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Something in this eerie forest does not want them to leave. |
The Darkness 2 "Oh my God this is so sweet, I can't believe we're actually doing this," said Frank Webster in the backseat of the convertible car. He still couldn't get over the fact that they were all alone with no parents for the weekend at a cabin, in the middle of a forest. The drive was long, but well worth it. Driving the car was his older brother Jordan Webster, who was eighteen. Beside Jordan in the front seat was his girlfriend Julie with long blonde hair. She was still in her bikini from the beach they had stopped by at. Frank was sixteen with one of his friends Martin Cooke who was in the same grade. One of Julie's friends, Diane, was seated right next to Frank. Diane had brown hair and a beautiful face, in Frank's opinion. Everyone in the back of the car was squished together - not that Frank minded, because he was sitting right next to Diane. The sun shone brightly from above, and through the windows of the car. The roof was up because they were driving on the highway. "When will we get there?" asked Frank. "Another hour perhaps," replied his brother Jordan. Frank looked out the window and watched as the cars on the other side of the road zoomed by. * * * * * * An hour later, Jordan slowed down and made a right turn onto a smaller road, off the highway. Thick trees lined the road, and a sign that read "McCarthey Creek" was visible between two large rocks. "Well we've got maybe another forty-five minutes," Jordan said to the others. "What?... Shit, I gotta take a piss," Frank whined. "Well go on the side of the road," Jordan replied, "No one will see you." Jordan stopped the car as Frank got out. Frank walked off the road and towards a big tree, where he unzipped and did his thing. He looked into the forest which was directly ahead of him. When he zipped up his pants again he thought he saw the bushes move ahead of him. He peered in but saw nothing. He walked back to the car and got in. "Let's go," Frank said. The car roared off down the road, flying dust into the air behind it. Frank noticed that a few cabins were around the area, some embedded in the trees so well that they were almost hidden from the main road. Then the main road got suddenly narrower, and the pavement turned into a dirt road. "Are you sure we're going the right way?" Diane asked, looking uneasy. "Of course, my dad used to take me here all the time. It's very secluded," Jordan replied. Frank couldn't blame Diane for being a little uneasy about it. It was safe though. Come to think of it, Frank felt a little bit uneasy as well. After traveling a little farther, they reached a giant hill. Just as they got to the foot of it they heard a loud Bang! "Shit," Jordan cursed, "I think we just popped a tire." He stopped the car and got out. After a short inspection of the car, he realized that the car had driven right over a nail, completely flattening the tire. "Well, at least we're almost there," Jordan said. "It's just over that hill." "Shit I don't want to hike," Martin cursed. "Well unless you want to spend the night here..." Jordan responded coolly. They began the treacherous hike up the hill as the sun was beginning to set in the horizon, casting a red glow on the only clouds in the sky. When they finally arrived at the two level wood cabin, they sat on the large chesterfields that were near the chairs. Jordan went to the phone but found out that it wasn't working. He wasn't surprised. There was a television but no cable, so they brought movies to watch instead. "Ok, let's watch a movie," Jordan said. "Nice... you brought one from the car?" Martin said. "Yup." Jordan replied as he pulled the tape from his backpack. He slipped it in. At the end of the movie everyone was pretty tired. Frank's watch said 12:00am. "Me and Julie will sleep in the small room, you three will get the larger one with the bathroom," Jordan said. They all walked up the creaky old steps to the top floor. Jordan and Julie walked into the smaller room and closed the door behind them. When Frank, Martin, and Diane got into the larger room, Frank closed the door. "Oh shit, I left something in the car," Martin suddenly said. "Do you need it right now? What is it," Frank asked. "You'll see, but I kinda need it right now," replied Martin. "Well, fine let's get it whatever it is then..." Frank stated. Diane looked up at them from one of the beds and said in a tired voice, "You guys can go without me, I'm really tired." Frank and Martin put their shoes on and quietly walked out the bedroom door and down the creaky steps. Then they opened the front door and walked out into the cold night air. The moon was up, casting shadows down from nearby trees. Frank had no idea that the road had been so narrow. Trees hung over the road, and he could see about fifty yards away the foot of the big hill, which the car was on the other side of. "It's cold," Martin said. "No kidding," Frank remarked. They walked down the dirt path towards the hill. All was silent, except for the sound of McCarthey creek, just barely audible in the distance. A slight breeze shimmered through the trees steadily, causing the leaves to move slightly. "Wait stop," Frank said. "What?" Martin asked. "I thought I heard something." "It was probably just the wind." "I don't think so, but..." Frank stopped talking and just shrugged his shoulders. "Yah maybe," he said. But he had definitely heard something, like the sound