Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/684976-The-Lady-of-the-Melody
by Kagome
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #684976
A simple, cute, and enchating story to brighten up anyone!
Sarah is 11 today. ‘Spring will come tomorrow…’ she thought. She loved the spring season most. She never knew what spring could mean to her.

“I’m home, mom. Hmm… why is everyone quiet? Mom? Ben? Dad?” she pretended not to know what they were up to. When she opened the door to her room, she saw three people shouting,

“Happy Birthday Sarah!”

Sarah just smiled which the family didn’t notice. She didn’t like celebrating her birthday. All she wanted was “it”, her greatest wish which she have wished for years. She went near the cake that meant that there are people who care for her birthday. As she blew the candles, she felt a sensation as if she were blowing the warmth away.

It was almost midnight and Sarah couldn’t sleep. Was she having visions? She followed the voice outside. It suddenly stopped. She looked up; it was raining very softly. She stretched her hands to feel the raindrops. Instead of the raindrops, something rectangular with holes fell in her hands.

“A harmonica?” she said finally regaining her senses. She turned to go back, but when she turned, it was not her door she saw.

She was in a big palace staring at a woman with blue-white hair sitting on a throne. Soon, Sarah began to notice that there were more people looking straight at her.

“Welcome, Sarah,” she started, “to our palace. I see you have brought the Moralee.”

“What do you mean by Moralee and... how did you know my name?” Sarah asked.

“First, to introduce myself, I’m Queen Zealamore of Utonia. A moralee is what we call the harmonica you are holding.”

“You mean there are more falling instruments from the sky?” Sarah asked angrily.

“No, no. Not anymore. There is only one left so we use the term, ‘the Moralee’.” the queen replied laughing. Sarah stared as if someone was annoying her. She suddenly spitted out the question she wanted to ask most,

“Why am I here?”

“That’s what I was waiting for. We chose you to find the Lady. She is the only one who can use the Moralee properly. You see, the Moralee is a special harmonica. Every evil that hears the music will fade away and start a better life. Will you help us? The time of your world has stopped so you don’t need to worry about them.”

“Oh, well... I don't know... I'm sort of scared though... Okay, I’ll try...”

“Thank you. She was last known to be in the garden of the evil empress who thinks she is the Lady of the Melody, but she is not, never!” she replied. “Here is the map. Good luck.” As she handed the map to Sarah, Sarah ran out the door and to her journey.

She stared at the map. The garden was not so far away. She was currently on Terrica City. She wondered how the present for her was.

‘Is this my secret birthday present? No, it can’t be… I’m totally in a new place!’

“Ouch!” Somebody shouted as wondering Sarah bumped into him.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…” Sarah muttered.

“It’s fine. I’m okay, are you?” he said back.

“I’m fine, too, thanks!” Sarah thanked him.

“You look new here,” the boy said as he stared at Sarah.

“In fact, I really am, and I mean really. Do you know where I can buy… Hey! She didn’t give me any money!” Sarah shouted in anger.

“What?” he asked.

“ I meant, do you know where I can buy, umm… get food for… free?” she asked.

“Sure, anyone is welcome in my house.” he replied. "I haven't had a visitor for so long!"

“Thanks!” Sarah said.

“Do you live here alone?” Sarah asked.

“Yup. My parents gave me to an old man. He was really coarse. After few months, he left me in this crowded city. By the way, my name is Herminatchelle Grimin. You can call me Hermin.” Hermin replied. Sarah looked around Hermin’s house. It was definitely a simple, ragged house, but she also noticed the food was great.

“I’m Sarah,” she began telling him what she had to do.

“Wow, an adventure! I’ve always wished for one!” Hermin exclaimed.

“Yeah, me too. Hey, do you wanna come along?” Sarah asked. "I'd love company!"

“Come along?” Hermin shouted with a shocked expression.

“Well, I can understand if you don’t…” Sarah said but was cut of by Hermin,

“Of coarse I’d love to! Let’s sleep in my house today and go straight to the garden tomorrow morning! I think I have a sleeping mat. I’ll sleep on it and you can sleep on my bed in that room.”

“Thanks Hermin, pal. Hope you a sweet dream.” Sarah said with a blush as she went to the room.

“You, too!”

The next day was fine. After breakfast, Hermin packed his things in a large bag.

“Are you sure you can bring all those?” Sarah asked.

“Sure, for an adventure, you need to bring all you need! Let’s see… I have lots and lots of food, ropes, 6 bottles of water, 4 sleeping mats, in case, and lots more!” Hermin replied. Sarah stared at Hermin thinking, ‘Can they fit?’ and she said,

“Sleeping mats or sleeping bags?”

