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Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #673114
Spence decides unexpectedly to fulfill Alison's sexiest fantasy.

Alison Kayles glanced around her living room frantically. She knew she was forgetting something, she always did . . .

Alison was twenty-one, with honey-blond hair and aqua eyes. She was slender, a bit curvier than her model-slim sister Katie, but quite pretty. A faint sprinkling of freckles adorned her small, pointed nose, and she had the cute pink lips of a Kewpie doll. At 5’4”, she was little more than half a foot shorter than her boyfriend of two years, twenty-three-year-old Spencer Dayton.

It was his cottage she was going to stay at this weekend. That was why she was packing her maroon LandsEnd backpack. That was why she knew she was forgetting something – she always forgot something when she packed to go on trips. Even if they were only a measly two-day trip in which she’d probably be wearing her birthday suit the entire time.

Still . . . she had her hiking boots, two pairs of shorts, a pair of jeans, a couple T-shirts, a sweatshirt, two thongs with matching bras, and the sexy aqua-and-black lace teddy she’d bought a few weeks before. Oh, and two pairs of socks. Plus the random assortment of toiletries she knew she’d need.

So what the hell was she forgetting?

Her apartment’s buzzer sounded obnoxiously, and Alison scrambled toward the door to press the button that would allow Spence to come in. This was not good . . . he was already here to pick her up, and she had no idea what she was forgetting. She blew her jaw-length bangs out of her face, then gave up and quickly tied her silky hair back.

“You ready, Ally, baby?” Spence burst in through her unlocked door. His Hershey chocolate hair was mussed as usual, and his gray T-shirt and blue jeans looked as if they’d been worn for about a week. Not to mention the at least three-day’s-worth of stubble that shadowed the lower half of his face. But that face was glowing, his green eyes sparkling and mischievous, and Alison couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“Spence, what am I forgetting?” she demanded, curling into her longtime boyfriend’s arms. Her smile warmed as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I think I have everything, but I just have that feeling . . .”

“Did you pack your bathing suit?” he suggested, dragging a hand through his hair and glancing down at her backpack.

“What for?”

“I told you, my parents installed a hot tub a couple years ago,” Spence reminded her. “Come on, grab your suit and let’s go.” He gave her a light push toward her bedroom.

“What’s the rush?” Alison asked with a laugh. “It’s just us, and you never pay much attention to being on time anyway.”

“Just feel like getting out there,” Spence said, swinging his arms casually. “You know, with the fresh air and all.”

Alison rolled her eyes. “All right, honey, if you say so.”


The drive to Spence’s family’s cabin took about four hours. Alison couldn’t help teasing Spence while he drove. She began in what she considered a sneaky manner, simply clasping his hand. That eventually led to kissing the back of his hand, then turning it over so that her lips could graze his palm. Her lips latched onto his wrist, sucking and kissing and tasting. Spence, surprised as always by the pleasure points that Alison brought out in him, couldn’t stop the hungry moan that her kisses elicited.

She smiled. Her lips took that moment to cruise up his forearm, this time lavishing their attentions on the soft underside of his elbow, kissing and savoring until Spence let out another low moan.

Alison spent much of their time in their car doing things like this to him, which resulted in a perpetual erection for Spence. If she wasn’t kissing up his arm, she was massaging his thighs. If she wasn’t massaging his thighs, she was kissing his neck and ears. If she wasn’t kissing there, she was tugging his shirt up and putting his nipples in her mouth. Not once, in the entire four hour drive, did she allow him to find release.

The instant Spence stopped the car in the driveway to his cabin, he jumped out of the car, scrambled to her door, yanked it open, and pulled her out. She fell, giggling, into his arms. He quickly carried her inside, slammed the front door behind him, and dropped her onto the plush sofa in front of the already-burning fireplace.

Alison laughed again as she looked up at Spence’s familiar face; he was tense in arousal, and she adored his ferocity in the bedroom. She reached for him as he stood over her, her hands slipping beneath his T-shirt to tickle his belly.

She loved his belly too, she thought, bringing the shirt up a bit more so that she could kiss it. It wasn’t flat and hard; it was soft and slightly rounded – not a beer gut, mind you, just a cute bit of a tummy, and she thought it adorable. She brushed her kisses around his bellybutton, but Spence suddenly pushed her back and climbed on top of her.

