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by Neissa
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Death · #678251
Part 1 showing ch. 1-3. Mostly about Devils, Vampires, shape-shifters, and elves.
Chapter 1

“ Vampires!” Neissa Shield snorted. “ There are not such things as
Vampires, Demons, Devils, Shape-shifters or Elves!”
“ This book,” Taren Lelsi said while holding up a Dracula book. “ Tells
you everything about Vampires! It’s true too!”
“ America does not want reality!” Neissa scoffed. “ They rather have
the stories juiced up a bit!”
Karen Tontceno watched as the fight grew worse by the minute. Karen
sat on the stage fiddling with her long curly brown hair. Her browns eyes
scanned the room. It was well after school and they had been staying for a
project. The dark green curtains swayed as the spring breeze hit them. She
looked over to Raven.
Raven Lesmiki was trying to wave her hair. She had brought it with
her. She got frustrated as her blond hair fell in her face. She was about to
scream her head off. She quieted down when everyone began to stare at
Neissa pulled out a small container full of blue styling gel. She dipped
her fingers in and began to spike her hair. Then she pulled a small mirror out
to check the style. She put the gel in her pants pocket, pleased with the job
she did.
Taren rolled her eyes. She hated the way everything went right for
Neissa. Everyone liked Neissa. Everyone noticed Neissa. Taren’s dirty blond
hair was shoulder length. She sat quietly the jealousy of Neissa growing
inside her cold body.
“ Hey,” a voice called. Neissa turned to the source. She was looking at
a tall brown hair girl. Tabitha. She rolled her eyes and went back to looking
at the lines on the stage. “ Don’t roll your eyes at me! You loser!”
“ Sure,” Neissa remarked. “ If I’m a loser than what are you? Geek?”
“ No,” Tabitha discarded. “ I’m a very nice person! Don’t talk to me!
Your voice is really bugging me!”
“ Your face is bugging me,” Neissa laughed.
“ No,” Taren added. “ Her face is bugging everyone.”
Karen started to laugh hard. Raven joined in with a quiet chuckle.
Taren looked at Karen with a weird expression. Neissa was never the one to
show many emotions. She rather be by herself.
“ At least I can get a guy and do something with him,” Tabitha said.
She had a grin on her face.
“ Is the guy a human or animal?” Karen asked. Karen smile
Tabitha flung her short brown hair and stomped off. Her friends
followed her without warning. Tabitha always thought she was much cooler
than everybody else in the school.
Neissa looked up to see if any teachers showed up. “ Wasn’t Mr.
Lopinio supposed to be here by now?” Neissa looked around to see the vacant
gym. It’s was well after four o’ clock and they were supposed to begin the
project at three o’ clock.
Suddenly Mr. Lopinio burst through the door. “ I am so sorry girls!”
His expression on his face and his blond hair in his eyes made it seem like he
had been running for hours. “ My car broke down on my way back from the
gas station. My friend steered the car as I pushed it to the nearest auto
shop. I ran two miles just to get here.”
“ Seems like you got a lot of exercise, Mr. Lopinio,” Taren smiled. She
had a small crush on the young teacher. Mr. Lopinio’s first name was Kevin.
He had blond hair down to the middle of his face. He was very fit and had
tan skin. His bright crystal blue eyes is what attracted many.
Mr. Lopinio smiled. “ We’re not in school so please call me Kevin. Calling
me Mr. Lopinio makes me sound like a fifty year-old guy. I’m only
twenty-one!” He slightly laughed.
“ Yes!” Raven shouted delightedly. “ My hair is waved!” Raven looked
around to see everyone staring at her. “ What? I spend two hours trying to
wave my damn hair and you look at me like I’m crazy!”
“ I don’t think you should swear like that,” Karen stated. “ We are in
school and he is a teacher.”
Raven looked at Mr. Lopinio and said, “ Sorry, I forgot you were
authority person.”
“ It’s okay,” Mr. Lopinio smiled. “ I won’t tell any parents or hold that
against you. I swear myself sometimes. Besides we’re all human, we can’t be
“ I hate perfection,” Neissa scoffed. “ It should die!”
