and toweling his hair. "I tried to wake you up around noon, but you didn't respond at all." Smiling, he flopped down on the bed next to her. "You should get dressed. We can't stay here too much longer."
         Freeing a pair of jeans from her bulging backpack, she walked into the bathroom and tugged off the remains of her tattered dress.
         "Get a shower while you're in there. You'll look a lot less obvious if you clean yourself up... plus you don't smell too great."
         Growling slightly, she leaned her head out of the door and glared at him. "Ya know, I doubt you smelled like roses before you took a shower, too." Kayla slammed the door on his laughter and turned on the fan.
         Stepping in front of the mirror, she looked at her reflection and her jaw dropped.
         She stared into her eyes, the kind movie special effects strive to create but never come close. Silver ringed her iris and seeped into the jade, making it shimmer with an inner light. Her skin was the color of a peach marker that was nearly dry with hints of rose around her cheeks.
         Even the shape of her face looked new and strange. Her once-round cheeks had sunk into her skull, unveiling curved cheek bones she had never known existed. She seemed more elegant, her lips curved downward in a continuous pout. She lifted a hand to her waterfall of hair and marveled at the feather-soft feel.
         She smiled, pleased with her appearance, then noticed her new fangs. Mere extensions of her canine teeth, though they now appeared feral and dangerous. Predator resounded through her head as her lips showed the ghost of a smile.
         "Holy shit."

         Redell sat kingly in his throne, Bruce draped over the stairs at his master's feet like a cat. "Can we ask for your assistance now, Mr. Gainsborough? Or would you rather forget our deal?"
         Dravgen shifted his weight to his back foot and looked at the floor. "What exactly do you want me to do, Redell? He's still blocking me, but I doubt they're too far away."
         "Where would you hide if I was after you, Draven? I'm sure you have some form of refuge away from that apartment. Take me there."
         Sighing softly, he ran a hand over his face and looked up at him. "Redell, you don't understand. I know he wouldn't go somewhere that I would go.... He knows I'm helping you, and he knows I won't turn back and help them."
         "Are you certain?" Redell tapped a yellow-nailed finger agaisnt his chin. "Either way, humor me. I will be able to pick up their scents if they were around any of your hide-outs."
         Nodding, he turned to the door. "Follow me."

         "How do we test my powers, Gabriel?" Kayla practically bounced in the driver's seat, looking at her brother over the tops of dark glasses.
         "Asking me one more time isn't going to make me tell you any sooner. We need to find a safe place first, then we can practice. Besides, you're slightly weakened in day light, so why do you want to try anything now? It might be better to wait for night falll, and we can test your full potential."
         Pouting, Kayla sped down the freeway, fighting her hair to see. "I guess... but where is there a safe place? Hawaii? Italy? Australia? C'mon, Gabriel. He'll find someone else to eat."
         He shook his head and looked out the window, watching trees and buildings whip by. "I'd love to agree with you, but I don't think he would just give up that easily. True, he may find another mixed blood, but they are very rare.
         "I've only heard stories of mixed bloods before now, but each story ended with the mixed blood sucked dry. When a night walker tastes the blood of a mixed blood like us, they tend to become obsessed. One werewolf by the name of Leandro had the mixed blood back in the beginnings of the earth, and he chased the mixed blood to their death bed, where he finally drank and became an elder."
         "Great... but what makes a mixed blood?"
         "Mostly, it is when equal amounts of nightwalker and mortal blood come together, hence why it's rare. Our parents were pure mortal and pure vampire, and their three offspring had some of the most untainted blood in the world. But, since all three decided to take their vampire forms, we are no longer so special." Gabriel wiped a pretend tear from his cheek and sniffled while Kayla smirked.
         "But you'll still be my knight in shining armor, right?"
         "Of course. Armor might be a bit rusty, but it will gleam around the edges, I assure you. Besides, what are big brothers for?"
         "H... How am I here?"
         "What do you mean?"
         "I mean, if you and Draven are a couple centuries old... how old am I?"
         "To tell the truth, you're only about sixteen years younger than us."
         "How?" she pleaded, moving into the right lane and taking the nearest exit off the highway.
         "I really don't know... but I think I remember our mother singing a lot more right before I left, bringing out dolls and brushing their hair. She had always wanted to have a daughter, and I think she was close to obtaining one."
         "So she was pregnant... but how?"
         "If you need to ask that question, you weren't listening in school."
         "Well, I know that, but if she was pregnant back then... why do I only remember the past sixteen years?"
         "I was wondering that, too... Our mother had many friends that were witches. No, not the evil, green-skinned, wort-on-nose, pointy hat-wearing witches, but true witches. They, along with our mother, formed a coven, and they probably made a spell to keep you asleep until Draven could work up the courage and find the right environment to raise you."
         "What were they like?"
         "The coven?"
         "Our parents."
         Closing his eyes, Gabriel tried to organize his memories to make more sense for her, then smiled. "As soon as we find a safe place, I'll show you."

