Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/665990-Davie-and-The-Granddady-Catfish
Rated: E · Article · Comedy · #665990
A young boys fishing adventure. True story
Davie and The Granddaddy Catfish

          This was one of the those spring days, you wish would never end. The sun was shining bright, there was a few white puffy clouds in the sky. Bees were buzzing about the recently opened flowers. Birds were chirping in the trees. Every now and then a dog would bark but would soon go back to his spot in the sun. Yes, it was a peaceful day the children were in school, so all was calm and and quite.


          That scream of a young child filled the air with terror. Terror in the hearts of the adults that heard that cry. For all knew the river was to close. While ALL the children knew NOT to go there, children did all the time. From all corners of the the development the parents rushed out. "Who is missing?" one frantic mother queried.
          "I thought all the kids were in school" Carol remarked.


          "Oh Lord, that kid fell in the river." Carol cried and made a mad dash for the river. The half mile to the river never seemed to so long for Carol, for he often went there. A screaming child and splashing sends any parent into panic especially when near a river. "I am coming child where are you? "Oh, Mr. Carol, right beneath <pant> you <pant> could you please help me,Please?" Davie replied. "Well, your not in the water, and your not wet. Just what is the problem son?" Carol questioned him. "My fish, <pant> My fish is getting away. Help me <pant> can you get him for me? Please? Pretty Please, Mr Carol."
          "Son, I will come down there and help you land it, but you will have to reel him in or it will be MY fish." "OH, hurry,<pant, pant> he is pulling me in the water!" Davie exclaimed.
          Jumping down to Davie's level, Mr. Carol grabbed Dave around the waist, pulling him back from the waterline. "Now. You turn the crank, on that fishing pole when there is any slack in the line, to bring that fish to shore Dave." Mr. Carol advised. "The pole is slipping, Mr. Carol. I can't hold the pole anymore. Davie cried. "I got the pole son. You just reel in the fish." For a small trout this one is sure putting up a big fight. Mr Carol thought to himself. "OK Davie, turn that crank, reel him in. Good son, now stop. We have to let him tire himself out a little. Alright now, Davie, turn that crank again." And so it went for the next half an hour.
          "LOOK Mr Carol. My fish. OH, my FISH is a big, big fish." Davie was jumping in his excitement.
          "Weeeeeeeell I'll be..........." Mr. Carol caught himself just in time, he never ever said bad words in front of children. "Son that is the biggest Catfish I have ever seen. I think you caught the granddaddy of all cats there son." Mr. Carol then helped Davie land the fish. "Son, that Cat is as big as you. Here let's get you two up on the bank there, so we can go show everyone." So saying he picked up Davie and put him up on the ledge above the river, then placed the fish beside him. Climbing up to Davie, Mr. Carol watched Davie dancing and jumping around the big catfish.
          "I caught the biggest fish in the world!"exclaimed Davie!
          "What you say son, we go and show your fish to your mom?" Mr. Carol was still amazed at the size of this catfish.
          "YES! YES! Show mom." Davie took hold of the fish around the middle and tried to pick it up."Mr. Carol the fish is too heavy....I cants pick him up."
          "Dave you got to hold here in under the gill like this,"<taking hold of the cat by its' gills, Mr Carol starts to pick the fish up.>
          "NO, NO, ME carry him!! ME! ME!" Davie demanded.
          Knowing that Davie could never carry the fish unassisted, Mr. Carol allowed Dave to think he was carrying the fish. In reality Mr. Carol was really holding up the fish. "Now Davie, put your hand beside mine, in both the gills. See how I have him? Right just like that in both the gills. You got him, now lets go show mom and all the others waiting to see you. You know son, YOU should never ever come to the river by yourself."
          "But, but Mr. Carol, me wanted to fish NOT play in the water, and and no one wanted to comes wiff me." Davie pouted.
          "I am sorry to hear that Davie. You know the rules."
          "Yes, Mr.Carol" sighed Davie, "Not fair. No big person, wanted to come wiff me."
          "Your going to have to talk to your Mom you know that don't you? Speaking of Mom I think I see your mother coming now."
          Davie looked up the hill to the houses, and DID see his mother coming toward him. " MOMMY, MOMMY, Look I caught me a BIG FISH. Look Mommy".
          Mother stopped in her tracks and was surprised at the size of the fish, it was bigger than her son was tall, in fact Davie was straddling the fish with its' tail dragging behind him.
          "OH MY HEAVENS. You caught that MONSTER fish all by yourself, Davie?" Mother questioned Davie in astonishment.
          "Weeeeeeeell,um um, Mr. Carol helped me catch the fish mommy."
"           Dave did all the work Ma'am. I heard his cry for help and went to see what the trouble was. Found this lil feller, down by the riverside, pole in hand with this fish on the line. He was being slowly pulled into the river by the fish. NO way was Davie here letting go of that rod. I, well, um Ma'am, I just sorta helped the lil guy land the fish."
          "Alright you two,"Mother was smiling,"lets show everyone and get home. Davie when we get there you are in BIG TROUBLE, young man.
          "Yes, Mom I know" Davie hung his head. From what Mr.Carol had said Davie had already figured this out on his own. He just hoped that his mom, would let him out of the house when the other kids got home from school. Then Davie saw the rest of the adults waiting for him.
          " Lookies everyone. Look what I caught."Davie proudly stated.
          Everyone was dumbfounded at the size of the catfish the little 5 year old had caught.
A short note here.
The Mr. Carol in the story, that IS his name. I don't know why his parents named him Carol, but they did. I
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