Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/685523-Thank-You-for-Visiting-Chatters-Hotel
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Ghost · #685523
Story of a Haunted Hotel, second of a series.
It has been a long hot and humid ride on a summer sun. Alex is now tired and wanted a shower to last the next 3 hours drive back to the city.

Since, it is only about 4:00 p.m. we decided to spend some time in a local hotel, to rest and to take a shower.

In the middle of the highway, we saw an old hotel. It seems very inviting. The hotel was designed the old fashioned way.

“Let us rest in that hotel.” I invited Alex.

“Looks like a haunted house to me.” Alex teased.

“We will only stay for 2 hours to shower and rest, I do not think we could see ghosts at this time.” I was smiling as he pull-over in front of the Hotel.

A woman in a black dress came near us and said “Welcome to Chatter’s Hotel!”

“Nice Hotel you’ve got in here!” Alex said while his eyes glued at the very low neckline of the lady who approached us.

I pulled him back to my side and he smiled. The lady then moved at the other side of the counter and asked “How long are you staying?”

“Just for a few hours, we just wanted to rest and take a shower.”

“I can only give you the room at the 4th Floor, if you do not mind?”

“No problem.” Alex answered.

The lady then gave us the key and a bellhop was tasked to guide us to the room. I was a bit upset how Alex was trying to flirt with the lady.

“Don’t be jealous, you are far prettier than that lady.”

I smiled sourly, and then Alex pulled me near him.

My eyes were thrown to the window; I am quite surprised seeing that it is already dark outside of the Hotel. Because I know that it is only about 4:30 p.m. I ignored it thinking that may be those were just shadows from trees. Upon reaching the room at the far end of the 4th Floor, the bellhop said “Enjoy your stay, Sir, Madam?”

“Thank you.” I uttered while I was looking around the room.

When I turned back at the bellhop, he was no longer there. He was supposed to walk for about 10 to 15 meters before reaching the elevator but he was gone so sudden.

“I am just imagining.”



“Hey, this is not a haunted hotel as I told you earlier. Seem just a new hotel from the inside. May be it is just the design. Do not worry.” Alex must have sensed I am feeling quite differently.

“Can you look out the window; it feels like it is the middle of the night already.”

Smiling and shaking his head, Alex went near the window and turned to look at me quite uneasily. “It is dark outside, deep dark like midnight.”

“What?” I hurried beside him.

“What was that?”

“Alex?” I turned back to look at the direction of his hands.

“There is something behind the curtains, or may be someone.”

I never saw Alex this uneasy before. I felt him hold me in my shoulders.

“You are very cold, calm down?”

“I am.” Alex responded.

I realized Alex was not holding on to my shoulders. And that he is about two to three steps away from me. I suddenly feel eerie, as if there are people looking at me. Alex feels the same way that I feel.

“I hear somebody crying. I could not say where it is coming from but there is somebody crying. I am just not sure if she is crying for help or what.” Alex walked around the room.

“May be here or there, I do not know.”

I noticed a huge painting of an old man on wall near the bed. I could feel his deep blue eyes calling me. I stepped forward with my eyes glued at the eyes of the man in the painting.

“Liza, what is that?” Alex pulled me back, but those eyes never made me respond to Alex.

I lay down on the bed, I feel him go down from that frame. He is now beside me, still looking in my eye.

Alex slapped me, “What is happening to you. Liza, Liza!!”

Then I woke up, Alex pushed the big black cat away from me.


“What happened to you?”

“I do not know. What is happening?”

Alex embraced me. Then we heard of a woman’s voice, I could not understand what she is saying but what ever it is, is making my breathing heavy. Her voice is so creepy my whole body is shaking.

“You smell that?” I asked Alex.

“Yes, candle burning.”

“No! I think those are Flowers.”

“Yes, may be candle and flowers.”

“Crying, candles and flowers, sound like Funeral?”

I shouted on top of my voice, my whole body is shaking. But Alex was strong, he never loosen up his embrace of me. He kept talking to me, until he saw something.

“Liza, hold my hand, do not look back. Just follow me.” His voice is so low almost whispering.

Then I smell something, like rotten meat, I do not understand what it is. I was about to turn my head toward my back because I feel that what ever I smell is coming from my back.

“Don’t. Just walk towards the door.” Alex again told me.

I now feel he is shaking but he continued to guide me out of the door. When both of us are outside the door, he closed it and we walked out straight to the elevator. His face is so pale, his body shaking; I kept asking him what it was, he is not responding.

“Let us go out of here.”

I did not see anybody at the front desk, not even the bellhop. Looking from inside of the Hotel it is dark outside, deep dark like midnight.

Approaching the front door I heard a lady’s voice say, “Thank you for visiting the Chatters Hotel.” I looked around but nobody in there.

As we reached the car, I noticed that the sun is still up. I checked my watch it is only about 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon. I guided Alex inside the car. He is still pale and shaking.

“Look.” Alex pointed at the hotel which turned into an abandoned, unlighted, very very old hotel. Not the Hotel that is inviting that we saw earlier.

I did not say a word to Alex; I know what we had gotten through was so bizarre. We rested for a while, but I am very much curious about what he saw, what that smelly thing is, why he was so scared of whatever it is.

“The big black cat turned into a beheaded lady. As we walk out the door, it turned into the man in the painting.”

“It is good that I did not see it, thank you. I would have died right in there.”

“I am sorry.”

“For what, we both experienced it. What are you sorry about?”

“I heard of a story about Chatters Hotel before. I remembered that but since I do not believe it. I never told you. Or may be just my curiosity, I am sorry that you have to experience such a thing.”

“Now you believe it and I believe it too.”

© Copyright 2003 Josie de Dios (josie_dedios at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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