His mouth singed hers in one of his heart-throbbing kisses, and she clung to him. His erection pushed hard into her cleft, forcing moisture into her most tender area.

It took mere moments to have both of them completely naked, though they ended up on the rug-covered floor. Spence quickly buried his head between her legs, tugging her lips open as he began thirstily licking her entrance.

“Oh, God, Spence!” Alison tossed her head back, allowing her hands to settle on the back of his dark head, pushing him harder against her. His mouth sought out her clit, closed on it, sucked; she nearly screamed.

She could hardly believe Spence was even doing this; after all of her teasing in the car, she’d felt sure that the moment they ran inside his cottage he’d have her down on all fours and would be mounting her. Or, at the very least, he’d have begged her to put her mouth around his hard cock.

Not, of course, that she was complaining.

Her legs were bent over his shoulders, her hands were on his head . . . and he had two fingers inside of her and his mouth sucking valiantly on the small nub that brought her so much pleasure. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was moaning for all she was worth when she felt a hand cover her breast and begin playing with her already pebble-hard nipple. “Oh, my God,” she burst out. “Spence, I – I –“

That was when the fingers on her nipples suddenly turned into lips, and she felt a second hot, wet mouth slide over her body. Alison’s eyes popped open and she jerked into a sitting position, aching with her proximity to orgasm and still too startled to stop her reaction. “Who the hell –“ She faced her second pleasurer, her own mouth dropping open. “Mark!”

Mark Hennison, Spence’s very best friend in the world. Mark Hennison, Spence’s very best friend who happened to have a perfectly tanned body, tight, muscled abs, and, from the looks of it, a very large cock.

“Hey, Ally,” he said, his greeting as casual as if he was just over for lunch on Sunday like he had been a million times before. Only this was not lunch on Sunday, Alison fumed. This was sexual acts on Friday, and Mark was very much out of place.

She couldn’t quite deny that Mark Hennison in boxers was a very appealing creature, but still. She had her values, didn’t she?

She also had her fantasies . . .

Spence began kissing the back of her neck, but Alison quickly pushed him away, bring her knees up to cover her lower regions and folding her arms around them to cover, well, everything else. When she saw Mark’s gaze drop, she realized that she really wasn’t hiding everything quite as well as she should be, and she quickly snatched Spence’s T-shirt and slipped it on.

“What in the hell is going on?” she finally said, irritated that neither man seemed the least bit bothered by the situation. After all, Spence was supposed to love her, and another man had just had his mouth on her nipple. Something was off here.

Spence ran a hand soothingly through her hair. “Okay, Ally, well, you know how we were talking about our fantasies a few months ago?”

Of course she remembered. Spence had confessed that a major fantasy of his was to see her in black lace thigh-highs and a black satin corset, and once that was taken care of, he wanted her to dominate him. Completely. She remembered it very well, though that’s a
different story.

She nodded.

“Remember your fantasy?” Spence kept his hand stroking her hair.

She gave him a sharp look. It was her fantasy, wasn’t it? She remembered it very well – she still occasionally thought of it when she was entertaining herself.

“You wanted to be taken by two men at once,” Spence said, his voice low and husky. “Well, I knew that Mark has always been attracted to you. Right, Mark?”

Mark nodded, a grin spreading slowly across his face. “From the first time Spence introduced us.”

Alison felt an excited flutter in her stomach. That was certainly interesting.

“Well,” Spence went on, slipping his hands from her hair and to her shoulders, massaging gently, “you enacted my fantasy for me. I thought it only fair that I enact yours.”

“Really?” Alison gaped at him, a bit unsure of how to react. On the one hand, she loved Spence, and she truly thought that once you were with the one you were meant to be with, you shouldn’t go elsewhere for sex. But what if your one had brought it to you . . .

“Why don’t we just start with a bit of kissing?” Spence suggested. “See if you can get comfortable with Mark, Ally. And if you don’t . . . we can always stop.”

“I don’t know, Spence.” Alison bit her lip. “Are you sure this isn’t going to bother you?”