         Redell stood in the shack's doorway as Bruce sniffed around inside. "Master, everything is so faint. They were probably here a few days ago, but they haven't come back."
         "Very good, puppy," Redell groaned. "At least you're learning. Anywhere else they could be?"
         "I doubt it," Draven sighed, turning from the shack. "Humoring you didn't seem to help, did it?"
         "Then where do you suppose we look?" Redell growled, fangs bared.
{indent"Get people to search the whole city. Have them fan out around the city limits and keep going in all directions. It makes sense to me. I figured you would have tried that already, but I guess not."
         "Do you mock me, boy?" His eyes turned from yellow to blood red, filled with rage that was only held back by one shred of dignity.
         "Well, if you had placed competent people in charge of the search, they probably would have been found. Check every road and highway to see if the jeep's been spotted."
         Nodding, Redell looked to Bruce. "Go back to the lair and restart the search."
         Bruce gave a jerky nod and slipped through the doorway at a run for the car.
         "I don't think he's the man for the job, Redell.."
         "Is there anywhere else, Draven?"
         "Maybe the restaurant where this whole mess started."
         Redell dropped to the ground and shifted into his cat form. Let's go.
Draven sighed and let his arms shift into wings as feathers covered his body, all but his shortening, claw-footed legs. After morphing to his full raven self, he took to the air, soaring above the tall redwoods and firs.

         Parking the jeep, Kayla unbuckled her seat belt and slipped out of the car, leaning against the outside of the door. "And we're in the middle of nowhere yet again. Why are we going toward the east coast anyway?"
         Gabriel circled the car and stood before her with arms crossed over his chest, his skin nearly glowing in the early-evning sky. "Maybe we can get a boat and go to Italy that way.... otherwise, we need to find some money quick to get plane tickets."
         "Wait, why are we going to Italy?"
         "We need to get you as far away from here as possible, and you'll be protected among the elders and our family in Venice."
         "What about Draven?"
         "He's a big boy. He'll be fine."
         "Are you kidding me?" Her voice stumbled on the border between annoyance and rage. "I'm not leaving him here, Gabriel! You gave me this huge speech about saving our brother. What happened to all of that?"
         Gabriel, eyes glued to his shoes, took a deep breath and spoke like the gentle breeze before a tornado. "I can't sense him, Kayla. At all."
         "But how?"
         "I told you before, he's been blocking us since he left. At this rate, I don't think he'll let us find him."
         "Do you think he might have decided to help Redell?"
         "He might have done that. But if that's the case, then we should train you as soon as we possibly can."
         "Think Draven'll give up his power to him?"
         "Maybe, but some nightwalkers can combine their strengths, giving them access to each other's power when they need it yet still holding onto their own."
         "Should we try that?"
         "I'm not sure if it'll work with us..."
         "And why not?" She cocked her head to the side, her eyes narrowed slightly as if she were daring him to protest.
         "Don't look at me like that. Please, don't take this the wrong way, but you're still new to this. No, let me finish before you yell at me. You don't know exactly what you're doing, and, until you have some proper training, I doubt either of us will know what you're capable of."
         Kayla held her arms out at her sides, her fingers splayed apart. "Then train me. Stop stalling, and teach me what I can do."
         "You know it's not that simple.."
         "Now it is. Gabriel, stop being a jerk. I know you're capable of training me. Besides," she exclaimed, sweeping her arm out at the woods around them, "we're in a safe place now. Our brother's life may depend on how well-developed and controled my powers are. No more excuses; just train me."
         Sucking in a deep breath through pursed lips, Gabriel bowed his head and tried to hide a smile. "You sound like your mother. She never let anyone change her mind, not even our father, not even as a human."
         Kayla grinned and tugged his arm, dragging him into the shadows created by the tall oak branches. "Good. That means I won't let us waste anymore time."
         Rolling his eyes, Gabriel flicked her ear with his index finger. "Shush."
         Kayla winced but smiled, turning toward him with her hands flat against her thighs. "So, master, what is it that we do to train? Do I need to be cleansed or anything?"
         "Actually, when you were bitten, you were considered cleansed. Your former life, your humanity, is vertually gone, but, as a vampire, nothing from your human life will be carried over. You are a new person, Kayla."
         She looked through the branches at the dark whisps of clouds covering the moon and smirked. "Then let's start."
         Gabriel nooded and stood with his feet half a yard apart, his hands out two inches from his sides balled into fists. "Ready?"
         "For what?" She turned to him, an eyebrow raised as she copied his stance.
         "If you have to ask, you're not ready. Try to clear your thoughts, and pick one object to focus on."
         "One object? What kind of object?"
         "Well, let me try that again. Keep clearing your mind, and try to focus your power into a small shape, like a cube or something."
         Kayla closed her eyes and slowly breathed in, sending her thoughts out with her breath. Soon, all that was left in her mind was a swirl of grape-colored mist. She reached out with a psychic hand and curled her fingers in the mist, eyebrows lifting at the mist's gooey and sticky yet solid texture. Kayla rolled the mist into a bal in her hand nad pulled herself away, watching the purple sphere float.
         Slowly, tendrils of mist crept toward the sphere, like slippery snakes in the air, and wove around the sphere, attaching to it. The ball emitted rays of bright light as it grew. Once all the mist connected with the ball, it exploded, sending Kayla back to her physical body with electricity coursing through her.
         Gabriel smiled as she looked at him through frosted eyes. "You've managed to gather your power, but you haven't controlled it yet."
© Copyright 2003 Jade Paroh (katopotato at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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