“ Neissa isn’t much on perfection,” Taren said. Taren loved revealing
everything about people. It was very hard for her to keep secrets. “ She
once wrote I hate perfection six hundred and sixty-six times. Since it’s the
Devil’s number which means it’s bad.”
“ Mr. Lopinio,” Neissa started but was interrupted.
“ Kevin, please,” Mr. Lopinio said.
“ Kevin,” Neissa corrected herself. “ What exactly are we going to be
working on?”
“ I asked you girls and many other to met with me after school,” Mr.
Lopinio started, “ On different days though. I will put the groups together
at the end. Since we are into the study of Mythology, I decided to do a play
on something people usually don’t believe. Neissa you may hate this subject
but it’s on Vampires, Demons otherwise known as Devils, Elves and Shape
“ I have one request though,” Neissa said. “ I get to be the Devil. Yes,
I do know that it’s not the actually Devil but one of his followers.”
“ Very good Neissa,” Mr. Lopinio smiled. “ A Demon you shall be. Karen,
what do you want to be?”
“ Elf, please,” Karen smiled.
“ I want to be a Vampire!” Raven and Taren said at once. “ No me!” The
kept saying things together.
“ Flip a coin,” Neissa suggested.
“ That’s a good idea,” Mr. Lopinio said. He reached into his pocket and
pulled out a small coin. “ Ready girls? Raven you call.”
“ Okay,” Raven said. Raven watched as Mr. Lopinio felt the coin as he
was about to toss it into the crisp air. “ Tails!” She yelled as the coin shined
in mid-air waiting to hit the cold hard floor. Raven jumped. She was happy
that it had landed on tails.
Taren wanted a rematch. Taren would always get mad if she could not
get her way and get what she wanted. She often dreamed of having a nice
boyfriend that would give her everything she wanted. “ Fine then I’m a shape
shifter. I hate you.”
“ Taren,” Neissa said with a solemn look on her face. “ You should
watch what you say, even if you are joking. What would you do if something
bad happened to him? What if he died and all you can remember was saying,
I hate you?”
“ Shut up!” Taren flamed. “ I hate it when you’re right!”
“ Stop it!” Karen shouted. Karen was not a person who liked to shout
but in this case to must of been annoyed.
“ I have a question,” Taren asked. “ Do we have to speak like, Why
shall thou be in to thy kingdom?” Taren laughed at her own joke but no one
else thought it was funny.
“ You’re sense of humor is about as good as Jeremy Valleo’s,” a voice
called. They looked over to see the source of the voice. They saw no one.
A shadow figure appeared, sitting on the basketball hoop. The dark
gray figure look as though it was staring at them. The figure seemed to have
strange aura. As though it was supernatural.
“ Who the hell are you?” Raven called to the figure.
“ None of your business,” the figure remarked. “ You’re too weak for
anyone to want you.” The figures voice showed that it was a guy. His flawless
voice seemed to echo throughout the gym.
“ Why don’t you come down here and say that to my face!” Raven
yelled. Her patience’s was running extremely thin. “ Or are you chicken.”
“ You’re too fragile,” the figure laughed. “ I’ll break you tiny bones in a
Raven was furious. She was tempted to walk up to the hoop and try to
attack him. “ You..”
“ Raven,” Mr. Lopinio said, stopping her from causing trouble.
“ You need a pathetic wimp of a human to defend you?” The figure
keep persisting. “ Weak humans. I have no more need for you, Raven.”
Raven ran up and jumped to hit the figure but he quickly cast a ball of
thunder into her stomach sending her crashing to the hard floor. They could
hear the cracking of her shoulder bones against the floor. They rushed to
her side. She winced in pain. The bones had cracked through the skin. Blood
rushed out from the freshly opened wound.
“ Get her out of here!” Mr. Lopinio yelled. “ Karen get my keys on the
table. Taren get Raven and take her to my car. It’s the blue Toyota Supra
out in the far left of the parking lot.”
“ Okay,” Karen and Taren said at once.
Taren lightly touched Raven’s shoulder but then back away when she
screeched in pain. Taren lifted to up by her other shoulder and Raven leaned
against her while walking. Karen grabbed the keys and quickly tried running
out the door. She failed miserably when the figure made the door come
crashing into her face. Karen heard the bone crack instantly. She grabbed
her nose and felt the warm blood trickle down between her fingers. She
looked at Taren and Raven trying to open the door. Then the figure let the
door go as soon a Taren and Raven ran into it. Raven went crashing down on
her opposite shoulder. She screamed in pain.