Spence shook his head. “I love you, Ally. I want to give you everything you’ve ever wanted. At first I wasn’t sure I could handle it . . . but I know Mark would never go behind my back, and nor would you. I think, as long as we’re doing this together, it could be an amazing addition to our sex life.”

Alison tugged gingerly on the edge of the T-shirt she wore. “Well, maybe we could try kissing,” she hedged, tucking a strand of honey-gold hair behind her ear.

“I’ll be good, I promise,” Mark said, grinning at her. “You know, I’ve always thought you were beautiful, Ally. Tonight . . . maybe I’ll finally show you just how beautiful I think you are.” With that, Mark’s lips – taut, slim lips, so different from Spence’s full ones – covered hers, tempting them until she parted her them and allowed his tongue access. He began a heated exploration of her mouth, one that she was quick to partake in. Her own tongue twisted with his, swirled, danced. His hands slid up and down her back, pulling her a bit closer, closer . . .

She smelled Mark’s cologne; a bit heavier than any she’d ever smelled on Spence, but seductive and cool. His hands were tougher than Spence’s, a bit rougher on her soft, well-moisturized skin. His mouth pushed harder, felt firmer . . . as she felt Spence’s warm, moist kisses trail onto her neck, she relished in the sexy differences between them. Oh, she’d fantasized of this, yes, but never had she truly realized how delicious it would be, feeling two different men with two different techniques doing two different things to her at the same time.

The kissing paused as Mark pulled her shirt off, tossing it in a heap across the room. When it resumed, Spence was shadowing kisses down her spine while Mark recaptured her mouth, sucking roughly on her lower lip so that when he finally released it to breathe kisses over her neck, it felt swollen and hot.

Both men continued kissing her, devouring her skin on her back, shoulders, neck, and ears. Mark stopped after licking over her shoulder blade and gazed up at her. “Do you want us to stop, Ally?” he asked, his voice gravelly.

Ally’s eyes had shuttered closed, and she had to force herself to open them and meet his gaze. “No,” she whispered. “Please, never stop . . .”

This time, when Mark and Spence resumed their kissing, Alison kept her eyes open, watching with sultry heat as Mark let his lips roam down her chest. Alison brought her knees beneath herself so that he didn’t have to bend as far to reach her breasts, then moaned as his mouth finally trapped her nipple. Spence brought his kisses around her side, ever-so-casually, until he, too, took one of her nipple’s into his mouth.

She watched them, her body boiling with desire. Never had she seen anything so erotic, so dream-like. Mark’s neat, short hair hiding much of one breast, his slim lips wrapped hungrily around her nipple; and Spence’s messy, in-need-of-a-haircut head that bobbed slightly as his soft, pursed lips nursed her breast, as desperately as a thirsty child. Spence’s fingers trailed up and down her spine, while Mark’s groped her rear end. Alison thought she’d lose her mind with all of the sensations.

“I want to taste you,” Mark rasped, releasing her nipple loudly. “Let me taste you. . .” He motioned to Spence to grab a pillow, then laid Alison back until her head rested on it. Spence returned his mouth to her nipple, flicking his tongue over it as he knew she liked, and pinching her other one lightly between his fingers. Mark eagerly parted her legs, pushing them back until she was completely exposed.

“God, you’re even sexier than I thought you would be,” he murmured, drinking her in greedily. He slid his hands from her feet, to her calves, to the inside of her knees, and up her soft thighs until he reached the sopping juncture between them. He laid himself down on his stomach, keeping his head at just the right distance. He meant to tease her, run his tongue up and down her dripping cleft, dip it lightly into the entrance that he so wanted to violate, but the moment his tongue tasted the sweetness between her legs, he was lost. Mark buried his face in her downy, dark-gold pubic hair, his mouth ravenously lapping up her delicious juices.

It didn’t take long for the orgasm that had been building since she and Spence had left her apartment hours ago to release once Mark’s attentions focused on the core of her arousal. She screamed his name as the torrents of pleasure flooded her system.

“You taste amazing,” Mark whispered, trying to drink up every last, succulent drop of her flavor. Spence covered Alison’s smile with his mouth, kissing his girlfriend with every inch of affection that he felt, smoothing her pretty hair as he felt her body tingle with her orgasmic aftershocks.