“Sleeping mats because need another bags for them. Anyways, you can roll the mats for pillows and blankets,” he said back.

“Don’t you have any money?” Sarah asked him again.

“What money?” he returned her question.

“You know, coins or paper you use to buy or get stuff,” she answered.

“We don’t use them. We trade other stuff.” Hermin answered. After packing, they left the city.

“Where are we now?” Hermin asked.

“I think we are in a forest, but no name! All I see is a bunch of tree marks in our way to Majorca City,” Sarah replied, “the city of majesty. What kind of map is this?”

They went through the green hoping not to meet any beasts. After they walked for around an hour, they saw a large house. They knocked on its door wishing somebody friendly, but they were surprised when a little girl opened the door. She looked deeply into Hermin’s eyes and ran back inside shouting,

“Sister Nica, sister Nica, Hermin is here!” Then, a girl with green hair but lighter than Hermin’s came out the door.


“Nica?” then they embraced each other and said to each other, “I missed you!” Suddenly Nica was jumping for joy. Sarah stared in shock.

“If you were seven when I was six, you must be twelve now. Where were you?” she asked.

“He left me in Terrica City. By the way, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Majorca City?” Hermin asked Nica.

“Come inside my new house and I shall tell you.” Nica pulled Hermin and he gave a look to Sarah meaning to come in, too. Sarah sat on the small chair beside the bench where Nica and Hermin were sitting on. She felt a pang of jealousy.

‘Why am I feeling like this? I don’t like him do I?’

Nica began telling him why she traded her house for the whole forest. Suddenly, she took notice of Sarah and asked Hermin in a whisper,

“Who is she?” Then Hermin began telling Nica all he knew about Sarah and the Moralee.

“Moralee? Hmm… Sarah, do you mind if I take a look at the Moralee?” Nica asked. Sarah shook her head as a no and before she handed it to Nica. Sarah gave her a cold glance as Nica held it and blew it.

At that moment, a high screeching noise high enough to break glass miles away came out from the Moralee as it turned black as coal. Nica dropped it in surprise and it landed at her lap.

“It is a good thing my house is made out of wood,” Nica said as she handed the Moralee back to Sarah. Sarah pointed at the shattered glass and said,

“Except for the shattered windows.”

“By the way Nica, your sister Rica is smart and brilliant! She saw me for last when she was just a baby and it have been around 5 years since we met and she still remembers me!” Hermin said.

“Yeah I guess it is your blue eyes. Hey, I was wondering if I could come with you in your journey. My parents don’t mind because they know I can take care of myself.” Nica asked them. Hermin and Sarah exchanged looks. Sarah had an urge to say no but stopped and nodded.

“I know a cave that will lead us straight to the garden without passing through Majorca City and Brutane City.” Nica said.

“Why didn’t you say so?!”

And they got ready to go out again.

They spent at least two days in the cave using Nica’s lamp, eating Hermin’s large amount of food, and sleeping on his mats. They went through large rocks, obstacles, and some quicksand.

After a long struggle, they finally got out of the cave and saw a beautiful garden at the end of the trail. When they reached the garden, they saw no sign of the Lady, but they saw a woman and they soon realized that it was the dark empress.

“Hello chosen one, and, oh, Herminatchelle Grimin, Have you come to find your parents?” she asked coldly.

“My parents?” he asked.

“Or maybe that amnesia I gave you is still there. Although your mother escaped, I thought you would still be coming back for your father,” she said. Then, without warning, she bound Nica and Hermin.

“Now give the Moralee to me,” she ordered Sarah. Then she had an idea. The noise could stop her from binding them. She pulled out the Moralee and blew very hard on it.

But no screeching noise came. Instead, a beautiful melody, like never heard before came from it. Sarah found herself in beautiful robes, and the Moralee was now gold. She lifted her hair; from golden-brown, it was now metallic-blue. She was not facing the empress but a tall man. At her sight, Hermin broke his amnesia. That man was his father and he was the prince of Utonia.

“It is time for us to go back to where we belong,” he said. Sarah felt herself being lifted by air…

‘Morning?’ she thought as she heard the clock ringing. She looked down and she was back in her true clothes with the same golden-brown hair. She looked at the table beside her.

“The Moralee!” she shouted. It was still gold. Sarah laughed and said,

“After all that adventure, my greatest wish was not yet granted!”
© Copyright 2003 Kagome (kagome3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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