“ Are you okay?” Neissa yelled from inside the building. Neissa was
extremely worried at this point. Raven usually hid her pain and not let a soul
know. “ Raven! Taren! Karen!”
“ Shut up,” the ghostly figure hissed. “ You fool.”
“ Keith!” Mr. Lopinio hissed. “ What do you want! Do you want one of
the girls or do you want me?”
“ Your death,” Keith called. “ Would be so sweet. The girls are just
special bonuses.” Keith revealed his body. The gray smoke lingered in the air
until it disappeared. He looked exactly in every way possible like Mr. Lopinio.
Same blond hair. Same blue eyes. Same tan, fit body.
Keith jumped to the floor then right in front of Mr. Lopinio in
seconds. Then he backed away, for he was unarmed. He scanned Mr. Lopinio,
looking for a weapon. He found no trace of one and then he directed his
stare to Neissa.
“ Who might this pretty girl be?” Keith asked. He smiled and scanned
Neissa. “ I see you must be a Punk. I can tell by the clothes and the jewelry.”
“ So,” Neissa remarked. “ Does it look like I care?”
“ I’m Kevin’s twin,” Keith said. “ Not born twins but a clone. First
human experiment.” His blue eyes were hypnotizing. Neissa immediately fell
in love with the ghostly figure.
“ You’re ancient aren’t you?” Neissa remarked. “ What are you
twenty-one or something?”
“ No,” Keith smiled. “ I’m only seventeen. How about yourself?”
“ Sixteen,” Neissa smiled. “ You have girlfriend?”
“ No,” Keith smiled playfully. “ You have a boyfriend?”
“ No,” Neissa smiled back. Her smile not as playful.
“ He is the enemy you idiot!” Mr. Lopinio screamed. “ Why the hell are
you making friends with him?”
“ Shut up!” Neissa screamed with fury. Neissa eyes turned to a blood
red color. She stared at Mr. Lopinio.
Neissa stared at Mr. Lopinio long enough so Keith could pull out his
knife. Mr. Lopinio was too focused on Neissa’s eyes to notice Keith coming up
a stabbed him. Dead center in the heart. Mr. Lopinio dropped to his knees in
pain. The blood running down his hands and chest. Keith let out a mocking
laugh and disappeared.

Chapter 2

Neissa eyes turned back to the original bluish green color. She looked
at Mr. Lopinio. He lie dead on the floor, covered in his own cold-blood. She
fainted, hitting the hard floor with much force. She heard faints sounds of
her cell phone ring. She couldn’t move to go and answer it. With a very soft
touch she felt someone lift her up. She felt the strong, masculine muscles
against her fragile body.
“ Are you okay?” A voice said.
Neissa struggled to look up. Her head felt as though a thousands
bricks had hit her. Her back ached from the fall. She slowly opened her
eyes but quickly blinked after seeing the vivid lights. She winced in pain. She
could feel the doctors pressing against her leg. Broken. They had put a cast
on it. The doctors left. She looked to the left of her. There was an empty
bed and some sheets stacked on it. She tried turning her head to the right.
There next to her lie Raven. Raven had stitches on her shoulder. The bone
had been replaced. Her other shoulder was completely fine. Karen was
sitting next to Raven. Karen had a small cast on her nose to keep it in place.
Taren glanced over at Neissa and looked quickly back at Raven.
Raven was unconscious to the world. Her blonde hair fell down around
her. She lie there. Pure beauty. Most of the guys would like Raven. Her eyes
were slowly opening. She looked up into the ceiling as though someone was
there. She looked at Neissa with a “ they care about me more” look.
Neissa looked back. She didn’t notice the figure in the chair next to
her. It was Andrew Nisomian. She looked at his short brown hair, brown
eyes and tan skin. He was very short though. Standing tall at four foot ten
inches. He was eighteen years old. He smiled at Neissa when he found her
acknowledging his presence. Neissa smiled back.
“ You okay?” Andrew asked, a worried look.