They gave her little time to recoup; Spence quickly directed her up onto her hands and knees. “All right, baby,” he said, rising to his feet. “You should probably return the favor for Mark, don’t you think? I’m going to get a glass of water.”

Spence disappeared down the hall, leaving Mark and Alison alone. She thought she might have felt awkward, but she was relieved to feel nothing of the sort. All she wanted, she realized, was to do exactly what Spence had told her to. She motioned for Mark to rise, and, comprehending what she wanted, Mark quickly positioned himself.

Alison tugged his boxers down, revealing Mark’s large, pulsing cock. She began to lick up and down the sides as she knew Spence liked; if Mark’s quickening breath was any indication, it worked for him as well. She raised one hand, making a fist around his excitement and moving it up and down rhythmically. She glanced up at him, met his eyes and gave him a seductive, knowing smile, before beginning to lick the soft, delicate sac beneath his cock.

Mark moaned; his legs were unstable, his nipples were hard, and he wanted nothing more
than to come inside Alison’s hot, capable mouth. She soon abandoned his tense sac, slipping the head of his arousal between her lips. It was at this point that Spence reentered the room.

He grinned at the sight of his girlfriend sucking his best friend’s cock. Who knew that he’d find the sight of pretty, good girl Alison tasting another man enticing? He walked over beside Mark. “Having fun, Ally?” he asked.

She didn’t even grace him with a glance. She did, however, pause in trying to slip Mark’s entire cock down her throat in order to kiss
Spence’s until he was fully hard and aching.

She did that for as long as the men could take; sucking on one man’s arousal for a while, then sucking on the other’s. Finally, she tilted her head back and managed raspily, “I want you inside me, Mark.”

Mark wasted no time; he scrambled around behind her, stabling himself by placing his hands on his curvy hips, and sheathed himself deep inside of her dripping, begging entrance.

Spence’s excitement filled her mouth at the same time Mark slid his from her pussy; when Mark surged his back inside, Spence allowed his to slip back out. It was almost perfectly in unison, and Alison had never felt anything so sexy in her entire life. She’d always been a good girl – okay, yes, she’d given up on getting married as a virgin when she was eighteen, but still. Everything she’d ever done had been normal, boring, practically angelic, and suddenly she felt like a whore. Alison Elizabeth Kayles, she thought to herself, fighting back a grin, you are a very, very bad girl.

Spence abruptly pulled his cock from her mouth. “Stop,” he commanded. He knew from the glare on Mark’s face that his best friend probably wanted to punch him at this point, but he also knew that Alison’s fantasy went just a bit further. “Stand up, sweetheart,” he said tenderly, touching Alison’s face, which was edged with sweat.

Mark forced himself to take a step away from Alison’s sweet body. He’d been so close, so close . . . but he knew Spence was right. He’d been informed of exactly how far Alison’s fantasy went. Alison rose to her feet, obviously feeling a bit off-balance. “Why are we stopping?” she demanded.

Spence grinned. “There’s my horny little girl,” he teased, but she evidently didn’t think it quite so amusing.

“Why?” she repeated stubbornly.

“Come here,” Mark said softly. Alison looked a bit suspicious all of a sudden, but she stepped into his arms. Mark lifted her a bit, probed slightly with his cock until he found the entrance he was looking for, then settled her down. She moaned as he filled her longing pussy.

She could feel Spence’s warm body behind her, his sparse chest hair scraping lightly across her back as Mark pumped into her. She could feel his excitement rub against her rear end, between her soft, rounded cheeks, and finally, against the hot, tight hole that she’d never before allowed him entrance to.

She broke the kiss she and Mark had been sharing as he slid in and out of her, turning slightly over her shoulder to give Spence a wide-eyed look. “I – I don’t know, Spence,” she murmured, biting her lip.

“I do,” he replied, nuzzling her cheek. “This is your fantasy, remember? Do you really want us to stop without completely fulfilling it?”

Alison rested her head on Mark’s chest. Everything the three of them had shared thus far had been incredible, and truly, her fantasy had always been to have one man inside of her pussy and the other easing up her ass. Maybe, just maybe, now was the time. She gave Spence a nervous nod of assent.