of a rock dropping on another rock. It could've been just a squirrel or something, but were they awake at this time? Frank didn't know. They continued on up the hill in silence. * * * * * * When they reached the car, Martin said, "We should've brought flashlights." "Why?" "Cause I gotta take a huge shit." Frank laughed, "Careful what you wipe your ass with then." Martin walked towards the dark trees of the forest. He took one step in then another, until Frank couldn't see him at all. Frank crossed his arms and waited in the cold. Martin had the keys for the car. "Shit, Martin, what's taking you so long... having some trouble," Frank said grinning. There was no answer. "Yo Martin," he yelled out into the forest. At the exact same time he heard a low thump, and something small flew through the trees and landed on Frank's chest, then fell to the ground. Frank looked at it then picked it up with his fingers and turned it over in his hand. It was red and mushy. Oh fuck. It was a piece of human flesh. He dropped it on the ground and screamed. * * * * * * Back in the cabin on the second floor, Diane woke up with a start. She looked around the dark room, and saw that Frank and Martin weren't there. What time was it? She didn't have a watch. Should she wake up Jordan and Julie? Maybe she had only fallen asleep for five minutes. But then again there was no noise coming from the bedroom next-door. She listened intently, and heard the pleasent sound of the creek nearby. She heard the rushing water splashing against rocks and over fallen logs. It was swerving around big boulders that jutted out of the ground. Then she heard one big splash. She sat up straight. Then just above the sound of the water she heard a creak followed by another creak. She heard heavy breathing from downstairs and a low growl. There is something in the cabin. She pushed the blankets off her and fully sat up so that her feet were on the ground, ready to run at any given time. The noise got louder and louder. She wondered if Jordan and Julie could hear it too. It's coming up the stairs. She stood up and crept under her bed so that she was on her stomach looking at the door. The noise got louder. It's on the second floor. There was a pause. Then she heard the noise again. This time it was followed by the squeak of an opening door. She heard a scream followed by another scream. Whatever it was, it was in Jordan and Julie's room. She heard a loud crunch and another scream of agony. She heard a splatter and a terrible feeling that it was the splatter of blood on the walls. There were a series of bangs and thuds. Then all the commotion stopped. The creaking started again. This time it was heading out of Jordan's room. It stopped right in front of her door. Don't come in. Don't come in. She began to tremble. Slowly her door began to squeek open. All she could see were the fury feet of something with two legs. It had claws that were four inches long, with blood all over them. The feet moved closer to the bed. Suddenly the bed was ripped off the floor and slammed again the bedroom wall. She jumped up and ran towards the window. There was a shatter of glass as she dove through the window head first. She saw that below her was a bushy tree that would break her fall. She landed in it as shards of glass landed on her, cutting her face and hands. She stared up at the window, and saw red gleaming eyes staring down at her. She looked away towards the forest, ready to run into it. When she looked up they were gone. Shit Where did it go. She heard loud thudding and she knew that it was running down the stairs. She got up and ran through forest and under swooping branches. She did not want it to catch up. She looked back and saw that it was not pursuing her. She did not slow down. She went as fast as her legs could take her, over logs and under tree branches. Suddenly she tripped. She looked back at what she had tripped on and saw a body on the ground. She walked over to it and saw that it was Frank. He was still alive, but not in good shape. His face was completely covered in blood, and one of his fingers was missing. All he said was, "Run. Whatever you do... run." She did not leave him. "I can't do that," she replied. She dragged him over to a log and hid him inside. "Stay here," she commanded. The log was not big enough for her to fit in it. There must be another one nearby. Suddenly Frank grabbed her arm and said, "Here." He handed her the key to the car, if she ever made it that far. "Thank you," she said. Then she ran further into the forest. Maybe she could make it around the cabin and to the car. If she made it to the highway then she would be able to get help. The phone in the cabin didn't work. But there were other cabins she thought. Maybe she would stumble across one. She looked back and to her horror she saw the red eyes of the creature just visible through the branches. It was very tall, at least the size of a full grown human, or even taller. Suddenly she splashed right into the creek and fell right into it. Her clothes were all wet and there was now a huge cut on her knee, bleeding profusely. She continued to run through the creek but already the creature had made it to her. All was lost. She felt a hairy arm reach around her stomach and rip her back under water. There was a big crunch as she felt her leg break right off. Blood was pouring into the water. Hopefully she wouldn't be alive when she was disemboweled by the creature...... too late. THE END Written By John Littner |