“ I’ll be okay,” Neissa replied. “ I think. What’s wrong any ways? Why
are you here? What’s happening?”
“ You fainted,” Andrew started. “ They are running tests for a brain
tumor or something like that. When I heard about it they said that you
might not live. Everything, I think, will be fine.”
“ So the only reason you came her is because you thought I was going
to die!” Neissa yelled as loud as she could. Her voice did not carry much
farther than a few feet.
“ No,” Andrew testified. “ I was worried about you!”
“ Because I was going to die!” Neissa spat.
“ No!”
“ You say that now!”
“ Would you two shut up!” Taren yelled. “ Get your own room for God’s
sake and fight there like a married couple!”
“ Don’t you wish!” Neissa retorted. Neissa’s eyes turned to the
reddish color again. Taren shut her mouth very quickly after that. Then
Neissa began to speak, incoherent about something. What was weird was it
was in a different language. An unidentifiable language. She looked around
the room then she began speaking normal English.
“ What?” Neissa asked. “ I’m not infected with an atrocity!”
“ Do you realized what you just said?” Taren asked.
“ I didn’t say anything!” Neissa flamed. “ I’m not diseased!”

Chapter 3

After a few weeks, the friendship began to break up. This was a few
weeks after the graduation of course. Raven began to think the world should
revolve around her and nobody would stop that. She often asked her friends
to perform many tasks for her. She would pretend to be some type of
vampire to get attention. She looked as though she was in depression. She
refused to see any type of doctor for this problem. They feared for Raven
that she might commit suicide.
As for Karen, she slowly began making insults as jokes. Karen thought
it was funny but many opposed that. She often made all kinds of sarcastic
remarks and pretended everybody hated her for attention. She would always
say things she wanted people to do by using the saying, “ If only someone
would come with me..” to tell them.
On the other hand, Taren was the only one that associated with
Neissa. Taren would stick by Neissa’s side through thick and thin. Her
friendship holds strong and steady. Except for the fact she can be
extremely annoying and in Neissa’s case, Taren was jealous.
All Neissa wanted was to be alone. To be freed from the human
society. Everyone would give her attention and give her much respect. Neissa
hated that more than anything. Most of her friends were often jealous of
that. They would often be jealous because people ask Neissa, “ What’s
wrong?” “Are you okay?” and “ What do you want to do?”
This is all of what happened in those short weeks. Pain. Suffering.
Things most people would cast aside. Memories. Happy. All destroyed.
Raven had set off to find a place to go. Away. Away from the cursed
society she was placed in as a human. She often wonder why God choose her
to be a human? Why could she be a bird, to fly far away from this place?
She wished she could be supernatural. A vampire you may say. Free to be the
predator, not the prey.
Raven sat in her room. She lie on her bed staring at the ceiling
following the pattern with her eyes. She was at her mother’s house. That
meant not freedom and no friends close by. Stuck. Her mother often yelled
way too much. Manna Dehy. A sinister name it was. Cursed upon many and
hated by most. He followed the slightly curved designs on the ceiling. She
looked at a brown patch on the ceiling that was left there when she and
Neissa accidentally squirted a vanilla body sparkles. Raven recalled the
memory. Neissa had dare her to squeeze the bottle to she if the ball at the
top would pop off. Raven as she was, would never turn down a dare. She
squeezed the bottle. Neissa watched the floor as a perfectly straight line of
sparkles landing with the ball. Raven was watching the ceiling. There was a
big patch of sparkles on the wall. She went downstairs to get a step ladder.
They attempted to wipe it off. Just with their luck the cream ate away at
the paint.
Raven laughed at the memory. Those were the good times. When they
were innocent and Raven wasn’t always depressed and was mad most of the
time. Now, she was much different. Turning some what Gothic. Raven just
stared into the ceiling a little longer. Her pesky little brother walked into
the room. She screamed her head off at him until he left her alone.
Satisfied at the job. She decided to sleep until she needed to go to her
dad’s house on Monday.
Meanwhile in Taren’s life, she was typing on the computer. In the
Buffy Chat Room, again. She loved going on it. You could say she met her
first “boyfriend” on it. A guy who lived in Kentucky. His name was Matt.