Spence bent and picked up the tube of lubricant he’d grabbed while getting his drink of water. He squeezed some onto his finger, sliding it slowly, carefully inside of his girlfriend’s most private region. Mark paused in the midst of his pumping, allowing Spence the time to add another finger and start probing them in and out.

Alison’s moans were quiet, hesitant; this
seemed such a taboo. A smile glimmered on her face over the discomfort she was feeling. Alison the Good Girl was definitely gone. She’d explored entirely new genres of sexual acts all in one night.

At last Spence decided that Alison was as ready as she was every going to get. He smeared a bit of lubricant on his hard cock and pressed
the eager head to her tender opening.

Alison’s teeth bit fiercely into her lower lip; the tip of his arousal seemed so much larger than his two fingers. It took some straining on Spence’s part, but slowly, the tip edged inside of her ass.

“Just wait a moment,” Alison panted. “Please . . . I – I’ve got to get used to this.”

Spence did as she asked, waiting for her muscles to relax and allow him further entry. Mark kissed her gently, soothingly, as Spence stroked her lower back and sides. At last, Alison’s tension seemed to be dissipating, and Spence took that moment to edge further inside of her. She gasped, her hands clinging to the muscles of Mark’s arms.

“Does it feel okay, sweetheart?” Spence asked, his breath hot on her ear.

Alison closed her eyes. “I’m not sure yet.”
Mark grinned, brushed a kiss over her temple. “Not sure?”

Alison drew an unsteady breath. “It hurts,” she admitted. “But . . . I don’t think it’s an entirely bad kind of pain.”

Spence edged in a bit further.

“Are you all the way inside of me?” Alison asked, breathless. “God, Spence, I feel . . . I just feel so full . . .”

“You are full,” Mark told her, drawing a light smile from her.

Spence shook his head. “Almost, Ally, just another inch.”

“Oh, God . . .”

She’d tensed again, so Spence froze in place until he felt her muscles relax just a bit. She was so tight, almost painfully so . . . she was squeezing him almost unbearably, sort of milking his cock. He pressed inward that final inch, extracting a long, throaty moan from his seductress girlfriend.

This time when he felt her relax, Spence began to slide his cock in and out. Before long, Mark had matched his pace, so that each was pulling out when the other was pushing in. Alison’s head tipped back, her breath heated and quickened; apparently, the pain she’d been unsure of had turned out to be a rather good pain. She moaned. The sensation of having two cocks inside of her, both throbbing and pumping, was too
much. Particularly when both began to come.

Spence’s orgasm hit first; she was so unbelievably tight, taut, hot, it was impossible to control himself for long. A moment after he began his release, Mark tensed, moaned, and his come began to jet up inside of Alison. Overwhelmed by feeling both of these delectable men relieve their hard cocks inside of her body, Alison collapsed in a traumatizing orgasm, her body trembling and jolting at the crashes of unimaginable pleasure.


“Mmm.” Alison rolled from her stomach onto her side, smiling as she felt Spence throw his arm over her body. She snuggled closer to him, blinking her eyes open as she could see the glimmers of daylight through her lids. “It’s morning, babe.”

Spence mumbled inaudibly, tightening his grip on her. They’d continued entertaining each other into the wee hours of the morning, when, at some indistinguishable point, the three of them had collapsed on the thick rug in front of the fireplace, Alison contentedly in the middle. They’d used the blanket thrown over the back of the couch as their cover, and had slept, Alison would guess, till about noon.

“Hey,” she said, tugging herself out from
under Spence’s protective arm and stretching, “where’d Mark go?”

Spence shrugged sleepily. “Dunno.”

As her vision focused, she noticed her new lover standing near the sofa, fully dressed. He grinned at her, the dimple in his right cheek creasing charmingly. “You were amazing, Ally,” he said, coming close enough to bend and give her a light kiss on her lips. “Thanks for letting me be a part of your fantasy.”

Alison gave him a wry grin as she tossed her hair out of her eyes and curled closer to her beloved boyfriend. “Oh, anytime, Mark,” she replied breezily. “Anytime at all.”
© Copyright 2003 SweetPea (jennasmooth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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