Neissa thought of him as a really perverted guy. He was, if you heard the
way Taren and him talked.
“ Taren!” Her fathers voice carried. “ Get off the computer and help
me and Angela outside!”
Taren rolled her eyes. She quickly finished her chat session and
walked outside with her father and step-mother. To her surprise her friend
Shelly was there. She forgot about Matt and everything else.
Meanwhile with Neissa, she sat in her room. Awaiting her parents
return from some store. Neissa noticed they took a fifteen thousand dollar
check with them. She paid no mind to that at all. Suddenly, she heard a loud
knock. She ran down the stairs to open the door. She figured it was her
Neissa stepped back. She wouldn’t believe her eyes. Her parents had
knocked on her door to get her attention. Downstairs there was a brand-new
computer and laptop. Neissa was about to jump for joy. Neissa’s friend,
Andra, showed up at the door.
“ Neissa,” Andra said in shock. “ Is all this yours?”
“ Yes!” Neissa screamed with delight. “ All I wanted is here!”
Andra looked at Neissa’s mother. She watched as her father left to
get more out of the car. “ Beth, can I help Neissa put this together?”
Neissa’s mother nodded, “ Yeah. You two have fun up there. One thing
I ask of though.”
“ What?” Neissa and Andra said together.
“ Don’t make much noise,” Beth said. “ Your father is not in his best
moods right now. Don’t destroy anything either. Your father will bring up the
desk we bought and the accessories.”
“ Okay!” Neissa exclaimed. “ Come on Andra!”
A couple hours afterwards the had the computer and laptop all put
together and working. She also got her own phone and phone number. Neissa
and Andra were on the computer talking on AOL Instant Messenger. They
soon got off.
“ Why do you have to be so rich?” Andra joked. “ You get everything
you want and most people don’t get shit.”
“ Come on,” Neissa smiled. “ I’m not that rich. For example, look at
Cytheria. She lives in a mansion and have services. I’m not that rich! They
treat her like a God!”
“ Actually,” Andra said. “ Cytheria means Goddess of Love in Greek.”
“ Oh please!” Neissa said rolling her eyes. “ She may be a Goddess but
never ever the Goddess of LOVE!”
“ That is true,” Andra agreed. “ Did she ever get a boyfriend?”
“ No,” Neissa chuckled. “ Never in her life. Why you have a boyfriend,
“ No,” Andra tried to lie but she was grinning.
“ Tell me!” Neissa rushed. “ Who? Who? Who?”
“ Calm down!” Andra exclaimed. “ You sound like an owl. Okay. His name
is Seth.”
“ Seth Linkio?” Neissa blurted out.
“ Yea,” Andra blushed.
“ Oh my God!” Neissa exclaimed. “ You used to think that guy was such
a freak!”
“ He was,” Andra said dreamy.
“ Oh please!” Neissa exclaimed. “ If you’re going to drool, at least do it
outside of my room!”
Andra gave an angel look. “ Moi? Drool? Not!”
Neissa gave an imitation of Andra. “ Oh Seth! I love you so much!”
Neissa started laughing.
Andra blushed. “ Don’t! What about Benji?” Andra smiled. “ I can
blackmail you!”
“ You wouldn’t!” Neissa said reassuringly.
“ Well,” Andra rolled her eyes. “ Maybe I will or maybe I won’t!”
“ Don’t you little hoe!” Neissa yelled. “ I will tell everyone about your
obsession with Seth!”
“ Fine,” Andra came to a solution. “ You won’t tell and I won’t tell.
“ Okay.”
Andra had to leave soon after the deal. Her mother rang the phone
and completely flipped on Andra. She said she would go home but if any shit
came out of her parents mouth, she’d be back. Neissa agreed with it. Neissa
knew her parents wouldn’t mind. She waited patiently for Andra to call or
come by to see what went on.
Then Neissa phone rang. She knew it had to be Andra since she’s the
only one that had the phone number. She went over and looked at the caller
ID. Private? She knew Andra’s number came up: Linkin, Marie. Neissa
hesitated to answer the phone.
She slowly picked up the receiver. “ Hello?” She almost whispered into
the phone.
© Copyright 2003 Neissa (nissan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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